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1、PUMC & CAMS Xue Gao Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) Instinctual Behavior & EmotionElectric Activity of Brain 重点:脑电波Activity of ANSANS also operates by means of visceral reflexes.Subconscious sensory signals from visceral organ can enter the nervous center, then return subconscious reflex response dir

2、ectly back to the visceral organ to control its activities.The efferent autonomic signals are transmitted through two subdivisions: parasympathetic nervous system & sympathetic nervous system.主要功能:调节内脏活动Metasympathetic nervous systemAn relative independent nervous system responsible for regulation o

3、f visceral organ functions.Controlled by sympathetic nerve or parasympathetic nerve, enable organs adapt to the changes from internal & external of body better.后交感Somatic Movement& Visceral ActivitySomatic: Skeletal muscle Conscious & Unconscious AcetylcholineVisceral: Smooth & cardiac muscle & glan

4、ds Unconscious activity Acetycholine by preganglionic or postganglionic neurons Norepinephrine by postganglionic neuronsSomatic & Autonomic Nervous System区别:有一个换元过程节前神经元节后神经元AChAch Sweat Glands, Sympathetic Vasodilator NerveSkeletalMuscle (SM)AchSomatic Nervous SystemAChAChParasympatheticAChAdrenal

5、MedullaE, NEAdrenal Medulla Cardiac muscle Smooth muscle GlandsAChNEAutonomic Nervous SystemSympathetic Cardiac muscle Smooth muscle Glands区别:交感神经节前纤维短,节后纤维长副交感相反特殊,注意,只受交感神经支配,Ach主要作为激素Function of Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Nerve Sympathetic nervous system “fight” or “flight” Increase energy e

6、xpenditure Increase cardiac activity Increase blood flow into skeletal muscle Decrease blood flow to visceral smooth muscles Digestion is deceased Dilatation of the pupils Decrease salivary production Increases sweat Function of Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Nerve Parasympathetic nervous system “r

7、est” or “digest”. Decrease cardiac activity Enhancement in digestion constriction of the pupilsFunctional Characters of Automatic Nervous System Sympathetic tone or Parasympathetic tone Organs double innervated, except vessel in skin 2 对同一效应器的双重支配 & visceral organs only sympathetic nerve innervated

8、Organic effects depend on the state of organs1 紧张性支配:交感和副交感平时都是有紧张活动的:eg:心血管的自主神经调节:心交感紧张,心迷走紧张3 受效应器所处功能状态的影响Eg:有孕和无孕的子宫孕妇子宫是收缩性的无孕子宫是舒张性的1. Spinal cord Micturition reflex & defecation reflex Baroreceptor reflex压力感受反射 sweating reflex Central Regulation of Visceral Function排尿排便2. 延髓:心血管,呼吸中枢是最基本的生命中

9、枢脊休克过后可恢复2. Hypothalamus 高级中枢 Vital (respiratory, cardiovascular, digestion & kidney) centerCentral Regulation of Visceral FunctionFunction of HypothalamusAutonomic Nervous System Body Temperature Biorhythm: 生物节律中枢:视上核,视旁核 Circannual rhythm年节律:鸟类迁徙 Circalunar rhythm月节律:月经 Circadian rhythm (Suprachia

10、smatic Nucleus)日节律:血压,激素,褪黑素Function of Hypothalamus Endocrine functionSuprachiasmatic NucleusGnRH视交叉上核促。激素释放激素垂体门脉系统腺垂体视上核,视旁核ADH神经垂体束神经垂体(中枢:渗透压感受器,在下丘脑前部)(血管升压素,缩宫素) Instinctual Behavior Function of HypothalamusBasic Instinctual Behavior Survive Ethnic Multiply Food intake Water intake Sexual Beh

11、avior Hypothalamus本能行为种系繁衍 Food Intake: Feeding Center: Lateral, Increasing food intake Satiety Center: Ventromedial, Decreasing food intake Food Intake: Feeding & Satiety center have neurons sensitive to Glucose Glucose may decrease feeding center discharge & increase satiety center discharge, caus

12、e Food Intake Decrease However, in diabetes, even though the high level of glucose, lower utilization rate of glucose duo to the insufficiency of insulin, feed intake increase糖尿病人:虽然葡萄糖的浓度高,但是葡萄糖利用率下降,所以多食 Water intake Water Balance (Water Intake & water effluence) Osmoreceptor in hypothalamus下丘脑的渗透

13、压感受器 Body lack of water: Be thirsty to drink Increasing ADH (vasopressin) secret, cause decreasing water effluence from kidney动脉血压降低,血管血量降低,也引起渴感低血量肾素增加血管紧张素II室周器渴觉渴觉的产生:1 血浆晶体渗透压:下丘脑的渗透压感受器2 细胞外液量明显减少:肾素-血管紧张素系统 EmotionFunction of HypothalamusEmotion Emotion is a mental and physiological state asso

14、ciated with a wide variety of feelings, thoughts, and behavior. Emotions are subjective experiences, often associated with mood, temperament, personality, and disposition Fear & Rage related to the limbic systemDefense reaction (Fight-Flight reaction)Fear & RageFlight & FightLateral part Dorsal part

