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1、市初中毕业学Part Phonetics,GrammarandIIChoosethebestanswer((20分26.Letstakearestandlistentosomemusic.Whichiscorrectfortheunderlined市初中毕业学Part Phonetics,GrammarandIIChoosethebestanswer((20分26.Letstakearestandlistentosomemusic.Whichiscorrectfortheunderlined27. The teenagers hadgoodhesummerheirsisterB)C)28.Wh

2、enJamesarrivedattherailwayion,hetriedtoaplacetoparkhisA)C)29.The localcommunitycenterisMondaytoB)D) 30.Theretiredcouplehave decidedtogotocollege.ItstimefortobeginanewB)C)D)31. Thistemple isone ofhetown.WemusttakeactiontoprotectA) B)D)the32. Themanageronthephone.HeofferedtoshowusaroundtheA) B)33. The

3、 lightwentoutsuddenly.ItwasverydarkandcouldbeseenC)D)B)Disneyamusementparkaretherein-A)HowB)HowD)How 35. Theflightwasdelayedbythe storm,thepassengershadtotheA) C)D)36.Thenursewontleave retheyarealltakencare B)C)D)37. Agoodfriendissomeoneyou35. Theflightwasdelayedbythe storm,thepassengershadtotheA) C

4、)D)36.Thenursewontleave retheyarealltakencare B)C)D)37. AgoodfriendissomeoneyoushareyourpleasureandpainA) B) C)D)k Vivianadressforhermotherwith-monthA) C)willwould39. ThismillionsofpeopleslivessinceitwasoA)isB)willC)hasD)had40.After shefinishedthestory,AlicewroteareviewforherschoolC)toD)41. Ilyouwha

5、tshesaid,Iveita B)toC)42. The twinsfondofthenew A) B)D)43. wonderfulspeechEmmagaveattheUNA) B)C)WhatD)What44.-Excuseme,whereistheMoonlight.Ima stranger A)Sorry,IdontB) No,IdontthinkC)Itdoesntnkyouallthe 45.-TheArtFestivaliscoming.WearegoingtowatchingtheplayTwelfth- eD)EnjoyyourIII. Complete thefollo

6、wing passage with the wordsorhe box. Each can be (The 45.-TheArtFestivaliscoming.WearegoingtowatchingtheplayTwelfth- eD)EnjoyyourIII. Complete thefollowing passage with the wordsorhe box. Each can be (The scientist was in a hurry. She had to get some water for beforedarknessfell. She was testing the

7、 he tothe ocean. Her job was toout the cause of he sea at nearbybeaches.She liftedout thewater and angrilyattherubbish init.Oldclothes,bagsand ofr hewater.“Dont t everything they throw onto the street gets orivers?Andtheyleadotheocean!”shesaidloudly.“HowmanyyearswillittaketoitcleanThe scientist felt

8、 san n her heart. She the ocean animals as she back to the beach. But when she got there,a group of students and teachers from a local school were carrying bags of rubbish to the bins. They had spent their afternoon cleaning beach!She ontheir,theyshouted,“Wemustdosomethingtoprotectthe“ts right,”agre

9、edthescientist,asshedattheirA)B)filledC)D)worriedE) A)B)C)D) E) V. Complete the withthe given words inproper forms 54.Tonysfatheranduncleare.Theyhelpkeepthecitysafe.55.Couldyoupassmethedictionaryfromtherightonthe56.EveryoneteamwillhematchV. Complete the withthe given words inproper forms 54.Tonysfat

10、heranduncleare.Theyhelpkeepthecitysafe.55.Couldyoupassmethedictionaryfromtherightonthe56.Everyoneteamwillhematchkend.57. “Be nottotouchthehemuseum,”Mumsaid.58. The artistshelpshimgofurtherontheroadtohisdream.59.Thechildrenenjoythehecountryandwiththeir60.Ihavesomethingimportanttowithyou)61.Somewildan

11、imalsforeverifwedonttingVI.Completethefollowing62.ewantstobeatourguideattheBundforforeignvisitors改为一般疑问句e tobeatourguideattheBundforforeignissothecanttaketheundergroundalone改为简单句totaketheunderground64.Theylikeplayingheclubngoinghomeafterschool保持句意不变playinghegoinghomeafter65.Thegraduatebecameastarbec

12、auseofhisspeech. (theea66.AmiddleschoolstudentinventedanewrobotlasttermAnew robotbyamiddleschoolstudentlast67.“Whenwillyoufinishtheprojecternetsafety?”the (ThelI finishtheprojecternet67.“Whenwillyoufinishtheprojecternetsafety?”the (ThelI finishtheprojecternetReading(阅读理解AChoosethebestanswer()(12 分Ca

