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1、 PAGE 页码 12 / NUMPAGES 总页数 12科教版六年级英语上册期末知识点综合复习年级联考习题班级:_ 姓名:_ 【单词拼写】1. 按要求写单词。1heavy(反义词)_2health(形容词)_3cheap(反义词)_4swim(过去式)_5fly(过去式)_6study(第三人称单数)_7cannot(缩写形式)_8run(现在分词)_9watch(第三人称单数)_10.child(复数)_2. 根据句意及首字母提示填写单词。1Our Earth l_like a ball in space.2We will p_trees on Tree Planting Day.3We

2、should plant m_trees to make the place more beautiful.4Jack s_on Lilys foot yesterday.5Spring in Changsha is beautiful and c_.3. 根据句意及首字母提示,把句子所缺单词补充完整。(1)ThemonthsofwinterusuallyareN_,D_andJ_(2)Shanghaiisinthee_ofChina.(3)TeachersDayisonthet_ofS_.(4)Theballis200yuan.Itisd_.(5)Thisplanef_toGuangzhou

3、everyday.(6)Beijingisab_city.(7)Theboxish_.Icantcarryit.4. 按要求写单词。1. bring(过去式)_ 2. put(现在分词)_3. understand(过去式)_ 4. happy(比较级)_5. smile(现在分词)_ 6. friend(形容词)_7. dictionary(复数)_ 8. many(同义词)_5. 写出下列动词的ing形式。1.cook_ 2.watch_3.collect_ 4.read_5.write_ 6.eat_7.run_ 8.swim_9.take_ 10.play_【填空题】6. 写出下列规则

4、动词三单形式,现在分词和过去式。1laugh 2try 3point 4plan 5hope 7. 填空题。1There are many_(child) in the park.2What_(do) he do on the Spring Festival?3It is a_(cloud) day.4What do you want_(eat)?5She_(do not) like to eat noodles.8. 按要求完成句子。1Everyone_(study) hard every day!2Our teacher_(learn) us to play ping-pong yeste

5、rday.3Danny couldnt_(throw) the ball.4My father_(answer) me some questions now.5Did he_( watch)a basketball this morning?9. 填空题。1The girl behind you is_(sleep).2How is the weather today?Its_(rain).3Listen! It_(rain) outside. We have to stay at home.4The cat_(catch) the fish now.5They are_(write) the

6、ir homework.10. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1He_(have)a cold last Monday.2Jane_(did not)come to school yesterday.3I_(see)a film last night.4She_(visit) her grandparents with her parents the day before yesterday.5I am going to_(watch) TV tonight.【选择题】11. She _ a skirt yesterday. ( )A.wear B.wears C.wore12. She _her

7、 finger yesterday.( )A.hit B.hits C.will hit13. Were looking _ some ducks. ( )A.in B.at C.near14. My shoes are size 37. Your shoes are size 39. Your shoes are _ than mine.A.smaller B.bigger C.shorter15. Hes walking _ the zebra crossing. ( )A.along B.across C.in D.at【句型转换】16. 句型转换训练。1. Im not good at

8、 English. (改为肯定句)2. Tom doesnt go to school by bus. (改为肯定句)3. It isnt going to rain this evening. (改为肯定句)4. Frank comes from England. (改为一般疑问句)5. I can speak English. (改为一般疑问句)6. We will go camping tomorrow morning. (改为一般疑问句)7. It is a lovely cat. (改为what引导的感叹句)8. These pictures are beautiful. (改为ho

9、w引导的感叹句)9. She likes drawing very much. (改为否定句)She_drawing very much.17. 句型转换,请按题目要求完成下列各题按要求做题。1.Im 12.Kate is 13.(合成一句)Kate is_me.2.She had an art class last Monday.(改为一般疑问句)_she_an art class last Monday?3.Does he have a comic book?_,he_.(肯定回答)4.They took a dancing class at 4:00 yesterday afternoo

10、n.(改写否定句)They_a dancing class at 4:00 yesterday afternoon.5.看!考虑正在跑。(翻译句子)Look!The tigers_.18. 根据要求完成句子。1. is / stamps / hobby / collecting / his (.) (连词成句)2. Grandpa goes for a walk with his lovely granddaughter. (改为一般疑问句)3. Jeff sees a film in the cinema. (变为否定句)4. Does Kim play computer games? (作

11、否定回答)5.Flying kitesis Janes hobby. (对句子主题意思提问)19. 句式转换。1Is Mary reading book?(做否定回答)_, she_.2We went to the library yesterday.(用next week改写)We w_to the library next week.20. 按要求写句子。1Summer.(根据回答提出问题)2I can dance and sing.(改为否定句)3They are eatingmoon cakein the Mid-Autumn.(就主题意思提问)4Should I turn left?

