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1、初中中考英语必考易错题含答案解析1、 -Im too busy_ to my family often -Why not call them instead? A. writing B. to write C. written D. write【解析】too.to 太.而不能.我太忙不经常给我家里人写信答案为 B。2、_ great fun to walk in the rain it will be!A.What B.How C.What a D.How a【解析】fun 不可数名词,用 what答案为 A。3、Be careful when _the streetA.to cross B.

2、cross C.you cross D.youll cross【解析】当你通马路时要当心。用一般现在时,答案为 C。4、-I hear a traffic accident happened yesterday Was it terrible ? -Yes car _ and all the people in it were badly hurt But luckily,none of them was killedA.fell over B .fell behind C.fell off D. fell down to【解析】 over 强的是“向前摔倒、跌倒并“翻过来”的意思fall d

3、own 强调的是“滑倒、 倒下”, fall off 强的是“跌落从掉下”答案为 A。5、Take time, youll make another A. then B. and if D. or【解析】祈使句and 如果.就 祈句 .否则根据目意思别着急,否则你还会错。表示了转折答案为 D。6、 Ive never _ him beforeA. heard of B. from heard to D. of【解析】完成时动词用过去分词BD 可排除。hear of 听说过hear from 收.来信,答案为 A 7、 They were very proud_ their daughterA.

4、 for B. of C. About【解析】be proud of 为.骄傲 take pride in 为骄,答案选 B8、-Sorry _ being late -It doesnt matter In fact, you re just on time_ it A.for, for B.of, for C.for, with D.of, with Be【解析】sorry for sth.为某感到抱歉 Be on time for sth.对某事准时,答案为 A。9、 _the help of the computer, information can _every corner of

5、the world quickly A.With, arrive B. With, reach C.Under, arrive Under,reach【解析】借助电,信息可以迅速地到达世界的每一个角落 reach 是及物动词答案为 B.10、 -What happened to Tom? -He was street _ motorbike hit him from behindA. while B. until D. because【解析】While 表示在时候”时不能与瞬间动词连用。 hit 是,瞬间的动作。when “当 .时候” 可以与瞬间动词用。until 直.because 因为

6、后面两与题目意思不符合,答案为 B.11、_ either you or I good at drawing?A.Am B.Are C.Is 【解析】就近原,填的动词的时态,要根据离它最近的主语是什么来填。这里离动词最近的主语是 you, 所以用 are 答为 B。12、 David was born _A.since twenty years ago B.for twenty years C.twenty years ago D.just over twenty【解析】years born 是瞬间动词,不与一段时间连用。故答案 C13 doesnt know the school, but

7、its ( ) to be quite a good oneA. told B.spoken C.talked D.said【解析】Its said to .据 她知道这个学校,但是据说是相当好的一个。答案为 D。14、-Im _ in what _ you -Well,don follow suit Just do what you likeA.interesting,interests B.interested ,interests C.interest,interestsD.interest,interesting【解析】interest: n. 兴;好奇 v.发生兴趣 主语多为物或事

8、interested: adj. (对某人或 某事)感兴趣的作主语 interesting: adj. 有趣的;引起兴趣的 物主语答为 B。15 beautiful _ tourists to Guilin from the world overA. attracts attacks C. causes D. Catches【解析】attract 吸引 attack 攻 cause 引 导致 cause 往跟灾难事故联系在一起 catch 赶 引起,抓住 答案为 A。16、 -Youve dropped _ “s in the word “acros -Oh, _ letter “s shou

9、ld be doubled like this “acrossA. a, a B. an, a C. a, the D. an, the【解析】本题考冠词的用法。表示泛指时用不定冠词a 用辅发音字母之前,an 用在元音发音字 母之前。s 的音为/es/,为元音发音。应用“”,后表特指,上面出现的,应the,答案为 D.17、 -I did badly in the long jump -A. Congratulations That great Well done Bad Luck【解析】badly 说不,很差 ABC 都好的意思 答为 D。18、 -Will you be back _ fi

10、ve in the afternoon? m not sure, maybe later than thatA. in B. before C. for D. until【解析】in 只能接一段时间,before 在.之前 for 接一段时间,until“直到.答为 B。 19 first school _ we visited yesterday is not far from hereA.that B.which C.to which D.where【解析】The 是 visit 的语定语从句的先行词如果有序数词,不定代词,最高级修饰,引导 词只能用 that。答案为 A。20、Allan

11、 cut the birthday _ small piecesA. as B. to into D. in【解析】 把.成 cut in 插嘴,干涉 cut to 削减至故答案选 21、 -Why not _ him with his lessons? -Ive tried to, but he said he t need anyA. help to help C. helping D. Helped【解析】Why not+词原形.? 为么不做.?答案为 。=Why dont you +动词原+.?22、I found _ very difficult to learn maths A.

