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1、毕业论文中英文资料外文翻译文献附录1 英文原文Combinetool machine a slippery pedestal the research of the dynamic state characteristic 【 Summary】 this text make use of power key to match diagram and appearance spaceanalyticalthe method hurtle and exercise a steady sex problem to carry on analysis and studytowards combinin

2、g tool machine slip pedestal of ex-ly the liquid which builds up a slipperypedestalpresses to drive system a from adjust to carry on the back to press to adjust soondynamic statemathematics model of system.Pass a calculator numeral to imitate really hurtleand exercise notsteady reason and main impac

3、t factor before analyzing a slippery pedestal acreation.From in get if reasonably design a liquid to press an urn with from adjust to carry onthe back to press toadjust structure size of press the valve can make the dynamic statecharacteristic of slipperypedestal shown a Zhao improvement. One prefac

4、e Combine a tool machine work in the varieties which slip a size of sport speed anddirection andthe load bear all influence degree differently it work function.Especially in thework enter theprocess.Slippery the on the stage load of suddenly disappear causable of ex-hurtle and load ofthe period vari

5、ety cause of the sport gravamen be steady all is processed thesurface quality ofpiece the influence severity hour will cause the knifebreak.Requestaccording to tool machinefactory in Dalian theauthor adopts power key to match diagramand the analyticalmethod establishment of the appearance space to c

6、ombine thenew liquidthat the tool machine slips apedestal to press to drivesystem a from adjust to carry on theback to press to adjust soondynamic state mathematics model of system.Pass acalculatornumeral to imitate really and study.Analytical slipperythe pedestal produce ago hurtle andexercise not

7、steady reason andmain impact factor in order to improvement slippery thedynamicstate characteristic of pedestal. Two dynamic state mathematicsmodel The liquid which combines tool machine to slip a pedestalpresses to drive system a fromadjustto carry on the back to pressto adjust soon the work princi

8、ple diagram of systemsuchasdiagram I to show.That system is the work circulation which usesto complete quotthe workenter a stop a back quicklyquot.Whenslippery pedestal work enter 34 change to be placed indiagram toshow a right toward the valve the oil pump of providehydraulic-pneumatic dintunder th

9、efunction which over flows valve look like ground to keep Heng settle the oils liquidflows through to change toward the valve and adjust soon valve juniors into the oil urn ofhave no a pole chamber push slippery the set be left shiftIn the meantime oil urn thepressure oil that if there ispole chambe

10、r eject through from adjust to carry on the back topress valve and change to flow to return to fuel tank toward the valve.In this process twoone-way valves with overflowed to flow valve and always dont change original workappearance.Object that system so of complications not line system for the sake

11、 of easy tostudy its dynamic state characteristic build up a reasonable simple dynamic state mathematicsmodel which only emphasizes to consider main impact factor is particularlyimportant12.Know from the theories the analysis with experiment the research:Thatsystem of process time be soon that the p

12、rocess which is far larger than to adjust valve issoonhorary oil urn have no the pole chamber effectively accepts to press area very greatlyadjust soon valve export discharge of super adjust a reflection in a moment is slipperypedestal sport speed of the variety be pimping2.For openning widely and g

13、oing deep intodynamic state characteristic of study the system make research work can on themicrocomputer availably carry on this text to original model2 do further simplification onthesupposition that adjust soon the valve outputs in the whole transition process of systemHengsettle of discharge tre

14、at it as to flow a source.So the structure sketch plan of thedynamic state model of system such as figure 2 show it from oil urn slippery set carry on thebackto press valve and unite connectors roads etc. to constitute from the Diao.This text inuse of sign asfollows: S 1-flow a source then adjust so

15、on valve export discharge Sel-the slippery set glide friction Sel-the slippery set glide friction C5 C6-the etc. effect liquid of tube road permit: R5 R7-take care of an etc. of road effect liquid Zu V3 the V4-oil urn has no pole chamber and has a pole chamber the contents toaccumulate P3 the pressu

