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1、Lecture2019/8/8Cicireview1 没有适用于一切设计的普遍规则。There is no general routine applicable to all design2.每天空想是不会有好未来的。You will not own a bright future if you keep living in la-la land 3.但这只适用于相信压力有碍健康的人But that was only true for the People who also believed that stress is harmful for your healthcontentPart 1

2、 : native expressionsPart 2 : dictation & practicePart 3 : culture pointsPart 1 :native expression1. a bite of the cherry一口樱桃?正解:机会E.g.他很想抓住这次有利可图的机会。He really wants this profitable bite of the cherry.Part 1:native expression2. The cherry on the cake蛋糕上的樱桃?正解:额外好处或积极方面;锦上添花E.g.锦上添花易,雪中送炭难。Its easy t

3、o give the cherry on the cake,but hard to provide timely help.Part 1 :native expression3. bowl of cherries一碗樱桃?正解: 太棒了;非常愉快E.g.生活如此多娇。Life is just a bowl of cherries.Part 1 :native expression4. as red as a cherry像樱桃一样红?正解:脸因尴尬、愤怒或身体紧张而极度发红E.g.他一跟女生说话就脸红。He turns as red as a cherry every time hes tal

4、king to girls.Part 1 :native expression5. youre wasted你废了?正解:喝醉了;烂醉如泥的E.g.因为失恋他每天烂醉如泥。He is so wasted every day because of breaking up with his girlfriend.Part 1 :native expression6.我想静静怎么说?I want jingjing?正解:I want a few moments of peaceI need some time to myselfBuzz offI need to clear my head.Part

5、 1 :native expression7.in the black在黑色当中?正解盈利;赚钱E.g.雷在日本的业务现在有盈利Rays operations in Japan are now in the black.Part 1 :native expression8. blue-sky蓝天?正解:无价值的;不切实际的e.g.现在道歉还有什么用呢?过去的伤害已经无法弥补了。Its blue-sky to apologize now,there is no remedy for the damage donePart 1 :native expression9.be browned off被

6、棕色了?正解:不满意E.g.如果一直在同一个地方停留太久,一定会对此感到烦闷。Youll be browned off if you stay in the same place too long.Part 1 :native expression10.in a brown study棕色研究?正解:沉思E.g. 我企图引起他的注意,但是他沉思而无所觉。I tried to attract his attention,but he was in a brown study.Part 1 :native expression11.be born in the purple生来发紫?正解:生在帝王

7、家E.g.愿来世你我不生在帝王家,做一对寻常夫妻。Wish you and I would not be born in the purple hereafter, and be an ordinary couple.Part 1 :native expression12roll the red carpet for sb给某人披红毯?正解:热烈欢迎E.g.热烈欢迎市长前来我校视察工作!We roll the red carpet for mayor to come to our school for work inspection Part 2:dictation Part 2:dictat

8、ion make friends with pressureYou can see why the study freaked me out, here Ive been spending so much energy telling people, stress is bad for your health你们应能体会为什么这项研究让我担心害怕了,我一直努力告诉其他人,压力有害健康Part 2:dictation make friends with pressureSo this study got me wondering can changing how you think about

9、stress make you healthier所以这项研究让我想知道,改变你对压力的看法会让你变得更健康吗?Part 2:dictation make friends with pressureAnd the science says yes,when you change your mind about stress,you can change your bodys response to stress科学显示答案是肯定的,当你改变看待压力的方式之后,你能改变自己的身体对压力的反应Part 2:dictation make friends with pressureNow to exp

10、lain how this works,I want you all to pretend that youre participants in a study designed to stress you out为了解释这一项,我想你们假装参加了一项企图使你紧张的研究中Part 2:dictation make friends with pressureIts called social stress test,you come into the laboratory and youre told you have to give a 5 minute impromptu speech on

11、 your personal weaknesses to a panel of expert evaluator sitting right in front of you这就是所谓的社会压力测试,你刚进入实验室,就被告知要发表5分钟即兴演说,要求以个人缺点为主题,面前是一群专业评审Part 2:dictation make friends with pressureAnd to make sure you feel the pressure,therere bright lights,and a camera in your face,kind of like this为了让你确实感到压力,

12、镜头和灯光都会聚焦在你的脸上,就像现在这样Part 2:dictation make friends with pressureAnd the evaluators have been trained to give you discouraging non-verbal feedbacks,like this并且评审都经过培训,给予你沮丧的非言语回应,就像这样Part 2:dictation make friends with pressureNow that youre suffienctly demoralized,time for part 2,a math test,and unbe

13、knownst to you,the experimenter has been trained to harass you during it既然你已经士气大减,接下来是第二部分,数学测验,你事先不知道的是,主试会在你测验的时候干扰你Part 2:dictation make friends with pressureNow were gonna all do this together,its gonna be fun,for me.okay,I want you all to count backwards from 996 in increments of seven, you can

14、 do this out loud as fast as you can,starting with 996,go!现在我们一起来试一下,很好玩,当然是对我来说。好的,我想让你们从996开始以7为单位开始倒数,你要大声数,越快越好,从996开始,开始!Part 2:dictation make friends with pressureGo faster,fast please,youre going too slow,stopthat guy made a mistake,were gonna have to start all over again.快点,请快点,你现在太慢了,停停停,那个

15、人数错了,我们得再重来一次Part 2:dictation make friends with pressureYoure not very good at this,are you?okay,so you get the idea,if you were actually in this study,you probably be a little stressed out,你不太擅长这个对吧?大家应该明白是怎么回事了吧,如果你也在研究当中,你就会有点紧张了Part 2:dictation make friends with pressureYour heart might be pound

16、ing,you might be breathing faster may be breaking out into a sweat,and normally we interpret this physical changes as anxiety or signs we arent coping very well with the pressure你心脏可能砰砰跳,呼吸急促,甚至满身大汗,这些身体变化通常被视为焦虑,或者我们压力失调的迹象Part 3:cultural pointsPart 3:culture pointsthe U.S.-Europe DividePresident B

17、ush is making a noble effort to pull together the fraying磨损的 alliance, but the fact is Europeans and Americans no longer share a common view of the world. On the all-important至关重要的 question of power the utility of power, the morality of power they have parted ways分道扬镳. Part 3:culture pointsthe U.S.-

18、Europe DivideEuropeans believe they are moving beyond power into a self-contained独立的 world of laws and rules and transnational negotiation洽谈 and cooperation合作. Europe itself has entered a post-historical paradise天堂,the realization of Immanuel Kants “Perpetual永久的 Peace”.Part 3:culture pointsthe U.S.-

19、Europe DivideThe United States, meanwhile, remains mired陷入泥泞的 in history, exercising power in the anarchic无政府的 Hobbesian霍比思主义 world where international rules are unreliable and where security and the promotion of a liberal order still depend on the possession and use of military might力量. This is why, on major strategic and international questions today, Americans are from Mars and Europeans are from Venus金星: They agree on little and understand one another less and less.Part 3:culture pointsthe U.S.-Europe DivideWhy the diverg


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