12、what B. it C. that D. 【解析】 it +形词to do sth. it 是式宾语动词不定式是真正的宾语,形容词作宾语补足 语,故答案选 B23、-This is really wonderful party with interesting people and great food -Im _ to hear that you are yourselfA.sorry B. glad C. afraid D. Sure.【解析】根据题 答案为 B。我高兴听见你玩得很高兴。24t forget to come to my birthday party tomorrow _A

13、.I dont B.I wont C.I cant D.I haven【解析】明天不忘记来我的生日聚会。-我不会的。答案为 B。will 表意愿、意志决心25、-Do you have any fun _ together with the small children? -Yes Ive experienced nothing other than pleasureA.to be B. be C. being D. Are【解析】 fun doing sth.做某事很开。答案 C。26、 Listen,can you hear _ for help?A.to cry B.cry C.cryi

14、ng D.cries【解析】 sb.doing sth.见某人正在做某事 sb.do sth.听见某人经常做事 答为 C。27、 -Maths isnt as as Chinese -I agree with you I think Chinese is other subjectA. easy, easier B. easier, easier C. easy, easiest D. hard, the most【解析】difficult as.as 同级比较中间用原形后面的是两类(文和其他科目)作比较,用比较级根据句意,学没有中文容易。我同意你的看法,我认为中文比其他科目都简单。 答为 A

15、。 28、What do you think of his Oh, no does _A.good B.well C.better D.best【解析】你认为的冲浪技术怎样啊?”“,没有人做得更好(比)” 把他和其他人进行比较,答案为 C。29、_ has questions is welcome to A.Who B.Anyone C.Those D.Anyone who【解析】任何人问题,欢迎来问。 Anyone 作主句的主,Anyone is welcome 引的句子 who has questions 作定语修饰 anyone。答案为 D。30m afraid I won come _

16、 and I will be at work thenA.until B.between C.during D.for【解析】7 点 9 点间,用 between.答案为 B 直 during 在.期间 for 为.31、 Xian is very famous _Terra Cotta WarriorsA. to B. of C. in D. For be【解析】famous for 因.而出名。答案选 32、-This is no-smoking zoneCant you the sign? -Oh ,sorry I _ itA.havent seen B.wont see C.dont

17、see D.didnt see【解析】过去没见,用过去时,答案为 D。I havent seen it.(我过去没看见 ,我现在也没看见) 33 moonlight shone _ the window and fell on my bedA.from B.on C.through D.across【解析】月光透玻璃照射过来,用 through,案为 C。34、-Is that man an _? -Do you mean the one whos wearing different T-shirt? A. American B. English C.Australia D.India【解析】

18、English 表示英国人时,前面不加冠词 ,Australian 澳大亚的,澳大利亚, Indian 印 人 答案为 A。35、-_ is your new teacher? -The one standing under the tree with a dictionary in his handA.Who B.What C.Where D.Which【解析】根据下的意思,可以判断,有一定的范围,哪一个Which 可以人或物答案为 D。 who 的话,后面的回一般为具体的人名36、-Shall we leave for home now? -No, I _ here until Tom c

19、omes backA.wont wait B.will leave C.will wait wont stay【解析】C 为将等,直到 TOM 回来。 为 直到.才直到 Tom 回,我才.与题意不 符。B 为我将离开,直到 Tom 回。 为直到 Tom 回,才留下。答案为 C。37、 I want to visit England _A. if it B. as soon C. as soon as possible if possible【解析】as soon as possible 意为尽可能快 if possible 是 if (it is) possible 的省略,果可 能.。句一般

20、用一般将来时我想尽快去参观英国。故答案选 C38、Heres shirt of Size Would you please try_?A.on it B.try out it C.try it on D.try it out【解析】try on 试 try out 尝 放动和副词中间 答为 C。39、 Neither you or he _ Hawaii beforeA. has gone to B. gone to C. have been to D. has to【解析】neither.or 既.也不,谓语动词和最临近的主保持一致。 have been to 曾去过 have gone t

