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1、题目: 基于STC15W4K32S4的蓝牙智能 小车2016 年2016 年11月课程名称:学院(系):专业:班级:学号:实验序号:学生姓名:成绩:成绩评定项目各项总分得分焊接30最小系统与电源10功能实现45实验报告10出勤5总分电子安装实验室安全守则(请在下一页手抄一份安全守则)1、每次实验前,认真预习准备,仔细阅读实验安全守则,严格按照 安全规范进行实验,确保实验安全;2、桌面要保持整洁,不允许有杂物,禁止将水杯、瓶装水放在桌面;3、电烙铁在使用前,必须检查电源线有无烫损漏线情况,一经发现, 立即找老师进行安全处理;4、电烙铁长时间不使用,应将电源线拔掉;电烙铁使用后,应放回 烙铁架中,

2、以免烫伤物品;5、实验结束后,必须拔掉电烙铁的电源线;已经加热的电烙铁,必 须冷却后再放入抽屉中;6、焊锡中含铅,不要含在口中,实验结束后要洗手;7、稳压电源在使用前,应先调好要使用的电压,再进行线路连接,并确保连接的极性正确;8、抢救触电人员时,应首先切断电源或用绝缘物体挑开电源线,使 触电者脱离电源,千万不要用手拖拉触电人员,以免连环触电;9、实验结束后,必须关闭桌面电源开关,将桌面收拾干净,工具物 品整理好。题目:1设计要求以STC15W4K32S4单片机为核心,设计焊接并且调试一个实际的单片机控 制系统,通过蓝牙实现用手机控制小车的动作状态。(一)焊接:在实现基本功能的前提下焊接好设计

3、的系统,尽量使其稳定焊 点稳定,焊接美观。(二)最小系统与电源:利用7505稳压芯片实现输入电压转为五伏稳压电 源输出。(三)功能实现:实现用手机自制app或者蓝牙串口助手控制小车前进方向 以及行驶速度。2设计分析及系统方案设计围绕STC15W4K32S4单片机,把系统的设计规划分为两部分硬件部分:(一)设计并且绘制原理图(二)按照原理图焊接电路板软件部分:(一)编写实验程序(二)系统调试将单片机的p0 口用于驱动lcd1602, p4.5,p2.7,p2.3,p2.2用于输出pwm控制 电机。P3.0与p3.1用于与主机通信并且用于蓝牙串口通信。3各功能模块硬件电路设计(一)最小系统由于ST

4、C15W4K32S4的性能已经进行了优化,所以不同于以往所接触的单片机,它的晶振已经集成化,不用再搭建最小系统电路。(二)电源电路将输入电压转为5v稳压电源输出(三)LCD液晶屏电路U7LCD150;11CM寸MHqLDO顷.o11CM寸厂1g.1111iiii1111iiUJ/nWo pipAJ 1o* i pg曰L- ftII,I1iVR.10十5使用P1.0P1.7与D0D7相接,EN,RW,RS分别与P0.7, P0.6, P0.5相接(四)蓝牙与单片机连接蓝罗横块蓝罗横块这里直接用P3.0, P3.1与主机的串口通信和与蓝牙共用串口。(五)LN298模块顼:一渗控糠;iIXLIN控聃

5、rc控制踹播RPWM俏号由调逋端A调速搪BMLn止AI:;-f-Lt11-M2_;=i-f4J1f低高fALtIMoINKOUT! Oim ET3 OUT4 痼力嶙f YcEXBOUT! Oim ET3 OUT4 痼力嶙f YcEXB4系统软件设计#includereg51.h#includeintrins.h#includestdio.h#includestdlib.h#defineMAIN_Fosc11059200L定义主时钟/* 变量声明e Standard, 01-push-pullsfr P1M0 = 0 x92;/=10-pure input, 11-open drainsfr P

6、0M1 = 0 x93;sfr P0M0 = 0 x94;sfr P2M1 = 0 x95;sfr P2M0 = 0 x96;sfr P3M1 = 0 xB1;sfr P3M0 = 0 xB2;sfr P4M1 = 0 xB3;sfr P4M0 = 0 xB4;sfr P5M1 = 0 xC9;sfr P5M0 = 0 xCA;sfr P6M1 = 0 xCB;sfr P6M0 = 0 xCC;sfr P7M1 = 0 xE1;sfr P7M0 = 0 xE2;sbit P00 = P0A0;sbit P01 = P0A1;sbit P02 = P0A2;sbit P03 = P0A3;sbi

