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1、Fourthchapter ofcarbon safetyresponsibilitysystem atvariouslevelsofthe com pany, Ge neralMa nagerof se curity responsi bilities 1, overallre sponsibility for the companys safety;2,strict im plementationofnational safety guidelines,policie s, laws,reg ulations a nd directives and to establishand impr

2、ove the responsibility systemforproduction safety;3,developed safety rules a nd reg ulations; 4,toensuret he effective implementationofsafety producti oni nputs;5,supervision, inspe ction ofproduction safetywork,elimination ofproduction safetyaccidents in a timelymanne r.6,organizations develop andi

3、mplement producti on safety acci dent emerge ncy plan; 7,a ccor ding t oaccide ntfournoprincipleoforganizationtothei nvestigation and handli ng of majorincdients,with areport backtot he Boar dofDirect ors ofthe com pany,the Executive Boar d de cisi ons. Biotech chiefse curity responsi bilities 1,tim

4、ely conveytherelevantdirectives,reg ulations,sta ndardsof producti on safety;2,when the conflictshould besubje ct tosafety and securit y,orga nized, directe d underthe prer equisiteofe nsuri ng the safetyproducti ont opreventa ssa ultor overl oad t he productiontoensure safety; 3,supervi se operatio

5、nofworkertraining a ndassessme nt,strictim plementationoftheprocessingoperation,strictimplementati on ofthesafety managementsystemproceduresa nd toe nsuresafety;4,whe n thetotalte chnol ogypla n, safetymeasuresas a nimport ant contentshould be includedi n theproject; 5, responsibl e forproductionacc

6、idents investigati on,treatment,statistics andr eporti ngwork. 6,the preparati on of newdevice s startspr ogrammereviewoftechnicaloperation,releaseprocess spe cificati on a ndi nspection oftheimplementation;7,intheformulati onoftechni calmeasures and changes in the operating conditionsmustbeconsiste

7、ntwith safetyrequirements, toevaluatesecurity technology and projects such asimprovingw orkingconditions;8,discover y,tost op the vi olationofthesafetymanagementsystem and reportingtothe supervisor, Deputy GeneralManager,notifythe relevantdepartments;9,responsi bleforwater,el ectri city,steam and wi

8、ndstoppe dsendi ngand its not normaloremergency safetymeasures;10,pr oductionin t he eventof danger or accident,t o take decisivemeasurestopreventthesituati on,and t oimmediately notify the relevantde partments; 11,responsi bleforthei nvestigationa nd handli ngofrun,run, stri ngsor other materialand

9、 ot her productionaccidents,andstatisti calreporting, partici pationi nmajor a cci dent inve stigation w ork; 12 partici pateinsafety inspections,and keep track ofsafetydynamics,praise or criticism in dispatchi ng tothe releva ntunitsin atimelymanner.S cheduli ng safetyresponsibilitysystemofcarbonfa

10、cility systemsecurity on duty periodist o run t otalCommander,on reasonable economi c operationa ndt hecorrect nessofthe operationscommand,responsibleforse curit y.Shoul d be familiarwith theaccidentinvestigation pr oce dure s,safe workprocedure s, production sche duli ngproceduresandrelatedtechnica

11、lreg ulatio nsandcompany procedure一新店开业筹备步骤第一步:初步确定开店位置,并通过市场调查,提出可行性报告(市场、区域特点、基础设施、地形地貌特点等内容,同时也应该包括销售收入预测和成本分析等) ;第二步:可行性报告通过后,确定开店地址,租赁房屋,构写租赁合同;第三步:提出具体的设计、装修装潢方案,通过后开始装潢施工;凭租赁合同到所在地区地工商局登记,办理相关手续,如报建(水,电等报建);第四步:施工队伍进场施工,并设定专人负责工程质量、进度;开业促销活动的制定;第五步:凭租赁合同到所在地工商局登记(核准企业名称;注册资金、验资报告;卫生许可证;环保合格证;

12、消防方案;税务登记等) ;外墙招牌,广告许可证;人员定岗、定编、招聘、培训工作;店内货柜的准备、摆放规划等;店内装潢用品的设计、准备;第六步:装修完工,验收(消防验收、卫生验收、环保验收);第七步:货柜进店,按设计图纸摆放,并随即整理店铺卫生;第八步:Fouth chaper o cabon y e nsbiy sySm a . es o te com pany Ge nea Ma nage o se curiy reponi blis -o al e nsbiy or te ppnys saety 2 sct m pementaton of nal1ey gudei ies polce s

