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1、2021-2022高考英语模拟试卷考前须知:.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。.回答选择题时,选出每题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再 选涂其它答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第一局部(共20小题,每题L 5分,总分值30分)property, were among the richest people in this city.A. In search of B. In spite ofC. In place of D. In terms ofBetwee

2、n the two generations, it is often not their age,their education that causes misunderstanding.A. likeB. asC. orD. butIf the new safety system to use, the accident would never have happened.A. had been put B. were put C. should be put D. would be putIt wasnt until then their marriage was breaking up

3、because they had little in common.A. did I realizeB. that I realized C. had I realizeD. when I realizedThe new movie to be one of the biggest money-makers of all time.A. pretends B. agrees C. promises D. declinesThere is no reason to be disappointed., this could be rather amusing.A. Above allB. As a

4、 resultC Apart from that D. As a matter of factNew policies,to insure that compulsory education is truly free,by the local government acrossChina since the start of school on September 1.A. intending; have been made known B. intended; have been made knownC. intending; are made known D. intended; had

5、 made knownI heard they went skiing in the mountains last winter.It true because there was little snow there.A. may be not B. wont be C. couldnt be D. mustnt beIf the service is awful, a customer has the right to to the manager.A. reactB. applyC. complain D. suggestThe Browns held they called family

6、 day” once each year.A that B. what C. which D. whenMuch disappointed as he is in the job interview, he still keeps his confidence.A. to have failedB. failedC. having failed D. failingLi Hua his money for dollars before he went on a holiday in America.4、 A. assessed B. appointed C. approached D. app

7、lauded5、A. buy B. fit C. get D. matchA. common B. usual C. normal D. generalA. bunch B. pile C. cup D. band8 A. modest B. honest C. loyal D. considerate9、A. understandable B. focused C. reasonable D. fixed10、A. bad B. well C. good D. scary11、A. offered B. supplied C. provided D. reported12n A. spend

8、 B. deal C. cover D. chargeA. attracted B. drove C. removed D. recommendedA. permission B. supply C. invitation D demand15、A. choose B. intend C. risk D. demandA. dealing B. paying C. bargaining D. wondering17、A. even if B. as C. unless D. once18 A. save B. set C. spare D. select19、A. heavily B. qui

9、ckly C. totally D. slowly20、A. awful B. careful C. useful D. helpful第二节(每题1.5分,总分值15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。(15 分)Its not often L (sun) in Paris, 2_ people still love to walk along the banks of the Seine(塞纳河畔).They love the view of the citys old buildings, especially Notre Dame Cathedral (

10、巴黎圣母院)and the world-famous Eiffel Tower,3e have become the Iconic (象征性的)symbol of Paris for hundreds of years.(fortunate), that view has been forever changed. On April 16, 2019, a fire 5, (destroy) the spire of the 850-year-old cathedral, and two-thirds of the roof. The fire shocked Parisians. Citiz

11、ens gathered around the giant church, singing hymns(圣诗)and 6 (pray) for the hundreds of firefighters who fought the flames.The church is not only a historical treasure, but also home to many religious 7. (sculpture). Despite 8. (it) long history and many treasures, at first the cathedral needed the

12、help of a writer 9, (become) world-famous. It is Victor Hugos novel, the Hunchback of Notre Dame 10, reminds people to protect the beautiful old buildings. We hope the historical building can be reconstructed soon.第四局部写作(共两节)第一节 短文改错(总分值10分)(10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误, 每句中最多有

13、两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(A),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1、每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2、只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。I still remember how I become a good table tennis player n The first day I went to high school, I saw some of my classmates playing the table tennis、 Amazed at

14、 how skillful they were, I was determined to be just as good、 Late on, I often watched them carefully learn their techniques Then I kept practiced until I became confident enough to challenge him、 At the end of the term I became one of the best player in my classI am really proud in this experience

15、It helps me realize what we all can fulflll our potential and have our goals achieve through hard work、 It also helps me better understand the proverb “Practice makes perfect、 第二节书面表达(总分值25分)(25分)假设你是中华高中高二(11)班的班长Jim。你班将举办一次英语演讲比赛(speech contest)。希望来自附近 IT公司的美国人Green女士来做评委。请参照下面比赛通知给她写一封邀请信。英语演讲比赛主