7、t P04 = P0A4;sbit P05 = P0A5;sbit P06 = P0A6;sbit P07 = P0A7;sbit P10 = P1A0;sbit P11 = P1A1;sbit P12 = P1A2;sbit P13 = P1A3;sbit P14 = P1A4;sbit P15 = P1A5;sbit P16 = P1A6;sbit P17 = P1A7;sbit P20 = P2A0;sbit P21 = P2A1;sbit P22 = P2A2;sbit P23 = P2A3;sbit P24 = P2A4;sbit P25 = P2A5;sbit P26 = P2A6

8、;sbit P27 = P2A7;sbit P30 = P3A0;sbit P31 = P3A1;sbit P32 = P3A2;sbit P33 = P3A3;sbit P34 = P3A4;sbit P35 = P3A5;sbit P36 = P3A6;sbit P37 = P3A7;sbit P40 = P4A0;sbit P41 = P4A1;sbit P42 = P4A2;sbit P43 = P4A3;sbit P44 = P4A4;sbit P45 = P4A5;sbit P46 = P4A6;sbit P47 = P4A7;sbit P50 = P5A0;sbit P51 =

9、P5A1;sbit P52 = P5A2;sbit P53 = P5A3;sbit P54 = P5A4;sbit P55 = P5A5;sbit P56 = P5A6;sbit P57 = P5A7;/*收发定义e、上 /*/*收发定义e、上 /*/#define Baudrate19600L波特率#define UART1_BUF_LENGTH32u8 TX1_Cnt; 发送计数u8 RX1_Cnt; 接收计数bit B_TX1_Busy; / 发送忙标志void UART1_config(u8 brt); /选择波特率,2:使用Timer2做波特率,其它 值:使用Timer1做波特率.v

10、oid PrintString1(u8 *puts);u8 idata RX1_BufferUART1_BUF_LENGTH; /接收缓冲/* IO 口定义/* IO 口定义e /*/sbit P_HC595_SER = P4A。; /pin 14 SER data inputsbitP_HC595_RCLK = P5A4;sbitP_HC595_SRCLK = P4A3;sbitP_HC595_RCLK = P5A4;sbitP_HC595_SRCLK = P4A3;/pin 12RCLkstore (latch) clock/pin 11SRCLKShift data clock/* 本地

11、变量声明e /*/voiddelay_ms(u8 ms);voidDisableHC595(void);voidInitialize_LCD(void);voidWrite_AC(u8 hang,u8 lie);voidWrite_DIS_Data(u8 DIS_Data);void ClearLine(u8 row);u8 BIN_ASCII(u8 tmp);void PutString(u8 row, u8 column, u8 *puts);void WriteChar(u8 row, u8 column, u8 dat);/* 变量声明/* 变量声明e = UART1_BUF_LENG

12、TH) TX1_Cnt = 0;void ENpwm(WORD DUTY1,WORD DUTY2,WORD outch,WORD outen)PIN_SW2 |= 0 x80;使能访问 XSFRPWMCFG = 0 x00;/配置PWM的输出初始电平为低电平PWMCKS = 0 x00;选择 PWM 的时钟为 Fosc/(0+1)PWMC = CYCLE;/设置 PWM 周期PWM3T1 = CYCLE * DUTY1/ 100;设置 PWM2 第 1 次反转的 PWM 计数PWM4T1 = CYCLE * DUTY1/ 100;设置 PWM2 第 2 次反转的 PWM 计数PWM5T1 =

13、CYCLE * DUTY2 / 100; 设置 PWM3 第 1 次反转的 PWM 计数 PWM2T2 =CYCLE * DUTY1/ 100 ; 设置 PWM3 第 2 次反转的 PWM 计数PWM2CR = 0 x08;选择PWM2输出引脚,不使能PWM2中断PWM3CR = 0 x00;PWM4CR = 0 x00;PWM5CR = 0 x00;PWMCR = outen;PWMCR PWMCR = outen;PWMCR |= 0 x80;PIN_SW2 &=0 x80;使能PWM模块void closepwm()PIN_SW2 1= 0 x80;PWMCR = 0 x00;PWMCR

