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1、2021学年高中英语Unit5Thepowerofnature单元重点小结ppt课件新人教版选修62021学年高中英语Unit5Thepowerofnatur重点词汇重点句型重点语法交际功能走近高考拓展阅读1. vt.任命;委派 n.约会;任命appoint sb.to be/as.任命某人担任appoint sb.to do sth.指定某人做某事例如:委员会任命杰克担任俱乐部主席。2. vt.评估;评价3. n.波浪;波涛vi.波动;起伏;挥手4. adj.绝对的;完全的 adv.绝对地5. 前往 迷路; 摸索着前进appoint appointment The committee app

2、ointed Jack chairman of the club. evaluate wave absolute absolutely make ones way lose ones way feel ones way 重点词汇重点句型重点语法交际功能走近高考拓展阅读1.重点词汇重点句型重点语法交际功能走近高考拓展阅读6. n.潜在性;潜能adj.可能的;潜在的have the potential to do sth.有潜力做某事例如:她有潜力成为冠军。7. vt.射中;射击shoot at朝着射击例如:他朝着老虎射击,但没有打中。8. adj.忧虑的;不安的 n.焦虑be anxious a

3、bout为焦虑be anxious to do sth.急于做某事potential She has the potential to become a champion. shoot He shot at the tiger,but didnt shoot it. anxious anxiety 重点词汇重点句型重点语法交际功能走近高考拓展阅读6.重点词汇重点句型重点语法交际功能走近高考拓展阅读9. v.惊慌n.惊慌;恐慌in panic惊慌失措;get into a panic陷入恐慌例如:听到爆炸声,他陷入恐慌。10. 匆匆看一遍11. 由到不等12. vt.保证;担保guarantee

4、 to do sth.保证做某事;be under guarantee在保修期内panic He got into a panic when he heard the explosion. glance through vary from.to. guarantee 重点词汇重点句型重点语法交际功能走近高考拓展阅读9.重点词汇重点句型重点语法交际功能走近高考拓展阅读1.Yet,we are,we are not completely powerless.然而,无论我们多么脆弱,我们并不是完全无能为力的。2.and the information,I help other scientists

5、to predict where lava from the volcano will flow next and how fast.收集和评估这些信息之后,我就帮助其他科学家一起预测熔岩接着将往何处流,流速是多少。3.I go back to sleepsuddenly my bedroom became as bright as day.我刚要再睡,突然我的卧室亮如白昼。however weak Having collected evaluated was about to when 重点词汇重点句型重点语法交际功能走近高考拓展阅读1.Yet,重点词汇重点句型重点语法交际功能走近高考拓展阅

6、读4.The other two climbed down into the crater to collect some lava for later study,but this my first experience,I stayed at the top and watched them.另外两人攀下火山口去收集供日后研究用的岩浆,但因为我是第一次经历这样的事,所以留在火山顶上观察他们。5.this boy,who had a great gift for languages and persuasion,is the father of the Manchu people.据说这个具

7、有语言天赋和很强的说服力的男孩就是满族人的祖先。being It is said that 重点词汇重点句型重点语法交际功能走近高考拓展阅读4.The 重点词汇重点句型重点语法交际功能走近高考拓展阅读动词-ing形式作状语1.,she shouted with excitement.听到这个好消息,她激动地大叫起来。2.,he went out to play.完成作业后,他出去玩了。Hearing the good news Having finished his homework 重点词汇重点句型重点语法交际功能走近高考拓展阅读动词-ing重点词汇重点句型重点语法交际功能走近高考拓展阅读情

8、感:喜悦、恐惧、焦虑、惊奇(Emotions:joy,fear,anxiety,surprise)1.Whats happening?/What happened?(发生什么事了?)2.Im frightened.(我很害怕。)3.You did a good job.(你做得很棒。)4.I had never felt so happy as today.(我从没像今天这么高兴。)5.Im looking forward to hearing from my brother.(我一直期盼收到我哥哥的来信。)重点词汇重点句型重点语法交际功能走近高考拓展阅读情感:喜悦、重点词汇重点句型重点语法交


10、要点齐全,内容充实,词数符合规定,这是高分作文的 “硬指标”。因此,动笔前要认真审题,找齐要点,分好段落,然后紧扣主题,规范地进行表述。 高考作文提示往往很简要,如果按照提示逐一翻译要点,则很难达到词数要求,恰似一副“空架子”,缺少“血肉”,完不成规定的任务,造成失分。下面两招包你文章充实,有血有肉,丰满有质感。1.增加细节。根据行文需要,紧扣主题适当发挥。这些发挥一定要合理、与主题和行文有关,否则会冲淡主题。重点词汇重点句型重点语法交际功能走近高考拓展阅读二、内容充实重点词汇重点句型重点语法交际功能走近高考拓展阅读2.扩充句子。写作要点的提示很宽泛,有的根本就不是句子,这就需要根据主题和要点

11、间的逻辑关系“添枝加叶”造句。常见手段是在要点(句)的基础上添加诸如原因、目的、条件或示例等细节。如活动可以包括包饺子、表演节目等。a:Well make dumplings and perform there.b:Well make dumplings and cakes with the elderly people.Well also spend some time singing,dancing and playing games.【分析】 a.照本宣科,不展不扩;b.分为两句表述,同时进行了细化,如表演分为唱歌、跳舞、玩游戏等。显然,b充实了文章,且表达高级。重点词汇重点句型重点语法

