Unit 1 Reading for writing 课件-2021-2022学年高中英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册_第1页
Unit 1 Reading for writing 课件-2021-2022学年高中英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册_第2页
Unit 1 Reading for writing 课件-2021-2022学年高中英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册_第3页
Unit 1 Reading for writing 课件-2021-2022学年高中英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册_第4页
Unit 1 Reading for writing 课件-2021-2022学年高中英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册_第5页
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1、UNIT 1PEOPLE OF ACHIEVEMENTIntroduce someone you admireTo learn about Albert Einsteins life story and achievements.To learn to write an introduction about someone you admire.Albert EinsteinWhats the main idea of the text? The text mainly talks about Einsteins _ and _.life storyachievements2.Which of

2、 the following about Albert Einstein are included in the passage?A. his achievements B. his family C. his character D. his experience E. his hobbies F. his appearance G. his death H. his education Para1Para5Para3+4Para5Para6Para2Born in Germany 1879189619551933Failed to enter university1895Entered u

3、niversityGraduated from university 1900Took a job as a clerk in the Swiss patent office19021905Entered research full-time at a university1909Awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics1922Fled GermanyPassed away3. Read the text and complete the timeline. Then introduce Einsteins life story and achievements

4、in your own words.Earned a doctorate in physics and published four extraordinary physics papersWhat rhetorical devices(修辞手法) are used in the passage? Give examples. Personification(拟人) & Simile(明喻)He had a thick moustache and long white hair, which sometimes stood on end as though he had just receiv

5、ed an electric shock.他胡须浓密,头发又长又白,有时像刚遭了电击似的竖起来。 metaphor(暗喻)He found the doors of academic institutions closed to him.他发现学术机构的大门对他关闭了。 analogy (类比):Following this ,he gradually became famous throughout the world as the new Isaac Newton.Answer the following questions.1. How does the writer develop t

6、he text?A. In space orderB. In time order C. In logic orderAnswer the following questions.2. What caused Einstein to win the Nobel Prize in 1922?A. The general theory of relativity.B. The formula E=mc2.C. His four physics papers.D. His explanation of the photoelectric effect.Answer the following que

7、stions.3. Why did Einstein leave Germany?A. To avoid being caught by Hitler.B. To work in an American university.C. To attend an important meeting in America.D. To meet one of the most famous scientists.Answer the following questions.4.Why did the writer give the example of a little girl?A. To show

8、Einstein was a great scientist.B. To show Einstein was a humorous person.C. To show Einstein was a friendly person.D. To show Einstein didnt care about fame.5. What can we infer about Einstein from “Pardon me! Sorry! Always I am mistaken for Professor Einstein!”? AHe was sometimes committed. BHe was

9、 sometimes generous. CHe was sometimes serious. DHe was sometimes humorous.6. Which of the following is NOT Einsteins contributions according to the text?A.The general theory of relativity. B.The famous formula Emc2.C.The explanation of the photoelectric effect. D.The law of gravitation.7. What is t

10、he purpose of the author in writing this passage? A. To introduce Einsteins contributions to the world. B. To introduce Einsteins winding life in Germany. C. To show that Einstein is a genius in physics and maths. D. To let the world know all about Einstein by his life and achievements.language poin

11、ts1. be considered (as/tobe.)2. make numerous contributions to3. due to4. the entrance exam5. manage to do6. out of passion for.7. a miracle year8. quit ones job9. come to power10. as a consequence11. take up a position12. make great achievements in被认为是.为做出了许多贡献由于,因为入学考试设法完成.出于对.的热爱充满奇迹的一年辞职(开始)掌权;上

12、台因此担任;任职在取得巨大成就13. be seen as14. odd- looking15. stand on end16. as though17. electric shock18. be mistaken for19. it is reported that.20. pass away21. apart from22. remarkable achievements23. rhetorical devices24. sum up被认为是长相怪异的竖起来好像,仿佛点击被误认为是据报道.去世除了.外,还.辉煌,杰出的成就修辞手法总结;概括sentence focus1. He made

13、numerous contributions to the world, the most well-known being the general theory of relativity and the famous formula E=mc2. 独立主格结构(状语):名/代+现在分词(分词主语与主句主语不同)Weather permitting, we will go for a pinic tomorrow.2.While working there,out of a strong passion for knowledge,he continued to study,earning

