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1、2023学年中考英语模拟测试卷考生须知:1全卷分选择题和非选择题两部分,全部在答题纸上作答。选择题必须用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题的答案必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或答字笔写在“答题纸”相应位置上。2请用黑色字迹的钢笔或答字笔在“答题纸”上先填写姓名和准考证号。3保持卡面清洁,不要折叠,不要弄破、弄皱,在草稿纸、测试卷卷上答题无效。. 单项选择1、Everyone is born _ the ability to learn.AatBonCwithDin2、Have you already made a(n) _ about the plan?Not yet. We still need to discu

2、ss it.AeffortBnoiseCmistakeDagreement3、一The manager has come back from his business trip. Hes asking you for the report.一Oh, my god! I havent finished it yet. But he back at the company tomorrow.Ais expected Bexpected Cwas expected Dwill be expected4、_ news report it is! I can hardly believe it.AWha

3、t amazing BHow amazing CWhat an amazing DHow an amazing5、- Mom, can I go out to play basketball with Mike?- OK, but you must _ to come back before 5 oclock.ApromiseBprepareCpracticeDprovide6、The poor man needs our help, he?AneedBneedntCdoesDdoesnt7、Look at the sign! It says “No Smoking!” You _ smoke

4、 here. Its dangerous.AmustntBought not toCneedntDdont have to8、People often think pigs are stupid. But , they are quite smart.Ano problemBin factCno wayDin all9、I had a really good weekend at my uncles. _.AOh, thats very nice of youBCongratulationsCIts a pleasureDOh, Im glad to hear that10、He is tal

5、ler than _ girl in his class.AanyBotherCany otherDanother. 完形填空11、阅读下面短文,理解其大意,然后从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。Once upon a time, there was a man called Zheng. 1 lived in a small town. One day he wanted to buy himself a new pair of shoes. He measured (测量) his feet with a ruler and then 2 down his

6、 size on a piece of paper. But he was in such a hurry to set out (出发) that he 3 it at home. When he arrived at the shoe shop, he put his 4 into his pocket (口袋)only to find that it was not there. So he said to the shop keeper, “I have left the paper at home and I dont know the size. Ill go back home

7、to get it.” With these words, he ran out of the shop. He ran back home, found the paper and then ran to the shop 5 . But it took him a few hours and the shop was 6 . He was sad and did not buy his shoes at last. Someone asked him with 7 , “Did you buy the shoes for yourself or anyone else?”“For myse

8、lf, of course,” he answered. “Then why dont you try the shoes 8 your feet?”1AHeBSheCI2AreadBwroteCput3AleftBhopedCmissed4AfootBarmsChand5AtooBagainCstill6AclosedBopenCbusy7AhappinessBsurpriseCsmile8AbyBwithCfor. 语法填空12、用括号里所给动词的适当形式填空。将答案填在短文后的横线上。The world needs love and many people need our help.

9、Several years ago, my teacher asked me 1 ( take ) part in a program that helps those who are disabled. Each week, I spend an hour in the classroom 2( help ) with schoolwork, art project, games and other activities, including eating. My mother is a teacher, so I am used to 3 (help) children; however,

10、 I found that working with children with special needs would change my life forever.At first, I thought it would be nervous 4(be) with the children who are so different, but gradually I found theres something special about these students. So there was no need to worry about it. Each Thursday I 5(wel

11、come) by the smiling faces of Thomas, Joey and Missy. Thomas has to sit on the wheelchair. He communicates with simple words like yes or no. Joey, a deaf girl, always welcomed me with a big smile. Missy 6(bear) with a kind of illness and it makes her really small for her age. In a normal classroom,

12、it would be common to hear a teacher comfort a child who is tapping his pencil, speaking loudly, or making unnecessary noises. However, here, shouts, cries, and other noises are encouraged. Theyre signs of excitement and different ways of communicating.Working with children with special need has cha

13、nged my life. It has made me7(notice) others need. One of my teachers 8(believe) that we should be part of something bigger than ourselves. I never realized how true this was until I worked with these children. I believe everyone should get out and do something that makes a difference. 阅读理解A13、 Is I

14、t Better to Read Books or Listen to Them?We often think how fast we learn something depends on how smart we are. If your brain is taking in material quickly, youre clever; if not, well, that doesnt say great things about your IQ. But science shows context (上下文) and technique (技术) actually play a big

15、 role in how fast we learn, and even small changes like the way you use to read can make a big difference.Audio (音频的) books have plenty of advantages: you can enjoy them anywhere, even in the car, and not printing books saves trees. Poor readers also often find them more interesting. But according t

