1、国际会计试卷33一、Definnitionn(名词解释释:Eachh of tthe foollowiing foor 3 ppointss, tottal 122 poinnts)1.Foreiign exxchangge expposuree外汇风险2.Forwaard coontracct期货契约约 远期合同同3. An iindireect fooreignn currrency quotee 间接外汇汇报价4. Inteernatiional Accouuntingg国际会计二、Singlle chooice qquestiion (单单项选择题:Each of thhe folll
2、owinng queestionn for 2 poiints, totall 10 ppointss)1. Whicch of the ffollowwing iis nott an eenviroonmenttal faactor affeccting accouuntingg?以下哪一一个不是环境境因素影响会会计吗?A.Levell of eenforccementt of rregulaationssB.Natuure off capiital mmarkettsC.Typee of llegal systeemD.LangguageE.Levell of iinflattion2.
3、Whicch of the ffollowwing ddoes nnot afffect a couuntrys finnanciaal acccountiing orrientaation?下列哪项不不影响一个国国家的财务会会计取向?A.The llevel of innflatiion.B.Polittical and eeconommic tiies wiith otther ccountrries.C.Statuus of the aaccounnting profeessionn.D.Qualiity off accoountinng eduucatioon.E.All oof th
4、ee abovve afffect aa counntryss finaanciall accoountinng oriientattion.3. Currrent pproponnents of haarmoniizing accouuntingg stanndardss globbally are目前前全球协调的的支持者会计计准则A.Inveestorss.B.Multtinatiional compaanies.C.The securritiess induustry and sstock exchaanges.D.Deveelopinng couuntriees.E.All oof t
5、hee abovve.4. The curreency iin whiich thhe parrent ccompanny preeparess its finanncial stateementss is tthe货币的的母公司8的的财务报表A.base curreency.B.funcctionaal currrencyy.C.histtoricaal currrencyy.D.reporrting curreency.E.None of thhem5. Undeer thee moneetary/non-mmonetaary meethod of fooreignn currrency
6、transslatioon, deepreciiationn expeense iis traanslatted att the:货币/非货货币性方法下下的外币翻译译、折旧费用用是):A.Currrent rrateB.Weigghted averaage raateC.Histtoricaal ratteD.spot rateE.None of thhe aboove三、Multiiple cchoicee quesstionss (多项选选择题:Eaach off the folloowing questtion ffor 3 pointts, tootal 115 poiints)1.
7、Majoor Chaallengges Faacing Accouuntingg Globbally会会计所面临的的挑战主要全全球A.Gllobal HarmoonizattionB.Qualiity off Finaanciall Repoortingg in DDevelooped aand Emmerginng Ecoonomiccs C.Sociaal andd Enviironmeental ReporrtingD.Finanncial Reporrting in thhe Higgh Tecchnoloogy ErraE.Revieew of Seleccted CClassiif
8、icattion SStudiees2. Inteeractiion beetweenn Accoountinng andd its Envirronmennt maiinly iincluddes thhe fowwllowiing asspectss:会计和它它的环境的相相互作用主要要体现在foowllowwing方面面:A.Naturre of Capittal Maarketss and Type of Reeportiing ReegimeB.Type of Buusinesss Enttitiess and Type of Leegal SSystemmC.Levell of EE
9、nforccementt of RRegulaationss and Levell of IInflattionD.Polittical and EEconommic Tiies annd Staatus oof thee Accoountinng ProofessiionE. Exisstencee of aa Concceptuaal Fraameworrk andd Quallity oof Acccountiing EdducatiionVoluntaary diisclossures by MNNEs arre inffluencced byy 通过主动动批示受跨国国企业A. siz
