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1、陕西省2020年中考英语试卷一、听下面10段对话,每段对话后有一个问题。请根据每段对话的内容和后面的问题,从 所给的三个选项中选出最恰当的一项。(共10小题,计10分)(共10题;共U)分)i听对话,选择正确的答案()A. Saying hello听对话,选择正确的答案A An eraser.听对话,选择正确的答案A. Saying hello听对话,选择正确的答案A An eraser.听对话,选择正确的答案A. He HaS a StOmaChaChe4听对话,选择正确的答案B. Saying thanks()B. A pen.()B. He has a headache.()C. Say

2、ing goodbye.C. A ruler.C. He HaS a toothache.JapaneseB French.听对话,选择正确的答案()JapaneseB French.听对话,选择正确的答案()In a bank.B. At the zoo.听对话,选择正确的答案()She,ll take a taxi.B. Shell go by bus.7听对话,选择正确的答案()C. EnglishC. At a restaurantC. Shell WaIk there.A. GO to the CinemaB. GO to the birthday party.听对话,选择正确的答案

3、()A. In Germany.B. In China.听对话,选择正确的答案()A. GO to the CinemaB. GO to the birthday party.听对话,选择正确的答案()A. In Germany.B. In China.听对话,选择正确的答案()A. LiSaB. SarahC. GO to the supermarket.C. In JaPanC. Nancy.10听对话,选择正确的答案()A. At 7:50.B. At 8:00.C. At 8: 10.A. At 7:50.B. At 8:00.C. At 8: 10.听下面两段对话,每段对话后有几道小

4、题,请根据每段对话的内容和后面的问题,从所 给的三个选项中选出最恰当的一项。(共5小题。计10分)(共2题;共10分)听对话.回答问题。What COlOr ShOeS does the man want?Black.White.Brow n.HOW much Will the man Pay for the shoes?156 WQm160 yuan.165 yuan12听对话.回答问题。When did the boy Start to run?When he WaS five years old.When he WaS ten years old.When he WaS fifeen y

5、ears old.HOW OftGn did the boy run When he started?Once a WeekTwice a WeekThree times a WeekHOW is he now?Stronger.Taller.Thin ner.三、听独白,填信息(共5小题,计10分)(共1题;共10分)本题你将听到一段独白,请根据所听内容,用单词或短语完成下列各题。(每空限填一个单词。)Linda COmeS from aCaIleCl FOXby in England.FOXby isbut beautiful.The PeOPIe Of FOXby COme to the

6、 Park andtogether.PeOPle inFOXbyIikGdrinkingLinda expresses that She also WantS to Iearn about四、完形填空(共20小题,计20分)(共2题;共20分)阅读下而短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答 案,使短文连贯完整。If you Were ninety years old, What WOUld you PIan to do? FeW PeOPIe Want to have new ChaIlenges (挑战)1that age HOWGVe匚 an Old

7、 man named Jing KUi did SOmething that SUrPriSed a IOt Of PeOPIeAS a man Of 93, he met a ChalIenge One day, film CIireCtOr Came to him and asked Whetherhe Wanted to act in his movie/*3in the movie? asked the Old man.,You,ve been a barber (理发9帀) I believe youre the right man for my movie The BarberyT

8、he Old man read the SCriPt (居IJ本)before accepting the invitation.4He knew the StOry WeIlZhe StiII needed to keep all the WOrdS in mind.5was! He finally made it and took home a SilVerCUP for a SPeCial acti ng PriZe The movie also6both n atio nal and in ter national PriZeS Jing became a barber When he

9、 WaS young He IOVed the job, SO He PraCtiCed Hard7a betterone. In his eighties, he WaS StiII doing the Same job. That WaS Why he8by the film director. TOC o 1-5 h z While the film WaS being made, the director Had his WOrrieS because he didnt know9Mr.Jing COUld keep it going At last, When the filming

10、 WaS done, the director WaS really PIeaSed Jing10SOIVed all his PrObIems! NOWJing Set a WOrld record as being a 93-year-old actor Star WhO had never acted before!1. A. fromB. OfC. atD. On2.A. theB./C. aD. an2.A. theB./C. aD. an3. A. What Can I doB. What I Can doC. HOW Can I doD HOW I Can do4. A. Unl