21、o 已经去了。答案选 D40、Bob, _ sure to come to the meeting early tomorrow!A.is B.make C.be D.makes【解析】 sure 表设法确保,务必的意思 表再去确认一下 be sure 通用来表示确信,肯定 表示已经确认了 答案为 B。41、My friend riding too fast and _ the wall he was not badly hurtA. knocked at B.put into C.crashed D. knocked into【解析】knock at 敲 put into 放进,投入 cra

22、sh 撞毁 knock into 撞 撞,遇见答案为 D。42、 -Do you know the city of Ningbo well? -Of course I do Ive here for nearly yearsA. come been arrived D. got【解析】A,C 为瞬动词,与 for+时间用于完时中。got 与意不符合,答案为 B。43、-What was the score of match? Did you beat them? -_ We lost to the girlsA.Sorry, I dont know B.I dont want to talk

23、about it C.Its secret D.Dont ask me【解析】答语是们输给了那些女生。 ACD 与题意不符合答案为 。44、Take your time, youll make another A. then B. and if D. or【解析】祈使句and 如果.就 祈句 .否则根据目意思别着急,否则你还会错。表示了转折答案为 D。45、This of T-shirt is _A.easily worn out B.easy worn out C.easy to worn out D.easily to be worn out【解析】T-shirt 肯定是被穿坏。排除 C.

24、 副修饰动词,排除 B.D.答案为 A。46、 -Do you often get on-line? -Yes I _ of my time on it Its a good way to kill timeA. cost B. spend C. pay D. take【解析】 一物作主语,花费” spend 花时间或金钱 pay 支(钱) take 一指花费时 间。答案为 B。47、 -Will you please show me how to operate the new machine? Its a piece of cake Now let me tell you _ to do

25、firstA. what B. how C. whether D. which【解析】whether 是否,which 哪一个,与意不符,而如果用 how,do 后面应该有宾语。how to do it.答为 A,what to do first 首先做什么。48、-Is that man an _? -Do you mean the one whos wearing different T-shirt?A. American B. English C.Australia D.India【解析】English 表示英国人时,前面不加冠词 ,Australian 澳大亚的,澳大利亚, India

26、n 印 人 答案为 A。49、-Are you getting well with Tom? -Not very well, but we used to be friends Themore I know him,_ like himA. the more B. the less the little D .the least【解析】你和 TOM 相得怎样?-不是很好,但是我们过去曾是朋友,我越了解他,我就越不喜欢他。答案为 B。比较级, 比级”表示“越.就.”50、 The man _France will give us a talk _his countryA. from, on B.

27、 of, in C. of, about D. from, of【解析】 来. of 一般是用于所格 on 和 about 在里都可以,这个来法的男人将给我 们做个关于他的家的演讲答案选 51、 -How long have you been away from your hometown? -_two years agoA.Since B.For C.In D.From【解析】since+时间段+ago since +过去时间点 这两种都可用于完成时中答案为 A。for+时间段 52、 -_ present youve bought for me! -Im glad you like itA

28、. How B. What a C. How D. What【解析】感叹句 how 修饰形容词或副词,what 修名词。present 是数词,答案为 B.53、 _he ever _abroad ? No, neverA. Did, go B. Is, been C. Has, been D. gone【解析】他曾经过国外吗? -,没有。 ever 是曾经,never 是曾含定思它们常用于现在 完成时,ever 用于疑问句时,其答语中用 ever,若否定则用 never have been to 曾去过,现在回 来了。have gone to 已去了,在还没回来。答案为 C54、 -Some

29、thing must be done to stop farmers cutting down forests -I agree with you If we _, a lot good land will be gone with themA. wont B. arent C. dont D. mustnt【解析】条件从中,要用现在时代替将来时。 可以排除。 表示状态D 表示禁止,题意不符合, 答案为 C。55d like to go abroad for study, but I _afford itA.dont B.wasnt able to C.cant am 【解析】没有能用 can