14、a doctorate in physics in 1905. 现在分词短语作状语在那工作时,出于对知识的热烈渴求,他继续学习,1905年取得了博士学位.状语位于句首或句末,对句子进行修饰。(1)2019江苏卷A city is the product of the human hand and mind,_(reflect)mans intelligence and creativity.(2)2017北京卷The national park has a large collection of wildlife,_(range)from butterflies to elephants.(3

15、)2017天津卷The hospital has recently obtained new medical equipment,_(allow)more patients to be treated.(4) I hurried to his house,only_ (find) him not in.reflectingrangingallowingto find3. Circumstances changed in 1933,when Hitler came to power in Germany. come to power= take office (开始)掌权;上台be in pow

16、er =be in office 执政,掌权(状态)The party came to power four years ago.= The party has been in power for four years.within ones power 在某人的能力/ 权力范围之内beyond/out of ones power 超出某人的能力/ 权力范围4. founded modern nursing find(发现)foundfound 不规则动词found(建立)foundedfounded 规则动词 The Peoples Republic of China was founded

17、 in 1949.近义词:establish,build,set upfoundation n. 地基;基础,根据lay a(firm/solid) foundation for. 为打下(坚实的)基础founder n. 创办者,发起人 (1)As is reported,it is over 100 years since Tsinghua University _(found).(2)Tsinghua University,_(found)in 1911,is home to a great number of outstanding figures.(3) The builders a

18、re now beginning to lay the_(found) for the new school.(4)_(建于20 世纪早期),the school keeps on inspiring childrens love of art.was foundedfoundedfoundationFounded in the early 20th century袁隆平出生:1930年9月7日,北京一个贫困农民家庭爱好:听音乐、游泳毕业院校:1953毕业于西南农学院工作经历及成就:1.大学毕业后,袁隆平去往湖南从事农业教学和研究工作,并在1975年成功培育出了杂交水稻。2.提高水稻产量,消除

19、世界饥饿 3.被誉为“杂交水稻之父” 4.尽管袁名扬四海,但他生活简朴,不计名利。5.2019年被授予“共和国勋章”6.2021年5月22日,在湖南长沙逝世The Man Who Fed the World Born in a poor family in Beijing on 7 September 1930,Yuan Longping is widely known as “the father of hybrid rice”. After graduating from Southwest Agricultural University in 1953, he committed him

20、self to agricultural education and research in Hunan. Owing to years of hardwork, he succeeded in cultivating hybrid rice in 1975. He made great contributions to the problem of world huger by promoting rice production. Famous though he is, he leads a simple life, caring little about fame and wealth.

21、Yuan is not only an outstanding scientist, he is also a person with a wide range of hobbies, like listening to music and swimming.Yuan was awarded the Medal of the Republic in 2019. On 22 May 2021, it was reported that Yuan had passed away, which is a great loss to our country and the whole world.仿写

22、Albert Einstein, who is perhaps the greatest scientist in modern physics, is often considered one of the smartest men who ever lived.作为当代中国最伟大的人物之一,袁隆平被人们称为“杂交水稻之父”。Yuan Longping, who is one of the greatest figures in modern China, is widely known as the “ father of hybrid rice”.仿写He made numerous c

23、ontributions to the world, the most well-known being the general theory of relativity and famous formula E=mc.通过提高水稻产量,他为解决世界饥饿问题作出了巨大贡献。He made huge contributions to the problem of world huger by promoting rice production.仿写Einstein was not only a genius; he was a courageous and kind figure loved b

24、y many people.袁隆平不仅仅是一位杰出的科学家,他还爱好广泛,例如喜欢听音乐和游泳。(定语从句)Yuan was not only an outstanding scientist; he was also a person who had a wide range of hobbies, like listening to music and swimming.仿写This great genius was born in Germany on 14 March 1879.这个伟大的科学家于1930年9月7日在北京出生。This great scientist was born

25、in Beijing on 7 September 1930.仿写On 18 April 1955, it was reported that Einstein had passed away,and the whole world mourned the great loss of a brilliant scientist.在2021年5月22日,有报道称袁隆平已经离世,举国哀悼。On 22 May 2021, it was reported that Yuan had passed away, and our whole country mourned the great loss of

