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1、2023学年中考英语模拟测试卷考生须知:1全卷分选择题和非选择题两部分,全部在答题纸上作答。选择题必须用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题的答案必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或答字笔写在“答题纸”相应位置上。2请用黑色字迹的钢笔或答字笔在“答题纸”上先填写姓名和准考证号。3保持卡面清洁,不要折叠,不要弄破、弄皱,在草稿纸、测试卷卷上答题无效。. 单项选择1、- My bike is broken. Can you help me _ it?- Sure.Arepair Brecycle Cstore Dinvent2、_! This is a chance to make your dream come true.

2、 Believe in yourself. Confidence leads to success. Good luck!ATake it easyBTake pride inCTake it seriously3、Lets go out for dinner.Great! But Clean -Up Day is two weeks from now. We cant making a plan.Atake off Bsee off Cput off Dcut off4、It was really kind of you to give me a lift home.Oh! Its my p

3、leasure. We _ past your home anyway.Awere comingBwill comeChad comeDhave come5、Sharing is an important part of our life. When_is shared, it will be halved. And your mood will be better.AillnessBhappinessCkindnessDsadness6、Therell be a_ meeting next week, and my parents will_ come for it.Aparent; all

4、Bparents; bothCparents; allDparents; both7、Jeff is_hard-working boy and he got good grades at _end of this term.Aan; /Ba ; theCa ; anDan: the8、We should keep quiet in the movie theatre and we_ speak loudlyAwontBshouldCneedDmustnt9、They always warn us ball games on the road to avoid ourselves.Anot pl

5、ay; hurtingBnot to play; to hurtCnot to play; hurtingDto not play; hurting10、Mr. Green _ London, but he will come back in two days.Ahas been toBhas gone toCgoes toDleaves. 完形填空11、 What is happiness? Some people say that happiness comes from making a lot of 1 . Some people say that happiness 2 doing

6、things that they like or make them feel powerful(强大的). But I dont think happiness comes from money or being powerful. In fact, happiness comes from little things 3 .My mother says that she is very happy when the sun shines 4 the leaves on her face. Then theres my grandma. She always 5 her time on he

7、r flowers. 6 I asked my grandma, 7 do you spend your time on such unimportant things?. My grandma held my hand and said with a smile, Whenever I see the flowers blooming (盛开),I 8 help but feel happy. I still remember what she said even back then.When you are sad, try to find happiness in the 9 thing

8、s. Remember that happiness is 10 .1AmoneyBfunCfacesDfriends2AareBamCisDbe3Ain dangerBin lifeCin summerDin green4AwithBthroughCunderDbefore5AspendsBtakesCpays.Dcosts6AOnceBEvenCSoonDSuddenly7AWhenBHowCWhatDWhy8AwontBneedntCdontDcant9AbigBlittleCmanyDfew10AanywhereBnowhereCeverywhereDsomewhere. 语法填空12

9、、Last Wednesday night, a young lady was attacked in the street. It 1 (happen) at around 8:00 p.m. Some people heard a shout from the lady. When people got there, the lady2 (lie) on the ground, crying. Its said that the lady was a nurse in a hospital. She was on her way back home from work at that ti

10、me. Suddenly a strong man ran to her and shouted, 3(give) me all your belongings(所带的东西), or I4 (kill) you. She had to give all her money to the man.Luckily the lady5(not hurt). Now, the police 6 (search)for the robber. 阅读理解A13、Actors and actress385399Maps(colour)517528Museums454469Medical Developmen

11、t492Animals493496Holidays841873Art, famous45Plants, Rivers108109,114115Highways131141National parks747749Books, Best sellers476Countries529615Discoveries and inventions336338Passports142144Environment80101Population616619Education284321Postal(邮政) information10331039Flags of the world513516Sports8849

12、781Where can you find the information on elephants?AOn pages 517-528.BOn pages 529-615.COn pages 616-619.DOn pages 493-496.2If you want to know about Chinese film star Jackie Chan, where should you begin your search?APostal information on page 1033.BActors and actress on pages 385-399.CEnvironment o