12、交际功能走近高考拓展阅读2.扩充句子重点词汇重点句型重点语法交际功能走近高考拓展阅读三、拒绝平庸,凸显亮点特色分(510分)写得精彩,出现“亮点”是高分作文的“最爱”。 阅卷老师会根据亮点的多少调整档次。因此在确保准确、得体的前提下,再花些心思,设计和使用一些“亮点”,譬如高级词汇和语法、修辞、名言或谚语等。 1.用词准确得体,标新立异。使用一些较高级词汇或一些常见词汇的“高级用法”,是提高得分档次的关键。如:我以前不喜欢英语,但现在喜欢它了。English was not my cup of tea,but now Im crazy about it.【分析】句中使用了谚语(not) one

13、s cup of tea和极具色彩的be crazy about(迷恋)明显与众不同,生动形象。重点词汇重点句型重点语法交际功能走近高考拓展阅读三、拒绝平庸重点词汇重点句型重点语法交际功能走近高考拓展阅读2.造句鲜活多变,句式多样。句式单一、缺乏生气,即使没有任何错误也很难得高分。句子的长度影响到句子的多样化,该长则长,该短则短,不能“一刀切”。在书面表达中,阅卷老师期望看到的高级语法有倒装、强调、从句、独立主格和分词结构、省略等。(1)Not only will I keep from littering up or spitting anywhere,but I will help cle

14、an up the roadside whenever possible.(倒装和省略结构以及并列句等同时出现,句子间自然、巧妙相连,避免了平淡乏味)(2)However,some volunteers claim that they have been tired of the life on the earth and they want to experience the life on the Mars,adding that they will be the heroes of mankind if they succeed.(并列句、复合句、非谓语动词的使用丰富了语言,增加了表现力

15、)重点词汇重点句型重点语法交际功能走近高考拓展阅读2.造句重点词汇重点句型重点语法交际功能走近高考拓展阅读3.成文巧用过渡,浑然一体。有效使用连词或过渡词,可使文章连贯通顺,浑然一体,这样的文章才能在高考中拿高分。不仅句与句之间有过渡,段与段之间也要考虑使用过渡词或过渡句。Here are some detailed arrangements during our stay there.Well make dumplings and cakes with the elderly people.Well also spend some fun time together singing,danc

16、ing and playing games,which we hope will make them happy.We should be back around 4 oclock in the afternoon.重点词汇重点句型重点语法交际功能走近高考拓展阅读3.成文重点词汇重点句型重点语法交际功能走近高考拓展阅读该段按时间顺序进行写作,从活动到返回时间安排得井然有序;同时Here are some detailed arrangements during our stay there.承上启下,下文还使用了also等。可以说这个段落结构紧凑,语言规范,脉络清晰。 重点词汇重点句型重点语法

17、交际功能走近高考拓展阅读该段按时间顺重点词汇重点句型重点语法交际功能走近高考拓展阅读At least 21 dead in 6.4-magnitude earthquake in Albania阿尔巴尼亚发生6.4级地震,造成至少21人死亡,建筑物被夷为平地,居民被埋在瓦砾下。地震的震中在阿尔巴尼亚的主要港口和旅游景点德雷斯,大约有600名居民受伤并接受了治疗。重点词汇重点句型重点语法交际功能走近高考拓展阅读At lea重点词汇重点句型重点语法交际功能走近高考拓展阅读At least 21 people were killed when the most powerful earthquake

18、 to strike Albania in decades shook the capital Tirana and the countrys west and north on Tuesday,tearing down buildings and burying residents under rubble(碎石).Residents,some carrying babies,fled apartment buildings in Tirana and the western port of Durres after the 6.4 magnitude quake struck shortl

19、y before 3am GMT.Defence minister Olta Xhaka told reporters that the quakes epicentre(震中) was in Durres,Albanias main port and a tourist spot,saying,“About 600 residents were injured and received treatment.”重点词汇重点句型重点语法交际功能走近高考拓展阅读At lea重点词汇重点句型重点语法交际功能走近高考拓展阅读In the northern town of Thuman,Marjana

20、Gjoka was sleeping in her apartment on the fourth floor of a five-storey building when the quake broke the top of the building.“ The roof collapsed on our head and I dont know how we escaped. God helped us,” said Gjoka,whose three-year-old niece was among four people in the apartment when the quake

21、struck.The quake was centred 30km west of Tirana and was also felt across the Balkans and in the southern Italian region of Puglia,across the Adriatic Sea from Albania.Hours later,a magnitude 5.4 earthquake struck Bosnia,but there were no reports of injuries.重点词汇重点句型重点语法交际功能走近高考拓展阅读In the重点词汇重点句型重点语

22、法交际功能走近高考拓展阅读In Durres,13 bodies were pulled from collapsed buildings and 45 people were rescued there.After a 14-hour painful experience,a woman was taken out alive from the ruins of a six-storey building,two hours after police removed the body of her eight-year-old daughter.At dusk,a woman called

23、Bukuri Morina and her family of 10 joined thousands of others to spend the night at the Durrs soccer stadium,where the army had put up tents.“We are afraid to go back to our apartment,” she said.“There are cracks all over and we are afraid that we will have the same fate as people in Thumane.”In Thu

24、mane,seven people,including a mother and son,were found dead in the rubble of two apartment buildings and a man died in the town of Kurbin after 重点词汇重点句型重点语法交际功能走近高考拓展阅读In Dur重点词汇重点句型重点语法交际功能走近高考拓展阅读jumping out of a building.Firefighters,police and citizens were removing the debris (瓦砾) from collaps

25、ed buildings in Thumane.Two people were pulled out four hours after the quake,a Reuters reporter said.Doctors said they were in a bad condition.“Everything at home kept falling down,” a Tirana resident said of the impact on his sixth-floor apartment.“We were awake because of the previous quakes,but the last one shook us around,” he told Reuters.“Durrs and Thumane are the areas worst hit.Rescue and save work continues in the collapsed buildings there,” Xhaka,the defence minister said.重点词汇重点句型重点语法交际功能走近高考拓展阅读jumpin重点词汇重点句型重点语


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