1、在室内设计中的知觉与错Perceptionanderior学部(专学生:谢辉学指导在室内设计中的知觉与错Perceptionanderior学部(专学生:谢辉学指导完成DalianUniversityofPerceptionanderiorAnna Jaglarz DepartmentofArchitecture,WroclawUniversityofSt.Prusa53/55,50-317Wroclaw,Poland HYPERLINK mailto:anna.jaglarzpwr.wroc.pl Abstract. Beside physical methods toPerceptiona
2、nderiorAnna Jaglarz DepartmentofArchitecture,WroclawUniversityofSt.Prusa53/55,50-317Wroclaw,Poland HYPERLINK mailto:anna.jaglarzpwr.wroc.pl Abstract. Beside physical methods to modify the limits erior space, there are also design s and t can change the perception of a visual space. Therefore, siblet
3、o new ones, for erior without redesigning ordestruction -breaking old wallsand le, with the help of optical st change visual perception erior space. A room can be visually enlarged, deepened, broadened, heightened, or lowered. Things like color, erior elements egrated horizontal vertical lines, s, m
4、irrors and even style erior equipment and finishing can correct erior space because they can have a significant impact on the proportion and mood of a space. sible to achieve great effects by knowledge of perceptionand knowledge of eriordesign, senseof ,visualperception, optical1There is considerabl
5、e scope to achieve great and sometimes surprising effects formation by combining knowledge of perception, knowledge of optical s, tricksand knowledge oferiorBy optical visual s we mean those changes in visual perception of a room size t occur under the influence of psychological phenomenon, visual s
6、, color perception, contrasts, ensity and focal brightness, visibility of task detail, illumination. These are the major factors comprising the performance requirements for the visual environment. These are also basic factors influenced perceptionof spaceandour emotionalresponsetoerior elements,furn
7、itureandmirrorsplacement can correct every whilecolor andlighting considerationscan beused to emphasizethespace or derstanding the effect of color and light on the perception of space designers and modify the visual experience of room, for le, by manipulating the derstanding the effect of color and
8、light on the perception of space designers and modify the visual experience of room, for le, by manipulating the role of lighting ? both to e visual tasks and to define the. visual boundaries hierarchy of aspace, area, oractivity. Designers so manipulate thepsychological role lighting to help establ
9、ish a sense he imacy, privacy, coziness, cheerfulness, or The use of color erior design should be based on knowledge of color perception knowledge of color impact on human. Optical effects of colors are a visual effects with the perception. They also include various types of optical s and visual Psy
10、chologicaleffectsof colorsarefeltin emotional and relatedto feelings,and Color of light is also significant. Subtle he color tone of light can influence subconsciousjudgment eriorA mirror and mirror s are an excellent and specific way of modification, particular enlarging of room space. This effect
11、is nks to reflection and s. Experiments mirror and mirror are justified lly in small-roomslikebathrooms, halls,staircasesOne more t also causes the room can be changed and corrected is the style kind erior elements and finishing materials. The effect can be a result of material (wood, metal, glass,
12、plastic, textiles etc.) or material features and characteristics (pattern, texture, ornament, color, gloss etc.). 1, 22The sense of is based on the eyes ability to absorb and ectively portion the electromagnetic spectrum. particularly essential, because spatial relationship and detail. formation of
13、spatial impresmaking simultaneous or t electromagnetic spectrum we call light. This sense is used for most t require a understanding of all, includes the s of ion and s. But it also involves scanning a variety of information sive comparisons, and assigning mental priorities importance. is used ident
14、ification of significant information and subsequent getting of connectedwithperception ive and ive information. Finally, ionmovement and ratesofPerception of color, response to brightness ion, judgment of brightness ,glare, effect of aging), thevisual field(perceptionof fine movement), theluminousen
