



1、写作素材的累积湛江二中海东中学 英语组 彭慧子英语写作素材,本文作者理解的是从现实生活中搜集到的、未经整理加工的、感性的、分散的可以应用到写作当中原始材料。如何累积足够的写作素材,笔者认为在于持之以恒的积累很有效的整理归类,只有科学的储备才是打开写作思路、丰富写作内容、提高写作能力的根本途径。那么,我们要如何积累素材呢?一是通过广泛阅读,积累写作的语言、技巧等前人已经成功运用过的“间接材料”,为此,平时我们可摘抄一些优美的句子、片段,对于比较好的材料事例,可摘剪下来;二是通过观察生活,积累生活中的直接素材,无论是阅读积累还是生活积累,都围绕一个核心观察世界与社会,思考自我与人生,积累生活感悟。

2、三是在自身经验基础上,充分发挥自己的想象力或者联想能力。必要时也可采用小组学习的模式相互交流经验。下面就我个人执教的一节课的教案做一简要分析。选自新目标八年级英语上册Unit 2 Writing 一【单元话题分析】 本单元的主要内容是关于健康(Health)的讨论。Section A通过“医生问诊病人病情”,导出本单元的中心句:Whats the matter? I have a通过图画认识人体部位,以及听力、对话练习、情境交际等方式教会学生谈论他们存在的健康问题,或给出相应的建议或劝告;Section B通过讨论身体的状况及其它健康的生活方式,通过听力、阅读、讨论等方式,帮助学生掌握什么是健

3、康的生活方式以及如何养生;Self Check部分通过填空帮助学生复习所学词汇,通过开放式的写作帮助学生巩固对健康生活内容的表达。这一单元的重点在于“健康”。重点词汇:head, tooth, stomach, throat, thirsty, stressed out, cold, fever, headache, toothache, stomachache, sore throat, dentist, lie, rest, illness, advice, should, shouldnt重点句型:Whats the matter? I have a headache. You shou

4、ld drink some tea.Thats too bad. That sounds like a good idea.I hope you feel better soon.二【话题作文优化设计方案】通过游戏使学生在了解身体部位英文名称的基础上,牢固掌握病痛的词汇表达。结合学生生活设计活动,通过问候,发现对方身体方面的不适并提出相应的建议。当病症未得到缓解时,建议其看医生。创设氛围,模拟医患间的对话。结合医生的处方,转述病情。提升部分,调查学生日常的饮食习惯,就餐时间、饮食类型等,以及对待疾病和药物的态度,根据图片、影视资讯、亲身经历这些累积的材料,大家共同探讨怎样的生活方式才健康,如何

5、通过饮食来养生。三【教学过程】 I. Teaching Important Points 1.Teach the students to know some expressions about illness. 2.Develop the students writing skills, using sentences and some linking words. II. Teaching Difficult Points How to make the students use some writing skills and improve their writing ability. I

6、II. Teaching Methods 1.Pair or group work to make every student take an active part in the activities in class. 2. Interactions between the Ss and teacher. IV. Teaching Aids Multimedia V.Teaching procedures Step I Brainstorming1. Give some advice according to the picture. - I have a stomachache. -_

7、b. -I have a toothache. -_c. -I have a fever. -_ 运用远程教育资源和计算机网络资源中的图片、flash动画、声音媒体等手段进行教学,设置练习和实践所需的真实情景,营造良好的语言学习情景。实现远程教育资源与英语学科知识的整合。(Keys:a. You should lie down and have a rest b. You should see a dentist c. You should drink lots of water. d. You should drink some hot tea with honey.)2. Try to m

8、ake dialogues between the doctor and the patient according to the pictures.Doctor: Whats wrong with you, young man?Paul: I dont feel well. I have a headache and a sore throat.Doctor: Im sorry to hear that. Now, let me take your temperature.Paul: Yes, doctor.Doctor: Well, theres nothing much wrong wi

9、th you .You just have a fever.Paul: Can you give me some medicine?Doctor: You dont need medicine. Just take more exercise and drink enough water.Paul: Thank you for your advice.Doctor: Youre welcome. I hope you will feel better soon.采用情景视听法,小组合作学习,任务型教学法,为学生设置真实的情景、语境,使学生在思考、交流、合作探究中学习和使用语言。重视听说技巧的培

10、养。Step II Topic writing假如你是校医,请根据以下学生的问题,向他们的家长提出建议。ProblemShouldShouldntJimtiredgo to bed earlygo to the party tonight Juliehungry, thirstyeat breakfast, have a drinkeat too much snacksAnswer the questions: Whats the matter with Jim / Julie ? What should they do? What shouldnt Jim / Julie do? Compo

11、sition writing. Look at the chart, Prepare some sentences to tell students problems and give some advice.Show the sample article.Jim is very tired today. He should go to bed early. He shouldnt go to the party tonight. Julie feels thirsty and hungry. She may have a drink. And she should eat breakfast

12、 everyday and shouldnt eat too much snacks. 了解语言学习目标,并为下一环节的语言操练作铺垫。 Step IV Basic writingA. 基础写作假如s你的一位同学感到很不舒服,头痛、四肢无力,且烦躁不安,请你给她/他提一些建议。词数60左右。内容包括:a. have one healthy habit and lifestyle b. exercise every day c. eat a balanced diet d. eat yin foods, like. And yang foods, like. e. keep a balance

13、of studying and rest 1. Read the instructions and explain something in the notes. 指导学生审题、分析材料:写一篇记叙文。注意三点:一、本人的人称和时态:第二人称,一般现在时。二、运用给出的信息扩展,注意词数。三、运用情态动词should,连词and等。 2. Have the students finish the composition on their own,while they are working, walk around and give them some help. 3. Let student

14、s exchange the composition with their partners. And make comments and give advice on the composition with each other. 4. Ask two students to show their compositions and show the Grading Standard on the screen. 5. Correct the compositions with the whole class. Remind Ss to pay attention to the follow

15、ing: the person and the tense, spelling, punctuation, conjunctions and handwriting. Ask Ss to find out where the good and bad points are. Finally answer some questions the students may have . 6. Read the model essay together: I think you should have one healthy habit and lifestyle. You should exerci

16、se every day and eat a balanced diet. If you are always tired, you should eat hot yang foods, like beef or lamb. If you are always stressed out and angry, you should eat more yin foods, like tofu or bean sprouts. Its important to keep a balance of studying and rest.培养学生归纳总结的能力。Step V Summary and HomeworkIn this period, weve know how to express the words of body and illness, and Im sure you will pay more attention


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