16、题:这是我的家乡时间:7月2日下午2:30-4:30地点:艺术楼,301教室选手:12名学生联系人:Jim( 82335326)欢迎大家光临!注意:词数100左右。Dear Ms. Green,Yours sincerely,Jim参考答案第一局部(共20小题,每题1.5分,总分值30分)1、D2、C3、A4、B5、C6、D7、B8、C9、C10、B11、A12、D13、D14、A15、C16、B17、D18、C19、A20、B第二局部阅读理解(总分值40分)阅读以下短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最正确选项。21、1、A 2、B 3、B4、D1、 D2、D3、A4、B TOC

17、 o 1-5 h z 1、BACD1、BAAD1、 C 2、A3、B4、D第三局部 语言知识运用(共两节)第一节(每题L 5分,总分值30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、 C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最正确选项.1、 B2、A3、D4、C5、D6、B7、A8、C9、D10、A11、A12、C13、D14、B15、A16、C17、B18、C19、A20 D第二节(每题1.5分,总分值15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。27、1. sunnybutwhichUnfortunatelydestroyedprayingsculpturesits

18、to becomethat第四局部写作(共两节)第一节短文改错(总分值10分)becameI still remember how I become a good table tennis player. The first day I went to high school, I sawsome of my classmates playing the table tennis. Amazed at how skillful they were, I was determined to be just as good. Late on: I often watched them ceiill

19、yA leam their techniques. Then I kept practiced until I became confident enough to challenge hi叫 At the end of the term I became one of the best plaver in my class.ofLaterthattoplayersI am really proud in this experience. It helps me realize wha we all can fulfill our potential and haveour goals ach

20、ieve through hard work It also helps me better understand the proverb Practice makesaa由eveda由eved28a由eved28、第二节书面表达(总分值25分)29、Dear Ms. GreenIm Jim, monitor of Class 11, Senior 2 of Zhonghua High School, which is close to your company. Im writing to invite you as a judge at our English speech contest

21、 to be held on July 2. It starts at 2:30 pm at Room 301, Art Building and is expected to last for about two hours. Twelve students will deliver their speeches on the given topic - This is my hometown. We would appreciate it if you could accept this invitation. Feel free to call me at 82335326 if you

22、 have any questions.am looking forward to your reply.Yours sincerely,JimA. exchanges B. has exchangedC. will exchange D. had exchangedThe inner thoughts of the two young persons are revealed in the book,both of them fail to express.A. whereB. whenC. who D. whichFlight MU257. I must be off now.Have a

23、 nice trip.A. is being announced B. has announcedC. was announcing D. had been announcedExcuse me, I wonder if you can help me?Sure.?A. What help B. What is this C. What is itD. What do you wantWhy do you turn to me for help you can easily work out the problem independently?A. untilB. whenC. afterD.

24、 unlessI ordered a drink while 1 for my friends to come.A. will wait B. am waitingC. would wait D. was waitingDont give up half way, and you will find the scenery is more beautiful when you reach the destination than when youA. start offB. have started offC. started off D. will start offBecause of t

25、he heavy snow, we had to delay the visit until this weekend to the artgallery in the center of our citythese days.A. being held B. holding C. to be heldD. heldthe fierce competition in job seeking, many university graduates have no choice but to reduce their own demand for the salary.A. Faced B. Fac

26、ingC. To face D. Having faced第二局部阅读理解(总分值40分)阅读以下短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最正确选项。(6 分) At first sight, Alma Deutscher, a twelve-year-old girl from England appears to be like any other typical pre-teen. She loves to skip rope, read and play with her younger sister. But this modest youngster, who compos

27、ed her first musical work at age six, first short opera at age seven, and first full-length opera based on Cinderella at age ten, is anything but average. Though her parents downplay her extraordinary talent, young Alma is being described as “littleMozart” by the music worldAlmas operatic take on th

