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1、Unit 1 A family outing第二课时教学内容C Lets Practise D Lets Read教学目标1能听懂、会说、认读“beach,restaurant”新单词。2能运用句型“My family”描述家庭活动。3能用“likes to 描家庭成员活动。4能在教师的指导下读懂 D 部内容,并根据内容判断句子正误。5促进家庭和谐,培养学生热家庭、热爱生活的情感。教学重难点1.重:能听懂、会说、认读“beach restaurant,ourselves”等新单词,能正确阅读、理解 D 分短 文。2难点:掌握当主语是第三人单数时,动词的单三式变化。教学准备单词卡片、录音带、课件

2、等。教学过程一、热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision)1单词卡片出示 B 部分组,学生抢答认读词组。2教师提供几张图片,请学生据图片描述人物活动。(1)Annes family will go to the park.(2)Peters family watches a movie together.(3)Dongdongs family goes to the library.二、新课呈(Presentation)(一)学习 部分 s Practise1Talk about our family outings during the holidays.12出示 C 部四个家庭图片,解

3、不同家庭的活动。(1)带 读Peters family ,Annes ,Tims family,my family .(2)问答练习。T:What is Peters family doing is A nnes family S s:Peters is watching a movie togetherSs:(二)学习 部分 s 1教师用课件呈现自己度假的片。T:My family went on an outing this holidays.We went Sanya.教师用课件出示例句描述家庭成员活动。eg:My father and I play football on beach.

4、2出示 Mr Liu 的庭活动图片(1)小组内自由会话,描述 Mr Liu 家成员的活动。(2)First, read it by yourselves in two minutes.And then do the exercises.Put a Tick or a cross:Many families go shopping at weekends.( )Mr Lius family has a at the park.( )Mr Lius daughter doesnt like to play on beach.( )第一遍阅读后,做简单判断题,旨在引导学生练习跳读,快速发现关键信息,

5、对于学生初步感知体结构和 梗概大 意有帮助。3Complete the exercise.运用查读法进行第二遍仔细阅读,获取信息。然后与同学交流确定答案,自主选择。培养学生的作学习能 力。核对答案。三、语言操(Practise)1自由朗读 D 部短文,达到练的程度,掌握一些固定短语的习惯表达。2全班分为两个大组,比赛朗 分。这一部分旨在加深对短文的理解,培养学生的英语语感3课件出示 Dong 一假旅游活动图片,分组尝试描述不同成员的活动。2四、作业布(Homework)1仿照 C 部,向同学介绍你家庭活动。2跟读 D 部短文。板书设计Unit 1 (Part C,D)My family goe

6、s to the beach/watches a movieThey like to swim in the sea.His daughter likes to play games on the beach.3Unit 3 We should learn to take care of ourselves一、重点词汇积累:healthy 健康 keep 保 exercise 锻;练习jog 慢跑 take care of 照顾 wash hands 洗手do exercise 做运动 take long walks 长距离散步every day 每 feel happy 感开心eat hea

7、lthy food 吃健食品an 80-year-old man 一个十的老人have a rest 休 one or hours 一个小时go to bed 上床觉二、实用句型集锦:1. We should learn to take care of ourselves.我们应该学习会照顾我们自己。2. We should wash our hands before eating. 们应该饭前洗手。3. We should eat healthy 。 我们应该吃健康食品。4.We should do exercise every 我们应该每天做运动。5. We want to be stro

8、ng。 我们要变强壮。6. At night, he sometimes watches for one or two hours.在晚上,他有时看一两个小时电视。7. For lunch, he has rice vegetables, fish and chicken.午饭,他吃米饭加蔬菜、鱼和鸡肉。三、名师精析1. We should learn to of ourselves.我们应该学习会照顾我们自己。 should 为情动词,意为“应”, 后接动词原形。learn to +动词原, 表“学习做某事”如:I want to learn to cook.我想要学习做饭。take car

9、e of = after 意为照顾;照看”2. Mr. Lin is an 80-year-old 。 林先生是一位八十岁的老人。80-year-old 是一形容词,意“八十岁的”,它是由“数词 +名词形容”构成的, 中间用连字符连接,其中的名词用单数形式。如: He is a ten-year-old 他是一个十岁的男孩。3.知拓展 用(1)exercise 作运动;锻炼解时,是不可数名词。如:We should do exercise. 我们应该多做运动。(2)exercise 作体操;练习解时,是可数名词。如:do morning exercises 做操 exercises on th

