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1、 熟词生义高三词汇复习熟词生义开课第1页Her sketches (速写) of Chinese breakfast make netizens mouth water.Using colored pencils and watercolors, Xu Yaxin, a decoration art and design student, has made the local snacks come to life on paper.熟词生义开课第2页熟词生义开课第3页怎样去推测熟词生义呢?应用联想,结合上下文语境推断。应用联想,结合词性改变推断。生义熟义熟词生义开课第4页Review: tr

2、anslate the underlined partsWill Chinese English develop its own identity? Only time will tell.(B1U2)2. Fresh water was taken to the city by train, truck and plane. Slowly the city began to breathe again. (B1U4)3. Mandela taught us during the lunch breaks. (B1U5)4. She sounded her horn loudly until

3、the lion turned and walked away. (B2U4) to answer the questionto come to lifea short time of restto make a sound 吹响(号角)熟词生义开课第5页5. Wang Peng followed Li Chang into a small new restaurant. Curiosity drove him inside.(B3U2)6. Li Fang was heart-broken and would drown his sadness in coffee.(B3U1)7. Mark

4、 Twain is best known for his novels set in his boyhood world on the river. (B3U3)8. Joan of Arc was caught and put to death by the English. (B4U1)to cause him to go inside 驱使to cover his sadness by coffee 借咖啡浇愁to put the backgrounds of his novels in his boyhood以为背景to be sentenced to death熟词生义开课第6页9.

5、 Yuan Longping consider himself a farmer for he works the land to do his research. (B4U2)10. George reached his hand out to the Japanese student. (B4U4)11. Disneyland has many exciting rides, from giant swinging ships to terrifying free-fall drops. (B4U5)12. If driving, Futuroscope is within easy re

6、ach of the free way. (B4U5)to farm (the land)to hold his hand outrecreational facilities you can take a ride on游乐设施easy to reach; close to熟词生义开课第7页13. He thought he would make a new career coaching young football players. (B5U1)14. I know youre dying to hear all about my life here, so Ive included s

7、ome photos which will help you picture the places I talk about.(B7U4)15. Pressed by my friends and relations, I decided to send my invention to the patent office(专利局).(B8U3)16. Suddenly he had a flash of inspiration. (B8U3)to be a coach;instruct 训练、指导to form a vivid picture of the places in your min

8、d; imagineto try hard to persuade一阵灵感闪现熟词生义开课第8页词性不变,结合上下文语境联想推断Only time will tell:只有时间能回答(前面提出问题)the city breathe again:(依据前文)城市恢复了生机Curiosity drove him inside:好奇心驱使他走了进去drown his sadness in coffee:借咖啡浇愁set in:put sth in put the backgrounds of ones novels in 以为背景put to death:(依据上文be caught)处以死刑wor

9、k the land: (依据上文farmer)耕种土地reach ones hand out: 伸出手pressed by my friends and relations:在亲朋挚友极力敦促下(press物理施压精神施压) a flash of inspiration:灵感闪现熟词生义开课第9页词性改变,结合原词意和上下文语境联想推断名词变动词:sound(n. 声音 v.使发出声音,比如吹响号角、拉响警报等等)coach(n. 教练 v.成为教练指导、培训)picture(n. 图像、图画 v. 在脑海中形成画面、想象) 动词变名词:rides(v.乘坐 n.游乐园中供游客乘坐游乐设施)

10、breaks(v.打断、中止 n.中止工作或日常活动休息时间)within easy reach:v.(很轻易)抵达 n. 距离很近熟词生义开课第10页 Crowds of people jammed airports, railway stations and long-distance bus hubs at the start of the six-day Lunar New Year holiday.Q: Whats the meaning of “jam”?A. to wait in front of someplaceB. to fill something or someplac

