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1、完形填空(20空)5练完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。一A father and his daughter have donated a $44-million cattle ranch (牧场) to a school for veterinary (兽医的) medicine. They want to 1 students a unique resource to learn about animal medicine. 90-year-old Jack Anderson and his daughter Wynne Chi

2、sholm have been 2 W. A. Ranches since 2005 when the senior 3 from his work in the gas and oil field. They are now 4 away the 19,000-acre ranch to the University of Calgarys Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (UCVM). Their only 5 for the donation are guaranteed employment for their five ranch workers and

3、 the 6 to visit the ranch from time to time. 7 that, the university will take on full 8 and ownership of the ranch and all of its property.According to the news, the ranch is the single largest 9 of a ranch to a university in North American history.“Our hope is that this gift will 10 the form of the

4、 teaching and learning at UCVM, and make the students able to 11 and share scientific, evidence-based 12 . They will strengthen our industry,13 animal care and welfare, and inform the public,” Chisholm added in a statement.Dir. Baljit Singh, dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, said, “The gif

5、t of a cattle ranch of this size and standard offers unexpected educational 14 within the creative teaching model practiced at the university.“The ranch will provide a platform for 15 with other departments, industry and the public sector. It can also 16 interdisciplinary (跨学科的) learning and researc

6、h, and help develop an international center in beef cattle health.”“This gift will 17 the leadership of our Faculty of Veterinary Medicine even further. It actually 18 a unique opportunity for our students to get 19 in practical learning. This will also develop their professional skills, and make th

7、e 20 between human, animal and environmental health,” says university president Elizabeth Cannon.1. A. teach B. offer C. show D. pay2. A. serving B. continuing C. observing D. managing3. A. set off B. turned away C. found out D. woke up4. A. clearing B. putting C. giving D. sending5. A. occasions B.

8、 positions C. conditions D. situations6. A. guidance B. importance C. enthusiasm D. ability7. A. Far from B. Apart from C. Instead of D. Because of8. A. responsibility B. advantage C. benefit D. direction9. A. gift B. group C. challenge D. problem10. A. share B. support C. change D. experience11. A.

9、 match B. create C. master D. test12. A. examinations B. adventures C. discoveries D. events13. A. improve B. protect C. spread D. extend14. A. measures B. opportunities C. purposes D. ceremonies15. A. competing B. communicating C. working D. dealing16. A. develop B. cause C. explain D. mention17. A

10、. recall B. display C. symbolize D. promote18. A. covers B. requests C. provides D. takes19. A. stuck B. caught C. interested D. involved20. A. connections B. applications C. presentations D. expressions二Ive been really tied up recently helping my elderly parents out of a crisis and sorting out thei

11、r house. But sometimes 1 chances present themselves to you, which is what 2 today.I was heading out of town on my way to a well-earned picnic in the countryside, 3 to turn across a stream of traffic into a side road, when I 4 out of the corner of my eye a passer-by 5 crossing the road at an unexpect

12、ed and rather 6 place. The figure of a young woman eventually 7 at my passenger window in the middle of a two-lane road, looking 8 and asking for a lift to a college in town, where she should have been 9 an exam which had started 10 minutes earlier, having been let down by the bus.I 10 to let her in

13、 my car and she eventually arrived 20 minutes late. It would probably have been another 40 minutes on top of that if shed had to 11 the next bus, so hopefully this will have helped her 12 the exam. The event was slightly 13 when she later called me and wanted to 14 me some money, which of course I s

14、urely 15 .This has led me to think about general 1 6 regarding being under obligation (责任) to someone, or owing them something which must be 17 . Maybe another time I may have the presence of mind to 18 more positively to such a 19 . The best thing was that even when I was behaving normally and casu

15、ally in my daily time, the fate arranged that I could still have a 20 to trust and do someone a favor.1. A. unusual B. uncertain C. similar D. equal2. A. disappeared B. happened C. changed D. continued3. A. deciding B. expecting C. failing D. waiting4. A. looked B. recognized C. discovered D. notice

16、d5. A. naturally B. easily C. obviously D. actually6. A. busy B. important C. dangerous D. different7. A. stared B. arrived C. shouted D. pointed8. A. worried B. confused C. frightened D. embarrassed9. A. organizing B. completing C. taking D. planning10. A. prepared B. agreed C. chose D. managed11.

17、A. refer to B. make out C. rely on D. get off12. A. pass B. begin C. sees D. arrange13. A. spread B. compared C. developed D. ruined14. A. lend B. offer C. returns D. leave15. A. refused B. accepted C. forgot D. earned16. A. attentions B. results C. attitudes D. reasons17. A. mentioned B. achieved C

18、. experienced D. repaid18. A. react B. lead C. contribute D. stick19. A. success B. situation C. conversation D. preference20. A. way B. belief C. demand D. chance三A few days ago, I observed a teenager doing yard work that his dad had told him to do. Instead of doing the task 1 , he wandered around

19、there for hours, complaining to himself and doing a bad job.The person he 2 the most was he. His dad was trying to teach him 3 and how to do a good job. As a result of his 4 attitude, he spent the whole afternoon finishing a task that should have taken one or two hours. And the yard still wasnt 5 en