14、 1= 0 x80;void closepwm()PIN_SW2 1= 0 x80;PWMCR = 0 x00;PWMCR 1= 0 x80;使能访问XSFR使能PWM信号输出使能PWM模块PIN_SW2 &=0 x80;Pfir1=0;Pfir2=0;Pdir1=0;Pdir2=0;void delay_ms(u8 ms)unsigned int i;doi = MAIN_Fosc / 13000;while(-i) ;/14T per loopwhile(-ms);void DisableHC595(void)u8 i;P_HC595_SER = 1;for(i=0; i/*Pin/-/*

15、Pindefine/*/sfr LCD_BUS = 0 x90; /P0-0 x80, P1-0 x90, P2-0 xA0, P3-0 xB0sbitLCD_B7=LCD_BUSA7;/D7 - Pin 14LED- - Pin 16sbitLCD_B6=LCD_BUSA6;/D6 - Pin 13LED+ - Pin 15sbitLCD_B5=LCD_BUSA5;/D5 - Pin 12Vo - Pin 3sbitLCD_B4=LCD_BUSA4;/D4 - Pin 11VDD - Pin 2sbitLCD_B3=LCD_BUSA3;/D3 - Pin 10VSS - Pin 1sbitL

16、CD_B2=LCD_BUSA2;/D2 - Pin 9sbitLCD_B1=LCD_BUSA1;/D1 - Pin 8sbitLCD_B0=LCD_BUSA0;/D0 - Pin 7sbitLCD_ENA = P0A7; /Pin 6sbitLCD_RW = P0A6;/Pin5 /LCD_RSR/WDB7-DB0FOUNCTIONsbit LCD_RS = P0A5; /Pin4 /00INPUTwrite thecommand to LCD model/01OUTPUTread BFand AC pointer from LCD model/ 1INPUTwrite the/ 1INPUT

17、write thedata to LCD model/ 11 OUTPUT read thedata from LCD model/*total 2 lines, 16x2= 32first line address: 015second line address: 6479*/#define C_CLEAR0 x01/clear LCD#define C_HOME0 x02/cursor go home#define C_CUR_L0 x04/cursor shift left after input#define C_RIGHT0 x05/picture shift right after

18、 input#define C_CUR_R0 x06/cursor shift right after input#define C_LEFT0 x07/picture shift left after input#define C_OFF0 x08/turn off LCD#define C_ON0 x0C/turn on LCD#define C_FLASH0 x0D/turn on LCD, flash#define C_CURSOR0 x0E/turn on LCD and cursor#define C_FLASH_ALL0 x0F/turn on LCD and cursor, f

19、lash#define C_CURSOR_LEFT0 x10/single cursor shift left#define C_CURSOR_RIGHT 0 x10/single cursor shift right#define C_PICTURE_LEFT0 x10/single picture shift left#define C_PICTURE_RIGHT 0 x10/single picture shift right#define C_BIT80 x30/set the data is 8 bits#define C_BIT40 x20/set the data is 4 bi

20、ts#define C_L1DOT70 x30/8 bits,one line 5*7 dots#define C_L1DOT100 x34/8 bits,one line 5*10 dots#define C_L2DOT70 x38/8 bits,tow lines 5*7 dots#define C_4bitL2DOT70 x28/4 bits,tow lines 5*7 dots#define C_CGADDRESS00 x40/CGRAM address0 (addr=40H+x)#define C_DDADDRESS00 x80/DDRAM address0 (addr=80H+x)

21、#define LCD_DelayNop()_nop_();_nop_();_nop_();_nop_();_nop_();_nop_();_nop_();_nop_();_nop_();_nop_();_nop_();_nop_();_nop_();_nop_();_nop_();#define LCD_BusData(dat) LCD_BUS = dat/= void CheckBusy(void) u16 i;for(i=0; i5000; i+) if(!LCD_B7) break; /check the LCD busy or not. With time out/ while(LC

22、D_B7);/check the LCD busy or not. Without time outvoid IniSendCMD(u8 cmd)LCD_RW = 0;LCD_BusData(cmd);LCD_DelayNop();LCD_ENA = 1;LCD_DelayNop();LCD_ENA = 0;LCD_BusData(0 xff);void Write_CMD(u8 cmd) LCD_RS = 0; LCD_RW = 1; LCD_BusData(0 xff); LCD_DelayNop(); LCD_ENA = 1; CheckBusy();/check the LCD bus