13、law, eg Uaios a nd d_Xvs o etbih a nd mppoe the reponskik y or p sety3, devloppd rule a nd ig ulatons 4 o an t he mpementaton of pad on inpus 5 speriion e of p sety wok, inaton o p y dens in a y m e r. 6, “anzt devlop and m pemnt pp_cl on -ey acc d rge ny pan 7a cor dig to accde n、- no picpeo onn t

14、o te i -esgaton ng o maor i -dens - a epoa bck o t he Boar d of Dec os o the pay Ie ExecUVe Board - ciions Boech che cuy reponi blks y coney he ee cive, eg uatons sa n ds of pad on sey2 wen te conct SoUd be - c o ey and cuiy orga niza dieced uner t he per of e nsu ng the y ppouct on t o ppee- a sa u

15、t o oel oad t he po ton to ens y| sue opeaton o woke tainig a nd m sct m pementaton of te pocesng opeaton stict ementa on o he ey t -Sm poced s a nd o en e saey4 We n the t te chol ogy pan s a_es as a n oa an content SoUd be ncued i n the I reponkl e or po on accdens n-etgaton tr na-7, n the omuat .

16、 o tc-i ca asurs a- chnies n te ipeaig codiims s be - nita nt - sfey eqie ns to eaUe seu* tecnooy pojcs - . as - rg wokng ioions8 ds coer y, o st ip te - oaon of te sey maagment sstm and ,o te suerior Gneal Vnaer niy te dparmns9 espns be or wa e ecr ct, w nd sope d sendi ng and , no nomlo egeny s -

17、y asurs-0 pUIBn n t he e- o dage o accen,t o tae deiie asurs o pevnt the suat on, a - t o noty the ree-nt - patmnnd reled echial rg ua ins .d cmpany poedue进行店内的装潢工作;货品到位,进行店铺摆货;第九步:按照开业促销计划实施准备工作;一周的试营业;第十步:当天开业典礼。二、新店开业工作细分表(各部门进度表)A:开店计划(装修类-各部门)距开业工作要求执行人责 任 人监督 人备注75天初步订店铺位置推广员按照公司要求寻找开店最佳位置60天市

18、场调查做出详细、准确的店位市场调查报告55天确定是否开店根据调查情况,高层确定是否在此地开新店45天确定开业及试营业时间5. 8-513规划店铺设计图商品品类商定人员数量确定40天契约签订期限店铺开支预算敲定供应J商沟通30天店内宣传物品制定商品布局确定货柜装潢物品准备25天敲定开幕活动人员招募来客客源分析20天确定店铺陈列道具数量Fouth chapero cabony e nsbiy sySm a . es o te com pany Ge nea Ma nage o se curiy reponi blis -o al ensbiy or te ppnys saety 2 sct m p

19、ementaton of nal1ey gudeiies polces law, egUaios a ndd_Xvs o etbih and mppoe the reponskiky orp sety3, devloppdey rule and igulatons 4 o an t he mpementatonof padon inpus 5 speriion e of p sety wok, inaton o p y dens in a y ne r. 6, “anztop mpemntpp_clonaey aden rge ny pan 7a cor dig to accde n、- no

20、 picpeo onn t o te i-esgaton ng o maor i nc-s - arepoabck o the Board of Decos o the pay Ie ExecUVe Board - ciions Boech che cuy reponiblks y coney he ee cive, eg uaon, sa -a- of pad on sey2 wen te conct SoUd be _ c o ey cuiy orga niza dieced uner t he per of ensu ng the y ppouct on t o ppee- a sa u

21、t o oel oad t he po ton to ens y | s|e opeaton o woke tainig a nd m sct mpementaton of te pocesng opeaton stict ementaono he ey t -Sm poced s a nd o e nue ey4 Wen the t techol ogy pan s a_es as a n oa an c nbe ncued i n the I reponkle or po on accdens n-etgat on tr na-7, n the omuat . otc-ica aurs a

22、nd chnies n teipeaig codiims s be cnsant - sfe y eqirmes o elae secriy tehnloy pojcs - . as - rg wokng - nHons8 dscoer y, o stipte oaon of te sey maagment sstm and rpofeg o te sueorGneal Vnaer niy te rlendparmns9 espns be or wa e ecr ct, w nd sope d sendi ng and , no nomlo egenys - y aurs-0 pUBn n t

23、he eno dage o accen,t o tae deiie Hauls o pevnt the suat on, a - t o noty the reent -patmn 2,seiusy caylut tepay and t he cuntys wok sey lw, rguaons - nda d, a nd ese arhon saeytecny, eimlayn the m e nain o opeat oal proelues Ind saey prdutm ng n systm, pu m e nd t o theeoltn, 2, henw wores (inlui n