26、 a brilliant scientist.请根据以下材料, 写一篇介绍我国明代(Ming Dynasty)医学家(medical scientist)李时珍的文章。出生年代: 1518著作: 本草纲目内容: 中草药(herbs)总集, 包含近2 000种中草药, 数百万字(characters)写作经历: 访民间, 走群山, 尝百草, 亲身做实验成书时间: 1578年, 历时37年评价: 对我国医学(medicine)发展做出了重大贡献WritingBeginningGeneral introduction background informationmedical scientistMi

27、ng Dynastyborn in 1518BodyAchievementDetails and examplesUse specific detailsGive examplesBen Cao Gang Muvisited mountainscalled on ordinary peopletasted herbsEndingDifficulty and Contribution37 years to finish the taskmake a great contribution 1. 李时珍是中国明朝时期的一个著名医学家。 2. 他出生于1518年。Li Shizhen was know

28、n as a famous medical scientist in Ming Dynasty. He was born in 1518.Known as a famous medical scientist in Ming Dynasty, Li Shizhen was born in 1518.3. 他写了一本叫作本草纲目的书。 4. 本草纲目是一本中国中草药总集, 其中包含了2 000多种中草药, 数百万字。He wrote a book which is called Ben Cao Gang Mu. Ben Cao Gang Mu is a collection of Chinese

29、 herbs which includes over 2, 000 Chinese herbs with millions of characters. .He wrote a book _ Ben Cao Gang Mu, _ is a collection of Chinese herbs _(include) over 2,000 Chinese herbs with millions of characters.calledwhichincluding5. 正是他的坚持不懈让完成这个任务成为可能。 6. 这个任务花费了他37年。_ made it possible to finish

30、the task. It was his persistence that The task took him 37 years.It was his persistence that made it possible to finish the task which took him 37 years.Known as a famous medical scientist in Ming Dynasty, Li Shizhen was born in 1518. He wrote a book called Ben Cao Gang Mu, which is a collection of

31、Chinese herbs including over 2,000 Chinese herbs with millions of characters. In order to finish the task, he visited mountains, called on ordinary people, tasted different kinds of herbs and even did experiments by himself. It was his persistence that made it possible to finish the task which took

32、him 37 years. The book is considered to be a great contribution to the development of Chinese medicine. WritingWrite an introduction about someone you admire.(“三段式”,at least 100 words)1. WHO-Basic information. (It can be someone you think is great in some way, a well-known people or an ordinary pers

33、on)2. WHAT-Make a list of things. (eg. achievements, contributions, personality, appearance, an impressive story,)3. WHY-Sum up what you learn from this person.参考句型:Known as , sb. isIt was his/her that leaves a deep impression on me. (强调句)“正是他的 给我留下了深刻印象。”14._ adj. 清晰的;有区别的distinct15._ v. 承诺,全身心投入 1

34、6._ adj. 显而易见的_ adv. 明显地apparentapparently17._ n. 目标;adj. 客观的_ n. 反对objectiveobjection_ adj. 尽心尽力的_ n. 区别;特性18._ v. 分析_ n. 分析(复数:analyses)analyseanalysisdistinction词性转换commitcommitted2._ adj. 不一般的;extraordinary3._ adv. 逐渐地;逐步地_ 逐渐的graduallygradual4._ n. 结果;后果_ adj. 作为结果的consequenceconsequent_ adv. 因

35、此;所以consequentlyordinary_ adj. 普通的5._ v. 偶然碰到;n. 邂逅;遭遇 _(同义词组) encounter6._ adj. 非凡的;显著的remarkable7._ n. 酷爱;热情_ adj. 热情的;passionpassionate8._ n. 教授_ n. 职业;专业professorprofession_ adj. 专业的;职业的professional_ n. 言辞;v. 谈论remarkmeet with/run across9._ n. 相对论;相对性relativity10._ v. 承诺;保证commit11._ v. 评价;评估_ n

36、. 评价;评估evaluateevaluation12._ v. 承认;感谢_ n. 承认;感谢acknowledgeacknowledgement_ n. 委托,承认commitment_ n. 亲戚;adj. 相对的relative13._ v. 推断出;结束_ n. 结论concludeconclusion_ adj.尽心尽力的,坚定的,坚信的committed_a.可估价的,可评价的evaluative14._ adj. 清晰的;有区别的distinct15._ v. 提取;n.提取物extract16._ adj. 显而易见的_ adv. 明显地apparentapparently17._ n.


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