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1、人脑神经数学模型的构建与应用关键词 The mathematical model of simulating brain nervous system established by mathematicalmethod can reveal the relationship between multiple sources in the brain. It can be proved that themodel can generate a variety of new mathematical models. The simulation results clearly show theva

2、rious functions of the brain and the distribution path of neurons, and fully reflect themathematical and biological characteristics of human brain neural function. The application ofhuman brain mathematical model to the processing of artificial intelligence data can be used fortroubleshooting, optim

3、ization, speed calculation and other purposes, and then can be carried out onthe computer. It solves the problem of effective connection between human brain and modernscience and technology, which is of great significance to the research and progress of humanbehavior science.Key words:Neural mathema

4、tical model of human brain; topological graph; artificial intelligence 1-27-1112-182模2图 2 人脑神经系统拓扑图 3 x x2) x3) x x x x xx x2) x( x( x(xx( x(2,2,2) x x(2,2,4) xx2 xn) xn) xx2x )nxxn xn,n),x( ( ( )xxxnx(x( )x nxnxi1 1=x , ).x(i) xx(2)x(n) 2,ix(i,i) n x(i,i) xx(2)x(n) x(i).x ( (x ( )() (2 ,x 1 ) 2 2 (

5、 ( ( )( ) (2) ( )(12)(1 i)(nnxiii) xi,ii,ii,in:nx ii i i i( , , , ii1,为n:i1i1i1,)n ,)n i1i1:ii) ii)(2(1i1i1 ( ): y i i i i1yi) ii)14)(21i1i1ki1i1k0: = 1.3 人脑神经数学模型动态数学公式 V 4 V xiii)/ yiii) xiii) xiii)x(4)14)(24)(3i1i1i1i1n:iki1i1k0,1.4人脑神经数学模型数学逻辑地址x(n,xi,i), )n,(i,ii,ii,i)xi)。 1.5 人脑神经数学模型的乘法推导公式(

6、, , , yi)n, xi, i i, , , )i ii x kk kk kki1i1k0 A v Av v 14kk0yi)n, xi, i iki1i1 ()() ( , )(, ) (,)(,).Av vyi i i xi i i i i i xk k k k k k xi i i i i ik11011.7人脑神经数学模型数量计算 i 1x nnix ix 1 nn i1由公式(172人脑神经数学模型的应用2.1机器学习网络数学模型19 6 W WW。图 6 BP神经网络结构图Sijk xw x(i,i)(i,ii,i);;iji1i1ki1i1xx(2b xxx(1b xx(.12) ( )(12k111 2.2深度学习的数学模型imjii1x mmi个神经单元输出向量, jb jmjifki1i184期。9图 9脑神经肿瘤治疗数学模型图 10 人脑神经人工智能网


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