1、AStudyoftheGasFlowthroughAirJetHeuy-DongKim,Chae-MinLim,Ho-JoonLee,Doo-HwanAir jet loom,asone oftheshuttlelesslooms,transportsAStudyoftheGasFlowthroughAirJetHeuy-DongKim,Chae-MinLim,Ho-JoonLee,Doo-HwanAir jet loom,asone oftheshuttlelesslooms,transportsa o warps viscosity and kinetic energy of an air
2、 jet. Perfomance of this picking system depends on the ability of instantaneous inhalation/exhaust, configuration of nozzle, operation characteristics of a check valve, etc. In the recent past, many studies have reported on the air jet discharged from a nozzle exit, but studiesfor understanding flow
3、 field characteristics ted with shear layer and shock wave/boundary he nozzle were not conducted his r, a study wasperformed to heflow he air jet nozzle n tube and validated with previous experimental data from the compuion study showhe sudepends significantly on the length of available. The results
4、 ic flow regime, the flow tube. As nozzle re increase, drag force acting on the string also increase. For a longer acceleration the total re lossis large,owingto thefrictional Keywords: compressible flow, nozzle, shear layer, shock wave, air jet loom, shuttleless loomAir jet loom isone of the shuttl
5、elessloomswhich Transport a o using frictionalforce ofstring surface and kineticenergy of an air jet.The airjet has a higher performance and wider applications when compared to looms for pro- ducing silks, cotton fabrics, woolen cloth, etc. It is simple in and more eco-n con-ventional looms. The dem
6、and for high-anddoublewidthtoincrease theproductivity callsforhigh-speed and performanceofhas a higher performance and wider applications when compared to looms for pro- ducing silks, cotton fabrics, woolen cloth, etc. It is simple in and more eco-n con-ventional looms. The demand for high-anddouble
7、widthtoincrease theproductivity callsforhigh-speed and performanceofa pickingsystem. Theperformance forthispickingdepends on the ability of instantaneous inhalation/exhaust, configuration of nozzle, operation characteristics of a check valve, etc.In r studies, experimentsforthecharacteristics of flo
8、w fieldin a nozzle the effects of acceleration tube length were performed for design optimization of coaxial air jet loom as ic re on a main nozzle was measured by characteristicsof flow field in a nozzle and the effects of acceleration tube length performed for design optimization of a coaxial air
9、jet loom as ic re on main nozzle was measured by them. ion for optimizing the design transonic flow he air jetloom was conducted, but most of the studies theair jetwere withoil or aStudies for characteristics ic jet flowo an ted with shear layer, and shock wave eraction in a texture nozzle have not
10、been conducted till now. To increase performance of cking system, systematic studies to understand the flow field the main nozzle ofairjet loomsare Though it is desirable to have a uniform area of cross-section throughout length of the acceleration tube, a very small angle of divergence is accelerat
11、ion tube due manufacturing his r, ional study using l FLUENTwas performed to he flow he air jet nozzle of tube very smallamount of divergent angle validated with experimental data k-turbulence his study. The nozzle re ratio from 1.93 to The length of acceleration re to atmospheric re, is defined as
12、the ratio of the nozzlere toatmospheric re, is varied 1.93 to5.8.Thelength of acceleration tubeisvaried from70 mm to110 Figure 1 shows a schematic of the air jet loom.The texture nozzle consists of a nozzle body, anAcceleration tube, and a needle part. The compressed defined as the ratio of the nozz
13、lere toatmospheric re, is varied 1.93 to5.8.Thelength of acceleration tubeisvaried from70 mm to110 Figure 1 shows a schematic of the air jet loom.The texture nozzle consists of a nozzle body, anAcceleration tube, and a needle part. The compressed air through the ody and theacceleration tube, and the
14、n it is o atmosphere. Diameter and of acceleration tube defined as D and The numerical have been carried with the help of .compressible Navier-Stokes equations are discretized spatially using a fully finite volume scheme, in which the io numerical and egral equationsare d to each cell. With temporal
15、terms,.is used discretizethe time shows ernings conditions. length,5.89D includes the nozzle part and downstream flow field of Astructured grid system about 58,000 nodes is considered. Grids areclustered the regions where a large prere gradient is expected like the wall region near shear layer, shea