16、re which have no pole chamber and have a pole chamber of the P4-oil urn F-the slippery set bear a load V-slip a pedestal sport speed.The this literary grace hard working rate key matchesdiagram and appearance space to fold a method establishment sport mathematics model of thesystem for cent. Power k

17、eys matching diagram is an effect to flow diagram it is the energy whichpresses system to deliver a way take actual structure as foundation the function which usesconcentration parameter the of sub- system relates to an abstract earths surface to show forthe Zu a dollar Rand permits sex dollar C and

18、 sensitive faculty dollar I of three kinds offunction dollar.Adopt thiskind of method sets up a mold physical concept clear combine theappearance space analysis method can compare to accurately describe with analysis linesystem that method is in the hour the area study complications the line system

19、dynamic statecharacteristic not of a kind of validof method. According to from adjust to carry on the back to press to adjust soon the maincharacteristic ofeach component of system and set up mold rule1 get figure 3 show of thepower key of system match diagram.Each half arrowhead on the key in diagr

20、am means thatthe power fly to 2 which constitute power change the quantity be a dint to change tomeasurehydraulic-pneumatic P or function dint F and flow to change to measuredischarge qor speed v.O crunode means in the system to belong to merge a conjunction each dint of keychanges to measure equali

21、ty but flows to change to measure it with is zero1 crunodes meanin the system to belong to establish a conjunction each key is upper-class to change tomeasure equality but dint to change to measure it with is zero.TF means a different energyform the transformation machine of the TF bottom mark of th

22、e letter of alphabet mean thatthe dint changes to measure or flows to change to measure of conversion specific value.Theshort and horizontal Gang of key means that key ascend two change the cause and effectbetween quantities relate to.The whole arrowheadses mean a control relation.Permit the dintof

23、sex dollar and sensitive faculty dollar to change to measure in three kinds of function dollarand flow to change to measure it have integral calculus or differential calculus relationtherefore according to figure 3 can deduce tosubmit to havenine complications that theappearances change to measure n

24、ot the line appearance square distance.This text to slipperypedestal the research of the dynamic state characteristic from slippery pedestal of ex- hurtleand exercise steady sex both side to commence use four ranks certainly tread longRunge-Kutta method at IBM-PC microcomputer up carry on numeral to

25、 imitate really imitatea true result to distinguish such as figure 4 with figure 5 show. Three slip to hurtle before thepedestal Slippery before the pedestal hurtle phenomenon is what function at slip the load ofon the stage suddenly disappeared if drilled to deeply work circumstance cause.In thispr

26、ocess the variety which slips two chamber pressure P3s and P4 of the load F sport speed Voil urn of pedestal can from the figure 4 imitate true result see.When the slippery pedestalevenly and soon exercises under the function of the load the oil urn has no pole chamber oilliquid pressure higher.It c

27、ame together a great deal of energy in the oil liquid.While loading tosuddenly disappear that chamber is hydraulic-pneumatic to immediately and quickly lowerthe oil liquid turns into the process of low-pressure Tai toward system to release a lot ofenergies from the high pressure Tai and cause slippe

28、ry pedestal the high speed pounds atforward.However slip a pedestal of ex- hurtle to make an oil urn to have a pole chambertheoil liquid is press to cause to carry on the back to press to go up thus the depletion drop onepart of energies in the system to slippery pedestal of front blunt certainly re

29、press afunction.Should see in the system study from adjust to carry on the back entrance pressure ofpress the valve and be subjected to an oil urn two chambers hydraulic-pneumaticcomprehensive function.BE load a disappeared moment from adjust to carry on the back thepressure of press the valve quick

30、ly rises and stabilize the number which starts to carry on theback to press at the beginning in the Gao up.From the diagram it is thus clear that from adjustto carry on the back to press to adjust soon the system is in a twinkling load to disappear oilurn carry the range that the pressure go up on o

31、il urns back big in traditionally adjust soonsystem so its oil urn energy which have the oil liquid in the pole chamber absorptionmanyResult slip a pedestal of ex- blunt the quantity adjusts system to soon want than thetradition small be close to20.It is thus clear that adoption from adjust to carry