13、n pages 80-101.DNational parks on pages 747-749.3One who likes surfing can find the information about how to surf on pages .A141-144B841-873C884-978D517-5284If you are interested in Thomas Edison, you may search .ADiscoveries and inventionsBArt, famousCPopulationDEducation5You can find “Thanksgiving

14、 Day” on page .A841-873B108-109C284-321D513-516B14、When we think of money, we think of coins and paper bills. That is what money is today. But in the past people used many things in place of money. Some countries used cows. Other countries used salt, tobacco, tea or stones. Today there are stills so

15、me places in the world that do not use paper money. One place is the island of Yap in the Pacific Ocean.On the island of Yap, people use the heavist money in the world Yap stones. These are round, white stones with a hole in the middle. The Yap stones do not originate from the island. The Yap men ha

16、ve to go to the islands four hundred miles away to fetch them. Big stones can be twelve feet high as big as two tall men. Small stones are as big as a dinner plate.Rich people do not carry the Yap stones. Servants follow the rich. Each servant carries a stone on a pole over his shoulder. Today the p

17、eople on the island use paper money for everyday shopping. But for other things they still prefer Yap stones.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。1(小题1)On the island of Yap, people use _ as money.Astones Bcows Cdinner plates Dsalt2(小题2)What does the word “originate” mean?AGrow. BCome. CDevelop DBegin3(小题3)Now paper money

18、is used _ on the island of Yap.Aonly by rich peopleBin place of Yap stonesCfor shopping of everytingDfor everyday shopping4(小题4)The passage is mainly about _.Amoney used around the world Bthe history of Yap IslandCmoney used on Yap Island Ddifferent kinds of money5(小题5)Which of the following is TRUE

19、?AThe Yap stones originate from the island of Yap.BThe Yap stones are all twelve feet high.CThe Yap stones have a hole in the middle.DPeople on Yap Island use small stones as dinner plates.C15、DSupermarkets only sell food before its “sell-by” date. So where does food past its “sell-by” date go? The

20、answer is in the trash bin. Besides shops, people also cast away a lot of food when they buy too much and cant eat it up. To stop food waste, people have come up with great ideas. Take a look and try to join the action!Set up food banks. When we have extra money, we save it in banks. This idea made

21、people think. Could they set up “banks” for food? The worlds first food bank started in the US in 1967. Many other countries, including China, have caught up with this great idea. For example, Shanghai has recently made a “share fridge”. It stores cakes and canned food donated (捐赠) from nearby marke

22、ts and restaurants. Its free for anyone to enjoy.Pay as you feel. The Real Junk Food Project is a company in the UK. It says that food past its “sell-by” date could still be OK to eat. So they collect it from supermarkets, and put it on shelves (货架) in special cafes. There, the food has no price lab

23、el (标签). You can give as much money as you want. If you dont want to spend money, you can help do some work there. There are now 125 Real Junk Food cafes worldwide. And the number is growing quickly.Buy less. When theres no food bank around, what can we do to help stop food waste? In two words: Buy

24、less. Dining halls in more than half of US colleges are going tray-less (无托盘). It makes it harder for students to take too much. This small change brings a big difference. It reduces food waste by 25 to 30 percent, and saves water and energy because there are no trays to wash.1The underlined words “

25、cast away” in Paragraph 1 probably means _.Aput away Btake away Cgive away Dthrow away2Which of the following is true according to the article?APeople need to pay for food from “share fridge”.BDining without trays helps to reduce food waste and save water.CFifty percent of American restaurants are g

26、oing tray-less.DThe food in the Real Junk Food Project is free for anyone.3How does the writer organize the writing?A B C D4Whats the main purpose of the writing?ATo show how important the food bank is.BTo introduce some ways of stopping food waste.CTo ask people to buy food past its “sell-by” date.

