1、I试用名词化结构英译下列句子。(1)食用烤肉、熏鱼或腌鱼,饮酒,以及缺乏镁和维生素 A,都可能是胃癌的病因,但尚未证实。(consume, deficient, postulate )Consumption of barbecued meals, smoked or pickled fish, and alcohol and deficiencies of magnesium and Vitamin A have been postulated but unproven as causes of gastric cancer.(2)临床上怀疑有食管癌,应立即进行食管X线摄片。(lead to,
2、 esophagogram)The clinical suspicion of a cancer of the esophagus should lead to an immediate esophagogram. 辐射作为一种致癌因素,在癌症形成中的作用已被充分证明。(important, develop,document)The importance of irradiation as an etiologic factor in the development of cancers has been well documented.(4)术中确定有无腹腔积血,并记录手术诊断。 (pres
3、ent, absent, hemoperitoneum) At surgery the presence or absence of hemoperitoneum was verified and the operative diagnosis was recorded.II采用后置定语英译下列句子。(1)目前还没有疗效相同、危险性又较小的同类药物。No other drug is available at present that can produce the same therapeutic effect with less risk.(2)本文未提及感染的种类。No mention w
4、as made of the kinds of infection in this paper.(3)还有许多问题需要进一步研究。Many specific problems remain which will require further study.(4)治愈某些癌症的方法业已找到。Ways have been found to cure some cancers.Title优化以下标题Retinal arteriolar changes are an indicator of coronary artery diseaseRevised: Retinal arteriolar chan
5、ges asan indicator of coronary artery diseasePreliminary experience in using high dose of methotrexate to treat ALLHigh dose methotrexate therapy in acute lymphocytic leukemia或: Use of high dose methotrexate in (the) treatment of acute lymphocytic leukemiaA research of the relationship between the c
6、ontent of potassium in diet and blood pressureDietary potassium and blood pressureUse MRI to conduct an in vivo study on the enlargement of the pituitary gland during normal1 / 37 pregnancyPituitary gland growth during normal pregnancy: An in vivo study using magnetic resonance imagingA preliminary
7、study on the problems, causes and countermeasures in health and epidemic prevention work of CPLAMilitary health and epidemic prevention: Problems, causes and countermeasuresA case report of SLE appearing pancreatitis and review of literaturesPancreatitis in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE): A case
8、 report and review of the literature7.Is stethoscope a potential source of nosocomial infection? Stethoscope: a potential source of nosocomial infection?8. Investigate the relation between atrial fibrillation and coronary heart disease in the elderly: an analysis of pathological data of 509 casesAtr
9、ial fibrillation and coronary heart disease in the elderly: an analysis of pathological data of 509 casesAbstract I 练习. 指出下列摘要中的各项内容( background/objective, method, result, conclusion )To construct a reference range of SpO 2 values in healthy preterm infants using a simple data logging device. 【目 的】
10、Thirty three healthy preterm infants were monitored for a continuous period of 4 hours at rest using an Ohmeda Biox 3700 E Pulse Oximeter and an electronic data logger (Rustrack Ranger). Stored data were downloaded and saved as individual files on a personal computer. 【方法】 The study group median and
11、 5th and 95th percentiles were used to construct a cumulative frequency curve of time against SpO2 value, representing the normal reference range of SpO 2 profiles in healthy preterm infants.【结果】Comparison of an infant sSpO2 profile against this curve may be more helpful in guiding supplemental oxyg
12、en treatment in that individual than a figure for a mean SpO 2 and its standard deviation.【结论】.将下列内容按照背景/目的-方法-结果-结论的次序编成一篇摘要。Incidence of lung cancer in exposed workers ranked the first place, with an SMR of 2.648, as compared with that of non-exposed workers. Incidence of lung cancer in the dust-e