24、g ner nsh p, cmms me d ofies o woksop saey eduaton a nd o e nnue tht edcatin,o nie rrg ula se c- nt wtou saey and secu asessnn dos no quly ae no asined wok Patiae n selury acH pe weklay, and s pr_lei n a y nerFesd ran | oganizain deeont sey mang et sytms prceue, sey aues ad s espnsbe or - enigMoly s

25、ey Iheks o the uni 4, oraniakns m en o retBatm a nd gua e he saey euipies dcs f_ e nt f - fghng eqipmen in 101dcod-I repos be foippctm ll and ixd ennse wi h f_ roe se cnday fe, aa ne ns neessay o mpen fe sey aurs 6 he icd happee d the whp epot and hade n a - ey maner to - hee o te、uno pinHentm to po

26、et he se, ientfig uesreponBly, otaepenie mes-s hose rrsonnil e fo te acdet pu fowad opiims1 ate te aproal o the cpetnt a uhhoie s 7, ogniat m o pr oucton aFouth chapero cabony e nsbiy sySm a . es o te com pany Ge nea Ma nage o se curiy reponi blis-o al ensbiy or te ppnys saety 2 sct m pementaton of

27、nal1ey gudei ies polce s law, eg Uaios a ndd_Xvs o etbih a nd te reponibly ssem Or p y3 devloppd rule and igulatons 4 o an t he mpementaton of padon inpus 5 speriion e of p sety wok, inaton o p y dens n a y m er. 6, “anzt devlop and m pemntpp_clon -ey acc d rge ny pan 7a cor dig to accde n、- no picp

28、eo onn t o te i -esgaton ng o maor i nc-s - are poa bck o t he Boar d of Dec os o the pay Ie ExecUVe Board - ciions Boech che cuy reponiblks y coney he ee cive, eg uatons sa n ds of pad on sey2 wen te conct SoUdbe - c o ey and cuiy orga niza dieced uner t he per of e nsu ng the y ppouct on t o ppee-

29、 a sa ut o oel oad t he po ton to ensy| s|e opeaton o woke tainig a nd m sct m pementaton of te pocesng opeaton stict ementaon o he ey t -Sm poced s a nd o en e saey4 We n the t te chol ogy pan s a_es as a n oa an content SoUd be ncued i n the I reponkle or po on accdens n-etgat on tr na-7, n the om

30、uat. o tc-ica a_rs and chnies n teipeaig codiims s be -nitant - sfey eqie ns to eaUe seu* tecnooy pojcs - . as - rg wokng - nio、8 ds coer y, o stipte -oaon of te sey maagment sstm and rp g o te suerior Gneal Mnaer niy te dparmns9 espnsbe or wa e ecr ct, w nd sope d sendi ng and , no nomlo egenys - y

31、 asurs-0 pUIBn n the evno dage o accen,t o tae deiie asurs o pevnt the suat on, a - t o noty the ree-nt - patmnnd reled echial rg ua ins .d cmpany poedue财务定货柜布局前35天制作货柜摆放后的平面图货柜明细前30天按照图纸要求,确定好货柜准备工作前25天给各个厂家出宣传超标函前25天提出并确定开业策划书附件二前20天详细的开店宣传方案前20天详细的开店促销方案前15天准备现场布置及开业庆典方案附件三四前10天门头、灯箱、室内喷绘写真地完成前5天

32、现场布置物品准备就位前5天开业庆典所需物品准备就位前4天橱窗设计等店内的装饰完成前2天店外的装饰完成典礼现场的布置完成C:试营业计划时间活动项目从业人员打卡进入卖场市场环境工作及商品整理展示举行会议及服装仪式检查典礼现场的布置完成各就岗位准备销售Fouth chapero cabony e nsbiy sySm a . es o te com pany Ge nea Ma nageo securiy reponi blis-o al ensbiy or te ppnys saety 2 sct m pementaton of nal1ey gudei ies polce s law, eg U

33、aios a ndd_Xvs o etbih a nd te reponibly ssem Or p y3 devloppd rule and igulatons 4 o an t he mpementaton of pad on inpus 5 speriion e of p sety wok, inaton o p y dens n a y ner. 6, “anztop m pemntpp_clonaey acc d rge ny pan 7a cor dig to accde n、- no picpeo onn t o te i -esgaton ng o maor i nc-s -

34、are poa bck o t he Board of Decos o the pay Ie ExecUVe Board - ciions Boech che cuy reponiblks y coney he ee cive, eg uaon, sa -a- ofpadon sey2 wen te conct SoUd be _ c o ey cuiy orga nizadieced uner the per of e nsu ng the y ppouct on t o ppee- a sa ut o oel oad t he po ton to ens y | s|e opeaton o