12、 (肯定回答)5The library closesat five.(就主题意思提问)【阅读理解】21. 阅读短文,根据短文内容回答下列问题。My name is Mary. There are five people in my family. They are my father, my mother, my brother, my sister and me. My father likes playing sports. My mother always cooks Chinese food in the kitchen. My brother is a teacher. He lik

13、es playing basketball. Who is the beautiful girl in the garden? Shes my sister. She likes playing thepipa. What is my hobby? I like going hiking. Im going to the nature park this Sunday.1How many people are there in Marys family?2What is Marys fathers hobby?3What does Marys brother do?4Does Marys si

14、ster like playing thepipa?5Where is Mary going this Sunday?22. 阅读理解。My DreamsI want to be a teacher when I listen to my teacher carefully. I think I can be a teacher when I grow up. I can help many students learn things well. I can play with my students, too. So we are good friends. I want to be a d

15、octor when I see many doctors save their patients (病人).To be a doctor is really great. Then I can help many people out of danger. I want to be a reporter when I watch TV every evening. We can get lots of important information (重要信息) from them. They make the world smaller. I can learn a lot about Chi

16、na and the other countries around the world. I can meet many super stars as well. I have lots of dreams. I think my dreams can come true one day, because theres an old saying “Where there is a will, there is a way.”1Which job is not in this story? ( )A.teacher B.doctor C.reporter D.inventor2As a rep

17、orter, you can not _. ( )A.learn a lot about China B.meet many super starsC.learn about the foreign countries D.help many people out of danger3What is the meaning of the old saying in the story? ( )A.有志者,事竟成 B.心想事成C.只要功夫深,铁杵磨针 D.少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲4The reporters make the world _. ( )A.bigger B.smaller C.bet

18、ter D.faster23. 根据内容判断,对的写“T”,错误的写“F”。Its Helens birthday today. All her friends are at her home. They brought a lot of things for their party. They are showing their things to each other.Nancy: Whats in your hand, Yang Ling?Yang Ling: Its a tin of chicken. Do you like it?Nancy: Yes, I like it very

19、much. I have a box of chocolates, too.Yang Ling: Great! Where is Liu Tao?Nancy: He is sitting on the sofa. He has a Walkman and he is listening to music there.Yang Ling: Look! Wang Bing is coming. There are some fruit in his hand.Nancy: I see. Miss Li is coming, too.Yang Ling: What does she have?Nan

20、cy: Lets go and have a look. Wow! A nice birthday cake and a birthday card! Can we have a look?Miss Li: Sure. Its a nice cake and there are some sweets on it. Boys and girls, its time to have the cake. Lets sing the song Happy Birthday together now.All: Good idea.1It is Helens birthday today.(_)2The

21、y are singing and dancing.(_)3He is sitting near the sofa.(_)4Liu Tao is listening to music on the sofa.(_)5There are some fruit on the cake.(_)24. 阅读,判断句子正误。Lilys Memo(备忘录)( )(1)The Childrens Day party is on the last day of June.( )(2)Sports Day is on Thursday.( )(3)The Dragon Boat Festival is afte

22、r Fathers Day this year.( )(4)Lily is going to make zongzi for her dad on the 17th of June( )(5)Jacks birthday is on the 23rd of June.25. 阅读短文,判断下列句子正误。Bill and Sally are good friends. They usually go to art museums on Sundays. Bill likes Chinese ink paintings. And he likes paintings about animals.

23、His favourite artist is Xu Beihong. Sally likes oil paintings. Her favourite painting is Sunflowers. Its a picture by Vincent van Gogh. She likes the colours.( )(1)Bill and Sally usually go to art museums on Mondays.( )(2)Bill likes Chinese ink paintings about animals.( )(3)Bills favourite artist is Xu Beihong.( )(4)Sunflowers is Sallys favourite painting.26. 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。Fred likes fish very much. One day, he bought(买)some fish and took it home. His son saw the fish and said to


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