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1、小学英语Unit-6-How-do-you-feel-B-Read-and-write优质教学课件小学英语Unit-6-How-do-you-feel-BEEnnjjooyyaa ssoonnggEnjoyasongEnjoyandfindthewordsoffeelings.享受并找出这首歌中表示感受的单词。EEnnjjooyyaa ssoonnggEnjoyafeeling shapp ysa dangryworrie dafrai dexcite dfeeling shapp ysa dangryworafraid, afraid, happy, happy,shes afraid. h

2、appy every day!Lets chant.Different peopleDifferent feelingssad, sad,They are very sad. angry, angry,Im angry. worried,worried, Tom is worried.afraid, afraid, happy, happy,小学英语Unit-6-How-do-you-feel-B-Read-and-write优质教学课件PredictingTip:We can find informati on from the title and pictu re.Wh( 我a们t可s以从

3、t题h目e和图s片to中获r获y取信a息b) oIts about Robin and the ant.Its about Robins family .PredictingTip:We can find infoReadfastand answer.Learning tip:快速默读文本,抓取文本大意。亲切的;对 . 体贴的Readfastand answer.Learning Weshouldbenicetotheanimals.WeshouldbenicetotheanimaWeshouldbenicetotheplants.WeshouldbenicetotheplantWeshoul

4、dbenicetothepeople.WeshouldbenicetothepeoplBenicetoeachother.要相互 友好 .Benicetoeachother.要相互 友好 4312Learning tip: 细读文本, 给图片排序并画出相关句子。4312Learning tip: 细读文本, 给图片排序并Read carefully and underline theanswers仔细阅读所给段落,圈画问题答案Itisasunnymorning.Robinisgoingtositonthe grasswhenhehears,“Wait!”Itisalittleant.Heisa

5、fraid.Pleasedontsitonm e.OnedayIcanhelpyou.”Dontworry,littleant.Iwontsitonyou,saysRobin.Read carefully and underline tPlease dont sit on me.One day I can help you.Please dont sit on me.One day好哦!You are too big and you will hurt me.Oh, no! Help! Help!Im here. Look out!( 当心 )Look here! Its me.E. Plea

6、se dont sit on me. One day I canhelp you!You can choose one andaTaipc: 你t 可o以u从t以.下选项中选择也可自由表达,表演出来更好哦!E. Please dont sit on me. Dont worry, little ant.Iwontsitonyou.will notDont worry, little ant.IwonRead carefully and answer the quesTthieonnesex仔t 细da阅y读,所it给ii段s落r,ai圈n画in问g题. 答R案obinisinthepark.H

7、eisstuckinthemud.Heis worried.Thenhehears,“Letushelpyou!”Itist heantandallofhisfriends.Theyarestrong.TheypullRobinoutof themud.Everyoneishappy!Read carefully and answer the mud 泥潭、泥地be stuck in被. 困住He is stuck in the mud.mud 泥潭、泥地be stuck in被. 困住He Read carefully and answer the questions 仔细阅读所给段落,圈画

8、问题答案The next day, it is raining. Robin is i n the park. He is stuck in the mud. He is worried.Then he hears, Let us help you!It is t he ant and all of his friends.They are strong. They pull Robin out of the mud.Read carefully and answer the They pull Robin out of the mud.pull.out of.从中拉出They pull Ro

9、bin out of the mudWhat willRobin say to the ant?罗宾会对小蚂蚁说什么 ?Thank you , little ant.You are small but you are strong.You are my friend.What willRobin say to the antHow do they feel ?They are happy. Everyone is happy.How do they feel ?They are hapListenandimitate听音模仿Listenandimitate听音模仿Readin roles.分角

10、色表演这个故事。Itisasunnymorning.Robinisgoingtositonthegrasswhenhehears,“ Wait!”Itisalittleant.Heisafraid.“ Pleasedontsiton me.OnedayIcanhelpyou.”“ Dontworry,littleant.Iwontsitonyou,” saysRobi n.Thenextday,itisraining.Robinisinthepark.He isstuckinthemud.Heisworried.Thenhehears,Letushelpyou!Itistheantandall

11、 ofhisfriends.Theyarestrong.TheypullRobinoutofthemud. Everyoneishappy!Readin roles.分角色表演这个故事。grassafraidworriedpull Robin out of the mud is happyafraidMake a story bookTip:Work in groups. You c an use the main sentenc es. Make a story bookand try to retell the story.小组合作,用主要句型,做 一个绘本故事,并试着复述 这个故事。Ma

12、ke a story bookTip:ThelionandthemouseThelionandthemouseZZZOneday,thelionissleeping.ZZOneday,thelionissleepingThe lion catches the mouse. The mouse is afraid.The lion catches the mouse. TThemousesays”Pleasedontkillme. OnedayIcanhelpyou.”Themousesays”PleasedontkThelionsays”Youareverylittle.Youca nthel

13、pme.ButIamnothungrynow.Yo ucango.”Thelionsays”YouareverylThe next day,the lion stuck in the net.It is worried.Help!Help!The next day,the lion stuck inThelittlemousecomes.Hecutsthero pewithitsteeth.Thelittlemousecomes.HecutThelionissaved( 得救了 ). Theyareveryhappy.Thelionissaved( 得救了 ). ThThelionandthe

14、mouseIt is 1.mouse cuts the rope with its teeth. They are4.Fill in the blanks and retell the story.( 填一填 , 复述 故事。 )Thehulniognry is sleeping. The mouse wants some food. afraidThe lion catches the mouse. The mouse is 2. But the lion iswonroritehungry and it lets the mousedgo. The lion wahalkpspyinto a net. It is3. TheThelionandthemouseIt is 1.We should be nice to each other ,because help others is helping ourselves. So we should help each other.我们要相互善待,因为有时候帮助别人就是帮助自己。所以我们要互相帮助。We should be nice to each otheAs long as everyone gives a little love, the wor


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