16、r layer and shock waves. Total temperature is 298K. Adiabatic no-condition is d to nozzle wall, needle wall and acceleration tube. The inlet condition of 588,000 Pa. The total temperature and re outlets at inlet and down stream flowfield condition are chosen as 298 K and 101,325 Pa, ResultandFigure
17、3 shows the comparison of ional results using standard ional results obtained ive agreements with andthe experimental ones. The standard k-have shown ive as well experimental 作者:Heuy-Dong Chae-Min Ho-Joon Lee, Doo-Hwan 388,Songcheon-760-749,2.韩国纺织机3. 纺织学院、Yeungnam214作者:Heuy-Dong Chae-Min Ho-Joon Lee
18、, Doo-Hwan 388,Songcheon-760-749,2.韩国纺织机3. 纺织学院、Yeungnam214介:可压缩喷嘴 剪切层 冲击波 喷气织机 无梭织propro 嘴加速管的数量非常小的发散角和验证与先前的实验数据可用。这个轴对 称、可压缩、n-s使用k-方程紊流模型在这研究中使用。喷嘴压比(NPR),定义为从 70 毫米到 110 毫米。图 1 显示了一个示意图的喷气织机。纹理喷嘴由喷嘴体、加速管和一根针部定义为D 和 L,分别计算分析数值模拟进行了借助完善的标准 k- 模型。这两个维度,轴对称,维可压缩 NumericalMethodsfortheFlowFieldThe
19、above can be solved with finite difference method as SIMPLERalgorithmNumericalMethodsfortheFlowFieldThe above can be solved with finite difference method as SIMPLERalgorithm to solve re coupling; roducing staggered to avoid toothlike distributions of velocity and re; er-scheme as the preferred cheme
20、; (4)viscosity and density on are arithmetic mean of neighboring nodes; (5)with TDMA method to solve The is rectangular where the coordinate origin is in middle of the die head. The lengths of x-direction and y-direction of are 150 mm and 30 mm respectively. There are 300 grids in direction and 150g
21、rids inyComparisonofTheoreticalResultswithExperimentalHarpham and Shambaugh did experimental researches on the flow field of the melt blowing die shown in Figure 1. The width of the die h=3.32mm. The l=2.02mm.Theinitial air velocityj0=23.2m/s.The initial airtemperatureThe distributions of the ponent
22、 of air velocity and 度,5.89 d 的高度。结构化网格系统约 58000 节点被认为是。网格都大的压力梯度地区预计像墙附近地区剪切层,剪切层和冲击波。总温度 298 k。 条件 588000 Pa。他总 温度和压力网点在针进口和下游流场条件选为 298 K和101325 Pa,分别。结果temperature along x-axis are shown in Figure 2 and Figure 3 respectively. There are also curves drawn according to the fitted equations and the
23、experimental data of Harpham and Shambaugh. As can be concluded, the theoretical results obtained the m tallywith theexperimental data The distributions of ponent of temperature along x-axis are shown in Figure 2 and Figure 3 respectively. There are also curves drawn according to the fitted equation
24、s and the experimental data of Harpham and Shambaugh. As can be concluded, the theoretical results obtained the m tallywith theexperimental data The distributions of ponent of air velocity and air temperature y-axis are shown in Figure 4 and Figure 5 respectively. The velocity and profiles of numeri
25、cal simulation are plotted on ition near the ition far from ition below the die die (x=97.5mm). As these three profiles are very near to each other, only one of numerical simulation is drawn on Figure 4 and Figure 5. There are also profiles drawn according to the fitted equations and the experimenta
26、l data of Harpham Shambaugh. As can be concluded, the theoretical results obtained with the coincidentwiththeexperimental datawellWith the aide of Uyttendaele-Shambaugh the effects of the distribution of the velocity on the fiber diameter are erms of both theoretical and using empirical formula of S
27、hambaugh. According to reference, the initial velocity was 25.7m/s. The initial air temperature was 330. The polymer experimental runswas75MFR(meltflowrate)Fina polypropylene. Thepolymermass flow rate was 0.36g/min. The initial polymer temperature was 350. As shown in Figure 6, the two fiber diamete
28、r profiles are almost the same. Therefore, the theoretical approach coincides with the empirical approach he m predictionsof thefiber The numerical simulation of the flow field of dual slot jets in is solved numerically with finite blowing s is founded. The method.The preferred scheme is er-law sche
29、me. And the SIMPLER algorithm is used to re coubling. The distribution of air velocity component in x along x-axis and y-axis and the re coubling. The distribution of air velocity component in x along x-axis and y-axis and the distributions of air air temperature along x-axis y-axis are obtained via
30、 numerical compuion. The compuionresultscoincidewith the experimental data given by Harpham and Shambaugh.The distributions of air velocity and air temperature o the of drag of melt blowing. The o the air drag blowing. The mpredictionofthefiberdiameter agreeswiththeexperimentaldata 1 Harpham A S, Shambaugh R L. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 1997,36(9),3937-39432 Chen T, Huang X B. Comput
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