10、e 钢琴练习4 / 20Unit2 Time 教设【容源人民教育出版社(一起点六年级下册 Unit2【课题All Around Me时第 时:Story 一本教目1. 引学生借助图片和其他阅读策略读懂本单元的故事,按照故事内容回答 B 项题,并 表演小故事。2. 通学习小故事,引导学生懂得团结就是力量的道理。教建1. 热活动请学生说说自己去过哪些国家或想去哪些国家。并把表示这些国家及其人民的单词写在黑板上。其中要涉及到 Australia-Australian, Egypt-Egyptian,和 Japan-Japanese。若学生没有提及这些国家,教师可以说I to / want to go

11、 to these countries. 从而引出上述三国。2. 导故事教师出示第一张故事图片,介绍背景: Look at the a big turnip!Its even taller than the farmer! What do you think the farmer wants to do with the turnip? 并请学生根图片进行预测。在学生预测之后,教师说Now, please read story and see what happened. Tip: 导环节要注意引导学生细观察图片信息,并通过师生问答的方式,帮助学生明确 故事发生的时间、地点及背景,为后续阅读活

12、动做准备。3. 阅故事(1) 请生第一遍阅读,圈出故事中的人物。(2) 请生第二遍阅读,尝试独立完成 B 项任,根据故事内容将句子排序。(3) 请生同伴之间讨论并核对答案。(4) 全订正答案。 人特征在故事中描述得不多,但作为本单元重点复习的内容,教师可以引导学生 通过观察图片大胆想象,用自己的语言描述故事中的人物特征,增加趣味性。4. 读拓展(1) 讨最后一张故事插图 教可提出以下问题请学生讨论: What are they doing in5the picture? How do you think they feel? Why?(2) 分故事结构 教要引导学生进一步分故事的结构,明白故事

13、的开端是什么,发展过程是什么, 高潮是什么,结局是什么。每一步可以总结成一到两个句子,为复述或表演故事打基础。5. 朗故事(1) 请生听录音,模仿跟读故事。(2) 请生选择喜欢的文段进行朗读。6. 表故事(1) 请生六人一组,一人扮演萝卜,其余五个人扮演拔萝卜的人,合作表演故事。(2) 鼓学生在表演前对故事进行必要改编。如在中国老农去叫澳大利亚人帮忙时,加入必要的台词;在澳大利亚人去叫埃及人时,也加入相应台词在老农邀请大家共享萝卜汤 时,也加入台词。(3) 请家先分组排练,然后上台表演。【教反】62The fourth (四时Part B Lets learn & Look and talk

14、教内容与目标 课时教学内容Let learnLook and talk 教重点课时教学目标通过图片、动作、课件等学会听、说、读、写read book, saw a film, had a cold, slept, last weekend/night/Monday, yesterday, the day before yesterday。熟练运用上述单词和短语询问过去某个时间对方做了什么事情。 了解并掌握常用不规则变化的动词过去式及与一般过去时搭配使用的时 间状语能够运用句型“What did sb. do? “Did sb.?”询问过去某个 时间他人做了什么事.能够听、说、读、写 read

15、a book, saw a film, had a cold, slept 和些过去时 常用的时间状语。 教难点能够运用句型“ did sb。 do?” “Did sb.?”询问过去某个时间他人做 了什么事情。 教准备1。 预状元大课堂优业 分元业本中本课时的相关内. 2。 PPT 课、课文音频、视频、绘本等。 教过程Step 1:Warm-up & & Lead-in1. Greetings。2。 Lets chant.33。 Free talk。T: How was your weekend?Ss: It was interesting/great/boring/bad/T: What d

16、id you do last weekendSs: I4。 Leadin。Can you guess what I did last weekend?Ss: Did you?T: No, I didn / Yes, I did。 I read a book last weekend. Its in 。 I liked it much. It 。Give students several to guess the answer. Then present a pictureof “read a book”. Lead students to learn the new word “read” a

17、nd payattention to its form and pronunciation。 In the simple tense and past tense, it looks the same, pronounces in different ways. Teaching purpose歌谣热身能活跃课堂,营造轻松的学习氛围。快速简短的自由对话和猜答案游戏帮助增进师生交流,创造和谐的师生氛围,帮助复习本单元前三课时所学的重点短语和句型, 为后面的学习打好基.Step 2:Presentation1。 Learn the time。45(1) Present the calendar.