13、xposed workers with a longer duration of employment was significantly higher than in those with a shorter one. Incidence of lung cancer in exposed workers with a wet operation mode was lower than that in those with dry-operation mode.A retrospective cohort study was conducted in 16711 workers expose
14、d to dust and 7598 non-exposed workers.Malignant tumor, especially lung cancer, occurred more frequently in the workers exposed to dust, which could be a potential risk factor contributing to carcinogenesis.To investigate incidence of malignant tumor in workers exposed to dust in a mine during the p
15、ast 30 years.4 2 1 32 / 37Abstract II 练习()Write the conclusion with the words and phrases providedshowed; population characteristics; little association; under the UK; with the quality of primary medical care; incentivised ( 刺激的);medical services; contract Population characteristics showed little as
16、sociation with the quality of primary medical care incentivised under the UK medical services contract.in long term; and; its; therapeutic superiority; cost-effectiveness; further; are needed to prove; large multicenter trials and meta-analysis ( 元分析);of ; the available data Further large multicente
17、r trials and meta-analysis of the available data are needed to prove its therapeutic superiority and cost-effectiveness in long term.between; the study; in icteric neonates( 患黄疸的婴儿);of UTI(泌尿道感染);revealed;breast feeding; circumcision ( 包皮环切术 )and lower prevalence; significant associationThe study re
18、vealed significant association between breast feeding, circumcision and lower prevalence of UTI in icteric neonates.women do not show; the same benefit; our conclusion; from CABG(冠状动脉旁路移植术)surgery; is that; that; men do; in a number important QOL measures; and that; cannot be; these differences; att
19、ributed to; preoperative differencesOur conclusion is that women do not show the same benefit from CABG surgery that men do in a number important QOL measures, and that these differences cannot be attributed to preoperative differences.culture and antimicrobial susceptibility(抗菌敏感性)test; moreover; i
20、s recommended; after; for resistant cases; the first failure to therapyMoreover, culture and antimicrobial susceptibility test is recommended for resistant cases after the first failure to therapy(二)Translate the Chinese into English(结果表明)that short term supplementary oxygen may enhance oxidative (氧
21、 化的) stress and inflammation in the airways. These findings suggest (我们的结论是 ),this study has extended previous observations of Bid activation during renal ischemia-reperfusion (再灌注) .Importantly, using Bid-deficient mice, (结果还表明)a role of Bid in the development of ischemic renal cell injury andrenal
22、 failure. In conclusion, the results have suggested (需要进一步研究 )to prove the importance of screening in developing countries following vegetarian diet and high incidence of malnutrition. Further work is required 4.(这一病例说明 )although neonatal (新生儿)lupus erythematosus is usually self-limited, SLE may dev
23、elop in selected patients in future years. This case illustrates that5. (数据不能充分证明)routine cytomegalovirus 巨细胞病毒(CMV) screening 筛查 of donor blood for exchange transfusion 合成血 in our setting. Data are not sufficient to warrant3 / 37Translate the following into English.这种假体修复术的特点是摩才察较少,活动度较大,恢复速度较快。(pr
24、osthesis)The prosthesis features less friction, greater movement and faster rate of recovery.整理报道将纳米发电机注入大鼠体内,肿瘤生长减缓,(大鼠)存活时间延长。(nanogenerators)The author injected the nanogenerators into mice, and reported reduced tumor growth and increased survival time.耳针对有些难治疾病也显示出了显著的效果。(auricular needling)Auri