23、y or not.LCD_ENA = 0; LCD_RW = 0;LCD_BusData(cmd);LCD_DelayNop();LCD_ENA = 1;LCD_DelayNop();LCD_ENA = 0;LCD_BusData(0 xff);void Write_DIS_Data(u8 dat)LCD_RS = 0;LCD_RW = 1;LCD_BusData(0 xff);LCD_DelayNop();LCD_ENA = 1;CheckBusy();/check the LCD busy or not.LCD_ENA = 0;LCD_RW = 0;LCD_RS = 1;LCD_BusDa

24、ta(dat);LCD_DelayNop();LCD_ENA = 1;LCD_DelayNop();LCD_ENA = 0;LCD_BusData(0 xff);void Initialize_LCD(void)LCD_ENA = 0;LCD_RS = 0;LCD_RW = 0;delay_ms(100);IniSendCMD(C_BIT8); /set the data is 8 bitsdelay_ms(10);Write_CMD(C_L2DOT7); /tow lines 5*7 dotsdelay_ms(6);Write_CMD(C_CLEAR);/clear LCD RAMWrite

25、_CMD(C_CUR_R);/Curror Shift RightWrite_CMD(C_ON); /turn on LCDvoid ClearLine(u8 row)u8 i;Write_CMD(row & 1) 6) I 0 x80);for(i=0; iLineLength; i+) Write_DIS_Data();void WriteChar(u8 row, u8 column, u8 dat)Write_CMD(row & 1) 6) + column) | 0 x80);Write_DIS_Data(dat);void PutString(u8 row, u8 column, u

26、8 *puts)Write_CMD(row & 1) = LineLength) break;* LCD20 Module END,34-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4- i=br It 专17 /1 a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a 4-/* 串口部分*/= / 函数:void PrintString1(u8 *puts)/描述:串口 1发送字符串函数。/参数:puts:字符串指针./ 返回:none./ 版本:VER1.0/ 日期:2014-11-28/备注:/=void Prin

27、tString1(u8 *puts) 发送一个字符串 for (; *puts != 0; puts+)遇到停止符 0 结束SBUF = *puts;B_TX1_Busy = 1;while(B_TX1_Busy); /= / 函数:SetTimer2Baudraye(u16 dat)/描述:设置Timer2做波特率发生器。/参数:dat: Timer2的重装值./ 返回:none./ 版本:VER1.0/ 日期:2014-11-28/备注:/= void SetTimer2Baudraye(u16 dat) / 选择波特率,2:使用 Timer2 做波特率, 其它值:使用Timer1做波特率

28、.AUXR &= (14); /Timer stopAUXR &= (13); /Timer2 set As TimerAUXR |= (12); /Timer2 set as 1T modeTH2 = dat / 256;TL2 = dat % 256;IE2 &= (12);禁止中断AUXR 1= (14); /Timer run enablevoid UART1_config(u8 brt) /选择波特率,2:使用Timer2做波特率,其 它值:使用Timer1做波特率./* 波特率使用定时器 2 */if(brt = 2)AUXR 1= 0 x01;/S1 BRT Use Timer2

29、;SetTimer2Baudraye(65536UL - (MAIN_Fosc / 4) / Baudrate1);/* 波特率使用定时器 1 */elseTR1 = 0;AUXR &= 0 x01;/S1 BRT Use Timerl;AUXR 1= (16); /Timerl set as 1T modeTMOD &= (16);/Timer1 set As TimerTMOD &= 0 x30;/Timer1_16bitAutoReload;TH1 = (u8)(65536UL - (MAIN_Fosc / 4) / Baudrate1) / 256);TL1 = (u8)(65536U

30、L - (MAIN_Fosc / 4) / Baudrate1) % 256);ET1 = 0;禁止中断INT_CLKO &= 0 x02; 不输出时钟TR1 = 1;/*/SCON = (SCON & 0 x3f) I 0 x40; /UART1 模式,0 x00:同步移位输出, 0 x40: 8位数据,可变波特率,0 x80: 9位数据,固定波特率,0 xc0: 9位数据,可变波特 率 / PS = 1;高优先级中断ES = 1;允许中断REN = 1;允许接收P_SW1 &= 0 x3f;P_SW1 I= 0 x00; /UART1 switch to, 0 x00: P3.0 P3.1, 0 x40: P3.6 P3.7, 0 x80: P1.6 P1.7 (必须使用内部时钟)/ PCON2 1= (1= UART1_BUF_LENGTH) RX1_Cnt = 0;/ 防溢出if(TI)TI = 0;B_TX1_Busy = 0;软件实现主程序流程图:注:flag= ?处为switc


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