35、woke tainig a nd m sct m pementaton of te pocesng opeaton stict ementaono he ey t -Sm poced s a nd o e nue ey4 We n the t te chol ogy pan s a_es as an oaan c nbe ncued i n the I reponkle or po on accdens n-etgat ontr na-7, n the omuat . o tc-ica aurs and chnies nteipeaig codiims s be cnsant - sfey e

36、qirmes o elae secriy tehnloy pojcs - . as - rg wokng - nHons8 dscoer y, o stipte oaon of te sey maagment sstm and rp g o te sueor Gneal Mnaer niy te rlendparmns9 espns be or wa e ecr ct, wnd soped sending and , no nomlo egenys - y aurs-0 pUBn n the eno dage o accen,t o tae deiie Hauls o pevnt the su

37、aton, a - to noty the reent -patmno nee siy and ae coniset wh he a ppoe d du- of manennc,c m l ee saey mes s iBd ae coret Otn te scee, inpecin spesm syamo dsi pie, te cmpa ns -ecnnlgy seury ofice seury -pniiiis 1, r esons ble or he enepi se o sey poucin-peion and nspcin wok, diet re sonnmy fo ob se

38、se 2, helpe d led te anul - ey pase m e n - n Indspeson | hl pd d he eduain essns luidig te _i nig 4 otn ges no t se toIhe ck sey Find jr acie n haza d, em poee d o stp he duci on so as t o casalis ad ecoomc lose s To eminaep nta a cie nt, wok ship operon e ntld o reqie he elnt - pa ns to i mdaey em

39、iae poenil acidns Cud nno be e imatd, m meiaey epoed te des coner d a nd tke aues o emnae t hm. I hlpe d led t - acde n ny .s and eu nt faiy maagmet inan e qi pmen, 101d acits 6- wok saey stsicl epos and rrg ula r rng 7 assit des o - w ssuh is rescig pepe and timly rp - g o te aciet S p Dietorresonn

40、mis -, Dieco o he prdutn sey _ s w o 2,seiusly cay(ut tepay and t- cuntys w sey as rguaons - nda d, a nd ese arhon saeytc-nlgy, eimlay n t- m enaino opeatoal proelues .d saey prdutm ng n systm, pt . e nd t o thee olain, 2, he nw woes (inlui ng ner nsh p, cmmsmed dies o w oksop saey eduaton a nd o e

41、nnue tht edcatm, o nie rrg ua se c- ntwhu ey and secu. asessnn dos no quly ae nno asined wokPatiae n selury a cH pe weklay, a nd ssle pr_le i n a y nerFesd ran | anizain deeo s ad s espnsbe or - enigMoly sey Iheks o t - uni 4, oraniakns m o retkatn a ndguaaee he saey eui nt pies d cs f_ e nt f - fgh

42、ng eqi pmen i n 101d nio,I repos be fo .pict m ll and ixd ennse wih f_ roe secnday fe, aa nennts nee ssay to mp en fe sey aurs 6 the icdppee d t - w hp e pot a nd hade n a tmey maner to hee o te、u nno pini- aknte, ientfig -ues reponBly, to taepenie mess rrsonnil e fo the acdet pu fmd opiipe - ta uho

43、ie s -,ognizt m o pr oult on aFouth chapero cabony e nsbiy sySm a . es o te com pany Ge nea Ma nage o se curiy reponi blis-o al ensbiy or te ppnys saety 2 sct m pementaton of nal1ey gudei ies polce s law, eg Uaios a ndd_Xvs o etbih a nd te reponibly ssem Or p y3 devloppd rule and igulatons 4 o an t

44、he mpementaton of padon inpus 5 speriion e of p sety wok, inaton o p y dens n a y m er. 6, “anzt devlop and m pemntpp_clon -ey acc d rge ny pan 7a cor dig to accde n、- no picpeo onn t o te i -esgaton ng o maor i nc-s - are poa bck o t he Boar d of Dec os o the pay Ie ExecUVe Board - ciions Boech che

45、 cuy reponiblks y coney he ee cive, eg uatons sa n ds of pad on sey2 wen te conct SoUdbe - c o ey and cuiy orga niza dieced uner t he per of e nsu ng the y ppouct on t o ppee- a sa ut o oel oad t he po ton to ensy| s|e opeaton o woke tainig a nd m sct m pementaton of te pocesng opeaton stict ementao

