2022届高考英语冲刺专项练习阅读理解10篇( 有答案 无听力原文、音频)_第1页
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2022届高考英语冲刺专项练习阅读理解10篇( 有答案 无听力原文、音频)_第5页
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1、阅读理解1Susannah was a shy but clever girl. She had worn glasses for as long as she could remember. And again, for as long as she could remember, some of her classmates had habitually picked on her.The worst thing was that Lewis called her Four Eyes”. She acted like she didnt mind, but in fact Susannah

2、 couldnt stand it.One day, the class went on a school outing to visit some famous caves. The children were walking towards the caves, while Lewis slipped. While falling, he grabbed onto Susannah, who walked next to him, and both fell down the hole.They landed in a dark cave. All that could be seen w

3、as a single ray of light coming from the cave roof, many meters above, and some tree roots and trunks which had fallen through the hole. Susannah and Lewis shouted for help, but no one came.The next morning they still hadn*t been found and Lewis continued shouting for help, but no response and he st

4、arted feeling scared.It must have been noontime, because Susannah noticed that the ray of light just landed on the floor in front of her. Quickly, she took a piece of wood that had fallen into the cave, and, using her glasses as a magnifying(放大)glass, she focused the ray of light onto the wood until

5、 a little flame sprang up. Now they had a torch(火把). Lewis watched with surprise and excitement and off they went to explore the cave.It took them some time, and they had to burn quite a few torches, but finally they found a way out. Amid hugs and cries of relief, Lewis gave Susannah his heartfelt t

6、hanks.Chinas second female astronaut to enter space delivered a lecture to more than 60 million students across the country on Thursday, while aboard the Tiangong1 space module 340 kilometers above the Earths surface, in the first attempt at this kind of lecture by a Chinese astronaut.Wang Yaping, o

7、ne of the three crew members in the ShenzhouX class spacecraft, delivered the lecture through a 40 minute live video broadcast, nine days after the successful spacecraft launch.Assisted by the other two astronauts Nie Haisheng and Zhang Xiaoguang, Wang showed students how movement occurs in a zero-g

8、ravity environment through a series of physics experiments to help students understand basic physics concepts.Observers say the creative lecture is not only good for science and patriotic education of the younger generation but also shows national confidence in Chinas maturing space technologies.Via

9、 the video feed system, the three astronauts interacted with some 300 curious students in Beijing on Thursday after the lecture, who raised questions about their daily life in the space module.Tm extremely excited to see the magical effects of the experiments. I feel like Im close to space while wat

10、ching the live broadcast, “ a primary school student in Beijing told the Global Times after the lecture.The lecture became one of the most popular topics on Weibo Thursday, with some Web users saying this visually impressive method of education has made them interested in space science.The lecture a

11、lso drew international attention. After the lecture, Wang replied to a letter of greeting from Barbara Morgan, a female US astronaut who participated in a space teaching program in 2007. We would like to join the effort, as you have done, to bring scienceloving youth around the world closer to their

12、 dreams of exploring the universe, “ Wang said in the reply, Xinhua reported.We can infer from the passage Wang Yaping did the experimentson her ownin an environment without gravityonly to amuse the studentsonly to show Chinas maturing space technologiesWe can say this lecture is.impressive but ridi

13、culouscreative but impracticalinteresting and educationaleducational but boringAccording to the passage, we know Barbara Morgan.is a woman astronaut from Americaonce taught Wang Yaping how to deliver a speech in spacewas the first woman in US to be sent in spaceonce trained with Wang YapingWhats the

14、 main idea of the passage?The ShenzhouX class spacecraft.Wang Yapings space class.The international influence of Chinas space exploration.D. Chinas outstanding astronauts.阅读理解7Cell phones have become a necessity for many people throughout the world. The abilities to keep in touch with families and b

15、usiness associates, and access to e -mail are only a few of the reasons for the increasing importance of cell phones. Todays technically advanced cell phones are capable of not only receiving and placing phone calls, but storing data and taking pictures, and even can be used as walkie talkies, to na

16、me just a few of the available options.When cell phones were first introduced to the public, they were bulky and expensive. Good reception was a major problem and in general, early cell phones could only be used in certain locations where the signal was particularly strong. As cell phone technology