11、eSSB.ThOUghC. SinCeD. Until5. A. HOW big the ChaIlenge B. What big the ChalIenge C. HOW the big ChalIenge D. What the big ChaIIenge6. A. Will WinB. WinC. WinSD. WOn7. A. beB. actC. to beD. to act8. A. invitesB. invitedC. is invitedD. WaS inVited9. A. thatB. ifC. WhereD When10. A. hardB. hardlyC. SUC

12、CeSSfUlD. SUCCeSSfUIly15阅读下而一篇短文,理解大意,从所给的四个选项中选岀一个最佳答案,使短文连贯完整My father told me that there USed to be a (OreSt near OUr town. BUt the farmer WhO OWned the forest1trees every year Until One year, there Were no trees left.One day, OUr teacher took US OUt and We had a2in the field Where the forest USe

13、d to be.WhiIe eating and drinking, We3about the beautiful forest We OnCG had One Of my ClaSSmateSCOmeS from a tribe (部落)that IiVed in the WeSt Of OUr COUntry. He told US What he thought about the Change. It makes me really4to Iearn that a (OreSt has disappeared My PeOPIe have taught me to5think SeVe

14、n generations (七代人)in the future. That,s to say, When We do SOmething to the Ianet WeShOUId never 6it. We must Care about nature and IeaVe it good enough for Iater generatiOns.When We Heard What he said, We kept7first. Lets PIant SOme trees!1 Said OUr teacherafter a momentIt WiIlbe a good8!,l SO tha

15、ts What We did. FOr the rest Of the spring, WeWOrked hard and We Planted thousands Of treesThat WaS five years ago. Today, When I Stand in that field WhiCh WaS OnCe empty, I See9about as till as I am ls great to See how we,ve the field It taught US the POWer Of thinkingabOUt the future1. A. CUt UPB.

16、 CUt down C IoOkGd for D IoOkGd after2. A. PiCnicB. testC. WiShD. I essOn3. A. PIannedB. fearedC knewD. talked4. A. tiredB. excitedC. SadD. hopeful5. A. SOmetimeS B. alwaysC. SeIdOmD never6. A. PrOteCtB. hurtC. StUdyD. SeIl7. A. thankfulB. happyC. SilentD. Shy8. A. StartB. mistakeC. messD Warning9.

17、A. treesB. I eavesC. grassD. flowers10. A. brokenB. boughtC. WaStedD Changed阅读理解(共15小题,计20分)(共4题;共20分)16 阅读理解ComeWith your whole family for a funl relaxing day OrWeekend Pel 2nd feed IheanimalSt ride or walk around the farm, and USe OUrgar room and SWimming pool. Three CiOIiCiOUS realsare SerVed eac

18、h day.Open eekdayS A M IOaP M a WhiCh Of the (OlIOWing is true?A-Beautiful ValIey Farm is at 395 Ribera SOUth Road.You Can Stay at the farm 24 HOUrS a day On Weekends.You Can Stay at the farm at 9 in the evening On WeekdaySTo know more about the farm, PeOPle Can Call (874) 332- 6876.17.阅读理解PeOPle US

19、e IangUageS to COmmUniCate Any IangUage HaS its WayS to express PeOPIelS minds OnG Ofthe WayS in COmmOn is the USe Of idioms An idiom is a group Of WOrdS It HaS a SPeCial meaning that is different from the USUaI meaning FOr example, Under the Weather is an idiom meaning ill. SO When PeOPle Say Im Un

20、der the weather/ they are Saying that theyre not feeling WeIl AnOther example, in all WeatherS means in all kinds Of Weather So, ZZThere are homeless PeOPle SIeePing On the StreetS in all weathers tells US that homeless PeOPle SIeeP On the StreetS no matter Whether it is COId Or hot.Different IangUa

21、geS may have CIifferent WayS to make idioms FOr PeOPIe WhO are Iearning a (Oreign language, idioms COUld CaUSe misunderstandings and bring them endless headaches On the Other hand, if things are done right, idioms Can also be a fun Way Of IOOking into a new CUItUre and UnderStanding how the PeOPIe t

22、hink and talk.MetaPhOr (比卩俞)is Often USed in idioms. Let,s read the following two examples:It makes my blood bo(煮 j弗)When PeOPIe Itter. The night WaS dark and quiet; my blood ran COld When I heard a Strange noise OUtSide Ot dark night.In neither SitUatiOn above, OUr blood Can reach the POint SO high