25、cular needling has also shown marked results for some difficult diseases.吗啡可以用于控制过度呕吐Morphine may be used to control excessive vomiting.病毒性肝炎的典型表现是血清天门冬氨酸转氨酶的显著升高,以及轻度至中度的碱性磷酸酶升高。(hepatitis, AST, alkaline phosphate)The typical findings of viral hepatitis are a marked increase in AST and a slight to
26、moderate increase in alkaline phosphate.该研究小组13t图阐明NFAT (活化T细胞核因子)在癌症中的确切作用.从而推出新的治疗方案。(nuclear factor of activated T cells )The research team is attempting to understand the exact role nuclear factor of activated T cells (NFAT) plays in cancer, which could lead to new treatments.心区沉闷是冠状动脉疾病的症状( car
27、diac region , be symptomatic of ) Heaviness in the cardiac region is symptomatic of coronary artery disease.有些柑橘属水果含有大量丰富的维生素CoSome citrus fruits have vitamin C in great abundance.在入院的64例患者中,35人接受了手术治疗,29人接受了药物治疗。Of the 64 patients admitted, 35 were treated surgically and 29 medically.在所有骨内血管中,首先遭到破
28、坏的是静脉窦。Of the intraosteal blood vessels, the first to be destroyed were the venous sinuses.(, the venous sinuses were the first to be destroyed.).治疗指数越高,药物的安全性越大;治疗指数越低,引起中毒的可能性越大。The higher the therapeutic index, the safer the drug, and the lower the therapeutic index, the greater the possibility o
29、f causing toxicity.疼痛放射到整个背部说明溃疡已穿透进入胰腺。Radiation of pain through to the back suggests penetration ofan ulcer into the pancreas.4 / 37Translate the following abstract into English.微创手术治疗基底节区高血压脑出血83例疗效观察摘要:目的探讨小骨窗开颅与穿刺引流治疗高血压脑出血的各自手术疗效。方法采用小骨窗手术开颅治疗高血压脑出血 32例,穿刺引流治疗51例,术后二周、三月观察疗效,就显效 率、有效率、死亡率、相关并发
30、症进行比较。结果治疗后三个月,在小骨窗组,显效率、有效率和死亡率分别为 43.8%, 75%, 21.9%;在穿刺引流组,则分别为29.4%, 67%, 25.5% 。结论 对基底节区的高血压脑出血,小骨窗开颅在神经功能改善方面优于穿刺引流组。关键词:高血压;脑出血;外科治疗Use of minimally invasive method in the treatment of 83 cases with hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage in basal ganglion region(Treatment of 83 cases with hyper
31、tensive intracerebral hemorrhage in basal ganglion region by minimally invasive method)(Hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage in basal ganglion region: an observation of 83 cases using minimally invasive method)Abstract: Objective To explore the curative effect of key-hole and puncture drainage in t
32、he treatment of patients with hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage (HICH). Methods 32 cases with HICH were operated by key-hole and 51 cases by puncture drainage. Postoperative effectiveness (2 weeks, trimester) was followed up. Marked progress rate, effective rate, mortality, as well as incidence
33、of complications were compared respectively. Results At the end of the third month after treatment, marked progress rate, effective rate, mortality were 43.8%, 75% , 21.9% in key-hole surgery and 29.4%, 67%, 25.5% in puncture drainage therapy. Conclusions For the patients with HICH in basal ganglion
34、 region, the therapy of key-hole surgery is superior to puncture drainage in the neurofunctional improvement.Key words: hypertension; intracerebral hemorrhage; surgical treatment5 / 37 摘要翻译目的1,确定动脉粥样硬化危险因素的发 生及治疗在世界许多国家是否具有可 比性。atherosclerosisTo determine whether atherosclerosis risk factor prevalen
35、ce and treatment would demonstrate comparable patterns in many countries around the world.分析中国独生子女政策对人口生育率、理想子女数和出生性别比的影响。6 / 37To examine the impact of the one child family policy in China on fertility, preferred family size, and sex ratio.通过测定吸烟对慢性阻塞性肺疾病大鼠血清及肺组织中CC16的含量变化,探讨吸烟在COPD形成中的作用。To explor
36、e the impacts of tobacco use on the pathogenesis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) by testing the changes of CC16 levels in serum and pulmonary tissues of COPD rats.本项研究旨在通过免疫组化研究 包括38例胰腺癌在内的72例人胰腺 组织中的p8基因表达。pancreatic immunohistochemistryThis study was designed to investigate p8 expr