28、e classic fairy tale, which she began writing at age eight, has a slight twist. Her Cinderella is a musician who meets her Prince Charming through a song. wIn my Cinderella she sings the beginning of a ballad - but at midnight she flees. Eventually, the prince finds her after asking all the maidens

29、of the land to sing the end of the ballad.”The opera was first performed in Vienna, Australia on December 29, 2016, where the then eleven-year-old skillfully switched between the piano and the violin and receives enthusiastic reviews. The young genius has since performed two new piano works, once in

30、 Australia and the other in China.While this may appear to be a lot for someone so young, Alma is not worried. She says, “of course I have to work hard. But all children have to work hard for exams, and at least when I work hard, I work hard for something incredibly exciting, like seeing my whole op

31、era put on stage.Almas musical talent first came to light before she could even talk. Her parents recall that as an 18-month-old toddler, she was able to hum a pitch perfect version of the childrens rhyme Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.However, Almas abilities only gained international attention in 201

32、2, after a family friend posted a video online comparing her to Mozart. The family was suddenly swamped with media requested and Alma became an overnight star, dubbed “little Mozart”. This nickname makes her parents unhappy because they believe it puts added pressure on the young girl. They would in

33、stead prefer her to be called a composer and musician”.Alma does not want to be compared to the famous artist either, saying, “There was only one Mozart, and I prefer to be little Alma. Regardless of what she calls herself, the tvvelve-year-old is changing the world of music forever! 1、What do we kn

34、ow about Alma Deutscher?She has shown great musical talent from a young age.She comes from a famous musical family.She regularly performs the classical music of Mozart.D She has adapted some famous works of classical music.2、How did Alma get to be widely known?By performing on televisionThrough an o

35、nline videoBy putting on an operaD Through her parents9 promotion 3、What is Almas attitude towards her success?She is still unsatisfied with her performance.She is modest about her musical achievementsShe is uncomfortable with so much pressure.She is proud to have become a professional musician.4 Wh

36、at can we infer about Almas parents?They are very well-educated people.They have made a good life plan for Alma.They have pushed Alma to take up music.They are protective of their daughter.22. (8 分) Although not as much as in the past, grandparents are the teachers of the Navajo (纳瓦霍人)youth. They ma

37、ke young people aware of life at an early age. The parents grant them the privilege of teaching the children, and the grandparents take great pride in raising the children or at least having a big part in raising them.Young children often stay with their grandparents for years at a time, developing

38、a close and trusting relationship. The grandparents teach the children Navajo legends and the principle of life, emphasizing both new culture trends and the preservation of traditions.The grandparents are also often the leading figures in teaching the youth the arts of weaving, caring for the livest

39、ock, using herbal medicine, and other arts and crafts.The children are taught to respect their elders, to care for them, to help them whenever they are in need, and to learn from them. Young people are urged to listen with care to the words of their elders and to keep as much wisdom as possible. Gra

40、ndparents often go to social gatherings and traditional events, and the young have opportunities to learn more about their culture and traditions.I live with my grandmother for thirteen years, and she raised me in the old ways of our people. Although I was going to school, she taught me as much as s

41、he could about our traditions. She was a beautiful woman. If I had a chance, I would listen again to her wise teachings, expressed with kindness in a soft voice that touched my heart.We used to plant corn and pumpkin every summer. They never grew big enough to feed us9 but we planted them anyway. I

42、asked my grandmother why. She said, Grandson, our plants will be far more beautiful than the flowers outside the fence.” I did not understand until one day I saw their beauty as I was coming over the hill with her. She said, “Anything that is a part of you is always far more beautiful than the thing

43、s which you pass by.” We had some beautiful years together. I am glad she is a part of me and I am a part of her.Children used to be well disciplined, possessing more respect for culture, tradition, and beliefs than they do now.The world of the Navajo has been influenced by the western world, and th

44、e grandparents have less control and influence than they used to. But the young people who have been touched by their teachings have glimpsed a way of life beyond what most people know today.1、What can we learn from Paragraph 1?Parents hate to take the trouble to raise children.Schools are not very

