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2、dge was very when she explained that the driving licence was necessary for her work ,A. reasonable B. natural C. ridiculous D. availableThe economy in big cities has continued to rise thanks to the local governments to increase,A. that B. themC. it D. thoseWe should do what we can peoples hard work

3、pays off.A. be sureB. being sureC. making sure D. to make sureyou have seen he is poor, you should understand why he has to take up two part-time jobs.A. As long asB. UnlessC. Now that D. While The Him is, I have to say, not a bit interesting.Why? Its than the films I have ever seen.A. far more inte

4、restingB. much less interestingC. no more interesting D. any less interestingThe real reason why prices, and still are, too high is complex, and no short discussion can satisfactorily explainthis problem.A. wereB. will beC. have beenD. had beenHe was elected president of the company, and news came ,

5、in fact, as surprise.A. a; the ;X B. X; the ; a C. a; X; the D. the; the; aIt was warm and nice that evening. I stayed awake until eleven in order to have a good look at the moon bymyself.A. on average B. on purposeC. on business D. on timeHis children were his pride, and being a devoted father beca

6、me a top in his life.A. capacity B. anxiety C. priority D. opportunityContrary to popular belief, taking a walk immediately after meals doesnt do good to our health.A. necessarily B. specially C. directly D. constantlyNo one believes his reasons for being late that he was caught in a traffic jam,mad

7、e him embarrassed.A. it B. which C. that D. whyMary seems the bad news, for she looks nice and happy.A. not to have learnedB. not to be hearingC. not having learned D. not to be heardMore than a quarter of the energy in the United States goes to moving people and goods from one place to another.A. u

8、sing B. used C. to use D. useThe wide spread of super hybrid rice around the world the lives of millions and millions of people sufferingfrom hunger to a great level.A. has improved B. is improving C. improved D. has been improvingWhat does the sign over there read?一“No person smoke or carry a light

9、ed cigarette, cigar or pipe in this area. ”A. shall B. may C. must D. WillThese new books are a very welcome to the school library.A. addition B. arrival C. attitude D. audienceI had hoped to take a holiday this year but I wasnt able to.A. get awayB. drop inC. check outD. hold onThis research has at

10、tracted wide coverage and has featured on BBC television Tomorrows World.A. message B. information C. media D. dataThe film Mei Lanfang, Li Ming plays the starring role,has again drawn the worlds attention to our traditionalChinese art.A. whatB. that C. which D. whereIfs so humid these days!Dont wor

11、ry! The rain to stop from tomorrow.A. will expect B. expectsC. will be expected D. is expected第二部分阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。(6 分) The arm bones of women who lived 7,000 years ago show a surprising level of strength-even higher than todays professional athletes. Thats according to a

12、 first-ever study comparing prehistoric(史前的)bones to those of living people. The finding suggests a revision of history- the everyday lives of prehistoric women were filled with hard labor, rather than just sitting at home doing lighter tasks while the men struggled and fought for life.Before the st

13、udy, there are no clear records describing how our ancient ancestors lived. It can be easy to forget that bone is a living tissue, one that responds to the difficulties vve put our bodies through,said lead author Alison Macintosh. Physical force and muscle activity both put pressure on the bone. The

14、 bone reacts by changing in shape, thickness and other aspects over time.”Previous studies only compared female bones to contemporary male bones, the researchers said-and thats a problem, because the response of male bones to stress and change is much bigger than that of women. For instance, as huma

15、ns moved from a hunter-gatherer lifestyle constantly on the move to a more settled agrarian(农耕的)one, changes can be observed in the structure of the shinbone(胫骨).and these changes were much more evident in men.However, a comparison of the bones of prehistoric women to the bones of living female athl

16、etes can help us work out a more accurate picture of what those prehistoric women were doing. MBy analyzing the bones of living people and comparing them to the ancient bones, we can start to explain the kinds of labor our ancestors were reforming, Macintosh said. What they found was that women*s le