17、advanced, the difficulty in using them became less of a problem. Today, cell phone reception has improved greatly due to the use of satellites and wireless services. As cell phones improved and became simple to use, the importance of cell phones increased accordingly.Cell phones are the perfect way

18、to stay connected with others and provide the user with a sense of security. In the event of emergency, having a cell phone can allow help to reach you quickly and could possibly save lives. However, the importance of cell phones goes way beyond personal safety. Modem cell phones are capable of Inte

19、rnet access, sending and receiving photos and files, and some cell phones are equipped with GPS technology, allowing for use in most locations around the world and allowing the cell phone to be found or the user located in the event of loss or emergency.The importance of cell phones has increased th

20、e competition in the wireless service provider industry, making cell phones very affordable and very easy to use. Cell phones have become almost a status symbol in addition to the convenience and security that comes from owning them.From the first paragraph, we can learn that cell phones.disturb peo

21、ples daily life quite a lotare widely used in the modern societybenefit much from todays technologymake peoples work easy and colorfulWhy didn*t many people like cell phones in the past?The signal was too weak for them to receive.The satellites couldnt work properly.They lived in the faraway distric

22、ts.The sound was not sweet at all.The author intends to tell us that cell phones are important bydoing some scientific experimentscomparing their different featurestelling some interesting storieslisting their practical functionsWhat is the main idea of this passage?Great changes have taken place in

23、 our daily life.Science and technology are both developing rapidly.Cell phones are becoming more and more important.People canft live any longer with cell phones nowadays.阅读理解8OSLO (Reuters)Six of the worlds eight bear species are under threat of extinction after the addition yesterday of the sun be

24、ar, the world*s smallest type of bear, to a Red List which says Chinas panda is most at risk. The sun bear is threatened partly by poachers(偷猎者)who sell its bile(胆汁)as medicine, said the World Conservation Union which runs the list of the threatened wildlife.“Things are getting worse for all the bea

25、r species except the American black bear which is unquestionably increasing,said Simon Smart, senior species adviser for the Union.The addition of the sun bear to the authoritative Red List after a major review means the American black bear and the brown bear, found from Europe to Alaska, are the on

26、ly two of eight species still considered robust(强的).The sun bear, found in Asia from Bangladesh to Borneo and weighing up to about 70 kg, was rated “vnlnerable(脆弱的)by experts at the Union, which consists of more than 80 governments, conservation groups and scientists. The union said there were sever

27、al thousand sun bears in the wild. uWe estimate that sun bears have declined by at least 30 percent over the past 30 years, and continue to decline at this speed, “ said Ron Steinmetz, head of the Swiss-based Unions sun bear expert team.Scientists did not change the level of threat to any bear speci

28、es (except sun bears). Deforestation, loss of habitat to roads and cities and poaching are among risks. The Asian black bear, the sloth bear and the Andean bear were all proved again as vulnerable after reassessment of landliving bears. The polar, the only species not reassessed, is separately rated

29、 as vulnerable. Pandas were regarded again as endangered, one step closer to extinction than vulnerable, in spite of Chinas protection efforts for the bamboo-eaters.How many kinds of threats are particularly mentioned to bear species?A. 2.B. 3.C. 4.D. 5.According to the text, pandas.are in greatest

30、danger of extinction on the Red List”are in less danger of extinction now with the Chinas protection effortsare one step closer to extinction than ever beforeare not among the 8 bears mentioned in the textWe can infer from the text that.the World Conservation Union is not in charge of protecting wil

31、dlife in the worldpandas are rated as endangered after the reassessmentthere are several kinds of landliving bears in the worldsun bears remain vulnerable”, compared with 30 years agoWhich of the following can be the best title for the text?Six of eight bears in danger of extinctionSun bears new to

32、the Red ListSun bears rated as endangered by the UnionThe World Conservation Union阅读理解9White lies may seem harmless, but bending the truth can actually cause physical and mental health.People who consciously tried to tell fewer white lies were less likely to feel tense or sad and also experienced fe

33、wer sore throats and headaches.Those who told fewer porkies also had better relationships and smoother social interactions than liars, according to the study.The team followed 110 people aged 18 to 71 years old over 10 weeks. While half of the participants were told to stop telling major and minor l