15、vironment ? arejust some of thePerception of color, response to brightness ion, judgment of brightness ,glare, effect of aging), thevisual field(perceptionof fine movement), theluminousenvironment ? arejust some of thehevisualfield, detection t should beWith understanding of the basic aspects of and
16、 perception and knowing how humanvisual system works, designerscan createagreat varietyof3eriorfeels. Light affects the visual quality of a space and the sense of well-being experienced by users t space. Light patterns and structures influence our sense of space, our s, consequently our actions. The
17、refore, the designer e sensitive to the uses sparkle, ensity, color tone, and other forms of spatial light. The designer t the correct use of light structures is fundamental in satisfying some activity requirements, such as reinforcing attraction or attention, emphasizing s visual clarity and spacio
18、usness, enhancing s of privacy and relaxation, sensationsof imacy,warmthor coziness,or reinforcing s of 3.1 The Effect of Light on User ion and Room Some lighting patterns al ion and user understanding of the room. lighting or high-contrast focal lighting affects user attention, consciousness and, f
19、or user ability of concentration. Wall lighting and corner lighting affect user understanding room parameters like size, height and spacelimits. , determining or modifying the sense of 3.2TheEffect ofLighton sofActivity,Setting andOther lighting s seem to t light can be a t assist of spatial ideas,
20、s and his sense lighting patterns can assist designer in creating s of playfulness, pleasantness, seriousness, , and qualities. The designer can also use light patterns to affect psychological and lch imacy, privacy, nd coziness. Lighting can be used to a solemn and festive atmosphere for ceremony,
21、party and show or to produce an austere sober atmosphere for ion , relaxation .Lighting can produce a cold, al place or reinforce an of a imate place where a greater sense of privacy required. These s or moods creating by light are often fundamental in experience and activity requirements in a desig
22、ned space and theyrequired. These s or moods creating by light are often fundamental in experience and activity requirements in a designed space and they are essential condition well-being experienced by user t space. his case should be seen not only an aesthetic aspect the human environment but rat
23、her as a tool for influencing behavior, performance,and activity.3.3 Color of Subtle judgment of and changes in the color tone of light can influence the eral environment. Perceptual awareness of this aspect of lights is ense and noticeable when a occurs or when the enters a before the eyeshastimeto
24、 adapt tothe newSubtle he perceptions of surface tones and colors affect the sense of warmth coolness ted with the visual space. People tend to te a warm visual with hues of yellow through orange and red to red-purple. Warm light like the many incandescent s, and some new fluorescent s tend to creat
25、e a of visual warmth by emphasizing these hues while graying others. On the hand, cool light emphasize the , such as skylight and some fluorescent and metal halide st tend to create a cool visual atmosphere, from hues of blue-through blueandblue-green to yellow-Detailed observation of these phenomen
26、on may lead to definitive guidelines on the color atmosphere and its impact on sensory responses. Recent research in this area indicates, t the color tone of an environmental may affect perception of temperature. Designers may be in a visuallymodifiedsensoryresponses.14Lightition to conserve energy
27、through ysis Designers can shand modify the visual experience of room, for exle,bymanipulating the perceptual role of lighting ?both to e visual tasks and to define the boundaries and hierarchy of a space, area, or activity. Designers can also manipulate psychological role of lighting to help establ