15、 Fight FlightDefense center in hypothalamus下丘脑属于边缘系统防御反应Sham Rage保留下丘脑,出现假怒下丘脑失去了高位中枢的抑制作用,表现出过度的防御反应Pleasure & Agony Self Stimulation to localize the center Reward system or Approach system (Pleasure): Located in external & ventral medial of hypothalamus Relate to the dopaminergic多巴胺 pathway Punish

16、ment system or Avoidance system (Agony): Located from midbrain to hypothalamusPleasure & Agony Electric Activity of Brain Electric Activity of Brain Brain function involves continuous electrical activity Patterns of brain (neuronal) electrical activity recorded are called Brain Wave脑电波 Brain waves c

17、hange with body state, e.g. Sleep, Wakefulness, disease such as Epilepsy, PsychosesOrigin of Brain Waves Discharge of a single neuron or single nerve fiber in the brain can never be recorded from the surface of the brain Many thousands or even millions of neurons or fibers must fire synchronously, t

18、hen the potential from the individual neurons or fibers summate enough to be recorded all the way through the skull记录的不是神经元的动作电位,而是突触后电位(可以是兴奋性的或者抑制性的,可以加和) Spontaneous Electric Activity of Brain自发脑电活动 Evoked Cortical Potential皮层诱发电位 Electric Activity of Brain Electroencephalogram (EEG): Record of S

19、pontaneous Electric Activity of Brain脑电图:记录自发脑电活动 Some pathologic state, e.g. Epilepsy can be discerned distinct pattern EEG in Normal Healthy people Voltage Frequency 50mV 813 Hz520mV 1430Hz100150mV 47Hz20200mV 3.5 Hz从上到下,频率逐渐变慢,振幅依次增加waves: Occur when a person is awake, relaxed with eyes closed安静清

20、醒闭目不思考Alpha Waves(Alpha rhythm) Definition: Replacement of the alpha rhythm by an asynchronous, low-voltage beta rhythm whenopening the eyesAlpha Block 波阻断(Arousal response)waves (Fast waves): Higher-frequency but lower-voltage waves produced by visual stimuli & mental activity & in “fast wave sleep

21、” Indicating the excited state of cerebral cortex Beta Waves有思维活动,清醒,睁眼,快波睡眠waves: More regular with higher-voltage but lower-frequency Normally occurred in children & some adult with emotional stress, disappointment or frustratedTheta Waves多见于儿童成年人精神紧张,失望,受到打击时,亚健康状态也有,困倦状态。waves (Slow waves): High

22、-amplitude but low-frequency waves Occur during very deep sleep in adult & awake infant If occurred in awake adults, indicating a very serious organic brain disease Delta Waves深睡眠,觉醒的婴儿 Synchronous: The neurons activity of cerebral cortex is in step, represent a kind of low frequency but high voltag

23、e waves(波) Indicating the further suppression体现大脑皮层的抑制, Asynchronous: The neurons activity of cerebral cortex is out of step, represent a kind of high frequency but low voltage waves(波) Indicating the further excitation Synchronous & Asynchronous同步化,去同步化皮层诱发电位:感觉传入系统或者脑的某一部位受刺激时,在皮层某一局限区域引起的电位变化体感诱发

24、电位自主诱发电位内脏诱发电位记录比较复杂主反应,次反应,后发放。Clinical Correlate EpilepsyEpilepsy Definition: Epilepsy also called seizures, is characterized by uncontrolled excess activity of either part or all of the central nervous system Classified into three types: Grand mal epilepsy大发作 Petit mal epilepsy小发作 Focal epilepsy局

25、部发作 Grand mal epilepsy: Characterized by extreme neuronal discharges in all areas of the brain, last from a few seconds to 3 to 4 minutes Neuronal discharge transmitted all the way into the spinal cord cause tonic seizures of the entire body Then followed by spasmodic muscle contraction“Tonic-Clonic

26、 Seizures”1全身性的僵直反应2 肌肉不规则的痉挛:阵挛会出现紫绀一定注意保持呼吸道的通畅和避免把舌头咬伤Grand mal epilepsy“Tonic-Clonic Seizures”EEG: High Frequency High Voltage What initiated a grand mal attack ? Strong emotional stimuli Overbreathing 过度通气:碱中毒,神经元活动性增加 (Alkalosis Neuronal Overactivity) Drug Fever Loud noise or flashing lightsWh

27、at stop the grand mal attack ? Neuronal fatigue 突触疲劳:递质耗竭,受体脱敏 (Fatigue of synaptic transmit) Active inhibitory neurons激活抑制性神经元自行缓解“Absence Epilepsy” “Absence Seizures” Petit mal epilepsy: Characterized by 3 to 30 seconds of unconsciousness or diminished consciousness during which the person has several twitch-like contractions of the muscle, usually in the head region, especially blinking the eyes First appear during late childhood & may disappear by the age of 30无意识或意识减弱肌肉抽搐,眨眼EGG: spike-and-dome pattern Petit mal epilepsy脑电图特点:频率突然增快,振幅突然增大Focal Epi


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