23、 Or SO IOW in temperature Yet, With the SitUatiOnS the two SGntGnCeS CreatedZ it is not difficult to WOrk OUt the UnhaPPy feelings Of really angry in the first example and Very afraid in the SeCOndOf COUrSeZ not all idioms are this easy to UnderStand When We COme to idioms Of a foreign language, a g

24、ood dictionary Of idioms is always SUggeStedThiS PaSSage tells US SOmething aboutin the EngliSh IangUagegrammarwritingreadi ngidiomsIf your brother breaks your COmPUter, you Can Say to him,l,.,Under the Weatherm there in all WeatherSYou,ve made my blood boilMy blood runs COldWhat is the writers advi

25、ce Whe n you COme to an epressi On Iike Under the weather?We ShOUld IOOk it UP in a good idiom dictiOnary.We ShOUld try to express OUr minds With it.We ShOUld find an interesting Way to Iearn it.We ShOUld Create SitUatiOnS to guess its meaning.阅读理解NeW ZeaIand OfferS free SChOOl IUnCheS to thousands

26、Of kidsWELLINGTONz Feb. 20 ( XinhUa) - ZzThOUSandS Of Children have begun receiving a free IUnCh On SChOOldayS IInder the governments free and healthy SChOOIlUnCh program/1 Prime Minister (首相)JaCinda Ardern Said On ThUrSda y.,The PrOgram is for 7 ,000 StUdentS at 31 SChOOIS right now. The number WiI

27、l extend to 21,000 StUdentS in 120 SChOOIS by the Start Of 2021,Ardern Said WhiIe She WaS SerVing UP IUnCh at a SChOOl in Hawkes Bay.,A full StOmaCh makes all the CIifferenCe to a ChildlS Iearning/1 Ardern SaidProviding a free and healthy IUnCh at SChOOl is One Way to help NeW ZeaIand become the bes

28、t PIaCe in the WOrIel for SChOOl Childre n. And PeOPle Can See that d iff ere nee right away/1 She Said She added that PrOViding these IllnCheS WaS also a great Way for IOCal families to have jobs.,The PrOgram is One Of 75 PIanS from NeW Zealands CYWS (ChiId and YOUth WeIlbeing Strategy). It Started

29、 IaSt year and developed With the money from IOZOOO NeW Zealanders inClUding 6,000 young people/1 Said EdUCaUon MiniSter ChriS HiPkins.(1) What kind Of Writing is it?Story.News.Email.DJnvitation.(2)The Underlined WOrd HeXtendn here means ,.increasedoubleremai nfall(3)FrOrn the SeCOnd paragraph, We k

30、now that Ardern WaSWhen She explained the PrOgramplanning for the free IUnCh PrOgramgiving lunch to the SChOOl Childrenthinking how to PrOVide jobs for IOCal familiesDxollecting money from NeW ZealanderS(4)By ,A full StOmaCh makes all the difference to a childs learning, Ardern meant that,.Aearning

31、Well mainly depends On eatingBearning to eat a PrOPer IUnCh is importanteating HaS no thing to do With Iearmingchildren WiIl Iearm better if they eat WeIl根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选岀能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Why LiVe Nearthe River?Imagine PiOneers traveling WeSt in the 1800s In those days, it WaS Hard to find ru

32、nning Water and ShOPS Where to buy things. AS time Went by, most PiOneerS had to make their homes near a river SO that they COUld get Water easily.HOW did rivers help PeOPIe IiVe in the past?BaCk in the PiOneer days, PeOPIe grew their OWn food, CaUght their OWn fish, and COlIeCted their OWn water.Pe

33、OPle also USed rivers as roads, traveling On boats. TraderS ShiPPed goods (货物)to PeOPlefrom Other areasWhen building many factories right next to rivers for the waters POWer to make machines work, SOme PeOPleChOOSe to IiVe near a river for working. They USe the river to ShiP Iarge goods, and SOme Of

34、 them WOrk at thesefCtories Where POWer factories PrOVide electricity to homes and businessesWhO WOUIdnlt Want to IiVe near a river?SOme PeOPIe are nervous about IiVing near rivers because rivers Can CaUSe floods (;共Zk) EVeryOnCe in a Whilez floodwaters rise higher than a house, ruining (,包场;)many t

