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阅读材料必须大量精读做笔记词汇句式逻辑表达内涵然后一鼓作气背诵之没有input哪有output why putin doesnt respect us_第2页




1、March07, WhyPutinDoesntRespectByTHOMASL.want more E.U. and less Putinism. To put it in market terms, Putin is long oil and short history. He has made himself steadily richer and Russia steadily more reliant on natural resour n its human ones. History will not be kind Just as weve turned the coverage

2、 of osports, ng the same with There is much nonsense being written about how Vladimir Putin showed how he is “tougher” n Barack Obama and how Obama March07, WhyPutinDoesntRespectByTHOMASL.want more E.U. and less Putinism. To put it in market terms, Putin is long oil and short history. He has made hi

3、mself steadily richer and Russia steadily more reliant on natural resour n its human ones. History will not be kind Just as weve turned the coverage of osports, ng the same with There is much nonsense being written about how Vladimir Putin showed how he is “tougher” n Barack Obama and how Obama now

4、needs demonstrate his manhood. This is how himllyifenergyeverers get o the politics of small So spare me the Putin-body-slammed-and end up in great t end badly prattle. This isnt All-Star Wrestling. The teveryone. We vastly exaggerate Putins so does he and we vastly underestimate our own strength, a

5、nd ability to weaken him through nonmilitary means.Putin has seized Crimea, a Russian-speaking , once part of Russia, where many the citizens prefer to be part of Russia and where Russia has a major naval base, is not like taking Poland. I support economic and sanctions to punish Russia for its viol

6、ation Lets start with Putin. Any man who actually be ves, as Putin has said, t the breakup of the Soviet Union was “the greatest geopolitical catastrophe” of the 20th century is caught up in a dangerous fantasy t cant end well for him or his people. The Soviet Union died because Communism could not

7、provide rising standards of living, and its collapse actually unleashed boundlesshumanenergyallacrossEastern Europe and Russia. A wise Putin would have Russia so its vast human talent could ernational norms and making sanctions, even military aid for Kiev, would should ry to bite off more . we need

8、to tt little corner of world is always going to mean more, to n to us, and we should refrain making threats on which were not going What disturbs me rimea is the larger advantage of today to get t energy. He would be o the European Union, it fitsRussia stability. t Putinism used to just be a threat

9、is ing a threat to to out. t is not who Putin ed expanding NATO and never will be. He is guilty of the soft of low ions toward his people and Russia after the Cold War, when Russia was at its most democratic and least threatening. It remains one of the dumbest things weve ever done and, course,laidt

10、hegroundworkforPutinsto turn o a mafia-run petro-e thebettertostealSo Putin is now fighting human nature among own young people and his neighbors who For a long time, Putin has exploited humiliation and anti-Western attitudes (provided it is extracted at the highest environmental standards) and maki

11、ng Europe, which gets 30percent of its gasfrom Russia, more dependentonusinstead.Idalsoraiseourgasoline tax, put in place a carbon tax and a national renewable energy portfolio standard all of which would also help lower the global oil price (and make us stronger, with For a long time, Putin has exp

12、loited humiliation and anti-Western attitudes (provided it is extracted at the highest environmental standards) and making Europe, which gets 30percent of its gasfrom Russia, more dependentonusinstead.Idalsoraiseourgasoline tax, put in place a carbon tax and a national renewable energy portfolio sta

13、ndard all of which would also help lower the global oil price (and make us stronger, with cleaner air, less dependenceandmoreseems to have domestic politicsto gain popularity, but e so fundamental to t it has locked o zero-sum relationship with the t makes hard to see how we collaborate with serious

14、 trouble spots, like Syria or Bashar al-Assad of Syria is genocidal t also threatens the of the Middle East. But Putin stands by him. You want to frighten Putin? Just announce those steps. But you know the story, the tough guys in Washington who want to take on Putin would rather ask 1 percent of Am

15、ericans the military and their famistomaketheultimatesacrifice n have all of us make a small sacrifice in the form of tiny energy price increases. Those tough guys who thump their chests in Congress but run for the hills if you ask them to vote for a 10-cent increase in the gasoline taxt would actua

16、lly boost our leverage, theyll never rise to challenge. Well do anything to e lf the people long to be part t understandable Europe, but he asaNATOplotandquicklyresortedtoI dont want to go to war with Putin, but it is xe his real weakness and our real t, though, requires a long-term strategy not jus

17、t fulminating on “Meet the Press.” It requires going after the twin pillars of his regime: oil and gas. Just as the oil glut of the 1980s, engineered by the Saudis, brought down global to a t helped collapse weakness; t isnt hard. And Communism, we could do the same today to Putinism by putting the right long-term policies in place. t is by investing in the facilities liquefy and export our natural gas wonderwhyPutinholdsusin20140307变成了体对像Obam比克摔跤赛(All-Star Wrestling)是境内的俄语区,它曾是的一分,那里的许多公民宁可加入,而且的让从的是,界上的那个小角落的意义,一向远大它的意义。威、了的20140307变成了体对像Obam比克摔跤赛(All-Star Wrestling)是境内的俄语区,它曾是的一


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