28、ish a sense imacy, cheerfulness, t is appropriate as background for ended activity. Apparently light darkare not antagonistic butrather complementaryphenomenon. Without shade light can much of its effectiveness as a communicating medium. Through the careful manipulation light and dark or correct usi
29、ng of light stresses designers can and modify the experienceeriorWhen usinglight and dark or correct using of light stresses designers can and modify the experienceeriorWhen using optical s for visual correction of the space, a significant effect achieved by the correct use of light stresses. he bri
30、ghtness of some room resulted, for ex The effect ofdecoration le,fromtheirdifferentfunctions, isessential increasing the visual height of a room made with the help of ceiling his effect with the use of the he top part of a room, or egrated s. Besides, designers can D structure of suspended ceilings,
31、 creation of ashiny lass, Light cold colors and shiny textures visually level ceiling up. Illumination of ceiling egrated Its s,can effect ceiling “dangling”aboveasible to evenly illuminate walls and lower corners of a room with small s. this case it will visually look wider. If the space, on the co
32、ntrary, must be narrowed, designer should illuminate upper corners.To make a right-angled room look more square, to a monotonous and equally of thethreewallsdesigner can addanexpressedlight stresson theforth wall, thefarthest t, designers can change visual proportion of the room through the with the
33、 lightunderlyingoferiorAll the s of brightness-contrast may be produced by lighting. , forms detailsmayappear largerorsmaller, harshor almost obliterated, heavyorInfact,lightingplaysan important part ininfluencing themood or of aA ceiling may be“liftedby light or it may hang low and threatening when
34、 dark, due to relatively little light reaching it. Columns may appear dark on a light back-ground or vice versa , and these illustrate the effects of irradiation.Designer so create the perception of a larger space with the use of lighting. Just as lighter colored ceiling creates the sense of opennes
35、s and spaciousness, so too, can windows and natural light. Blinds and window covers minimize window ure moderate natural light, so the window coverings should be used sparingly in smaller izing the natural light will emphasize the space and make the room appear larger brighter. sible to use the refl
36、ection of light to make a space look larger. placing a mirror, or even a collection of he relevant, appropriate part of the isan easy way to use thereflection of lightplacing a mirror, or even a collection of he relevant, appropriate part of the isan easy way to use thereflection of lighttoadvantage
37、 in decorating asmall Decorating a small room with the goal of making limited space feel more spacious can easy when designer consider the impact of color and light on erception of space. using color and light to user advantage, designer can emphasize the space in the room and make small room feel m
38、ore open and spacious.Space of roommay be given a variety of moods or s by varying the lighting. various moods may be considered to be s because in fact the room and its characteristics have not been altered in reality. It should be t lighting is a with high potentialeriorcreating.1,5CreatingSpaciou
39、snesswithColorsColor and color combinations are an extremely effective and many-sides instrument for designers. sible to visually change the space in all three s by controlling ground-colorsandcolor It is to examine the effects of light and dark colors within a small Light colorsmakerooms and object
40、slook n they are, while darkercolorsmake look smaller and heavier. Lighter colored ceilings and floors create the effect of a ceiling, whereas traditionally dark colors make ceilings lower. Light colors visually broaden the space and a room seems wider and larger. The same s to wall color, so using
41、wallcolorswith matchinglighttrimand swill also makeeem Although lighter colors do create an airy sense, this does not terior are limited to using lighter colors when they arrange and decorate a small room. In contrasting dark colors with lighter colors further emphasizes the effect of spaciousness.