34、ies during the period of the study, the rest of them were given no instructions about lying. Both groups went to the lab weekly to complete health and relationship measures and to take a polygraph(测谎仪)test measuring the number of major and white lies they had told. The author of the study Professor

35、Anita said the average person told 11 lies a week.The research showed when those in the “no lie” group told three fewer falsehoods than they did in other weeks, they experienced four fewer mental health complaints and three fewer physical symptoms. This benefit was greater than when the control grou

36、p unconsciously told fewer white lies in one particular week. When participants across both groups lied less in a week, they reported their physical health and mental health was significantly better that week.Participants also realized they could tell the truth about their daily accomplishments rath

37、er than exaggerate, while others said they stopped making false excuses for being late or failing to complete tasks.Kelly said, We found the participants could purposefully and greatly reduce their everyday lies, and that in turn was associated with improved health.”The study also found some partici

38、pants learned to avoid lying by answering troubling questions with a question to make the person not fix on the questions.Co-author Professor Wang said, The analysis showed that this improvement in relationships significantly accounted for the improvement in health that was associated with less lyin

39、g.”According to the passage, telling white lies frequently.is harmless both to the speaker and the hearermakes the speaker feel less tense in some occasionscan make the speaker feel bad and suffer from physical problemscan result in the hearefs suffering from headaches and sore throatsThe underlined

40、 part “Those who told fewer porkies“ in Paragraph 3 probably means.those who lied lessthose who spoke lessthose who complained lessthose who are less worriedThrough Paragraph 5, the author wants to show.the result of their researchall the symptoms of liarshow to help people get rid of telling liesth

41、e method used in the experts* researchWhich of the following statements is true according to the passage?When you are relaxed, youfll lie less.On average, people told 10 lies a week.Making excuses can be harmful to your health.Telling fewer white lies unconsciously has the best effect.阅读理解10Office w

42、orkers who spend all day behind their desks should consider working standing up instead, according to a new research.Staying on your feet for an extra three hours a day would burn off 8 pounds (3.6 kg) of fat each year, according to exercise scientist John Buckley from Chester University. He said th

43、ere is no need to sit down so much and those feeling tired would do well to push their chairs away during the day.Dr. Buckley added that people could work at desks higher than normal computer to answer e-mails and type documents. An upright working posture was championed by author Ernest Hemingway w

44、ho wrote on a typewriter at a special chest -height desk. In a letter in 1950, Hemingway wrote, Writing and travel broaden your ass if not your mind and I like to write standing up.”Dr. Buckley, from the department of Clinical Sciences and Nutrition at Chester University, said that working standing

45、up will reduce obesity and improve circulation. Standing up for three hours will consume 144 calories, he claims. People are sitting down at work, then sitting in the car and then sitting down in front of the television,“ Dr. Buckley told BBC News. Dr. Buckley is part of a group of experts working w

46、ith Englands chief medical officer on ways to deal with obesity.A study late last year made a strong connection between too much sitting down and an increased risk of diabetes(糖尿病).Meanwhile, a major Australian study published in March 2012 found sitting down too long increases your risk of dying wi

47、thin a few years-even if you are already physically active.It found adults who sat 11 or more hours per day had a 40 percent increased risk of dying in the next three years compared with those who sat for fewer than four hours a day.Dr. Buckley concluded making small changes in the workplace such as

48、 standing at your disk can make long-term improvements to your health.Standing for about three hours may.make you very tiredhelp lose some weightuse up most of your energyleave your chairs in good conditionThe underlined word championed in Paragraph 3 probably means.A. designedB. drawnC. explainedD.

49、 supportedWhat Dr. Buckley told BBC News suggests that nowadays people.watch TV every dayenjoy driving to worklike sitting too muchare usually very busyWhat would be the best title for this passage?The Difference Between Sitting and StandingTips to Work Better in the OfficeSome Bad Habits in the Off

50、iceThe Advantages of Standing阅读理解1答案解析:.答案:D 词义推测题。根据第二段的“The worst thing was that Lewis called herTourEyes5.“可以推测出是大家取笑她。.答案:B 细节理解题。根据第二段的“She acted like she didnt mind, but in fact Susannah couldnft stand it.“可以知道尽管装作无所谓,实际上她是难以忍受。.答案:C 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段的“Quickly, she took a piece of wood that had fa