30、t.答案为 C。我出国深,但是我没有能力承担费用。56 United States_up its satellite until January ,A. sent didn send C. hasnt sent D. wasn sent【解析】Not.until 直到.才去发生的事,用过去时。答案为 。57、 -Have you finished your work yet? -No, not yet think itll take _ ten minutesA. another other others more【解析】another +数词名词 固定用法,another 表示“另外的,再”

31、 根据题目思,可以判断是需要 再花 10 分钟,所以答案是 A。58、I m _ to trouble youA. glad B. afraid fear D. sorry【解析】be sorry to do sth.做某感道抱歉 be afraid to do sth.害怕做某事 be glad to do sth. 很高兴做某事 be fear to do sth.害怕做事,故案选 D59、 Everyone went to the zoo last Sunday _JimA. but B. not C. except D. Besides【解析】上周日了 Jim 所有人都去了动物园 ex

32、cept 除.之 从整体中剔一部分常与all,everyone 等用。 besides 除.外还. ,故答案 C60、They are _ thereA.near B.to near C.near to D.nearly【解析】他们快了。there,here 可以做表语 如 m here. nearly 副词,修饰 there 几乎,差不 多答案为 D。near 在.附,near to 靠,接近 +词 be to 将要做.后面接动词原形61、-Could you me how to improve spoken English ? -Well,just take every chance to

33、 practise _and dont be shyA. speak B.to speak C. speaking D.spoke【解析】你能告我怎样提高英语口语吗?-住每个会练习说,不要害羞。答案为 C。 练习,后面接名或动名词,不接不定式。62、 -How long have you been away from your hometown? -_two years agoA.Since B.For C.In D.From【解析】since+时间段+ago since +过去时间点 这两种都可用于完成时中答案为 A。for+时间段63、Travelling by air is _ more

34、 expensive than by train even though the air tickets are on ( 打折)A.very B.a lot of C.many D.far【解析】far more 表.贵得多 ABC 都不能修饰比级 答案为 。 尽管机打,但是同火车比起 来坐飞机还是要贵得多64、 Then he slowed _ as wind became stronger and the waves higherA. under B. below C .down D .slowly【解析】放慢速 slow down,案选 C65、 -Would you like to

35、give us a talk sometime next week?-Sure But what should I _?A. talk talk about talk with D. talk to【解析】谈论什主题用 talk about 答案为 B。talk with 和交谈 两方都有说 talk to 对说话 侧 重于一方讲,一听 答案为 B。66、-I eat _ vegetables and _ meat than I last year -Thats whyyoure getting fatterA. fewer,more B.more,less C.less,more D.man

36、y ,much【解析】一定要清楚,是变得越来越胖了,那么就是蔬菜吃得更少,肉吃得更多。vegetables 此是 可数名词,用 fewer 修饰答案为 。67、 -The rain came to a stop the night beforeThe fields are still full of water -It _ for nearly a weekA.had rained B. has rained would rain was raining【解析】came to a stop“停止”the night before前一个晚上for+一时间用于完成时,而 came 表 明是过去时,

37、所后面用过去完成时。答案为 A68、 -Well do what we can _English well this term -Its high time for you to work hardA. study B. to study C. be studied be studying【解析】这题可会误选 A,因为大家知道情态动后动词原形,但是请大家分析句的成分,这里 的 what we can 实省略了 do,这个 what we can do 在句子中作宾语从句。正确答案是 B,动词不定式作目的状语后面回答的 time for sb.to do sth.对某人来说是时候去做.这是定用法

38、。69、 Can you _who has lost the watch?A. look for B. look up find D. find out【解析】 for 寻,look up 查阅 find 找到(带有偶然性) find out 指过各种办法弄明白 真相,答案 D70、 I want to visit England _A. if it B. as soon C. as soon as possible if possible【解析】as soon as possible 意为尽可能快 if possible 是 if (it is) possible 的省略,果可 能.。句一般

39、用一般将来时我想尽快去参观英国。故答案选 C71、Nobaby the thief slip into the shop, because the lights happened to A.put out B.turn out C.give out D.go out【解析】put out 扑灭 turn out 制造;关灯;结是;出席(某项活动) give out用完,耗尽,精疲力竭 out 熄灭 答案 D。没人有注意到小偷商店了,因为灯碰巧熄了72、George WBush encourages the US soldiers to fight _ their own A.with B.ag