13、ll492-9345tolearnabouttraining,expenseandothertareneededtofora homelesschildinyourAttend a General Meeting at the Mount Joy Office, Thursday, February 4th or 18th 8.00pm.Call492-9338foreitheroferale.Call492-9396eamemberof69.About ehavenohomesoftheirsUnited Up to now, more n 8,000 fami s have joined

14、us.With your support we can make a big difference in the life of a child and have a great effect on their future.Nearly 14.000 children in PA s e have losttheir homes.Perhaps your family is able to provide housing and emotional support for achild ora groupwho have nohomes of their own, who need love

15、 and 70.Theunderline”emotionalsupport”meanscaringforachildsA. B)C)ephonenumbercanpeoplecalltoaskabouteraleralMeetingwillbeheldA)everyThursdayinB)threetimes70.Theunderline”emotionalsupport”meanscaringforachildsA. B)C)ephonenumbercanpeoplecalltoaskabouteraleralMeetingwillbeheldA)everyThursdayinB)three

16、timesinnFebruaryndD)onFebruarynd73. Theeofthematerialabove istoA)childrenwithnoB)swithnoC)schoolwithlittleD)teacherswithlittle74.wecanreadthematerialaboveprobablyfromthesectionofaA)B)D) BChoosethebestanswerandcompletethepassage选择最恰当的选项完成短文)(12分Lastmonth,Mrand MrsWalter moved toa small town because t

17、hey bothretiredfromand wanted to aceful life. After being there for a short time, Mrs Walter to hernext-doorneighbor.Shetoldhimaboutthepoorhereceivedatthe localconvenientShewastheneighborwouldrepeatherdissatisfactiontothestoreThe next day er went to the store, greeted her big . He her how happy he w

18、as to see her again,and said he hoped she liked their own. He also him as resource toMrsMalterandherhusbandastheygotsettled.Thenhetookcareofherorder 77 Mrs Walter was very surprised. When she got home, she reported the big to herneighbor.”IeyoutoldhimhowpoorIthoughttheservicewas,”she“Well,no,”thenei

19、ghbor-andIhope youdontmind-I toldhimyouwereat the way he had built up this small town store, t you thought it was one of the best-storesyoudever Mrs Walters neighbor“Well,no,”theneighbor-andIhope youdontmind-I toldhimyouwereat the way he had built up this small town store, t you thought it was one o

20、f the best-storesyoudever Mrs Walters neighbortpeoplewanttoberespected.Actually,mostpeopledo nearlyanythingfor youif you treatthemt meansmakingit clear to ttheirfeelingsareimportant,andtheiropinionsare75.A)B)D)76.A)MrC)TheD)The77.A)C)D)sD) 79.A)For)C)InD)After80.A)B)C)D)C.he空格限填一词,首字母已给出)(14分The sRa

21、il-cardisvery popular inBritainnow. Itgivesyoungpeople thechance buy icketsacrossthe country. Just imagine, it could take you totoseefriends,ortoLondonforkendbreak,ata WhocanAnyone bet n 16 and 25 years of age. You will need to provide something to p 81 t you are under 26. For this, only your ID car

22、d, driving licence, passport or medical card will be acceptable.Or, if you an adult student o 8125 years oldbutreceivingformaleducation, you c so apply. You will need to get your teacher to sign the application form(申请表). Formal educationrefers to studies of more n 15hours per kfor east 20Howtouseyo

23、urrail-You can use it any time-kends, holidays or during thek.Pleaseaskatyourlocal ion or contact a railway travel agent for more i ( (LetterBoth parents and children have jobs. The parents job is to go to work to earn money. The childs job is to go to school. But we all get gry. Someone has to cook

24、themealsandcleanupafterward.We all wear clothes t get dirty. Someone has to wash them, iron them and put them away. Children work from 9 until 4. Parents work from 8 until 6. Sure, after 4 oclock, children have. But after 6, parents havetoo.They have to do the shop , go to the b , pay the bills and

25、help their kids with their Young people are always told t they should make the most of their time, t they will never be as free again. So, my question is why fill up all this free time with housework? Parents expect their children to get good grades, be good at sports, and be popular with other kids. However, there is not enough time in the day to do these things and then do housework as well. Its not fair to expect teenagers to give up their precious time to do boringhousework. Parentsandchildren both have jobs. Parents jobs are in workplace. Their childrens jobs are 88.Whatisthewritersq


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