11、e词性改变:traffic jam交通堵塞 填满;堵塞学以致用:牛刀小试熟词生义开课第11页 Pennsylvania-based food company Murrys Inc. recalled(召回)on Saturday more than 31,000 pounds of chicken products that were shipped to retail (零售) stores nationwide.Q: Whats the meaning of “ship”?A. a large boat used for carrying people or goods across th

12、e sea B. to send goods somewhere by ship, plane, truck, etc词性改变:ship 船(运输工具) 运输熟词生义开课第12页 The Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum houses the largest collection of Egyptian artifacts (石器) on exhibit in western North America.Q: Whats the meaning of “house” ? to give someone a place to live a place to live inC

13、. to provide place to keep something词性改变+语境:house 房子 给人提供住处 收藏;保留(给物提供空间)熟词生义开课第13页 As refugees(难民) flood in, Germany struggles to house them.Q: Whats the meaning of “flood” ?to go or arrive in large numbersB. to be covered with water语境: 洪水泛滥,发大水 (像洪水一样)大量涌入熟词生义开课第14页 According to a study, long phon

14、e conversations can bridge the physical distance for female friendships.Q: Whats the meaning of “bridge” ? a structure built over a river/road B. to make a connection between two thingsC. to narrow the gap词性改变+语境:缩短差距熟词生义开课第15页 Its a stereotype(刻板印象): Women well up at sad news and weepy movies, whil

15、e men remain dry-eyed in the most upsetting and heartbreaking situations.Q: Whats the meaning of “well” ? a deep hole in the ground from which you can get water or oil B. (of feelings) to become strongC. to burst into tears词性改变+语境:泪水涌上来熟词生义开课第16页 Its a feeling familiar to many. You return to your of

16、fice after lunch and are hit with a wave of sluggishness (有气无力) and tiredness.Q: Whats the meaning of “hit” ? to touch someone or something hard to affect badly C. to crash into something语境:一阵倦意向你袭来熟词生义开课第17页(1)The fear that they might never return to find us made us feel _ and discouraged.( B10U1 )

17、 A. high B. low C. shortlow提升训练:choose the best answers语境:低,不高 (心情)低落(feel upset/down, in low spirits)熟词生义开课第18页(2)As the supply of food and water gradually disappeared, we could foresee that we would die if we could not reach land very soon. And we _ gradually into a sleepy, half-alive state. (B9U2

18、) A. sank B. jumped C. rosesank语境:下沉,陷入 陷入一个昏昏沉沉,半死不活状态(fall into an unpleasant state)熟词生义开课第19页(3)Advertisers must pay the media for displaying their ads. Their money would be wasted if the message didnt _ its target audience.(B9U5) A. achieve B. gain C. reachreach语境:抵达(某地) (信息)传抵达某人那里;引发注意(come to

19、 ones attention)熟词生义开课第20页(4)However, I lost sight of Wang Ping because of too many carriages flying by in all directions. He was _ up into the center of them.(B5U3) A. put B. swept C. clearedswept语境:move sth to sp(with a brush) sb be moved to sp (by a force)熟词生义开课第21页(1)While her efforts were greet

20、ed with mostly enthusiasm from those _ Detroits cold winters, one woman voice dissatisfaction. “We dont need coat; we need jobs.”(莆田市质检) A. braving B. enjoying C. expecting D. survivingA错题巩固词性改变:face/withstand something bravely ;brave cold winters 经受寒冬; voice:说出熟词生义开课第22页(2)Still, Veronica is less f

21、ocused on the coats than on the workers who make them. “At the end of the day,” she says, “the coat is a(n) _ for us to employ people.” (莆田市质检) A. vehicle B. concept C. case D. urgeA语境:交通工具工具、方法、伎俩熟词生义开课第23页(1)When we handed him the bag of food, he lit up and thanked us with _ eyes. When I handed hi

22、m the gift card, saying he could use it for whatever his family might need, he burst into tears. (全国卷1) A. sleepy B. curious C. watery D. sharpC感受高考语境:含水多 眼里含泪熟词生义开课第24页(2)Larry works with Transport Drivers. Inc. One morning in , Larry was traveling along 165 north after delivering to one of his cus

23、tomers. Suddenly, he saw a car with its bright lights on. As he got closer, he found that vehicle upside down on the road. One more look and he noticed flames shooting out from under the _vehicle.then heard a womans voice coming from the wrecked (毁坏) vehicle.(全国卷1) A. used B. removed C. disabled D.