20、ough when he got through.He 6 his day because of his attitude. And his dad was 7 with him, and the boys bad mood ended up 8 the whole family that day.A sweet lady was working in a fast-food 9 . The minute I walked in, she welcomed me 10 . She smiled as she took my order, and then as we 11 for the fo

21、od, she talked with me. As I walked off with my tray (托盘), she said with a big 12 , “I hope you have a blessed day!” I think the food tasted better because of her 13 . There was a delay, during which I sat there hearing her singing as she 14 her tasks behind the counter.She wasnt making a large sala

22、ry, and she didnt have a powerful 15 , either. In addition, she stood on her feet for a long shift each day, often dealing with 16 customers. But she chose to be joyful.I want to 17 from her. I want to do my best, even when theres no 18 or glory. Other people are watching me even though I might not

23、19 it at the time. I want to bring joy to all those around me. A(n) 20 can make a great difference.1. A. gradually B. happily C. skillfully D. silently2. A. thanked B. liked C. needed D. hurt3. A. carefulness B. politeness C. responsibility D. honesty4. A. poor B. common C. strange D. special5. A. g

24、ood B. big C. clean D. safe6. A. lost B. ruined C. ended D. changed7. A. upset B. patient C. strict D. friendly8. A. breaking B. educating C. controlling D. affecting9. A. factory B. restaurant C. supermarket D. shop10. A. warmly B. curiously C. seriously D. respectfully11. A. looked B. asked C. wai

25、ted D. prepared12. A. effort B. smile C. cheer D. decision13. A. experience B. trust C. courage D. kindness14. A. performed B. started C. discovered D. planned15. A. force B. resource C. position D. reason16. A. ordinary B. painful C. busy D. difficult17. A. escape B. learn C. hear D. differ18. A. a

26、pplause B. joy C. problem D. doubt19. A. accept B. understand C. realize D. remember20. A. lifestyle B. attempt C. habit D. attitude四In April, my high school carried out a service project, which was visiting a nursing home. At first, the project wasnt very 1 to me. I knew I was going to do something

27、 good for the community but I didnt think it was going to 2 me personally.As we arrived, we were 3 by the environment of the nursing home. It had dozens of flowers in the lawn and little birds chirping (啁啾) away. It seemed so pleasant but 4 at the same time. Old people here are reaching the end and

28、what they 5 most each day is probably winning a board game like chess. We were 6 to make the building a better place, but I found out thats not really what they 7 . Once the residents saw us, their faces glowed (发光) with 8 . They were so delighted to see youth walk into their 9 life. We started off

29、by playing games with them and talking to them 10 . It was interesting to know their 11 from the stories they shared. Their childhoods were so much different than ours today. They had actual 12 with the people around them and they didnt 13 their phones all day.While we were playing games, some stude

30、nts started playing the piano. We were happy to see all these little things affecting their moods 14 . Just the simple act of 15 with them was enough to change their whole day.At the end of our visit, I realized that getting off technology and socializing can be so 16 . I found that it is nice ignor

31、ing (忽视) people who 17 pointless pictures on social media and 18 to have perfect lives. Another thing is, the older generations are less 19 . It is necessary for us to 20 for them and listen to them as much as we can.1. A. easy B. realistic C. reasonable D. attractive2. A. support B. interest C. inf

32、luence D. excite3. A. touched B. surprised C. frightened D. confused4. A. troubling B. amusing C. inspiring D. upsetting5. A. enjoy B. consider C. believe D. admire6. A. required B. reminded C. allowed D. determined7. A. missed B. feared C. needed D. created8. A. hope B. joy C. pride D. wonder9. A.

33、busy B. hard C. lonely D. short10. A. normally B. gradually C. exactly D. patiently11. A. expectations B. experiences C. challenges D. achievements12. A. plans B. matches C. arguments D. conversations13. A. stare at B. pay for C. turn on D. keep off14. A. partly B. suddenly C. greatly D. endlessly15

34、. A. living B. agreeing C. working D. communicating16. A. powerful B. meaningful C. stressful D. successful17. A. share B. finds C. check D. change18. A. forget B. happen C. pretend D. choose19. A. valued B. employed C. prepared D. encouraged20. A. send B. care C. thank D. wait五I was watching a TV s

35、eries one night when I took in one scene. A man was seeking his community votes (选票), and people 1 wanted to know why they should give him their 2 . He took them to his house and on every 3 in his house was the word “Faith” pasted (张贴). People raised lots of 4 o find out why the word was pasted on h

36、is mirrors. He said, “My dad often 5 me to believe that as long as you have 6 , you should have faith. Every time you look into the mirror, youre looking at yourself and see Faith.”The 7 I learned from this is simplefaith is a living thing and in the same way were all 8 given 24 hours a day and were

37、 all given the same measure of faith. Faith keeps us going when things get 9 ! Why is some peoples faith stronger than that of others? Exercise! If we choose to exercise our faith, it will 10 ; but if we choose not to, it remains weak. Some people might 11 that they dont have faith, but we all pract

38、ice faith every day even if we dont 12 the truth that it was faith. Daily 13 , such as studying, investing or reaching for a dream, take faith.Faith 14 hearing and doing. I made a decision yesterdayto 15 reading the newspaper full of too much sad and 16 news. Why? Because I 17 there was a drop of my mental state (心境) after reading the newspapers.Faith, when its put to 18 , becomes a beautiful thi


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