17、g strength hasnt changed a great deal, but their arms used to be very powerful. Prehistoric women, the researchers found, had arm strength 11-16 percent stronger than those of modern rowers(桨手),and 30 percent stronger than those of non-athletes.1、What does the study tell about prehistoric women?A.Th

18、ey were stronger than men.B.Theyhad lighter bones than men.C.They did tough tasks as the men.D.Theyspent most time staying at home.2、What problem did previous studies on prehistoric bones have?A.They lacked enough comparison.B.Theyonly studied men* s bones.C.They focused little on bones.D.Theyignore

19、d the lifestyles.3、What does the underlined word that in Paragraph 3 refer to?Bones9 structure.B. Bones thickness.C. Bones response to stress.D. Bones stress from hard labor.4、What can we learn from the last paragraph?A. Its still hard to explain our ancestors* lifestyle.Prehistoric women went throu

20、gh much suffering.Women*s arms have become much stronger over time.Prehistoric women are stronger than contemporary females.22. (8 分)Black FridayThe day after Thanksgiving is the start of the holiday shopping season. Thanksgiving is always on a Thursday, so the day after is a Friday. This day has co

21、me to be known as Black Friday. It has been the busiest shopping day of theyear since 2005.Most stores offer great deals on Black Friday. They open their doors in the small hours of the morning. They try to attract shoppers with big discounts. Some items like TVs are much cheaper than usual. Stores

22、may even lose money on these items. They hope that shoppers will buy gifts for other people while they are in the store.Black Friday is a great time to get good deals. The problem is that there are not enough low-priced items to go around. Each store may only have a few. These items are in high dema

23、nd. People stand in long lines to get such great deals. They may line up hours before a store opens. They may be hoping to get a low price on a TV or laptop, but not everyone who wants one will get one. Some people leave disappointed.The situation can be tense. Some Black Friday events have been vio

24、lent. Large, eager crowds have trampled workers. Fights have broken out over toys or people cutting in line. People have shot one another over parking spots. But most Black Friday events are safe and fun. Still, if you plan on going, expect large crowds and a bit of pushing and shoving.So where does

25、 the name “Black Fridayw come from? It was first used in Philadelphia in the 1950s. The police called this day Black Friday because of the heavy traffic it drew. In the 1960s, spread across the country. It seems that it is here to stay.Now people all over the country take part in the event known as

26、Black Friday. It is even spreading to other parts of the world. Stores have held Black Friday events in the U.K., Australia, and Brazil since 2012. In Costa Rica Black Friday is known as t6Viernes Negro. And in Mexico, stores offer an annual weekend of discounts. They call it El Buen Fin,” which mea

27、ns “the good weekend” in Spanish. I guess the language of savings is universal.1、Why do stores set prices so low on some items that they lose money?They want people to enjoy the holidays.They are generous at the beginning of the holiday season.They hope people will buy other gifts while they are in

28、the store.They are trying to get rid of ole items to the third paragraph?2、Which best concludes the main idea of the third paragraph?People stand in long lines on Black Friday.Black Friday is a really disappointing time of the year.Black Friday is the best time of the year to get good deals.Black Fr

29、iday deals are limited and not everyone will get one.3、Which best describes the overall structure of the fifth paragraph?A. Order of time.B. Problem and solution.A. Order of time.C. Order of importance.D. Compare and contrast.4、Which title best expresses the authors purpose in writing this text?Blac

30、k Friday: Stories from the Parking LotBlack Friday: Why You Should Go This YearBlack Friday: The Stuff That You Should KnowBlack Friday: How to Save Money on the Big Day23. (8 分)54-year-old Abdul has a special job. He has been working as a living statue for over three decades, standing perfectly sti

31、ll for six hours a day and resisting peopled attempts to make him move or smile, anything that proves he is a living person.Abdul, known as “Indias Statue Man,” has been performing his daily routine ever since 1985, soon after getting a job as a security guard. His boss had recently traveled to the

