



1、高三高考英语三大从句复习 一、从句对比填空。1.Thisisoneofthemostinterestingfilms lastweek.(show) Thisistheveryoneofthemostinterestingfilms lastweek.(show)2.Galileocollectedthefacts provedtheearthandalltheotherplanetsmovearoundthesun.Galileodiscoveredthefact theearthandalltheotherplanetsmovearoundthesun.3. Itwaselevenoclo

2、ck theywentoutofthecinema. Itwasatelevenoclock theywentoutofthecinema.4.Thisissuchaninterestingstory_Illneverforget. Thisissuchaninterestingstory_Illneverforgetit.5.Theteacherdidntknowthereason shewasabsentyesterday? Theteachercouldntacceptthereason sheexplainedyesterday?6. Thisis hesaidatthemeeting

3、yesterday.Thisisall hesaidatthemeetingyesterday.7.Hehassucceeded, wasexpected. Hehassucceeded, wasunexpected._isknowntousall,Englishisdifficulttolearn._isknowntousallthatEnglishisdifficulttolearn._isknowntousallisthatEnglishisdifficult.Theweatherturnedouttobeverygood,_wasmorethanwecouldexpect.Thewea

4、therturnedouttobeverygoodand_wasmorethanwecouldexpect.10. Thisisthesamewatch Ilostyesterday,butitisntmine. Thisisthesamewatch Ilostyesterday.CanItakeitback?11. Helivesintheroom,thewindow_facestothesouth. Helivesintheroom,_windowfacestothesouth.12. Thereare20peopleinthebus,mostof_areboys.Thereare20pe

5、opleinthebus,mostof_boys.Thereare20peopleinthebusandmostof_areboys.二、填空。第一部分:高考经典从句填空题Betweenthetwopartsoftheconcertisaninterval,_theaudiencecan buyice-cream. Whateverisleftovermaybeputintotherefrigerator,_itwillkeepfortwo orthreeweeks.Thedaysaregone_physicalstrengthwasallyouneededtomakealiving.Sheh

6、asagiftforcreatinganatmosphereforherstudents_allowsthem tocommunicatefreelywitheachother.5. Creating an atmosphere _ employees feel part of a team is a big challenge. 6. When woken up, he found he was standing on _ seemed to be a small piece of rock.Thegirlarrangedtohavepianolessonsatthetrainingcent

7、rewithhersister_shewouldstayforanhour.8. Can you believe I had to pay 30 dollars for a haircut? You should try the barbers _ I go. Its only 15.9. Whenever I met her, _ was fairly often, she greeted me with a sweet smile.10. Sorry Im so late,but you cannot imagine _ great trouble I took to find your

8、house.11. She will never forget her stay there _ she found her son who had gone missing two years before.12. What do you think of teacher, Bob? I find it fun and challenging. It is a job _ you are doing something serious but interesting.13. There is a lot of evidence _ stress is partly responsible f

9、or disease.14. The fact has worried many scientists _ the earth is becoming warmer and warmer these years. After working on the maths problem for hours,he found_ he thought was the key to it.16. The way he did it was different from _ we were used to .17. The announcement _ all flight were canceled b

10、ecause of bad weather greatly distressed the waiting passengers. 18. There is plenty of rain in the south _ there is little in the north. 19. _ sometimes keeps her awake all night _ Tom is getting more and more quiet at home. 20. I wonder _ the new neighbour is like.21. The old gentleman never fails

11、 to help _ is in need of his help.22. Many people think _ possible that a trade war between EU and the States will happen. 23. We must do the experiment carefully_ Miss Liu told us. 24. It was quite a long time _ I made it out what had happened. 25. He tried his best to solve the problem, _ difficul

12、t it was.第二部分:长难句分析填空:1. This means the television networks are able to sell advertising time at relatively high prices during _ normally would be dead time for programming2. There are some ways parents can be involved intheirkidseducation_ leadstodeclinesintheiracademicperformance.3. I thought addi

13、tional “cultural capital” could help students like her develop better in high school, _ they would unavoidably meet, perhaps for the first time, students _ came from homes lined with bookshelves, _ parents had earned Ph. D.s. 4. If we tent to ignore the significance of elevators, it might be because

14、 riding in them tends to be such a brief, boring, and even awkward experience-one _ can involve unexpectedly meeting people with _we have nothing in common, and an unpleasant awareness of the fact _ were hanging from a cable in a long passage5. What Winter knows of the 19-year-old who saved his life