51、llen into the cave, and, using her glasses as a magnifying glass, she focusedA. reliefA. reliefA. reliefB.sadnessA. reliefC. expectationD. carelessnessLewis watched with surprise when Susannah made the torch becausehe never thought Susannah disliked himhe never thought Susannah could see the lighthe

52、 never thought Susannah was so calm and cleverhe never thought Susannah could keep him companyWhat can we know from the passage?Susannah slipped and fell down the hole.Susannah was pulled down the hole by Lewis.They stayed in the cave for three days two nights.They were saved by their classmates and

53、 teachers.阅读理解2Its said that a picture is worth a thousand words. Conservation photographer Robin Moore believes this. He especially believes that the stories photographs can tell about the environment can inspire people to care for the Earth. It doesnt matter what language you speak or what culture

54、 you come from, because a photo can speak to everyone, “ Moore says.Thats the idea behind Frame of Mind. Moore cofounded the organization last year with environmental educator Deanna Del Vecchio and fellow nature photographer Neil Ever Osborne. The group is on a mission to help young people around t

55、he world connect with nature through photography workshops.the ray of light onto the wood until a little flame sprang up.Now they had a torch.的 细致描写可以看出Susannah很镇定也很聪明,因此让Lewis对她刮目相看。4.答案:B 细节理解题。根据第三段的While falling, he grabbed onto Susannah, who walked next to him, and both fell down the hole.“可知答案

56、。阅读理解2答案解析:.答案:A 细节理解题。根据第一段第三句可知,他认为图片能唤起人们的环 保意识。.答案:C细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句可知,学生们在活动中要学习和 了解环境是如何影响人们的生活的。.答案:C正误判断题。由第四段第四句可知,那里的环境因树木被大量砍伐 变得越来越糟糕。.答案:D 推理判断题。根据文章最后两句可推知,孩子们意识到他们应该保 护自然环境。阅读理解3答案解析:.答案:B篇章结构题。本文主要介绍电影给人们生活带来的影响。第一段提 到电影是一种常见的娱乐形式,主要作用是引入话题。.答案:C推理判断题。根据第二段第二句可知,动画片中的米老鼠能做到在 现实生活中不可能做

57、到的事情。由此可推知,作者举米老鼠的例子是想说明很多 儿童影片用一些超现实的东西填满孩子的心灵。.答案:C主旨大意题。根据第三段第二句可知,动作电影中的暴力镜头可能 会把年轻人引向犯罪之路,因此动作电影对犯罪率的上升负有一定责任。.答案:D细节理解题。由最后一段最后三句可知,具有教育意义的电影对年 轻人具有有益的影响,但不受年轻人喜爱。阅读理解4答案解析:.答案:C 细节理解题。根据文章第一段第二句For example, in American culture the smile is in general an expression of pleasure.“可知,在美国微笑是愉快的 象征

58、,故答案为C项。.答案:B 细节理解题。根据文章第一段中的“It can also hide true feelings. It often causes confusion across cultures.“可知这是一个中心句,其后用例证法阐述: 微笑能隐藏真正的感情。它常常导致跨文化间的困惑。其中越南人讲故事的例子 就是为了说明这一观点,故选B项。.答案:B推理判断题。根据文章最后一段中的“The key is to try not to judge people whose ways of showing emotion are different.If we judge accordi

59、ng to our own cultural habits, we may make the mistake ofreadinghe other person incorrectly. 可知,我们在“读”人们的表情的时候,要先理解他们的文化背景,否则就会出错。.答案:C主旨大意题。文章通篇阐述了面部表情的种种表现形式,以及文化 之间的差异导致面部表情的含义不同,所以此题答案为C项。阅读理解5答案解析:.答案:B主旨大意题。该段主要阐述自信对人们的意义和影响。故B项符合 题意。.答案:D 词义猜测题。根据前面的“They tend to accept themselves”可推知, 此处表示他们

60、不会感觉到非得顺从他人才能被认可,故选。bey“顺从,服从”。.答案:A 细节理解题。根据第一段倒数第二句Selfconfident people have expectations that are realistic.“可知,自信的人往往也是很实际的。.答案:C 推理判断题。根据最后一段首句“Surprisingly, lack of self-confidence is not necessarily related to lack of ability.”可知,A 项错误;根据第三段第二句 Parents attitudes are crucial to childrens feeli


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