37、ession in 72 human pancreatic tissues, including 38 pancreatic cancers (PCs), by immunohistochemistry.7 / 37.本项研究主要目的是探讨原发开角型青光眼或慢性闭角型青光眼第 一次小梁切除术后,贝伐单抗是否能 减少滤过泡的失败。trabeculectomy bevacizumabbleb failureprimary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) chronic angle-closure glaucoma (CACG)The primary objective of
38、the present study was to determine whether bevacizumab can reduce bleb failure in patients undergoing first-time trabeculectomy for primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) or chronic angle-closure glaucoma (CACG).8 / 376,确定不同经济条件下的优选筛查 方案(optimal screening strategies); 计 算优选筛查方案的人均次筛查成本(the cost of per c
39、apital each time), 分 析筛查的经济可行性(feasibility),为我国农村地区推行子宫颈(cervical)癌 筛查及建立合理、可行的费用分担 (cost-sharing)机制提供依据。To determine the optimal screening strategies under different economic conditions, analyze the economic feasibility by calculating the cost of per capital each time, and provide evidence for impl
40、ementation of cervical cancer screening in rural areas and establishment of a rational feasible cost-sharing mechanism,9 / 37.估测慢性病的患病率及其相关的危险因素对决策优选和疾病预防策略的制定非常必要。 本次横断研究目的在于预估老年男性中常见慢性病的自我报告患病率和临床患病率。Prevalence estimates for chronic diseases and associated risk factors are needed for priority sett
41、ing and disease prevention strategies. The aim of this cross-sectional study was to estimate the self-reported and clinical prevalence of common chronic disorders in elderly men.背景:肥胖被认为是结直肠癌发病的重要危险因素。然而就亚洲人群中结直肠癌和体重 指数的关系,我们的依据仍然有限。Background: Obesity has been recognized as important risk factors f
42、or colorectal cancer. However, limited evidence is available on colorectal caner and body mass index (BMI) in Asian population.背景:复合口服避孕药被广为提 倡用来治疗原发性痛经,但它们的功 效在一次Cochrane系统评价中遭到 质疑。本次研究的目的为评估复合口 服避孕药以及年龄对痛经严重程度的 影响。Combined oral contraceptives (COCs) dysmenorrhoea10 / 37Background:Combined oralcont
43、raceptives (COCs) are widely advocated as treatment for primary dysmenorrhoea, but their efficacy has been questioned in a Cochrane review. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of COCs and age on the severity of dysmenorrhoea.目的:评估使用能量多普勒以确认不完全流产妇女受孕产物滞留中有无血流来预测随后 的期待治疗成功与否Objective:
44、To evaluate whether the use of power Doppler to confirm the presence or absence of blood flow within retained products of conception (RPC) in women with an incomplete miscarriage can predict subsequent successful expectant management.本研究的目的是确定II型糖尿 病人在首次服用砒磺环己月尿(glipizide)和服用12周后该药的药 物动力学(pharmacody
45、namic 和药 代动力学(pharmacokinetics),并对 年龄因素的影响做出评价。11 / 37The objective of this study was to determine the pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of glipizide after a single dose and 12 weeks of dosing in patients with type II diabetes mellitus, and evaluate the influence of aging. 复发性革兰氏阴性菌血症(recurrent
46、gram-negative bacteremia 是指同一病人发生两次或两次以上菌 血症,而在两次发作之间有一个无感 染期(infection free)。我们的目的是 将患复发性菌血症的病人鉴别出来, 以确定引起复发的可能危险因素。Recurrent gram-negative bacteremia is12 / 37 defined as two or more episodes of bacteremia occurring in the same patient with an infection free interval between each episode. Our purp
47、ose was to identify patients with recurrent bacteremia so as to define possible risk factors for its recurrence.我们进行了一个随机的前瞻性试 验,以评价患妇科恶性肿瘤病人在进 行了系统的 骨盆或骨盆和 主动脉旁 淋巴结切除术后,纤维蛋白胶对淋巴 囊肿发生率的影响。gynecologic malignanciespelvic paraaortic lymphadenectomy fibrin gluelymphocystWe performed a randomized,13 / 37
48、prospective trial to assess the impact of fibrin glue on the incidence of lymphocysts after systematic pelvic or pelvicandparaaorticlymphadenectomy in patients with gynecologic malignancies.(本实验旨在)验证此假设:网状血小板和网织红细胞在成人与新生儿细胞的成熟细胞 中呈现升高的粘连受体表达。To examine the hypothesis that reticulated platelets and r
