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1、关于高等院校英语专业写作课摸索与思考徐克容 7月26日第1页第1页提纲2. 对当前专业英语大学生水平评估 3. 英语写作教学中几种问题见解1. 信息时代英语写作主要性第2页第2页第一部分信息时代英语写作第3页第3页我们时代与英语写作关系经济全球化信息网络化国际间交流日益频繁网络成为交流主要手段网络便捷与经济增进了国际间、人际间书面交流第4页第4页信息时代英语写作与学生关系英语专业学生未来工作需要学生当前学习与生活需要E-mail and mobile phone text messagesBlogApplication letters for short-term courses abroad

2、 in the summer vacationPapers required for an international event第5页第5页第二部分对大学生英语水平评估第6页第6页基本情况社会与科技发展助学渠道开拓教学改革结果学生总体水平有了很大提升第7页第7页详细表达 有 进 步 有 较 大 提 高 有 较 大 提 高口语听力阅读写作 相 应 提 高第8页第8页写作能力分析(1)内容丰富、题材多样对比:王治郅与姚明; 索尼专卖店与联想专卖店服务 校园恋情:网络恋情; 老少配爱情能持久吗? 为钱还是为爱?思想开放、敢于触及敏感话题同性恋问题;校园恋人同居问题第9页第9页写作能力分析(2)愿意

3、探索不同写作手段喜欢用讽刺风趣手法,如 Exams are under fire these days. Their opponents accuse them of stifling creativity and causing a high level of anxiety among students. Its a pity that they have all missed the boat. They are blind to the service exams have done and will continue to do for us. And they dont have

4、a vision of the crisis we would face if the exam system is abolished. (Long Live Exams!)第10页第10页写作能力分析(3)学生一些习作有一定深度提升不久 But of all the students in the school, there were some, who would stop and listen. They would listen in silence, without complaining, without ignorance. They well knew that the 10

5、-minute-alarm was not only mourning for the Nanjing Massacre victims, but mainly for us, who could hear the alarm, to get a clear understanding of this part of our history.(December the13th)第11页第11页写作能力分析(4) Throughout human history, man has experienced hundreds of thousands of disasters. We had pan

6、icked and regained our composure; we had lost our homes and rebuilt them upon the ruins. As the picture unfolds of how people face disasters, we see a mixture of sadness, wonder and hope. When people are faced with disasters, they are vulnerable. When people are faced with disasters, they are courag

7、eous. When people are faced with disasters, they are not easily resigned to fate. (Disasters, exam paper)第12页第12页四大问题语法词汇搭配 动词句型组织逻辑写作技巧中式思维中式语序中式表示方式Warning! 第13页第13页典型中式英语There is no regret medicine in the word.(It is no use regretting what you have done./It no using crying over spilt milk.)Parent

8、s spin around their child. (Parents life is centered around their child.)I was really glad they could squeeze some time out of the busy study to pay me a visit.(I was glad that they took time off to come and see me.)第14页第14页结论以上所谈长处大部分学生尚未具备,但还是令人鼓舞,我们开到了希望,相信能培养出更多优秀学生写者(student writers)。所提及问题是迈进中问

9、题。假如他们还相几年前写150词左右作文,出现问题也就不会这样多。但是所普遍存在问题,也是写作课此后要处理问题,也不能忽略。我们目的是帮助学生写出内容丰富,语言地道高质量作文。写作是当前是多数学生最微弱一个基本功。 第15页第15页第三部分对英语写作教学中几种问题见解第16页第16页简明回顾EFL写作教学历史EFL写作与母语为英语写作没有本质区别,相关后者研究基本都适合用于前者。上世纪前期英语写作教学大体分为两派:技巧派与内容派。上世纪末两派结识逐步统一:写作既要注重内容,也要注重技巧。当前西方两种办法是:过程教学法(process-oriented approach) 成品教学法(produ

10、ct-oriented approach)近几年广外王初明专家写长法。第17页第17页白猫,黑猫,抓着耗子就是好猫适合自己学生办法就是最好办法。学习各家长处,走自己路。普通原则:1.必须达到一定量,勉励学生多写。2.理论、技巧点到即可。3.内容与语言并重。4.以激励为主,使学生想写。第18页第18页批改作业 写作学时费力不讨好一门主要课程,批改作业是写作教师最犯憷事情。不少专家提出了改进办法,但是我们首先要处理一个主要问题:批改作业目的。师生一对一交流;重点是“评”而不是“改”;帮助学生提升手段,而不但仅是纠错。第19页第19页办法不必每次都改,只批一个“阅”字;不必每次全改;组织学生互改,教

11、师提供一个checklist。几条原则:1.教师一定不要把精力都适合用于批改作业。2.假如写作量少,应当每次都批改;但能够精改与泛改相结合。3.每次作业都应当给评语,是否打分不主要。西方流行sandwich评语。第20页第20页A Sandwich Comment On the whole it is a well-written essay: good organization, choice of words and argument. But I think the third arguments do not relate to the first two. Besides, avoi

12、d using long sentences that are not grammatically correct. Do a better job of proof-reading. I appreciate your effort in reviewing your peers essays. You have offered good comments and suggestions.第21页第21页Peer Evaluation目的不是毁灭几种错误,而是提升学生分析能力、判断能力以及他们对语言结识(awareness)。是过程教学法一个主要环节。增进互相学习,互相帮助。教师往往受到启发

13、。两个实例第22页第22页实例 (1) I am very glad to see that you are making progress each time. I think it is a good essay. The structure is very clear and you organize your points in a logically way. You used definition and examples to make your essay more convincing. at the beginning you mentioned some people d

14、ont regard plagiarism as a serious matter which makes your essay an argumentative one. Good job! I think this is just where I failed. Perhaps in the future, youd better pay more attention to some specific words to make what you said more accurate. I am a little confused by some of your sentences. An

15、d I think the ending is a little weak. (Wang XX _ )第23页第23页实例 (2) Comments from Tian XX: Basically, this is a good essay. Your words are very powerful, and there are many convincing examples. I appreciate your language. There are some suggestions: You can develop more powerful and direct topic sentences for the first and third reasons you give. For the second and third reasons, youd better strike a balance between examples and your own analysis.第24页第24页写作量问题当前北外作法 1.一年级200词;二


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