24、abandonedC语境:(of a person) cant use parts of his body properly (of a car) cant work properly熟词生义开课第25页(3)I am Peter Hodes, a volunteer stem courier. Since March , Ive done 89 trips - of those, 51 have been abroad, I have 42 hours to carry stem cells (干细胞) in my little box because Ive got two ice pac

25、ks and thats how long they last, in all, from the time the stem cells are harvested from a donor (捐献者) to the time they can be implanted in the patient, weve got 72 hours at most, So I am always conscious of time. (高考全国卷1)语境:收获、收割(庄稼) 采集获取(器官)熟词生义开课第26页(4)A typical lion tamer (驯兽师) in peoples mind i

26、s an entertainer holding a whip (鞭) and a chair. The whip gets all of the attention, but its mostly for show. In reality, its the chair that does the important work. When a lion tamer holds a chair in front of the lions face, the lion tries to focus on all four legs of the chair at the same time. Wi

27、th its focus divided, the lion becomes confused and is unsure about what to do next. When faced with so many options, the lion chooses to freeze and wait instead of attacking the man holding the chair.(高考全国卷1)语境:使冻结、冻住、结冰 僵住、不动(to stop and become completely still)熟词生义开课第27页Conclusion总结归纳+解题技巧(1)首先结合

28、上下文判断熟词是否发生词性改变。假如有发生词性改变,先判断词性,再依据熟义或上下文语境,推测判断新词性下生义。jam: n. 交通堵塞 v. 挤满,堵塞ship:n. 轮船(一个交通工具) v. 运输、运输house:n. 房子(人或物容身处) v. 给(人或物)提供容身之处 (结合语境)收藏、存放well:n. 井(有液体涌出) v. 液体涌出 (结合语境)眼泪涌出来bridge:n. 桥梁 v. (结合语境)缩短差距brave: adj. 勇敢 v. 勇敢面对、经受熟词生义开课第28页(2)熟词词性没有改变,则依据熟义或上下文语境,经过合理联想推测判断生义。flood (v.) 洪水泛滥,

29、发大水 大量涌入(像洪水一样泛滥)hit (v.) 攻击、打击、撞击 深受影响low (adj.) 低,不高 情绪低落sink (v.) 下沉,陷入 陷入某种不好状态reach (v.) 抵达某地 传抵达某人那里,引发注意sweep (v.) 用扫把扫向某处 被外力扫/卷向某处vehicle (n.) 交通工具 工具、伎俩、方法watery (adj.) 水多 眼中含泪disabled (adj.)人残疾无法正常行动 机器坏掉无法正常工作harvest (v.) 收割,收获 获取、采集(器官)freeze (v.) 结冰,冻住 僵住,呆住,不动熟词生义开课第29页熟词生义开课第30页The R

30、ise of MaaS: An Integrated System of Mobility An up-and-coming revolution in mobility is known as MaaS: Mobility as a Service. Building on existing transportation technologies, MaaS offers a real opportunity to make travel more efficient, user friendly, and tailored to what individual consumers want

31、. MaaS will rely on a digital platform that integrates all aspects of trip planningbooking, ticketing, and payingacrossall modes (方式) of transportation, whether public or private. No longer will a traveler have to research a train time, book a flight, and pay for a car ride separately to get somewhere; with MaaS, one single app will handle it all.崛起easy to use词性改变:买票词性改变:n. 裁缝(量体裁衣) v.依据用户需求制作词性变化: 处了解决(问题)熟词生义开课第31页熟词生义开课第32页Are Healthy Food Labels Out of Date


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