10、ze.B. intternattionall listting sstatuss.C. couuntry of orrigin.D. inddustryy.E Langguage4. Addiitionaal Isssues iin Intternattionall Finaanciall Stattementt Anallysis incluude thhe folllowinng:另外的的问题,在国国际财务报表表分析如左:Availabbilityy of DDataReliabiility of DaataTimelinness oof DattaLanguagge, Teerminoo
11、logy and FFormattE. Nonee of tthem5. Inveestorss are conceerned aboutt投资者关心心的是A. up-tto-datte meaasuremments of eaarninggsB. lackk of ccomparrabiliity off MNEssC. the inforrmatioonal ccontennt of MNE rreporttsD. GooddwillE None of thhem四、Essayy quesstionss (简答题题:Eachh of tthe foollowiing quuestioons
12、 foor 8 ppointss, tottal 166 poinnts。)1. Costt conssideraationss and the nneed tto tapp capiital pprovidders iinseveeral ccountrries ssometiimes rresultt in ccpmaniies prrepariing unniverssal raather than counttry-sppecifiic seccondarry staatemennts. IIf youu weree anallyzingg a unniverssal seeconda
13、ary sttatemeent off a fooreignn comppany, what mightt be ssome oof youur conncernss befoore maaking an innvestmment ddecisiion? HHow woould yyou geet thee answwers yyou neeed?成本本的考虑和需需要去利用资资本提供者iinseveeral国家家在某个时候候导致cpmmaniess准备普遍而而不是国家二二级报表。如如果你是一个个普遍的次要要的陈述分析析外资公司,可能是一些些你的担忧之之后方可投资资决定吗?你你如何得到答答案,你
14、需要要什么?2. Whatt is tthe Roole off Finaanciall Repoortingg in EEmergiing Caapitall Markkets?的的角色是什么么新兴资本市市场财务报告告吗?五、Interrnatioonal AAccounnting Practtices (国际会计计实务:Tootal ffor 122 poinnts)Latechooc (Swwitzerrland) comppany bbegan its ffirst year of buusinesss on Jan 11, 20008. Beelow iis thee comppan
15、yss stattementt of iincomee for the yyear.LLatechhoc(瑞士士)公司开始始了它的第一一次多年的经经营在今年11月1日起,。以下是该该公司的声明明的生活一年年。LatechoocStatemeent off incoome (iin milllionss of SSwiss franccs)Year ennd Deccemberr 31, 2008Net Salles 7,8200Cost off goodds solld (4,000)Sellingg, genneral and aadminiistrattive (8850)Rent (40
16、0)Advertiising (1500)Equipmeent deepreciiationn (1,250)Interesst exppense (990)Utilitiies (30)Federall incoome taaxes (655)Net opeeratinng inccome 985Assume that equippment was aacquirred att the beginnning of thhe yeaar andd the net mmonetaary gaain foor thee yearr was 480 (in miillionns of Swisss
17、franncs). What is thhe commpanys adjjustedd GPLAA net incomme forr the year endinng Deccemberr 31, 2008?假设设备是是这样获得的的:在今年年年初,净货币币的升幅,一一年480(数以百万计计的瑞士法郎郎)。贵公司司调整GPLLA净收入止止年度20008年12月月31日?What iss the compaays GPLLA-bassed neet inccome ffor thhe yeaar endding DDecembber 311, 20008?什么是是企业GPLLA-bassed净收入
18、入止年度20008年122月31日?六、Case analyysis (案例分析题题:Thiss secttion ffor 355 poinnts)Tech coorporaate off USA is a manuffacturrer off skattes shhore ffor ennthusiiasts of alll agees. Duurign the llast ffive yyears,the ccost oof raww mateerialss and laborr havee conttinuedd to rrise iin thee firmms U.SS manuuf
19、actuuring facillity. As a resullt, thhe CEOO of TTech ccorporrate iis connsiderring eestabllishinng a nnew maanufaccturinng subbsidiaary ovverseaas to take advanntage of loower pproducction costss elseewheree. Invvestmeent addvisorrs to the CCEO haave suuggestted Maalaysiia andd Thaiiland as twwo po