16、o the latest research, if your goal isnt to pass the time in traffic, but instead to learn something difficult, you should choose a physical book.In a recent opinion piece in the New York Times, psychology (心理学) professor Daniel T.Willingham mentioned a 2010 study where 48 students either read or li

17、stened to an article about child psychology. Although the students spent the same amount of time with their material and did about the same number of distracting (分散注意力) activities while they absorbed the information, they scored very differently on a 10-item quiz later. Generally, the readers score

18、d 81 percent but while the listeners scored 59 percent. Why does listening vs reading material have such a great effect on learning?Willingham explains that first, most of us read more slowly than we listen (especially when pausing and rereading), and when youre trying to absorb new information, slo

19、wer seems to be better. “About 10 to 15 percent of eye movements during reading are actually regressive meaning the eyes are going back and re-checking,” he explains to TIME. “This happens very quickly”Second, books offer visual cues (可视线索) that help our brains organize and understand new informatio

20、n. Things like chapter breaks, subheadings, and lists help us in making sense of the material and understanding how it fits together. You lose all that when you go the audio way.The bottom line is simple: Dont feel shame about passing your time in traffic with an audio book. However, be aware of aud

21、ios limitations when it comes to studying, and seriously consider choosing good old-fashioned reading instead.1According to the writer, you should choose to read a book to _.Atake in the informationBpass the time in trafficClearn something difficultDorganize new information2A “physical book” in Para

22、graph 2 probably means “_”.Aan audio bookBa book about physicsCa book about computerDa book made of paper or cloth3What can we learn from the passage?ATo read a book is better than to listen to it.BReaders are cleverer than listeners.CReading books is a good way to pass time.DHow fast we learn depen

23、ds on how smart we are.B14、Have you ever returned a book late to the library before? If so, you may pay a small fine(罚款). How much would you have to pay if the book is returned 65 years late?A high school in Washington, Us had to deal with such a problem recently. A copy of Gone with the Wind was fi

24、nally returned to its library 65 years late.However, the school said that it would not ask Wayne to pay the fine, though that would be about $475.The book was borrowed out of the library of the high school in 1949, and disappeared until it was found in Maine, Us by Wayne. Wayne found the book in his

25、 fathers basement(地下室) and then offered to send it back to the school.“I feel very sorry about that,” Wayne said.“Were very pleased to have the book back. Wayne did the right thing,” Lori Wyborney, headmaster of the school said.1The book was borrowed out of the library of the high school _.Ain 1949B

26、in 1965Cin 1975Din 20142Gone with the Wind is the name of _.Aa libraryBa schoolCa bookDa magazine3_ offered to send the book back to the school.AWaynes fatherBWayneCLoris headmasterDLoriC15、Character, courage and confidence are words you might use to describe your heroes. These words can describe yo

27、u! Take action as follows and youll be a hero, too!Part 1: CharacterCharacter is something that makes you the person you are like being honest, friendly, and helpful. See the chart below. On the left is our standard of good character. Write down your promise for each line on the right. Then, get a w

28、itness(证人)to sign it. Put it up where youll see it every day and do your best to keep it.To build your characterYour promiseI will do my best tobe honest and fair.eg. Ill tell the truth when mom asks if I have finished my homework.be friendly and helpful.eg. Ill help my friend with lessons.be polite

29、 and kind.eg. Ill show good manners in class.be courageous and strong.eg. Ill take part in the English singing contest.Part 2: CourageOf course its going to take a lot of courage t keep your promise. Courage is challenging yourself to do something even though you think it might be hard. For each pro

30、mise, find out two or three ways to help you keep it. For example, if you think that Being Honest is the hardest promise for you to keep, one of the ways might be “Tell people about my promise so that I wont break it”.Part 3: ConfidenceConfidence is believing that you have the skills to do something

31、. Do you have a beautiful singing voice? Are you a good painter? There are all talents that can make you feel good, as well as the people around you. Once youve decided what your special skill is, think about how you can use your skill to make your corner of the world a better place. If youre good a

32、t art, try painting a picture on an old wall in your school (of course, make sure youre allowed).1According to the writer, a hero should be .AbeautifulBconfidentCgood-looking2If your promise is “Ill show good manners in class,” youre trying to be .AusefulBpoliteCbrave3What is the most important thin

