Unit 1 Grammar and usage 课件-高中英语牛津译林版(2020)必修第一册_第1页
Unit 1 Grammar and usage 课件-高中英语牛津译林版(2020)必修第一册_第2页
Unit 1 Grammar and usage 课件-高中英语牛津译林版(2020)必修第一册_第3页
Unit 1 Grammar and usage 课件-高中英语牛津译林版(2020)必修第一册_第4页
Unit 1 Grammar and usage 课件-高中英语牛津译林版(2020)必修第一册_第5页
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1、Unit 1 Back to schoolGrammar and usageSentence elements and sentence structuresfocus /fks/ n. 焦点,重点vt. & vi. 集中detail /ditel/ n. 细节;具体情况as a result of由于tip /tp/ 指点,实用的提示;尖端;小费 base /bes/ 以为基础(依据) 根据;基础;基底;总部,大本营 remind /rmand/ vt. 提醒,使想起 stick to 坚持;固守,维持我在火车上看见那只黑色的猪(八戒)在飞而且他是胖胖的。I saw the black pi

2、g BaJie flying on the train and he was fat。 谓语动作主语 动作的发出者宾语动作的承担者同位语解释说明补语补充说明定语下定义状语动作发生的时间地点状态等主语动作的发出者系动词联系作用表语主语的身份状态特征我和两个帅帅的猴子在家里快乐的打狗子I and two handsome monkeys happily beat the dog at home.主语定语谓语状语宾语状语张三死了Zhuang San died不及物动词只需要前面的主语就可以完整的表达什么人做什么事。主谓SV走路跑步跳舞Zhuang San walksZhuang San runsZh

3、uang San dances张三死在家里。Zhang San died at home. 状语主语谓语主谓状语SVA张三快乐的生活着。Zhuang San enjoys a happy life.主谓宾SVOZhuang San enjoys不及物动词和主语放在一起,不能完整表达什么人做什么事的。张三在阴间快乐的生活着。Zhuang San enjoys a happy life in the hell.主语谓语宾语状语主谓宾状SVOA主系表SVP张三是一个法外狂徒。Zhuang San is an outlaw. is=解释着主语张三的身份Zhuang San is a man。Zhuan

4、g San is a murderer。Zhuang San is a patient。张三很高兴。Zhuang San is happy.is:Zhuang San is sad.Zhuang San is shocked. 相当于描述主语的状态及性质形容词名词系动词解释主语身份相当于=look, sound, taste, smell, feelget, become, turn, stay, remain, keep, etc主谓双宾vs主谓宾补张三给了一些钱给我。Zhang San gave me some money. 主语谓语间宾直宾主谓双宾SVOOZhang San asked

5、everyone to give me some money. 主谓宾补结构SVOC张三号召大家给一些钱给我。主语谓语宾语宾补宾语Everyone和补语to give some money形成了什么人做什么事ask sb to do sth, tell sb to do something. make somebody do sth.let sb do sth hear sb doing sth. 张三看罗老师讲课。Zhang San watched Mr. Luo give a lecture. 主语谓语宾语宾补1. S+V 主语谓语2. S+V+P 主语系动词表语3. S+V+O 主语谓语

6、宾语4. S+V+O+O 主语谓语间接宾语直接宾语5. S+V+O+C 主语谓语宾语宾语补足语Exploring the rulesSubject VerbIagree.Subject VerbPredicativeThese habits will be helpful. Subject VerbObjectYou will live a happy life.Subject VerbIndirect object Direct objectSetting goals gives you a focus in life.Subject VerbObjectObject complementS

7、etting goalsmakes you more confident.Sentence structuresExploring the rules1. The subject and the _ are necessary parts of a sentence.2. A transitive verb is always followed by a(n) _.3. Some verbs can have two objects. The indirect object usually refers to a person and the direct object a thing.4.

8、The object complement adds more information about the object.verbobjectWorking out the rulesExploring the rules1.tie连接2.set goals确定目标3.manage your time well安排好你的时间4.pay attention to注意5.achieve a goal完成一个目标 6.make progress取得进步e true 实现8.live a happy life过上幸福的生活1. You will find senior high school diff

9、erent from junior high school.2. Your schoolwork will be more challenging.3. We will give you more independence.4. You should listen more carefully.5. You can join a club.6. Your teachers will help you in many ways.7. You will succeed! ( ) ( )( )( ) Applying the rules( ) ( )(1) The tips below may help you.(2) They will seem easier to reach. (3) This will also give you the encouragement to achieve your long-term goal.(4) You can keep the list on your bedside table.(5) You may f


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