35、hings in the houseSUCh WaSte CaUSeS Water to SmeIl bad and POlIUteS the CrOPS (庄稼)We eat. Water and CrOPS inPOIlUted areas Can make PeOPIe Very SiCkHOW do PeOPIe decide Where to live?RiVerS Can PrOVide jobs and fun activities in a beautiful PlaCe HOwever, those IiVing by rivers ShOUId be WiIling to

36、accept POSSibIe PrOblemS as well.Why do PeOPle IiVe near rivers now?Why did PeOPIe Want to IiVe near a river?SOme factories PUt their WaSte into riversD Staying CIOSe to a river WaS easy to get Water for IiVingE SOme factories StOP WaSte Water from running into riversF. PeOPle WhO Carry goods OntO S

37、hiPS IiVe near the riverz too.G PeOPIe ShOUId think OVer the POSSibIe risks before decidingWhere to IiVe六、完成句子,根据所给汉语意思,用单词或短语完成下列英文句子。(共5小题,计10分) (共5题;共10分)狗是人类的好朋友。are mans best friends.我看到桌子上放着一张便条。 TOC o 1-5 h z I SaW a note Iying雨越来越大了,小心开车。Its raining more and more heavily. Lets今年暑假,我想去参观陕西历史博

38、物馆。m going to ViSit Shaanxithis SUmmer VaCatiOn中国政府全力以赴阻止新冠病毒传播。The ChineSe government is going all OUt to make SUre that COVIDWiIl no IOnger七、短文填空(共10小题,计10分)(共I题;共10分)用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文完整正确。(每个单词限用一次。每空限填_个单词。)he go take race WOrId CliffiCUIt Well Wide have beFOr most Of US ChineSez RiCk CIay mig

39、ht not be SO POPUIar HOweVG匚 the name isknown in theSPOrtS field. RiCk CIay IiVeS in WeIlingtOnZ NeW Zealand. He is One Ofthetop athletes (田径运动员) Hefirst becane famous five years ago When he broke the 40Orn WOrlCl recor.RiCkWOn five gold medals (奖牌)in the IaSt few years ThiS year has been Veryfor Ri

40、Ckzhowever In Mayz he had bad IUCk because He HUrtby accident WhiIe He WaS PreParing for this yearsTOkyO WOrld ChamPiOnShiPS He WaSto the hospital. The doctor Said it WaS not SeriOUS but WOUld Stilltake SOme time for him to be all right againEVer SinCe ther he HaS not run in any moreRiCk has tried t

41、o be POSitiVe (积极的)about his health, zzlt,s been a hard year, but m gettingZthough it takes time/1 he Said J love green PIantS and flowers Theremany in my yard I have doneIOtS Of gardening and SPent more time With my family SO thats goodThe next WOrId COmPetitiOn is in Sydney in DeCember. ,l really

42、Want to BUt m not SUre ifmy Ieg Willbe ready for the game I do HOPe it WiIl be by then.”八、任务型阅读(共5小题,计10分)(共1题;共10分)2&阅读下而短文,根据短文内容,完成下列各题。Lets Say you are taking a WaIk along the road and you happen to See One Or two WaSte bottes Iying On the grass beside the road What WOUld you do?YOU may have d i

43、f fere nt ChOiCeS Firstly, you Can IeaVe the bottles there as they are It WaS not you WhO threw them away Why ShOUld you do SOmething about it? ThiS is quite OK. Secondly, you Can PiCk them UP and throw them into a dustbin (垃圾箱) By doing this, you have Walked a SteP further to help make OUr home CIe

44、an. ThiS action is a better ChOiCe ThirdIyZ you might Want to PiCk them UP and give them to an OId man Or WOman WhO OlIeCtS WaSte for a IiVing If this is your ChOiCeZ you have Walked even further. Youre not Only thinking about doing SOmething for the GrWirOnrnent, youre also developing yourself to b

45、e a PerSOn WhO WOUld think Of OtherS and help themAS for young kids, they may always have SUCh a question: When do I grow up?H Yes! When does a ChilCl grow up? AnCl how Can a kid know he Or She HaS grown up? TheSe are interesting quesEons. AS for USz fifteen-year-olds, WhO are finishing middle SChOO

46、lZ we,re no IOnger younger ChiIdren. We ShOUld know Whether Or not We have grown up. When We Start to have a SenSe Of Offering a helping hand for a CIeaner City and greener WOrldZ and When We have a IOVing heart to think more Of OtherS than Of OUrSeIVeS and are ready to HeIP them, We Can Say that We