20、sssiblee locaationss. Bellow iss the subsiidiaryys exppectedd afteer-taxx cashh flowws willl be in riinggitts or bath, the ccompanny antticipaates ssome UU.S doollar-denomminateed exppensess.美国的科科技公司是一一家专业生产产的冰鞋古堡堡区和爱好者者的青睐。过过去的五年里里,Duriign原材料料的价格持续续增加与劳动动在公司的你你S制造点。因因此,该公司司的首席执行行官的高科技技公司正在考考虑建立新的的生
21、产子公司司海外利用降降低生产成本本的地方。投投资顾问向总总裁,马来西西亚和泰国的的建议可能有有两种不同的的地点。以下下是该子公司司的税后现金金流量预期将将在ringggits或或浴,公司期期望有些看. S美元的的费用。Blades Malayysia iin milllionss20032004200520062007MR cashh infllows3500400055004800MR cashh outfflows1500020009007001000US$cashh outfflows20015012575Blades Thailland iin milllionss2003200420
22、0520062007TB cashh flowws25000225002300024800TB cashh outfflows350002000220019003000US$cashh outfflows125175200noneAdditioonal iinformmationn:Exchangge rattes foor 20003 aree 3.8 Malayysian ringggit(MRR)=US$1 andd 39.55 Thaii bathh (TB)=US$11. It is exxpecteed thaat thee Malaaysiann ringggit wwill d
23、deprecciate 3 perrcent a yeaar agaainst the ddollarr and the TThai bbath wwill aapprecciate 4 perrcent a yeaar agaainst the ddollarr.Techh corpporatees aveerage cost of caapitall for both projeects iis 12%.The 12% oof Preesent valuee facttor:200320042005200620071.0000.89290.79720.71180.6355Requireem
24、entss:Determiine thhe nett pressent vvalue of booth prrojectts确定净现现值两者的项项目If you were Tech corpoorates invvestmeent addvisorr, whiich laacatioon wouuld chhoose for nnew suubsidiiary? Why?如如果你是科技技企业投资顾顾问,为新子子公司地理位位置会选择吗吗?为什么?国际会计试卷33 答案及评评分标准 一、Definnitionn(名词解释释:Eachh of tthe foollowiing foor 3 ppoi
25、ntss, tottal 122 poinnts)1.Foreiign exxchangge expposuree: Forreign exchaange eexposuure iss a meeasuree of tthe pootentiial foor a ffirms proofitabbilityy, cassh floow, annd marrtket valuee to cchangee due to a changge in exchaange rrates.2.Forwaard coontracct is a commmitmeent too exchhange curree
26、nciess in tthe fuuture at a rate that is seet todday. WWhile the aamountt of tthe trransacction, the maturrity ddate, and tthe exxchangge ratte aree all deterrminedd in aadvancce. noo moneey chaanges handss untiil thee setttlemennt datte.3. An iindireect fooreignn currrency quotee : An indirrect ffo
27、reiggn currrencyy quotte reppresennts hoow mucch of the fforeiggn currrencyy can be puurchassed foor onee unitt of tthe doomestiic currrencyy.4.Interrnatioonal AAccounnting The ddefiniition incluudes (1) innternaationaal traansacttions (2) ccomparrativee GAAPP (3) harmoonizattion aand (44) conntrol
28、of gllobal operaationss. Intternattionall accoountinng enccompassses aall maajor aareas of acccountting二、Singlle chooice qquestiion (单单项选择题:Each of thhe folllowinng queestionn for 2 poiints, totall 10 ppointss)1.D 2.EE 3.E 4.D 55.C三、Multiiple cchoicee quesstionss (多项选选择题:Eaach off the folloowing que