49、eticulocytes show elevated adhesion receptor expression compared with mature cells in both adult and neonatal cells.探讨慢性肾功能衰竭长期血液透析病人外周血单核细胞表面晚期糖基化终产物(AGE)受体的表达及其与循环肿瘤坏死因子a (TNFa)和白细胞介素-l 3 (旧3水平之间的关系,以及血透病人循环中高水平促炎症细胞因子的发生机制。To elucidate the relationship between the expression of receptors for AGE
50、(RAGE) at the surface of monocyte and plasma levels of tumor necrosis factor a (TNF a )and interleukin -l 3 (IL 3 ), proinflammatory cytokines in patients withchronic renal failure(CRF) undergoinghemodialysis.(HD).评价牙槽骨垂直牵引成骨技术在改善种植区域骨量中的临床效果。To evaluate the clinical result of alveolar vertical dist
51、raction osteogenesis for implant.材料和方法1.我们从这35名病人中获得了一下资料:年龄、工作性质、时间、发生菌血症的时间、原 有疾病、最初抗菌治疗情况、感染病灶、是否出现休克、血液分离物对抗菌素的敏感性以及 治疗效果。The following information we obtained from all 35patients: age, service, date of hospital admission, date of the bacteremia, underlying diseases, initial anti-microbial thera
52、py, focus of infection, the presence or absence of shock, anti-microbial susceptibility of the blood isolate, and outcome.14 / 373.化验结果表明病人各类血细胞减少(pancytopenia)。骨髓涂片(marrow smear)及组织学检查确诊为再障(aplastic anemia)。 抗结 核治疗(Anti-TB therapy)即停,并开始用 Durabolin 进行促骨髓生长 (myelostimulatory) 治疗。病人于停止全部抗结核治疗后23天衰竭(c
53、ollapse)死亡。15 / 37Laboratory evaluation revealed a pancytopenia. The diagnosis of aplastic anemia was confirmed by bone marrow smear and histology. Anti-TB therapy was discontinued, and myelostimulatory treatment with Durabolin was instituted. The patient collapsed and died 23 days after discontinua
54、tion of all anti_TB chemotherapy.在一项多中心试验 中,204例急性 心肌梗死患者在成功再灌注治疗后37天被随机分配针对梗死动脉予 冠状动脉内注射骨髓(BMC)源性祖 细胞或安慰剂。multicenter trial myocardial infarction reperfusion intracoronary progenitor16 / 37In a multicenter trial, we randomly assigned 204 patients with acute myocardial infarction to receive an intra
55、coronary infusion of progenitor cells derived from bone marrow (BMC) or placebo medium into the infarct artery 3 to 7 days after successful reperfusion therapy. 72 829名从不吸烟妇女中有65180人提供其丈夫的吸烟资料,有 66 520人提供了源自工作场所和生命早 期家庭成员的烟草烟雾暴露资料。exposure to tobacco17 / 37Of 72 829 women who had never smoked, 65 18
56、0 women provided information on smoking by their husbands, and 66 520 women provided information on exposure to tobacco at work and in early life from family members.方差分析步骤检查食物喜好方面的基因型差别;双变量相关系数检查食物喜好与过度进 食的变量之间的关系;回归分析检测过度进食各变量对BMI的组合影响。Analysis of variance procedures examined genotype differences
57、in food preferences; bivariate correlation coefficients examined the relationships among food preferences and the overeating variables; and a regression analysis tested the combined influences of the overeating variables on BMI.我们使用源自 150名骨髓增生异常综合征患者的骨髓和配对细胞中的DNA ,对所有DNMT3编码外显子进行了排序。We sequenced all
58、 coding exons of DNMT3A using DNA from bone marrow and paired normal cells from 150 patients with myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) .研究包括396077例年龄大于66岁,正在接受内科治疗,截至 1998年4月1日仍然存活 的有心脏病史或糖尿病史的患者。We included 396077 patients aged 66 years or older who had a history of cardiovascular disease or diabetes wh
59、ile undergoing medical treatment and who were alive on April 1, 1998.18 / 37.利用自身对照的病例系列 研究方 法,研究急性呼吸道和 尿路感染后首 次深静脉血栓形成(DTV) (n=7278) 以及肺栓塞(PE) (n=3755)的风险。self-controlled case-seriesdeep vein thrombosis (DVT) urinary tractWe used the self-controlled case-series method to study the risk of first dee
60、p vein thrombosis (DVT) (n=7278) and first pulmonary embolism (PE) (n=3755) after acute respiratory and urinary tract infections.19 / 37.研究纳入206例经多导睡眠监测 诊断为阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停(OSA) 非肥胖习惯性打鼾儿童,及年龄、性 别、种族和阻塞性呼吸暂停-低通气指 数(OAHI )与之匹配的206例肥胖 儿童。polysomnographically diagnosed obstructive sleep apnea(OSA); obstructiv
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- 2024广东省高中美术学业水平考试试题库及答案