32、 on the back aChuang to adjust soon system conduct and actions to drive the slippery pedestal of system tohave good characteristic in the aspects of hurtling before repress among them from adjust tocarry on the back to press valve to have very your work to use. Four slip the exercise of pedestal ste

33、ady While regarding as a loadperiod of used for the slippery on the stage varietyif the Xianpares to process a circumstance the sport speed which slips a pedestal wants to producecertain。motion.In order to process the request of quality at assurance have to possibly let upits speed motion scope.Set

34、out from the convenience discussed a problem suppose a load bythe sine wave regulation variety get thus of numeral imitate a true result such as figure 5show.Be showed from this that system and traditionally adjust soon system to have samevariety regulation with very close of number.The reason is th

35、at the variety range of load isntbig oil urn two chamber pressures also more and greatly didnt change end cause from adjustto carry on the back a function of press the valve not enough obvious. Five improve measure Study result enunciation with from adjust to carry on the back to press to adjust soo

36、nsystem for drive the slippery set of system its dynamic state characteristic surpasses totraditionally adjustsoon system.Want to reduce the ex- blunt quantity of slippery pedestalmust be load the disappeared moment quickly raises an oil urn have a pole chamber of carryon the back pressureWant to ra

37、ise the exercise of slippery pedestal steady to need to increasesystem of rigid the main measure lies in the physical volume which lets up an oilliquid.Know from the structure of the system the oil urn has apole chamber to have with therow pipeline one very big capacity and show such as the figure 6

38、 as.It of the existence delaywith Shuai reduce from adjust to carry on the back a function of press the valve also loweredsystem on the other hand of rigid it limitted to hurtle characteristic and exercise the furtherimprovement of steady ago.Therefore the improvement slippery pedestal dynamic state

39、characteristic can carry on from two paths:Namely change an oil urn capacity and changefrom adjust to carry on the back to pressvalve structure size.The comparison passed one truecalculation and result of the imitate of parameter of the system structure can get:When oil urnhave pole chamber and row

40、pipeline thecapacity V4 together has no pole chamber with enterpipeline the capacity V3 of ratio from original of 5.5 change to 1 such as the figure 6 bs showin the meantime from adjust to carry on the back to press the valve valve Xin bottom to carrydiameter is increase by the original 10 mms for t

41、he 13 mms damping triangle slot side longlet up a 0.7 mms from the original lmm canmake slippery pedestal of ex- hurtle quantity tolet up 30 transfer the process obviouslyshortens for time and slip the exercise of pedestalsteady to get to very greatly improve. Six conclusion Imitate a true research

42、through theories analysis and calculator from adjust to carry onthe back to press to adjust soonsystem Be combine a drive of the tool machine slipperypedestal system to have much of expansion use value.The main factor which influences aslippery pedestal dynamic state characteristic is oil urn intern

43、al structure with from adjust tocarry on the back topress valve of size.If as to its carry on a reasonable design the dynamicstate characteristic canmake to slip a pedestal is shown Zhao ground an improvement.Alsoexplained adoption power in make to slip a pedestal is shown Zhao ground animprovement.

44、Also explained adoption power incomplications not line is convenience valid of. In 1946 the first electronic accounting machine was born in the world thisindicated thehumanity created has been possible to strengthen and partially toreplace the mental labor thetool. It with the humanity these which i

45、n the agriculture the industry society created only isstrengthens the physical labor the tool to compare got up the quantitive leap entered theinformation society for the humanity to lay the foundation. After 6 years in 1952 computer technology applied to the engine bed the first numericalcontrol en

46、gine bed were born in US. From this time on thetraditional enginebed hashad thearchery target change. Since nearly half century the numerical control system has experiencedtwo stages and six generation of development. The early computer operating speed islow was not big to then science computation a

47、nd thedata processing influence but could not adapt the engine bed real-time control request. Thepeople can not but use numeral logic circuit quotto buildquot to become an engine bed specialpurpose computer to take the numerical control system is called the hardware connectionnumerical control HARD-WIREDNC Jian Chengwei numerical control NC.Alon


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