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1、WarmerHow do you feel in the following situations?1: You will have an exam tomorrow.2: You will meet your boyfriend/girlfriend tomorrow.3: Your best friend is in the hospital. .Unit 14 So thats what it means!Interchange 2In this lesson, we are going to learn Vocabulary for feelings and gesturesGramm

2、ar: Modals and adverbsPronunciation: PitchGrammar: Permission, obligation and prohibitionObjectivesTeacher-led PracticeDo people in your country use these gestures? Do you?What other gestures can you use to communicate these meanings?What are three other gestures you sometimes use? What do they mean

3、? What do these gestures and body language mean? Teacher-led PracticeA: What is this man doing in each picture? B: Match each expression with a picture. 1: Hes biting his nails. 2: Hes rolling his eyes. 3: Hes scratching his head. 4: Hes tapping his foot. 5: Hes twirling his hair. 6: Hes wrinkling h

4、is nose. C: Use these pictures and the following adjectives to describe how the man is feeling.Annoyed confused embarrassed frustrated irritated bored disgusted exhausted impatient nervous“In the first picture, hes twirling his hair. He looks nervous.”dcfeabGrammar Focus A: Look at the picture: Wher

5、e are they? What is the man from India doing? How is the other man reacting? Listen and check: They are at a school/university. The Indian man is moving his head from side to side. The other man is confused. B: Listen again: Three people guess what Raj means. Which guess is correct? 1: Maybe it mean

6、s that Raj doesnt understand. 2: It might mean that Raj doesnt agree. 3: It could mean that Raj agrees. C: Now listen to Raj talk to his friend. What does he find unusual about the way people in North America communicate? Raj finds the way people end a conversation unusual. For example, theyll say t

7、hings like, “Hey, Lets get together soon.” He thought it was an invitation, but its just a way of saying good-bye. Grammar Focus Role play with your partner about the conversation. (handout 1) Ron: Have you met Raj, the student from India?Emily: No, I havent. Ron: Well, he seems really nice, but the

8、res one thing I noticed. He moves his head from side to side when you talk to him. You know, like this. Emily: Maybe it means he doesnt understand you. Ron: No, I dont think so.Emily: Or it could mean he doesnt agree with you. Peter: Actually, people from India sometimes move their heads from side t

9、o side when they agree with you. Ron: Oh, so thats what it means!Handout 1Role play with your partner about the conversation. Ron: Have you met Raj, the student from India?Emily: No, I havent. Ron: Well, he seems really nice, but theres one thing I noticed. He moves his head from side to side when y

10、ou talk to him. You know, like this. Emily: Maybe it means he doesnt understand you. Ron: No, I dont think so.Emily: Or it could mean he doesnt agree with you. Peter: Actually, people from India sometimes move their heads from side to side when they agree with you. Ron: Oh, so thats what it means!Gr

11、ammar Focus A: Look at the table below: ModalsAdverbsIt might/may meanIt could meanIt must meanMaybe/Perhaps it meansIt possible/probably meansIt definitely meansSlight possibilityStrong possibilityB: When we are not sure about the meaning, what modals of possibility or adverbs do we use? Modals: mi

12、ght, may, could. Adverbs: maybe, perhaps, possibly, probably. C: When we are sure about the meaning, what modals or adverbs do we use? Modals: must. Adverbs: definitely. D: Do modals use the base form of the verb or the infinitive? E: Maybe and perhaps go at the beginning of the sentence. Where do p

13、ossibly, probably, and definitely go in a sentence? After the subjectTeacher-led PracticeWhat do these gestures mean? Take turns making statements about each gesture using the meanings in the box. Hope the expressions in the chart can help you. Modals Adverbs It might/may mean he doesnt understand y

14、ou. Maybe / Perhaps it means he doesnt understand you.It could mean he doesnt agree with you.It possible/probably means he doesnt agree with you. That must mean he agrees with you. That definitely means he agrees with you. A: What do you think the first gesture means?B: It probably means , or it mig

15、ht mean Teacher-led PracticeA: Imagine you are in a foreign country and you dont speak the language. Think of gestures to communicate these meanings.Go awayHelp!Please repeat.Im lost.Im hungry.I dont understand.Its delicious.How much does this cost?Someone stole my wallet.Wheres the bathroom?B: Take

16、 turns acting out your gestures. Can your partner guess what you are trying to say? PronunciationPitch. A: Listen and practice. Notice how pitch is used to express certainty or doubt. B: Take turns asking yes/no questions. Respond by using :Absolutely, definitely, maybe, probably, and our own inform

17、ation. Pay attention to pitch. Grammar FocusA: What do you think these international signs mean? Then match each sign with the correct meaning. You might see these signs: a: on a beach, at a campsiteb: in a museum, in an art galleryc: on an airplane, in a taxid: on an aluminum can, on a plastic bott

18、lee: at a construction site, in a factoryf: in a hotel room, at a campsiteg: in a park, on a sidewalkh: in a place of worship, in someones home dagehcbfB: Where might you see the signs in part A? Give two suggestions for each one. “You might see this one at a national park or .”Grammar FocusWhat do

19、these signs mean? Guess and share with your partner. Grammar FocusA: Match these school rules with the correct sign. fahdcgebB: Use the language in the box to take turns talking about each sign.A: This first sign means you arent allowed to eat or drink in the classroom.B: Yes, I think youre right. A

20、nd the second one means you have to Teacher-led PracticeA: How many rules can you think of for each of these places?on an airplane in an art museum at a zoo in a library in a movie theater at workUseful expressions You can / cant You are / arent allowed to You have to “On an airplane, you have to we

21、ar your seat belt when the plane is taking off and landing.”B: Share our ideas. Why do you think these rules exist? Have you ever broken any of them? What happened? Teacher-led PracticeA: Who knows how to drive? Brainstorm some rules of the road. B: Listen to three conversations about driving. Check

22、 () True or False for each statement. C: Listen again. Which drivers did something wrong? All the drivers did something wrong: 1: Driver 1 parked in the wrong place.2: Driver 2 was driving in the wrong lane.3: Driver 3 was speeding, but slowed down.Final TaskA: Think of some rules and regulations for your school or classroom. For exampleYou arent allowed to chew gum in class. B: Now


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