29、sttion ffor 3 pointts, tootal 115 poiints)1.ABCD 2.ABCCDE 3.ABCD 4.ABCCD 5.AABC四、Essayy quesstionss (简答题题:Eachh of tthe foollowiing quuestioon forr 8 pooints, totaal 16 pointts.)1. Costt conssideraationss and the nneed tto tapp capiital pprovidders iinseveeral ccountrries ssometiimes rresultt in ccp
30、maniies prrepariing unniverssal raather than counttry-sppecifiic seccondarry staatemennts. IIf youu weree anallyzingg a unniverssal seecondaary sttatemeent off a fooreignn comppany, what mightt be ssome oof youur conncernss befoore maaking an innvestmment ddecisiion? HHow woould yyou geet thee answw
31、ers yyou neeed?Suggestted soolutioon:.Coompaniies thhat prreparee univversall secoondaryy stattementts oftten usse Intternattionall Accoountinng Staandardds. TThere is reesearcch eviidencee thatt sugggests that theree are potenntial probllems wwith ffinanccial sstatemments that are ppurporrtedlyy pr
32、eppared usingg IASss. Hiistoriicallyy, theere haas beeen a ccomparrabiliity prroblemm sincce IASSs werre ratther bbroad and aalloweed commpaniees thee choiice off seveeral aaccounnting treattmentss on vvariouus iteems. Suppoorterss of ggloball harmmonizaation arguee thatt thiss probblem hhas beeen a
33、dddresssed viia thee tighhteninng of standdards throuugh thhe IASSCs CComparrabiliity Prrojectt. Hooweverr, theere iss stilll thee mattter off whetther ccompannies tthat cclaim to coomply with IASs actuaally ddo. SSeveraal reccent sstudiees havve shoown thhat thhis iss not the ccase. Thiss raisses q
34、uuestioons ass to tthe reeliabiility and ccomparrabiliity off univversall secoondaryy stattementts preeparedd usinng IASSs.2. Whatt is tthe Roole off Finaanciall Repoortingg in EEmergiing Caapitall Markkets?(1). Beefore ECM ccan fuunctioon efffectivvely, it iss esseentiall to hhave iin plaace a set
35、oof corrporatte repportinng polliciess and proceeduress gearred toowardss suppplyingg the inforrmatioon neccessarry forr makiing innvestmment ddecisiions. Accouuntingg infoormatiion iss an eessenttial ffor buuildinng effficiennt finnanciaal marrkets. (2). Deevelopping aan efffectivve acccountiing an
36、nd audditingg proffessioon is essenntial for bbuildiing effficieent fiinanciial maarketss. Thee accoountinng andd legaal inffrastrructurre undderlyiing ann ECM was aa majoor facctor ffor evvaluatting tthe innvestmment ppotenttial oof thee markket. (3). Fiinanciial reeportiing iss centtral tto reggul
37、atiions ppertinnent tto esttablisshing an acctive markeet forr corpporatee secuuritiees.五、Interrnatioonal AAccounnting Practtices (国际会计计实务:Tootal ffor 122 poinnts)Latechooc (Swwitzerrland): Historrical AAdjusttment P-L-A CCost Ratioo BaasisNet Salles 7,8200 108/105 88,043Cost off goodds solld (4,000
38、0) 1088/105 (4,1114)Sellingg, genneral and aadminiistrattive (8550) 1088/105 (874)Rent (400) 1088/105 (4111)Advertiising (150) 1008/1055 (1154)Equipmeent deepreciiationn (1,2250) 1088/100 (1,3550)Interesst exppense (90) 1008/1055 (933)Utilitiies (30) 1008/1055 (311)Federall incoome taaxes (65) 1088/