32、UK, where he was so impressed by the statue-like members of the Royal Guard outside Buckingham Palace that he wanted to do something similar back home. So he had his guards receive three months of training, where they would sit perfectly still for around four hours. They werent allowed to talk or sm

33、ile, eat, drink, or even shoo away a fly if it sat on their faces. In the end, Abdul proved the best of the group, so he got the strange job.Abdul isnt the only person in the world acting as a living statue, but what makes him special is the fact that he can do it for as long as six hours without ev

34、en blinking his eyes. Once, a $ 155 prize was put up for anyone who can make him move a muscle. But try as they might, no one has ever succeeded. Actually, Abdul tries to move about as much as he can in his spare time, and only eats healthy home-cooked food, to keep his body in shape. But he claims

35、yoga has been the biggest help. In the 32 years, Abdul has become a celebrity in India and other Asian countries. Many Bollywood celebritiesAbdul earns about 10,000 rupees ($ 156) a month, which is enough to support his family, but definitely not enough to encourage his children to follow in his foo

36、tsteps. Its just too stressful and taxing on the body. Despite all the hardship and health problems, I love my job and I am thankful to people for the love and respect they have showered on me. he says. uWhen the time comes, I want to die playing a statue.M 1 What is AbduPs daily routine?A. Performi

37、ng as a living statue. B. Proving to be a living person.C. Smiling at his customers. D. Keeping his body in shape.2、Why could Abdul get the strange job given by his boss?A. He had his special ambition. B. He was most familiar with the job.C. He stood out among the group. D. He knew the boss more tha

38、n others.3、What does Abdul do in his spare time?A. He eats a lot of snacks. B. He practices yoga for 12 hours a day.C. He cooks for his family. D. He always moves a lot.4、How does Abdul feel about his job according to the text?lt9s overpaid. B. Ifs satisfying.C. Its boring. D. Ifs instructive.(8 分)

39、Parents tend to favour children of one sex in certain situations or so evolutionary biologists tell us. A new study used colored backpack sales data to show that parental wealth may influence spending on sons different from daughters.In 1973 biologist Robert Trivers and computer scientist Dan Willar

40、d published a paper suggesting that parents invest(投入)more resources, such as food and effort, in male children when times are good, and in female children when times are bad. According to the Trivers-Willard hypothesis(假说),a son given lots of resources can become a gentleman but parents with few re

41、sources tend to invest them in daughters, who generally find it easier to be a fair maiden.Studying parental investment after birth is diff icult, however. The new study looked for a standard of measurement of such investment that met several criteria: it shouldnt be affected by sex differences in t

42、he need for resources; it should measure investment rather than outcomes; and it should be objective.Study author Shige Song, a sociologist at Queens College, City University of New York, examined spending on pink and blue backpacks purchased in China in 2015 from a large retailer, JD. com. He narro

43、wed the data to about 5, 000 bags: blue backpacks bought by families known to have at least one boy and pink ones bought by families known to have at least one girl. The results showed that wealthier families spent more on blue than pink backpacks suggesting greater investment in sons. Poorer famili

44、es spent more on pink packs than blue ones. The findings were published in Evolution and Human Behavior.Songs evidence for the Trivers-Willard hypothesis is “indirect but “pretty convincing,9, says Rosemary Hopcroft, a sociologist at the. University of North Carolina at Charlotte, who was not connec

45、ted with the new study. Hopcroft reported in 2016 that U. S. fathers with high-status occupations were more likely to send their sons to private school than their daughters, while fathers with lower-status jobs more often enrolled their female children. Although the new study does not prove the fami

46、lies were buying the blue hackpacks for boys and pink ones for girls, Hopcroft notes that “its a clever and interesting paper, and its a rather unusual use of big data.” 1、What does the writer intend to do in Paragraph 2?A. Introduce an earlier study.Identify childrens needs.C. Assess the influence

