



1、 PAGE 页码 5 / NUMPAGES 总页数 5北师大六年级上学期英语单词拼写培优补差专项班级:_ 姓名:_1. 单词拼写。1.裤子_ 2.衣服_3.单调乏味的_ 4.穿戴_5.幸运的_2. 根据示例写出单词或短语的正确形式。例:longlonger watch TVwatched TV1. strong 6.play football2. big 7.read books3. nice 8.go hiking4. thin 9. take pictures5. happy 10.buy presents3. 根据提示或句意,完成句子,使句意完整,每空一词。1.There are lot

2、s of doctors and nurses in a_.2. Where are my_ (眼镜)?一They were in the study just now.3.Would you like_ (watch) a film with me?4.They are from the USA. They speak_.4. 用所给词的正确形式填空。1.Let me_(tell) you about my daily life.2.I_(be)fromEngland.3.School_(begin)at night.4.I have four_(class)in the evening.4

3、.He usually_(work)in the office5. 根据所给提示信息写出正确的单词或词组。1I want to buy some word books. I need to go to the b_.2Im hungry. Id like a_.3What would like for lunch? Id like some fish and_.4Whats your uncles job? Hes a_.5I can use_.6. 根据提示写出所缺单词。1、Whereareyougoingthis_?(oinmrgn)2、Imgoingtothe_.(bokoresot)3

4、、Whatareyougoingto_?(yub)4、Imgoingtobuya_(micoc)book.5、Whatareyou_todo?(nigog)7. 写出下列单词相对应的原型或过去式。(1)is_ (2)were_(3)visit_ (4)went_(5)take_ (6)play_8. 按要求写词。(1)good (副词)_(2)interest (形容词)_(3)different (反义词)_(4)run (现在分词)_(5)watch (三单)_(6)bring (过去式)_(7)take (过去式)_(8)put (过去式)_9. 按要求完成下列各题。1.swim(动词i

5、ng形式)_2.watch(第三人称单数形式)_3.have(第三人称单数形式)_4.drop(过去式)_5.difficulty(复数)_10. 看图写动词短语。_ _ _11. 写出下列动词的过去式。(1)ride_ (2)hurt_(3)fall_ (4)eat_(5)go_12. 按要求写单词。1. play(现在分词)_ 2. radio (复数)_3. right(同音词)_ 4. rainy(动词)_5. cloudy(名词)_ 6.bring(过去式)_7. teach(过去式)_ 8. happy(反义词)_9. took(原形)_ 10.drink(过去式)_13. 补全单

6、词。1. My grandpa likes Beijing Opera(京剧). He often w_ CCTV 11.2. Lin Tan usually r_ a bike to school.3. Their h_ are different.4. Do you often w_ to your pen pal.5. My mother is a nurse. She w_ in a hospital.14. 按括号内要求写出单词。1. well(比较级)_2. slower (反义词)_ _3. have(过去式) _4. magazine(复数)_5. walk(动词-ing形式)

7、_15. 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。1. Im s_an email to my family in China.2. Tell me m_about the Great Wall.3. Huangshan is a f_mountain in Anhui.4. R_is my hobby. Ive got lots of books.5. Thanksgiving is my f_festival.16. 根据句意及首字母填空。1.Hecanspeakthreef_languages.TheyareEnglish,JapaneseandFrench.2.Doctor, I cant sl

8、eep well these days. Sometimes Im a_all night.3.My English writing is good, but I need to i_my listening skills.4.My favorite_is autumn.5.Do you have a fever?Ive taken my t_.It seemed all right.17. 看图根据首字母写单词。 c_ p _ f_ b_ s_18. 用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空。My grandma_(watch) TV every day.2.Jims parents are doct

9、ors. My parents are_(farm).3.Please help_(they) do some housework.4.Can you speak_(Japan)?No, I cant.5.How many_(child) can you see in the picture?6.I live on the _ floor in this building. (one)7.Lucy is tall and _, She must eat less. (fat)8.Many _ doctors wear glasses, too. (woman)9.Your room is between mine and the _. (twin) Theyre the same age, but theyhave different _. (hobby)10.The boy sits there and reads a comic book _. (happy)19. 填写单词所缺


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