47、 HaVe grown up.Remember: If We HeIP OtherSz OtherS WiIl HeIP us. If We do OUr best for nature, nature Will Ofer its best to US in return!HOW did the Writer Start the passage?The Writer did it by giving a (n)Of daily life.HOW many ChOiCeS are there in the SeCOnd paragraph?There areChOiCeSWhat does it

48、 mean When you PiCk UP the WaSte bottles and give them to SOmeOne else?It is a Sign that youre aPerSOn that HaS grown up.What does the Underlined WOrd home refer to in the SeCOnd paragraph?It refers to the ,we IiVe in.HOW did the Writer SUPPOrt the main idea in the passage?The Writer USedas an examp

49、le to SUPPOrt the idea九、补全对话(共5小题,计5分)(共1题;共5分)根据下而对话中的情境,在每个空白处填入一个适当的语句,使对话恢复完整。A: Youre Wearing a new SWeater It IOOkS beautiful On you!B: My SiSter made it for meA: Really? ShelS SO nice and d if fere nt! TOC o 1-5 h z B: SUrez She always makes things herself .Im going to Iearn from her ?A: d IO

50、Ve to. I just cart Wait to Iearm With you.?B: Shes COming next SatUrday morning.A: OK. WaS your SCarf made by your SiSteG too?B: No. It WaS a birthday gift from Jenny.A:?B: Shes my friend She IikeS making friends. ShaIl I introduce her to you?A:m IOOking forward to meeting her.十.书面表达(共1题,计15分)(共1题;共

51、15分)某英文网站开展关于美丽校囲,健康生活”的征稿活动。请你根据以下图示内容积极投稿,倡导同学 们“爱护校园环境,健康快乐生活气keep the SChOOl CIean do SPOrtSIOOk after yourself OtherD参考提示内容,可适当发挥:2)语句通顺,意思连贯,书写工整;3)文中不得岀现你的任何真实信息(姓名、校名和地名等):4)词数:不少于70词。(开头和结尾已给岀,但不计人总词数。)答案解析部分一、听下而10段对话,每段对话后有一个问题。请根据每段对话的内容和后而的问题,从所给的三个选 项中选出最恰当的一项。(共10小题,计10分)【解析】【听力原文】略【解

52、析】【听力原文】略【解析】【听力原文】略【解析】【听力原文】略【解析】【听力原文】略6【解析】【听力原文】略【解析】【听力原文】略【解析】【听力原文】略【解析】【听力原文】略【解析】【听力原文】略二、听下而两段对话,每段对话后有几道小题,请根据每段对话的内容和后而的问题,从所给的三个选 项中选出最恰当的一项。(共5小题。计10分)【解析】【听力原文】略【解析】【听力原文】略三、听独白,填信息(共5小题,计10分)【解析】【听力原文】略四、完形填空(共20小题,计20分)【解析】【分析】文章大意:文章主要介绍了 JingKUi由于对职业的热爱,在93岁时被导演看中,岀 演了电影并取得了成功的故事

53、。(1)句意:很少人在那个年龄还想要面对新的挑战。介词辨析。A从:B.的:C在:D在.上;根据 题干,at that age在那个年龄是固定用法,故答案是CC(2)句意:一天,一个电影导演遇到他并问他是否想要在他的电影中出演。冠词辨析。A特指:B不填; C 一,用于首字母发音是辅音音素前:D,用于首字母发音是元音音素前:根据句意一个电影导演来到 他这儿,泛指,film首字母发音是辅音音素,所以用a,故答案是C。(3)句意:在电影中我能做什么?句子辨析。根据题干是问句,排除B、D,应该是我能做什么,故答 案是A.(4)句意:虽然他很了解这个故事,他还需要记住所有的台词。连词辨析。A除非:B虽然;

54、C自从:D 直到:根据 h knew the StOry WeIL h StiIl needed to keep all the WOrdS in mind 他很了解这个故事,他还需 要记住所有的台词,表转折关系,故答案是Be(5)句意:多大的挑战呀!感叹句辨析。根据题干是感叹句,What修饰名词,how修饰形容词、副词、 动词.感叹句结构主要有以下几种,How+形容词+a+名词+陈述语序、HOw+形容词或副词+陈述语序、What+ 名词+陈述语序、What +a +形容词+需词+陈述语序。ChaIlenge是单数名词,应该是What +a +形容词+名 词+陈述语序所以排除B、C、D,故答案