47、of a study.D. Explore into parental investment.2、What offers a challenge for the new study?The investment meeting several criteria.The measurement of eventual outcomes.Different demands for resources between sexes.Consistent standards in measuring parental investment.3、What can be learned from Songs

48、 research?The new study was done in 2015.Big data was sampled for research.Preference was offered to consumers.Blue packs were favored over pink ones.4、Which of the following is likely to match Hopcroffs remark on Songs research?It9s entertaining.B. Ifs well-designed.C. Its unbelievable.D. Its unusu

49、al.(10 分) Here are some fancy items highly recommended to you to enrich or improve your daily life.Beauty of mushroomsArtist and photographer Jill Bliss will change your view of mushrooms with her photos, which you can find at HYPERLINK http:/bit.ly/mushroomphotos http:/bit.ly/mushroomphotos. Bliss

50、arranges mushrooms and other objects she sees in nature almost like bunches of flowers.Out in the StormAll the components of great pop music exciting songwriting, a commanding singer, and a band that plays with total commitment are there and shining like diamonds on Waxahatchee new album, Out in the

51、 Storm. In whats turning out to be a very impressive year for female bandleaders, writer/singer Katie Crutchfield and her rocking all-female band are experiencing one success after another.CircaIf youre tired from your international flight, trying to remember if the kids will still be awake for your

52、 call or to schedule a conference call for work, the app Circa can help you keep track of time in different time zones of the world. Itll give you one less thing to worry about. The app is $3.99 for iOS and free for Android users.Their FinestThe movie Their Finest, set during World War II, centers o

53、n the film division of the British Ministry of Information, where Catrin Cole (Gemma Arterton) is employed, making movies that appeal to women. Film critic Peter Rainer writes that “the films best comic character is Ambrose Hilliard . performed with plenty of playful fun by that great scene-stealer

54、Bill Nighy.” Their Finest is available on DVD and Blu-ray.1、What do we know about Katie Crutchfield band?A. It performs folk music.Its target audience is women.It is an overnight success.Its members are female.2、What is the main function of the app Circa?To tell world time across different places.To

55、 record users9 important meetings.Tb remind users of international calls.To recommend overseas flights to users.3、Which of the following is one of the characters in the movie Their Finest?A. Gemma Arterton. B. Ambrose Hilliard. C. Peter Rainer. D. Bill Nighy.第三部分语言知识运用(共两节)第一节(每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从

56、短文后各题所给的A、B、 C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项.26. (30 分)I was driving my car the other day. The radio was playing, and I was along. The song was a 2 one and even my weak voice sounded good. Then something bad 3, however. The sweet sound of the musicended and was 4 with the alarming news break.I drove on whil

57、e the 5 said prices were going higher again because of the 6 speculation (投机)on Wall Street. The race for the Presidency was getting worse. Violence 7 when fans of a sports team went wild,_ 8 their favorite teams championship.Finally, I could 9 no more and turned off the radio. Silence seemed 10 to

58、listening to anything else about the crazy, competitive society we live in. I slowed down as I entered a local town and 11 the people.12 a smiling woman was throwing birdseed into her backyard, a dozen birds flew down to enjoy the 13 being laid out before them. A young man was 14 his little daughter

59、 safely in his arms. He tickled (胳肢)her 15 when she pulled the hat off his head and they both laughed. I laughed too as I looked at all of this 16.Although in my car the radio was 17, in my heart I was still singing.18, this world could use a little more kindness and a lot less competition. Kindness

60、 makes us all 19 inthis life. Your only competition is with 20: to be the best possible you that you can be.1、A. singingB. dancing C. listening D. running2、A seriousB. joyful C. sorrowful D. popular3、A. disappeared B. struck C. occurred D, continued4、A. disturbedB. combined C. compared D. replaced5、


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