18、出课)Last weekend was the 18th and 19th day 。 (Circle and point the timeT: What about the 25th and 26th day? (Circle and point the 。)Ss: Its this weekend.T: Today is Friday. It the 24th day. (Point the date and circle itT: What about the 23rd day?Ss: It was yesterday。T: And the 22nd day was?Ss: The da

19、y before yesterday。T: Excellent! You all did a very good 。 Now look the time wepresent here. Can out some regulations? When do we use “this”, “before” and “last”?Ss: (2) After students share their opinions, the teacher makes a briefsummary. Then extend “last week “last Monday the help of the 。(3) Pr

20、esent the key words and phrases of the past on the (出课件) Students read words after the and learn the ways ofexpressing the past time. The can “tomorrow” and “the day after tomorrow” after students have command of the past time。(4) Pair work。 (出示课件)Students ask and answer the questions.S1: What did h

21、e/she do?S2: He/She Teaching purpose利用日历的直观数轴式呈现,有效帮助学生理解表示过去时间的状语。通过时间不同层次的推进,让学生通过观察先尝试总结过去时间状语的使用方法,提升学生的自主学习 和思维能力。利用简短的对话设计,结合场景图快速结合旧知整合新知。672。 Learn the phrase “saw a film。T: Do you know the book Alice in Wonderland? Its a very famous 。 Andits also adapted into film。 The film is fantastic.Pre

22、sent a short part of the film. (件出示:电影爱丽丝漫游仙境片) T: Did you see the film before?Ss: Yes, I did. / , didnt.T: When did you see the film?Ss: I saw itTeach the words “seesaw and the phrase “saw ”。 Students read after the recording, and pay attention to its irregular word-formation. Teaching purpose延续热身活

23、动引出的爱丽丝漫游仙境绘本,借此引出由此改编的电影,通过影片剪辑的短视频,带领学生初步领略经典文学著同时多感官的呈现方式有助于加深学生对 生词的理解3. Learn the phrase “had a cold and the word “slept”(1) Present the pictures of Amy. 课出示Lets learn 板 Amy 的 幅图)T: What did Amy do last weekend?Ss: She read a book and saw a 。T: Did she like the book and the film?Ss: Yes, she di

24、d.T: How do you know ?Ss: Because when she read the book and , she looked happy。 (2) Present the two pictures of John8T: How did John feel?Ss: He felt sad/bad/sick/tired (Present the words “feel-felt”T: Why did John feel so bad?Ss: Because he had a cold。 (Present the phrase “had a cold”T: No wonder

25、he Maybe sleeping could help him feel (Present the words “sleepsleptTeach the new words and the phrase. Lead students to read after the recording, and pay attention to their irregular word-formation。 Teaching purpose情境导入学习 had a cold 和 slept,通观察图片中人物的表情和状态,推测其心理状态。在提高学生语言表达能力的同时,培养学生的观察能.通过动词原形和过去式形

26、式 的对比引学生关注和了解常见动词过去式的不规则形式。Step 3: Practice1。 Game-Get down the stairs.(示课件T: Can you read the words and the phrases presented the steps correctly?2. Read in roles.(1) Play the video “Lets learn”。 (出示课件) Students read after the video and attention to pronunciation and the 。 Teaching purpose引导学生通过视频跟

27、,能用正确的语音、语调及意群朗读对熟悉对话内,加深理 解。9Make sure students can read the correctly, fluently and emotionally.(2) Students read the dialogue in 。 Boys play the role , and girls play the role of Amy.3。 Guess and say。 (出示课)Can you guess what Amy and John did yesterday?(1) The teacher makes a model with a student。

28、 students how to conduct the 。(2) Highlight the sentence pattern。 Teach students how to use it.(3) Students look at the pictures Guess and : A student asks the , and the answer 。 Teaching purpose借助课本人物,创设语言情境,通过覆盖部分图片,引导学生观察并预测,猜测的活动在提高学生语言综合运用能力的同时,也能帮助提升学生的学习兴趣和操练的趣味性。 Step 4: Consolidation & Exte