40、ainst C.for D.about【解析】fight with 和.打架 fight against 为反对.作战 fight for 为了.战斗(国家,自由,权利)答案为 C.73、 The teacher is _ with what we didA. pleased B. please C. pleasure Pleasant【解析】be pleased with 对满 pleasant 是“愉快的” please 动,“使高兴;使喜欢;取 悦” pleasure 名,快乐, 愉, 满,案选 A74、English people _ use Mr before a mans firs

41、t nameA.never B.usually C.often D.sometimes【解析】在名字面是不加 Mr.答为 A。 never 从不,usually 通 often 经常 sometimes 有时 75、This is used _ a reading roomA.as B.for C.by D.in【解析】as 做“象.一”时,后面接从句。“作为.”时,后接短语。 答为 A。 这个房 间被用作阅览室76、I wonder _ you would like to come to my birthday partyA.that B.whether C.that if D.that w

42、hether【解析】我想知你是否能来我的生日聚会,答案为 B。77 _to places of interest since he moved to China with his family A.traveled B.travels C.has traveled D.will travel【解析】since+一般过去时态的句子 主句用现在完成时答案为 C。78 moonlight shone _ the window and fell on my bed A.from B.on C.through D.across【解析】月光透玻璃照射过来,用 through,案为 C。79、-Could

43、I speak to Tom, please? -Sorry, he isnt here at the moment He _Hangzhou on businessA.went to B.has gone to C.goes to D.has been to【解析】他不在说明去了杭州还没回。答案为 B。80、 It makes him _A. feel angrily B. feel angry C. to feel angry D. feeling angry【解析】 sb.do sth. 让某人做某事 这使他感觉得很生气。 连动词 feel 后接形容词作表语。 答案为 B81、I won

44、der _ you would like to come to my birthday partyA.that B.whether C.that if D.that whether【解析】我想知你是否能来我的生日聚会,答案为 B。82、 -Dad, whats the like? -Well, its large and full of water It covers about _ of the earthA. one third B. three quarter C. three-fourth three quarters【解析】我们知海占了地球的大部分。A 是分之一与题目不符合。Quar

45、ter 是分之一,在分子大 于一时,分母序词要用复数,答案为 D。83、 How I _ the history books?A. keep B. lend C. borrow D. Return【解析】 保 lend 借出 borrow 借入 return 返还除了 ,其他三个都是都是瞬间动词 不可以和延续性的时间状语连用 how long 说明是段时间答案为 A 84、 Lucy is free Look, she _ a model shipA. makes B. made C. has D. is making【解析】从 look 可看出,这个句子用现在进行时,答案选 D85、-Tom

46、 won the first prize the competition -He _ because he is the most hard-working studentA.needs B.deserves C.is sure of D.should 【解析】Tom 在赛中得第一名。 这是他应得的因他是学习最刻苦的学生。 need 需要, deserve 为此付出了努 得到是应该的 be of 确 should get 应该得到 答案为 。86、About firemen were killed in the fire which Yueyang,Hunan Province last we

47、ekA.down B.into C.out D.in【解析】break down 失败; 损 ,破裂 break into 闯入 break out 突发生,爆发 break in 闯入,打断答案为 C。87 price of the jacket is not too_ and its colour ll take itA.cheap B.low expensive D.high【解析】夹克的格不是太高并且颜色不错,我要了。 low 和 high 就是形容价格,cheap 和 expensive 是形容物品 如果句子中没有使用 price,接说 jacket,才可以使用 cheap 或者 e

48、xpensive 答为 。88、 A number of people in _ caught SARS and the number of people who died of SARS _ reached nearly one hundred so farA.has, has B. have, have have,has D. has, have【解析】 a number of 许多 相于 many 。主语时谓语动词用数 the number .的数量 作主语时,谓语词用单数 答案 C。89、 -What happened to Tom? -He was street _ motorbik

49、e hit him from behindA. while B. until D. because【解析】While 表示在时候”时不能与瞬间动词连用。 hit 是,瞬间的动作。when “当 .时候” 可以与瞬间动词用。until 直.because 因为 后面两与题目意思不符合,答案为 B.90 policeman asked him when the accident happenedA. what was he doing B. what did he do what he was doing D. he did【解析】警察询他在事故发生时他在做什么。后面是宾语从句,用陈述句语序且为过去进行时,答案 为 C。91、 Which of these do you think is _ useful invention?A.the more B.the s


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