45、popular with the Navajo youth.Grandparents are usually unwilling to teach their grandchildren.Children learn about the meaning of life from their grandchildren.2 Why did the authors grandmother plant corn and pumpkin?Because she hated wild flowers.Because she needed to feed her family.Because she tr

46、ied to make her fence more beautiful.Because she wanted her grandson to learn a life lesson.3、Whafs the authors opinion according to the passage?Grandparents are the source of traditional culture.His grandmother teaching could replace schooling.The western world is hardly influenced by the Navajos.I

47、t is impossible to get grandparents involved in teaching again.4、Whats the purpose of the article?To honor the authors grandmother.To share with readers a Navajo culture.To emphasize the greatness of Navajo.To introduce the development of Navajo tribes.23. (8 分)The discussion on renewable energy has

48、 been going on for at least a decade and people have relied on fossil fuels almost entirely for more than a century. However, the situation when fossil fuels were the most efficient and the cheapest source of energy has been left far in the past. Many countries such as Germany and Sweden have alread

49、y made signiHeant efforts to fix this situation, employing numerous power plants working on the renewable resources of energy. The most effective among these resources is geothermal (地热的)energy.Geothermal energy does not depend on the worlds economic and political situation as strongly as fossil fue

50、ls do. Besides, extracting (提炼)fossil fuels adds to the price of energy produced from them. Therefore, geothermal energy is much cheaper than traditional ones, saving up to 80% of the costs over fossil fuels.Being a renewable resource, geothermal energy produces less waste and pollution than traditi

51、onal energy sources.In geothermal systems, carbon dioxide makes up about 10% of air produced. Overall, in order to produce the electricity that can be used for one hour, the geothermal systems produce 0.1 pound of carbon dioxide and other harmful gases. For a comparison, a power plant producing from

52、 gas produces up to 2 pounds of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, and those power plants that work on coal (煤)produce an astonishing 3.6 pounds of greenhouse gases.Low costs is another reason why using geothermal power plants should be the first choice for many countries. Geothermal heat systems r

53、equire 25% to 50% less energy for work compared with the traditional systems for heating or cooling. Besides, geothermal equipment is less big: due to the very nature of geothermal energy, geothermal power plants have only a few moving parts, all of which can be easily sheltered inside a relatively

54、small building. Whats more, the life span of geothermal equipment is rather long. All these make geothermal power stations easy to build and keep. 1、Fossil fuels are more expensive than geothermal energy partly because A. it is free to use geothermal energy B. the production of fossil fuels costs a

55、lot C. fossil fuels are nearly used up D geothermal energy doesnt depend on political situation 2、According to Paragraph 3, what can be concluded from the comparison?Geothermal energy is environmentally friendly.Gas and coal are often used to produce electricity.Coal is much more efficient than gas.

56、D The geothermal systems dont produce harmful gases.Geothermal equipment is usually not as big as that of traditional energy because ofthe life span of geothermal equipment B. geothermal power plantsC. the nature of geothermal energy D. the small buildings 4、What is the main idea of this passage?A.

57、Many countries have benefited from geothermal energy.Geothermal energy is well accepted. C. Fossil fuels are being run out of. D. Geothermal energy has many advantages.(8 分)In our life,they are two different types of dreamer, 一 low-recall dreamers and high-recall dreamers. According to researchers a

58、t the Lyon Nero-science Research Center in France, high-recall dreamers reported they remembered their dreams almost every day while low-recall dreamers said they only remembered their dreams once or twice a month, reported Live Science.Perrine Ruby,a lead scientist at the research center in Lyon, s

59、tudied 41 people (21 high-recall dreamers and 20 low-recall dreamers) and recorded their brain activity. She found that a part of the brain called the temporo-parietal junction ( 颍顶叶交界处)was more active in high-recall dreamers. This was true both when they were sleeping and awake. This area of the br

60、ain is responsible for collecting and processing information from the outside world. This means that high-recall dreamers are more sensitive to what is happening around them. For example, when they are awake, they respond more strongly to hearing their own names. When they are sleeping, they tend to


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