39、105 (67)Net opeeratinng inccome 985949Add: Neet monnetaryy gainn 480P-L-A nnet inncome 1,4299六、Case analyysis (案例分析题题:Thiss secttion ffor 355 poinnts)Solutioon forr casee anallysis Tech corpoorate1. Bladdes Maalaysiia nett pressent vvalue (Ringgers iin milllionss of $): 20003 2004 2005 2006 2007Net
40、MR cash flow (155,000)1,5000 3,1000 4,8000 3,8000Fixed rrate MMR/$ 3.8 3.9144 4.0331 4.1152 4.277Dollar valuee (33,947) 383 769 1,156 8888Less $ outfllows _ (2000) (1500) (125) (75)Net $ fflows (3,9477) 1883 6119 1,0311 81312%Pvfaacto 1.0000 .89299 .79722 .77118 .63355PV of $ floww (33,947) 1663 493
41、 734 517Projectt NPV = $(22,040)Blades Thailland nnet prresentt valuue (Thhai Baath inn milllions of $): 20003 20004 20005 20006 2007Net TB cash flow (335,0000) 23,000 20,300 21,100 21,8800Fixed rrate TTB/$ 39.5 37.992 36.4003 34.947 33.549Dollar valuee (8866) 6607 5558 6004 6500Less $ outfllows _ (
42、1255) (1175) (2200) _Net $ fflows (8866) 4482 383 404 650012%Pvfaactor 11.000 .88929 .79722 .71118 .63555PV of $ floww (886) 4430 305 288 4133Projectt NPV = $5550 2. As TTech CCorporrationns innvestmment aadvisoor, yoou shoould cchoosee the Thailland llocatiion siince iit hass a poositivve nett pres
43、sent vvalue.国际会计试卷44 QUESTIOON 1(20 MMarks)In the 13th andd 14thh centturiess, douuble-eentry bookkkeepinng sprread rrapidlly thrroughoout thhe wesstern worldd.Whatt sociial, eeconommic annd polliticaal connditioons weere neecessaary foor widdespreead addoptioon of doublle-enttry boookkeeeping to oc
44、ccur aat thaat timme?Howw is tthis aan exaample of thhe intternattionallisatiion off accoountinng?公元113、14世世纪,双式簿簿记整个西方方世界迅速传传播开来什麽麽样的社会、经经济和政治条条件是必需的的,为了广泛泛的采用双式式簿记发生吗吗? 这是怎怎样的一个实实例的国际化化的会计吗?Necessaary coonditiions (16 maarks ttotal): - Rapidd growwth off tradde andd commmerceThose ttravellling to
45、thhe Holly Lannd forr the crusaades ffrom WWesterrn Eurrope iinevittably passeed thrrough the ccity sstatess of NNortheern Ittaly.Genoa wwas att the peak of itts powwer annd inffluencce as a traading centrre in the 114th cenntury.In 12522, thee goldd coinn knowwn as the fflorinn was develloped in Fl
46、lorencce andd it bbecamee acceepted as thhe staandardd goldd piecce in all oof Wesstern Europpe.Around this time in Fllorencce, laarge aassociiationns or compaagnie (parttnershhips) were formeed to pool capittal, ffirst from insidde fammily ggroupss thenn fromm outsside.Communee of GGenoa (Goveernme
47、nnt) inn 13277 requuired that goverrnmentt accoounts had tto be kept in saame foorm ass usedd by bbanks.This iss an eexamplle of interrnatioonalissationn of aaccounnting (4 maarks) becauuse itt showws thee growwth off largger sccale bbusineesses depenndent on fooreignners ffor saales aand caapitall.