55、是A。(6)句意:电影也同时获得了国内和国际奖项。动词辨析。A将来时:B原型:C第三人称单数;D过去 式:根据上句 He finally made it and took HOme a SilVer CUP for a SPeCial acting PriZe 可知时态是一般过去时, 动词要用过去式,故答案是D。(7)句意:他热爱这份工作,因此他努力练习,想成为一个更好的人。动词辨析。be成为:act表演: 根据句意所以他努力练习,想成为一个更好的人,不定式作状语,故答案是C。(8)句意:这就是为什么他受到电影导演的邀请。动词辨析。A第三人称单数;B过去式:C般现在 时被动语态:D般过去时被动

56、语态;根据句意这就是为什么他受到电影导演的邀请。要用被动语态,构 成是be+过去分词,时态是一般过去时,故答案是D。(9)句意:在拍这部电影的时候,导演有他的担心,因为他不知道Jing先生能不能继续拍下去。连词辨 析。A那个;B是否:C哪儿;D当.时;根据语境,应该是在拍这部电影的时候,导演有他的担心,因 为他不知道Jing先生能不能继续拍下去,故答案是B-J(10)句意:Jing先生成功解决了所有问题。副词辨析。努力:B几乎不;C成功的,形容词:D成功地, 副词:根据题干,SOlVed是动词,要用副词修饰,应该是成功解决了所有问题,故答案是D。【点评】考查完形填空。根据所给的短文对意思有所了

57、解,然后根据短文的大体意思,选择每个符合题 意的答案,使短文更通顺。【解析】【分析】文章大意:文章由作者的一次野营的讨论,从而意识到森林对人类的重要性,并开始 和同学们一起栽树。(1)句意:但是森林的主人每年砍伐树木直到一年没有了树木。动词辨析。A切碎:B砍伐;C寻找:D 照顾:根据下句there Were no trees Ieft.有树了,可知森林的主人每年都砍树,故答案是B(I(2)句意:一天,我们的老师带着我们在曾经是森林的地方野餐。名词辨析。A野餐;B测试:C愿望;D课;根据F文WhiIe eating and drinking当我们吃喝时,可知应该在森林里野餐,故答案是Ao(3)句

58、意:当我们吃喝时,谈论曾经的漂亮的森林。动词辨析。A计划:B害怕:C知逍;D谈论;根据 WhiIe eating and drinking, We (3) about the beautiful (OreSt We OnCe had 应该是吃喝时,谈论曾经的漂亮的 森林,故答案是D。(4)句意:获知一座森林消失我很伤心。形容词辨析。A累;B兴奋:C伤心;D充满希望的;根据下文 that a forest has disappeared森林消失了。应该是别他很伤心,故答案是C。(5)句意:我的族人教给我要为未来的七代人考虑。副词辨析。A有时:B总是:C很少:D从不:根据 My PeOPle ha

59、ve taught me to (5 ) think SeVen generations (七代人)in the future 及语境,应该是总是为 未来的七代人考虑,故答案是氏(6)句意:也就是说,当我们对土地做些事情的时候,我们不应当伤害它。动词辨析。A保护:B伤害; C学习:D卖:根据When We do SOmething to the land, We ShOUld never it.我们人对大地做一些事情时,应 该是不要伤害它,故答案是B。(7)句意:当我们听了他的话,都陷入沉默。形容词辨析。A感恩的:B开心的:C沉默的;D害羞的: 根据上文描述 We must Care abou

60、t nature and IeaVe it good enough for Iater generations 我们必须关心自然, 把它留给子孙后代,可知听到这些话后,大家陷入了沉默,故答案是C。(8)句意:这是一个好的开始!需词辨析。A开始:B错误:C凌乱;D警告:根据上文LetIS PIant SOme trees!开始栽树,对于保护环境,应该是个好的开始,故答案是A。(9)句意:现今,当我站在那片曾经空无一人的田野上,我看见了和我一样高的树。名词辨析。A树;B 树叶:C草;D花:根据上文Lets PIant SOme trees!开始栽树,应该是树和我一样髙,故答案是A。(10)句意:我


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