27、DTo discuss where the food past its “sell-by” date goes.D16、Whats the most important thing for you to have in your life? Somebody mentions hard work; others suggest knowledge, love and luck.If you arrange(排列)the 26 English letters in order and use numbers to represent each of them, for example, 1 fo

28、r a, 2 for b, 3 for c. . . 26 for z, you can change an English word into a number. So hard work becomes 8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11=98,meaning 98 is its mark; knowledge: 11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5=96;love:12+15+22+5=54, and luck: 12+21+3+11=47,a small mark. None of these words can give one a full mark. What ab

29、out money? It cant, either.Then what else? Dont be worried. You can always find an answer to a problem in your life, when you change your way of looking at things or doing things, or your attitude. Yes, attitude is the word. See for yourself : attitude:1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5=100,a full mark.Different a

30、ttitudes lead to different courses of life. Most time people hope for a better life. It is possible that they will have a better life if they change their attitudes. When you change your manner and became friendly toward others, youll meet more smiling faces toward you. In the same way, if you take

31、a positive attitude toward failure, youll find its also rewarding(有益的)though it has caused you losses(损失).1The writer thinks is the most important thing in a persons life.Ahard workBknowledgeCmoneyDattitude2What is the mark of the word. money according to the passage?A73.B72.C75.D62.3From the passag

32、e we can learn that .Adifferent attitudes come from different courses of lifeBsometimes failure can bring you good if you take a positive attitudeCmath can solve every problem easily in our daily lifeDnone of the English words except attitude is 100 or morE17、You can play the game in the city or in

33、the country. You can play almost anywhere as long as there is room to run. All you need is at least three players. The game is called “tag (捉人游戏)”.Anyone can play tag, including children under 5 years old, though sometimes they have difficulty understanding and following the rules.In the game, one p

34、layer is “it”. The players decide theboundaries. For example, any area out of the yard might be out of the boundary.The player who is “it” closes her eyes and counts to 20 while the others run away. When the player who is “it” opens her eyes, she must chase (追) and touch one of the other players. Th

35、e player touched by “it” will become the new “it”.Tag is a safe game to play. But still, youd better follow these rules:1. Dont play tag in the street or parking lots.2. It is safer to play tag on a soft surface, such as grass, sand.3. Be sure to wear shoes that are suitable for running.4. Play tag

36、on the ground. Climbing trees or stairs should not be part of game.5. Dont “tag” other players with sticks or other objects.6. Be careful about playing tag around animals, especially dogs. Remember, dogs have an instincts (直觉) to chase and catch anything that runs. Dont play tag around a dog you don

37、t know.No matter where and how you play, tag is a game that will bring you hours of runlots of exercise!1Tag is a game that can be played .Aby two playersBon the playgroundCwith all eyes closed2The underline word “boundaries” means “ ” in Chinese.A边界 B规则 C时间3The player who will become the new “it”.A

38、falls overBis touched by “it”Cwins the last game4Which of the follow is NOT true?AWear shoes that are suitable for running.BDont play tag around a dog that you dont know.CClimb up the tree while playing tag.5Whats the best title for the passage?AA Funny GameTagBSome Rules of TagCThe Way to Play TagF

39、18、India is next to China. Like China, India is a developing Asian country. They have a lot in common. They are both big countries with different languages and different kinds of food. They both have a lot of farmers and are both the fastest growing countries in the world.The two countries both do w

40、ell in IT business. China is strong in hardware while India is strong in software. Indian software business has been growing very fast since the 1990s. Today India sells software and services to nearly 95 countries around the world.In the coming years, China and India have similar problems. Both of

41、them have a large population. China has about 1.3 billion people and India has about 1 billion. Thats one-third of the worlds population. The two countries need to keep growing fast provide jobs for billions of people every year.1China and India have a lot in common Except that .Athey are both big c

42、ountriesBthey both have the same cultureCthey have different languagesDthey are both the fastest growing countries2What does India sells to many countries around the world today?ASoftware. BTelevisions.CComputers. DHardware.3There are about people in China and India in all.A1 billion B1.3 billionC1.4 billion D2.3 billion4What do China and India need to provide for their people ever


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