48、 Acccountting eemergeed as a ressponsee to tthe deemand for iinformmationn and the rrequirrementt to bbe acccountaable. In addiition to thhis, tthe acccountting ppractiices oof Floorencee and Genoaa lateer werre traansporrted tto Enggland wheree theyy repllaced the pprevioous maanoriaal sysstem oof
49、acccountiing. This showss how more effecctive accouuntingg techhniquees floow acrross nnationnal booundarries. QUESTIOON 2 (5 + 5 + 55 + 5 = 20 Markss) Answer four (4) oof thee folllowingg:To whatt exteent iss the stronng/weaak equuity mmarkett disttinctiion a usefuul wayy to iidentiify diiffereent
50、paatternns of accouuntingg deveelopmeent.多大大程度上属于于强大的/疲疲软股票市场场的区别一个个有用的方法法来确定不同同类型的会计计的发展。-Stronng equuity rreferss to tthe doominannt possitionn of ooutsidde equuity-hholderrs andd the stronng leggal baackingg aimeed at invesstor pprotecction. Weaak equuity rreferss to tthe doominannt possitionn of
51、 bbanks and ffamilyy equiity-hooldinggs as capittal prrovideers, aand thhe leggal sttructuure whhich iis dessignedd to ssafeguuard tthe innteressts off credditorss. Nobess estaablishhes thhis cllass ddistinnctionn in aa deduuctivee classsificcationn apprroach. Seee Figuure 3.2 of Radebbaugh and GGra
52、y (2002).The sstrongg markket iss US GGAAP aand thhe weaak marrket iis thee IAS GAAP.US GAAAP iss a poowerfuul facctor bbecausse thee US ccapitaal marrket iis verry larrge.IAS GGAAP iis useed in Europpe andd deveelopinng couuntriees.At thhe outtset tthe IAAS refflecteed a ddistinnct Euuropeaan apppr
53、oachh withh an eemphassis onn currrent vvalue accouuntingg, butt bothh US aand IAAS reggulatoors arre tryying tto harrmonizze andd the distiinctioons keeep geettingg smalller bbetweeen thee two GAAPSSThe iincreaasing globaalizattion oof finnanciaal marrkets also reducces thhe disstincttions.B.Do ccu
54、lturral innfluennces iimpactt moree signnificaantly upon finanncial reporrting discllosuree issuues orr uponn meassuremeent isssues? Disscuss with exampples.做做更重要的文文化影响的影影响在财务报报告信息披露露问题或对测测量的问题吗吗?讨论了举举例说明。A distiinctioon wass madee betwween mmeasurrementt and discllosuree praccticess becaause tthese
55、 were consiideredd to hhave sseparaate paatternns of devellopmennt in the NNair aand Frrank (1980) studdy (reeferreed to in Raadebauugh annd Graay, 20002, ppp. 399-41). Theey shoowed cclear diffeerencees in the rresultts bettween the ttwo crriteriia. HHoweveer, meeasureement grouppings couldd be mma
56、de wwith pplausiible eexplannationns; buut thee discclosurre grooupinggs offfered no pllausibble deescripptionss or eexplannationns. TThe Diisclossure ccountrry grooupinggs, baased oon thee 19755 Pricce Watterhouuse suurvey, weree Brittish CCommonnwealtth Moddel, LLatin Ameriican/ Southh Amerrican M
57、odell, Norrthernn and Centrral Euuropeaan Moddel, UUnitedd Stattes Moodel, and aan “Otther” categgory wwhich incluuded oonly CChile. There wwere sseveraal relliabillity aand reelevannce prroblemms rellated to thhe Priice Waaterhoouse ssurveyy dataa usedd by NNair aand Frrank (1980). Thhese pprobleem
58、s inncludeed datta errrors, misleeadingg answwers, swampping oof impportannt queestionns by triviial onnes, aand exxaggerrationn of ddifferrencess betwween tthe USS and the UUK. TThere was aalso cconfussion oon thee survvey beetweenn whatt consstitutted ruules (mandaatory and nnon-maandatoory) aand
59、thhe acttual ppractiices, whichh are oftenn diffferentt.C.Doess cultture eexplaiin to a siggnificcant ddegreee the relattive iimporttance of sttock eexchannges aand prrofesssionall accoountinng asssociattions arounnd thee worlld? DDiscusss witth exaampless.文化是在在很大程度上上解释的相对对重要性证券券交易所进行行,世界各地地的专业会计计师协
60、会吗?讨论了举例例说明。Hofstedde (19980) aarguess thatt cultture iimpactts on instiitutioons annd orgganizaation as weell ass occuupatioonal ggroupss. Acccordiingly, therre is a plaausiblle linnk bettween the AAnglo cultuure, ffor exxamplee, andd a prrefereence ffor sttock eexchannges aand prrofesssionall asso
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