29、nsion1. Yes or No.(1) Look at the pictures and complete the sentences.The teacher makes a model first. Highlight the key points and students how to complete the sentence.Then students complete the rest sentences(2) Pair work。Work in pairs。 Ask and answer the questions about what you did in the past

30、time。102. Lets a game.Present the words.Well play like this:S1: Last Sunday, I (A)S2: Last Sunday, I (A & S3: Last Sunday, (A B )S4: T: Lets see who has the best memory。Choose the 。 Teaching purpose通过“ or No和记忆游戏环节,锻炼和培养学生的记忆能力,帮助学生加深对本 课核心语言的理解和记忆。3。 Look and 。(1) Divide students into several group

31、s。 Students work in groups and look at the table below for a few seconds。 Then they cover it. 。(课件出示Look and talk 板的表格)(2) Show time。Students show their dialogues can conduct the dialogue like : A: What did John do yesterday?11B: He slept。A: Did he have a cold yesterday?B: Yes, he did. Teaching purp

32、ose学生能够正确使用本课所学的单词和短语与他人交流,描述过去时间做的事. 板设计 作设计1. Remember the key words and phrases of this lesson, and read dialogues fluently.2。 Have a good command of the regulations of verbs in the simple past tense。 Find more irregular forms.3. Do the (见“状成才路”系列丛书创优作业 分或状元作 业本对应课时作业) 教反思1。 充利用图片、音频、歌曲、电影视频等多媒体手

33、段,丰富学生的感官体验,加深和促进对单词和短语的理解与记忆。同时活跃了课堂气氛,有助于营造轻松活跃的课堂 氛围,激发学生的学习兴.2。12利用日历的直观数轴式呈现,有效帮助学生理解表示过去时间的状语。通过时间不同层次的推进,让学生通过观察尝试总结过去时间状语的使用方法,提升学生的自主学习能 力和思维能.3. 教活动设计逐层深入,引导学生观察图片和动词形,在提高学生语言表达能力 的同时,也培养观察力。操练过程注重新知与旧知的整合与运用。4. 通各种方式创设语言情境,让学生词不离句,句不离境。鼓励学生在学习的过程 中试错,在不断尝试和体验中习得语言的表达规则。 Teaching Contents

34、Teaching Aims Let learnLearn to listen, speak, read and write the words and the phrases: read abook, saw a film, had a cold, slept, last weekend/night/Monday, yesterday, the day before yesterday。Use the words and the phrases above to describe what activities did in the past 。Understand and master th

35、e irregular verbs and some adverbial expressions time commonly used in the simple past tense。Look and talkUse the sentence patterns in B” to ask what people did in the past time。 Teaching PrioritiesLearn to listen, speak, read and write the words and the phrases: read abook, saw a film, had a , slep

36、t and adverbial expressions of time commonly used in the past tense. Teaching DifficultiesUse the sentence patterns in B” to ask what people did in the past time. Teaching Procedures13Teaching Stages Teachers Activities Students Activities1. Greetings。Teaching PurposesThe warmup song canWarm-upRevis

37、ionLeadin1. Greetings。 2. Lets chant。 3. Free 。4. Lead-in。2。 Chant。3. Talk with the。4. Guess what theteacher did lastweekend.help arouse theatmosphere of learning in class. Free and the guessing game canhelp review the wordsstudents learned last1. Teach the time。(1) Present the calendar. (2) Summari

38、ze andextend.(3) Teach the key words and phrases of the past time。(4) Pair work。class。Enable students tounderstand and master(1) Learn the time on the adverbialthe calendar. expressions of time (2) Learn the time in commonly used in the simple past tense. simple 。 Let (3) Read after the them observe

39、 andteacher. summarize on their own (4) Work in 。 first. Cultivate theirabilities ofindependent thinking。PresentationUse the book to lead in2。 Teach the phrase “saw a filmWatch the short video。 Learn the words “see saw and the phrase“saw a filmthe film and then the new phrase “saw a film Give students a chance to feel theculture of childrensclassic literature。 Lead in the new word3. Te


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