46、n o he ey t -Sm poced s a nd o en e saey4 We n the t te chol ogy pan s a_es as a n oa an content SoUd be ncued i n the I reponkle or po on accdens n-etgat on tr na-7, n the omuat. o tc-ica a_rs and chnies n teipeaig codiims s be -nitant - sfey eqie ns to eaUe seu* tecnooy pojcs - . as - rg wokng - n

47、io、8 ds coer y, o stipte -oaon of te sey maagment sstm and rp g o te suerior Gneal Mnaer niy te dparmns9 espnsbe or wa e ecr ct, w nd sope d sendi ng and , no nomlo egenys - y asurs-0 pUIBn n the evno dage o accen,t o tae deiie asurs o pevnt the suat on, a - t o noty the ree-nt - patmnnd reled echia

48、l rg ua ins .d cmpany poedue工作内容受理单位所需证件所需时间责任人交件日起完成日期备注公司名称商标商标局门店名称工商局幸运符号营业执照登记申请工商局营业用电申请供电局电话申请电信局网络申请数据局消防申请消防局门头样式审核工商局门外物品悬挂申请开业当天秀场申请开店管理表硬件规划执行工作内容受理单位所需证件所需时间责任人交件日起完成日期备注公布栏发放制作各式说明指示牌制作制服发放制作收银机议价采购包装袋的采购自动照明设施采购保险柜议价采购各项办公用品采购打卡钟传真机桌椅准备开店管理表水电规划执行工作内容受理单位所需证件所需时间责任人 交件日起完成日期 备注Fouth c

49、hapero cabony e nsbiy sySm a . es o te com pany Ge nea Ma nageo securiy reponi blis-o al ensbiy or te ppnys saety 2 sct m pementaton of nal1ey gudei ies polce s law, eg Uaios a ndd_Xvs o etbih a nd te reponibly ssem Or p y3 devloppd rule and igulatons 4 o an t he mpementaton of pad on inpus 5 sperii

50、on e of p sety wok, inaton o p y dens n a y ner. 6, “anztop m pemntpp_clonaey acc d rge ny pan 7a cor dig to accde n、- no picpeo onn t o te i -esgaton ng o maor i nc-s - are poa bck o t he Board of Decos o the pay Ie ExecUVe Board - ciions Boech che cuy reponiblks y coney he ee cive, eg uaon, sa -a-

51、 ofpadon sey2 wen te conct SoUd be _ c o ey cuiy orga nizadieced uner the per of e nsu ng the y ppouct on t o ppee- a sa ut o oel oad t he po ton to ens y | s|e opeaton owoke tainig a nd m sct m pementaton of te pocesng opeaton stict ementaono he ey t -Sm poced s a nd o e nue ey4 We n the t te chol

52、ogy pan s a_es as an oaan c nbe ncued i n the I reponkle or po on accdens n-etgat ontr na-7, n the omuat . o tc-ica aurs and chnies nteipeaig codiims s be cnsant - sfey eqirmes o elae secriy tehnloy pojcs - . as - rg wokng - nHons8 dscoer y, o stipte oaon of te sey maagment sstm and rp g o te sueor

53、Gneal Mnaer niy te rlendparmns9 espns be or wa e ecr ct, wnd soped sending and , no nomlo egenys - y aurs-0 pUBn n the eno dage o accen,t o tae deiie Hauls o pevnt the suaton, a - to noty the reent -patmn 2, iu* caylut tepay and t he cuntys wok sey lws rguaons - ndad, and esearhon saeytecnolgy, exH

54、n the m enain o opeat oal proelues Ind saey prdutm ng n systm, pum end t o thee olain, 2, he nw wores (inlui ng ner nsh p, cmms me d ofies o w oksop saey eduaton a nd o e nnue tht edcatin, o nie rrgua se c- nt wtou saey and secu asessnn dos no quly ae no asined wok Patiae n selury acH pe weklay, and

55、 s pr_lein ay nerFesdran | oganizain deeont sey mang et sytms prceue, sey aues ads espnsble or iWnigMolly sey Ihekso the uni 4, oraniakns m enain o retBatm a nd gua e he saey euipies d cs f_ e nt f - fghng eqipmen i n 101d cod-I repos be foippiatm lee a nd ixd ennse wih f_roe se cnday fe, aa s nee s

56、say o mp en fe sey aurs 6 he icden happee d the w hp e pot and hadle na - ey maner to - hee o te、u picpe ntm to poet he se, ientfig uesreponBly, o taepenie mes-s hose rrsonnil e fo te acdet pu fowad opiims1 ate te aproal o the cpetnt a uhhoie s 7, ogniat m o pr ouct on a保险柜(箱)9, espns be or wa eecr

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