33、g to build your character?ADo your best to keep your promise.BWrite down your promise.CLook at your promise every day.4If someone asks you for help, you will be .AhonestBstrongChelpful5What can we learn from the passage?AA good painter can have confidence.BIts hard to make your promise.CYou can buil

34、d your character with the help of others.D16、 There are about 6,000 languages that are spoken around the world. But 43 percent of these languages are dying out, according to UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization,联合国教科文组织).If no action is taken,some of these languag

35、es will become extinct (灭绝的).Languages become endangered for many reasons. One is that some communities of native speakers of the endangered languages no longer exist (存在),HuffPost reported. These people leave their communities and move to cities or towns.In addition,the languages of “dominant (占主导地

36、位的)” cultures may drive other languages into extinction. To get better education and jobs, young people have to focus their attention on learning dominant languages rather than their own languages. Dominant languages include English,French and Mandarin (普通话).Once a language dies, it rarely conies ba

37、ck to life. Governments across the globe are taking action to prevent this. In September, the US state of Alaska announced that the loss of indigenous (土著的)languages was an“emergency”(紧急事件). It is now working to give new life to such languages, Quartz reported.In New Zealand,the government has said

38、it wants over 20 percent of the countrys population to be able to speak Maori, an indigenous language, by 2040. It plans to provide Maori lessons in all New Zealand schools by 2025, The New York Times reported.China is also trying to protect its languages. About 130 languages are spoken in China, ev

39、en more than the number of ethnic groups in the country. In 2015, the government started a project to record all the languages spoken in China, Xinhua reported. Universities like Minzu University of China have created minority language majors (专业)for their students.1How many languages worldwide are

40、in danger of dying out?AAbout 2,580 languages.BAbout 3,420 languages.CAbout 4,300 languages.DAbout 6,000 languages.2According to the story, why might a language go extinct?ABecause no one wants to speak it.BBecause it is too difficult to learn.CBecause it is used less in daily life.DBecause schools

41、don5t offer lessons for it3What does the underlined word “this” in Paragraph 4 refer to?AThe learning of dominant languages.BThe extinction of languages.CAction taken to save the languages.DThe movement of giving new life to the languages.4What do we know from the last two paragraphs?AAll languages

42、are disappearing in New Zealand.BMaori lessons are already offered in all of the schools in New Zealand.C130 languages are endangered in China.DMaking recordings is a way to protect languages.5Which is the best title of the passage?ALosing our languagesBThe importance of EnglishCLearning a new kind

43、of languageDIndigenous languagesE17、Country MusicEnjoy true country American music.Place: Rainbow Music Club Date: July 2ndPrice: ¥300 Time: 7:3011:30pmTel: 8115608Live MusicCome and enjoy the songs by Qi Qin, one of the most famous singers in the past 20 years.Place: The Stadium Date: June 26thPric

44、e: ¥5881288 Time: 7:00pmTel: 6935094Spanish DancingSpanish dancing is fun and easy to learn. Come and learn this wonderful dance from Spain.Place: John Blacks Date: June 15thJuly 14thPrice: ¥500 Time: 7:309:30pmTel: 27113991If you want to enjoy country music, you should call _.A8115608B6935094C27113

45、99D27156082You can enjoy Qi Qins music at _.ARainbow StadiumBRainbow Music ClubCThe StadiumDJohn Blacks3If you want to learn Spanish dancing, how much do you need to pay?A¥300.B¥500.C¥588.D¥1288.F18、The Ant BullyActors: Julia Roberts (Voice), Nicolas Cage (Voice)Language: EnglishRunning time: 1hour

46、and 25minutesPrice: Weekdays - $30 (adults)$15 (Children under 7)Weekends - $40 (adults)$20 (Children under 7)James: I really enjoyed this movie. Its a fun movie for the whole family. I had really good laughs and enjoyed being there.Sam: I would recommend(推荐)this movie to everyone. Whether you go wi

47、th your family or friends, I think this movie has something you will really enjoy!John: Ive seen several movies of this kind, but this one is the best. It is so well made some of the scenes are so beautiful. Mary: I went to see this movie with my 9 - year old daughter this Tuesday, really without kn

48、owing too much about. My daughter and I were pleasantly surprised at how funny it was. We just couldnt help laughing. I would recommend this movie to the whole family.1From the poster, what language is spoken in the movie ?AChineseBEnglishCJapanese2How long does the movie last?A75 minutesB85 minutesC95 minutes3Why does John like the movie ?ABecause its a fun movie for the whole family.BBecause the movie has something he enjoys.CBec


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