高中英语人教版必修一Unit3Sports and Fitness-Living Legends教案_第1页
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1、Living Legends教学设计Teaching Objectives: Students can learn to get information through reading with the help of mind maps and analysis forms. Students can learn way of expressing their own opinions support ideas speaking writing. Students can know the qualities great/influential people.Focuses and Dif

2、ficulties: To make sure the students understand structure of essay which opinions expressed. To make students use qualities they learned in the class describe people they admire.Teaching Preparations: Teaching Procedures:教环1. Lead-in2. Fast Reading教指与生动 Activities 1. Teacher a video clip of film ().

3、2. Questions &AnswersT:Have you watched this movie?Ss: Not yet.T: I know you are busy, but you must have heard of it, right?Ss: Yes!T: Yeah, it has been such a great hit! Why it is so popular?S1: Because it shows spirit of people. S2: Becuase the main character Lang Ping a lot of fans!T: Yes! Lang P

4、ing is very influential! Do you know there is a magazine trying to select the greatest athletes as living legends? Now lets go and have a look! 设意 利用热点话题 发学习兴趣 情境讨论学生 思考到主人翁郎 平作为一个体育 界的领袖人物所 带来的影响 引入到课文学习 中。通过快速阅读1. T: Now skim the text and try to find the main idea with the help of exercise 1. You

5、have 2 minutes. 2. reads the text for 2 minutes.3. T: After reading the text, please do exercise 1. Exercise :Skim the text and fill in the blanks using these options.A. Definition of Living LegendsB. Example 1C. Example 2学生简单了解文 章大意匹配的 方式文结构 以轻松效的方 式快速梳理 生对于文章脉络 有了较为清晰的 把握。Ok, time is up. Lets disc

6、uss the main idea of this passage with a mindmap.3. CarefulReading(1) Paragraph3. Careful Reading(1)Lead ParagraphAs we can see, the key words in this article are “Living Legend How we understand these two words?Please look at paragraph 1. Find out the standards of a living legend, and us in your wo

7、rds.Ok, have you found the answer? What is first standard of a living legend? Together?- must be a master in their sports.-Yes! In other words?-They must be in their sports /They must be adept at their sports./通 过 对 核 心 词 “ living legends提问, 引导深入理解第 一段的内容 “ living legends”两条 标准而后续 两段的理解找准 方向。在阅读提取信息

8、 的同时习对于 这两条标准的不 同说法则加深 对表达的理解He/she must be a volleyball/basketball genius/exceptionalOk excellent! Then what about the other standard? -They must also set good examples for others. -Can say it in another way?-Yes! are role models.-They are very influential!-Exactly! you.是对同类相似表 达的积累。( 2 ) Paragraph

9、-Lang PingDo Lang Ping and Michael Jordon meet these two standards/qualities/rules?Lets look at the next 2 pagraphs and find out the answer.(2)Paragraph Ping1.T: First, try to divide the paragraph of Lang Ping in to 2 parts and fill this form. You have 5 minutes to it.2.Ss read the paragraph and fil

10、l the form.3.T: What is idea of the first part?S1:Lang Pings success/achievment.T: Right! Then did the writer describe her?S1:The writer used 3 “asT: Very good. Three “As”, do you know what this method is called?Ss:排比”T: Yes, in English. parallelism(the state of being similar;a similar feature What

11、quality can we learn from Lang according to this paragraph?S: Hes skillful.T: Yes. We can saycapabilityT: Let look at idea of the second part. As I通过表格设计帮 助学生梳理重点 信息、完成精读。 精读思维顺序为: 1. 概文大意 2. 体语特点 3.思精神内涵。表 格 的 第 一 栏 main idea 是段 每部分的主要意 思出此栏锻炼 的的是学生提取 信息并概括信息 的能力。第二栏 languagefeatures 探的 是作者的写法或 是语言

12、特点 的深究是为学生 分析词句累好 词好句。第三栏 qualities 为 的 是学生提炼升华, 学习两位运动员 的优秀品质suggested here. Evidence. It means the evidence to support what has been talked about. Look at the words in red. What are these?试为后续联系表 述其他伟大人物 做铺垫积累。S2: Facts of a story!T: Yes, Thanks a lot! Yes, we can also them details of an event! So

13、 here we say the write “decribing an event”What quality of Ping can learn? Ss:Determination/ Couage.( 3 ) Paragraph-Michael Jordon(3)Paragraph Jordon此段的阅读方式 与前一段相同Ok What about Jordon? Read quickly and you have 5 中具有特色的是4.Post- Readingminutes to this form.Now we have read 2 paragraphs.(Similar quest

14、ions as for the last paragraph)With the help of Jordons video to explain “Air Jordon”4. Post- Reading加入“人 丹的视频学生 更加直观地了解 Air Jordon 的义。读后口语练习 用刚刚学过的语 言表达和文章结T: Ok, it seems they both meet the standards, 构引申出其他should be titled the living legend?品质,拓展思路,() me, I will choose Lang Ping. Because she 丰富积累。 is determined. the team apart, she did not ()教师示范: lose heart and she knew they were going to win. 1选取运动员Ss 2、其所具备的品 质(2)What other qualities should one to 3支撑细节。living legend?Lets listen to Lang Pings advice.T plays a video.(3)Can think of any other qualit


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