42、le, a dark couch on light colored flooring and on light wall behind it, as a single element against a light background, will seem n it actually is and not very room will appear more spacious. It sible to use dark colors to create the sense openness and spaciousness in a smaller space. The essential
43、consideration is to use colorsin contrast withlighter colorsto createthe reduce of darkcolorstoa fewsmall of morespace. Itisalso importantIrrespective of the use light and dark contrasts, designers can and modify the experience erior space through the careful and correct manipulating the warm and co
44、lors. For le, if a room is not big, they can “broaden”its walls by using light colors finishing grey-blue, pearl, or palegreen. Ifcolors. For le, if a room is not big, they can “broaden”its walls by using light colors finishing grey-blue, pearl, or palegreen. If aroomislarger, or deepin awarmspectru
45、m willbe appropriateforTo the t visually broaden the space thefollowing onesbelong: neutral white, beige, warm beige-orange, different shades of yellow, cold light blue, blue, cold blue-To the t create the effect of and closeness of the space the following belong: black, dark brown, blue-green, blue
46、-violet, rich red, yellow-red, orange-red, reddish colors. There are also neutral Thesearegreen,purple-red, violet and greyt dont quite change the space The broadening of visual living space can result from a common color - grade of a room, akitchen, anda diningroom. lly thecolor offloorsandhisarea
47、be the same as the main colors of major t is usually living room. Application of ook wider, larger and more spacious. and warm he main room makes the effect of a biggerheight isachieved by coloringthe floor inrich and saturated colors.Red allshadesof red effectively accentuatehorizontal linesand pla
48、nesof the floor. Blueand allshades on the floor are cold and he reception, lly on the large part floor, but, at the same time, it seems big and wide. Warm yellow and all its shades on floor make a room spare, bright and sunny; however, light color visually doesnt give a supportforlegsand heavy eleme
49、nts erior.1,2,6MirrorsThe mirror increasingly There are many mirror erms of spaciousness. es a material, or rather a tool for creation erior t can improve the erior proportions, modify the , and perhaps the most famous trick is gaining of room through the large mirror . Thisprocedure can be used in
50、living rooms, or combined kitchenette, and tshould be alarge, spacious, bright and However, it is particularly he small-scale rooms like bathrooms, halls, etc. They are usually small and quite tight, so any extra space, even created using help of mirror reflections, increases their attractiveness.Mi
51、rror tricksand methodsislly eriorof asmall-bathroom.Itfollowsfrom thespecific mirror is one of the sary functional he bathroom the mirror is bigger, users spend alot of hebathroom where mirror is one of the sary functional he bathroom the mirror is bigger, users spend alot of hebathroom whereany dif
52、ferentactivities, and houldbe comfortableand aesthetic, lightand airy,they have tofeelgood inthe bathroomnormallyanizedontheverylittlespace, usuallydevoidof Therefore, instead of a small mirror over the sink, background off wall can be covered a t will make bathroom seem much bigger, and additionall
53、y brighter through of increasing ofreflecting lightsThe effect of increasing the visual spaciousness of a room is made even with the help mirror on a part of the wall or mirrored closet doors. It sible to improve the proportions of the room, o account t the vertical of the make effect of bigger room
54、 height, and horizontal of the mirror make room lower, but wider. The mirror located ite the window effectively causes Reflection so be used to create a different kind of spatial tricks. For le the locatedagainstamirror backgroundwillvisuallylookmoreTwo mirrors mounted at right angles create amazing
55、 of a four-times in-space. However, the set of mirrors facing each other can be used to create endless tunnels The mirror, properly fitted on thewall or ceiling, maygive the of increasing number of light s. This trick can not only brighten a room, but often make eresting,richer, ormoreThe mirror emb
56、edded in the ceiling visually lifts it up, optically increases the room opens them up. These tricks can be used in residential ch as bedroom and aswell aspublic chasshops, boutiques, clubsorThe mirror in erior is connected with the ability to create optical reproductions, distortions-to-measure dist
57、orting mirror used to emphasize the validity, attraction of place, and often in order to stimulate the imagination of the viewer, take him by surprise with curiosity form and space Number of mirror combinations, t are not always realistic s, systems, methods of connections, as well as the number sib
58、le effects and s seems to be However, the matter of a mirror through its neutral colors and texture seems to be correspondingelementforHowever, the matter of a mirror through its neutral colors and texture seems to be correspondingelementforalmosteverykindof space. 7StyleandDecorationsOne more t als
59、o contributes to the change and correction of erior space is style of d finishing materials pattern, texture, color,glosserior articles. The effect can be a result of For le, horizontallinesvisually stretcharoom, creating theeffectofspacebut, at the same time, lower it. Vertical lines, on the contra
60、ry, narrow the space on the level, visually increasing it vertically.Small element erior decorationvisuallymakesaroomwider, abig oneWhite objects on a dark background optically make the space bigger, widening lengthening it. Checkered, striped or filled with a repeated pattern , sections elementssee
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