15、 is only _ he died in a car accident and _ his family was willing to honour his wishes and donate his organs for transplantation三、单句改错1. Most parents fear computer games will prevent their children from studying hard and their children will fail in the exam._2. The notice came around two in the afte

16、rnoon the meeting would be postponed until next week._3. As for me, which matters is whether we can win the game without the help of the teachers._4. The reason is because some students have to get up early on weekdays to go to school far away from home._5. In the past three years, Mark has done eve

17、rything he can to equip himself with that he has learnt from teachers._6. Could you recommend a hotel where is in the centre of the town?_7. Please help me to reserve a room which windows face the sea._8. The singing group was so well received that the size of audience, we had expected, was over ten

18、 thousand._9. Friday was Laundry Day, on that Kerry felt very annoyed._10. I was about to turn off the computer that an E-mail arrived, informing me of the change of our travel plan._四、语篇填空AI would like to have a smart robot 1. can do plenty of the things for me. For example, it can clean my room an

19、d make the bed, keeping everything in order. I hope 2. will be programmed to do homework without making mistakes. In that way, I can turn to it 3. I need help with my study. Besides, it can take care of my little brother, 4. often bothers me much. Then I can have more free time to do 5. Im fond of.

20、It doesnt matter much 6. it is shaped like, but it must be able to communicate with me and understand my feelings. 7. wonderful life will become with such a magic robot!BGandhi was honored as the father of the Indian nation. He has been respected and beloved by the Indians with the belief 1._ he is

21、an Indian national hero.He was born in India in 1869. 2._ is recorded, he got married at the age of 13, following the local custom. In 1888 he sailed to England, 3._ he studied law for three years and became a lawyer. 4._ his return to India, he was sent to South Africa to work on a law case. In Sou

22、th Africa he was surprised to find 5._ the problem of racial discrimination was serious. There he formed an organization and this was 6._ he started to fight for equal rights. Gandhi returned to India in 1915, 7._ India was controlled by the British. He led the Indians to fight for an end to the Bri

23、tish rule and independence for his country. 8._ in the political movement many Indians including Gandhi were put in prison and it was still not sure 9._ they could gain independence, the struggles never stopped. The British government had to give in and India won its independence in 1947. Unfortunat

24、ely Gandhi was shot by an Indian 10._ opposed his views and died on January 30th, 1948.五、用从句翻译句子(选自历年高考作文范文)1.王教授建议应该避免过度用眼,鼓励多参加户外活动。(宾语从句)_2. 中学生活是艰苦的,因为我们得为高考尽全力,高考很大程度上决定了我们的未来。(状语从句、定语从句)_3. 调查表明,一半女生挑选电视与电影明星为她们的偶像,然而有48%的男生青睐体育明星。(宾语从句、状语从句)_4.比赛非常重要,每一位球员都得准时到场。(状语从句)_5这正是英国客人们期待的。(表语从句)_6.

25、你能给的赞扬程度应取决于他们的努力程度。(宾语从句)_7. 我们必须牢记只有停止浪费和污染,我们才能在干净的校园中快乐生活。(宾语从句、only if 倒装句)_8. 一些同学则持有不一样的看法,他们认为校园不应对外开放。(同位语从句)_9. 显然,这些现象在学校里影响很糟糕。(主语从句,it 形式主语)_10. 如果你有任何疑问或想要了解更多信息,随时联系我。(状语从句)_高考英语三大从句复习答案 (10.15)一、从句对比填空1. that were shown; that was shown 2. that / which; that 3. when; that 4. as; that5

26、. why/ for which; that / which 6. what ; that 7. which / as; which 8.As; It; What9. which; that 10. as; that 11. of which; whose12. Whom; them; them二、填空第一部分答案: 1. when 2. where 3. when 4. which 5. in which/where 6. what 7. where 8. where 9.as 10.what 11. when 12. where 13. that 14that 15. what 16. w

27、hat 17. that 18. while 19. It; that 20. what21. whoever22. it23. as24. before25. however第二部分:1. what 2. that 3. where; who; whose 4. that; whom; that 5. that ; that 三、单句改错1. and后增加that 2. afternoon后增加that 3. which 改成 what4. because 改成that 5. that 改成 what 6. where改成 which7. which改成 whose 8. we前加as 9. that改成which10. that 改成 when四、语篇填空A 1. that/which 2. it 3. whenever 4. who 5. what 6. what 7. howB 1that 2.As 3.where 4.On/Upon 5.that 6.how 7.when 8.Although/Though 9. whether 10. who五、翻译1. Professor Wang suggested that overuse of


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