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1、 PAGE 页码 8 / NUMPAGES 总页数 8三年级科教版英语上册阅读理解专项真题班级:_ 姓名:_1. 阅读对话,判断句子是否正确。Mike & John: Happy birthday, Sarah!Sarah: Thank you!Mike: How old are you?Sarah: Im nine.Mike & john: These(这些)are for youcake, two kites and some dolls(玩具娃娃).Sarah: Thank you. How many dolls?John: Four.Sarah: Lets eat the cake!M

2、ike & John: Great!( )(1)Today(今天)is Sarahs birthday.( )(2)Sarah is ten.( )(3)Sarah has(有)three kites.( )(4)Mike and John give Sarah five dolls.2. 阅读短文,在相应的栏中打“”。Tom likes kites and robots. John likes toy trains and cars. Peter likes toy bears and bikes. Mary likes toy bears and kites. Bill likes bal

3、ls and kites.3. 阅读短文并判断正误。Tom is seven. He goes to school every day. The school is near his home. So he walks there and comes back on time. But today he is late. His mother asks him, Why are you late today? I am in the headmasters office. Why do you go to the headmasters office? Because my teacher a

4、sks us a question in class, and nobody can answer it, but I can. Its good to answer the teachers questions. But the question is Who puts ink on my chair?( )(1)Toms home is not far from his school.( )(2)Tom goes to school by bicycle.( )(3)Tom often comes home on time.( )(4)Toms classmates can answer

5、the teachers question.( )(5)Tom puts ink on the teachers chair.4. 阅读理解。There are 12 months in a year, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, and December. We go to school in September. We have holiday in July and August. We can swim in the river. Sam

6、doesnt like January. Its cold. But Daming likes it. He likes Spring Festival.( )(1)Its hot in July.( )(2)Its hot in November.( )(3)There are 28 days in January.( )(4)There are 30 days in June.5. 读一读,判断句子正误。Hello, Im John. Im eight. Im short.I have a big head and a small body. I have two big eyes and

7、 two small ears. Ihave two short arms. My legs are short and thin. I like balls, kites androbots. I have four balls. Theyre red and white. I have three robots. Theyregreen and yellow. They can walk(走). Theyre super. I have one kite. Itsblack and white. I like flying my kite in the park in autumn. I

8、like skating inwinter. What about you?( )(1)John is eight. He has a big head and asmall body.( )(2)John has two long arms and two longlegs.( )(3)John has three balls and four robots.( )(4)Johns robots are green and yellow.They can walk.( )(5)John likes flying his kite in autumnand skating in winter.

9、6. 阅读短文,判断正误。Yesterday, little Tom was free.He wasnt at school. He was playing football in front of the house. Then a salesman (销售员) came. He asked Tom: Hello, boy! Is your mother at home? Tom answered: Yes. Then the salesman rang (按) the doorbell (门铃). No one answered. The man asked Tom; Nobody is

10、in? Right Tom answered: But it is not my house.(1)Little Tom was playing in front of his house.( )(2)Toms mother was at home.( )(3)The salesman asked Tom: Is your mother in?( )(4)Toms was clever.( )(5)The house was Toms house.( )7. 阅读短文, 选择正确的项。My favourite clothes is a dress. Its a birthday gift fr

11、om my mother. Its red. There are some blue flowers on it. It is really beautiful. I often(经常)wear(穿着)it. But now the dress is too small. I grow(长大)so much! I give this dress to my little sister. She can wear this red dress. I think(认为)it will be her favourite.(1)Whats the girls favourite clothes? It

12、s a.( )A.jacket B.skirt C.dress(2)Who gives the dress to the girl?( )A.Her sister. B.Her friend. C.Her mother.(3)What colour is her dress? Its.( )A.pink B.black C.red(4)Who has the dress now?( )A.A boy. B.Her little sister. C.Her friend.(5)Whats the passage(短文)about? Its about.( )A.a girls favourite

13、 dress B.a boy C.a Teddy Bear8. 阅读理解。MrSmithlivesinavillage,butheworksinabigcity(城市).Hegoestoworkbytraineverymorningandcomeshomeinthesameway.Thismorning,whenhewasreadinghisnewspaperonthetrain,amanbehindhimsaidHellotohimandbegantotalktohim.Yourlifeisnotinteresting,isntit?Youtakethesametraineverymorni

14、ng,andyoualwayssitinthesameseatandreadthesamenewspaper.Howdoyouknowallthataboutme?MrSmithsaidangrily(生气地).BecauseIalwayssitinthesameseatbehindyou,themananswered.( )(1)MrSmithworks_.A. in a village B. in a city C. in a town D. in the country( )(2)Hecomesbackhomefromwork_.A.byship B.bybus C.onfoot D.b

15、ytrain( )(3)Whenheisonthetrain,MrSmithoften_.A.readsbooksB.readsanewspaperC.talkstoothersD.listenstoothers( )(4)MrSmith_.A.likesthemanverymuchB.likesreadingbooksC.doesntliketheman.D.hasmuchmoney( )(5)ThemanknowsMrSmithbecause_.A.heisMrSmithsgoodfriendB.theyworkinthesamefactoryC.hesitsbehindMrSmithon

16、thesametraineverydayD.theyliveinthesamevillage9. 阅读判断。Hello! Im Tim. Im a boy. Im from the USA. Im nine. I have twelve pencils, twenty books, eight pens and five erasers.( )(1)Tim is from Canada.( )(2)Tim is 9.( )(3)Tim has 20 pencils.( )(4)Tim has 8 pens.( )(5)Tim has 6 erasers.( )(6)Tim is a boy.1

17、0. 阅读理解,选择合适的选项。Hello,mynameisAmy.Igetupatsixforty.Ihavebreakfastat7:10.AndthenIgotoschool.Ihavefourclassesinthemorningandtwoclassesintheafternoon.Ihavelunchinthecanteenatschool.Igohomeatfourfifty.Ihavedinneratsevenoclock.Igotobedatninethirty.( )1.Igetupat_.A.6:40 B.6:30( )2.Ihave_at7:10.A.lunch B.b

18、reakfast( )3.Ihave_classesallday.(全天;一整天)A.four B.six( )4.Ihavelunch_.A.atschool B.athome( )5.Igotobedat_.A.sevenoclock B.ninethirty11. 阅读短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。John: I have a Chinese friend.Mary: A boy or a girl?John: A boy. He is strong. He likes sports. Guess who he is?Mary: He is Zhang Peng.John: You a

19、re right.Mary: I have a friend, too. She has big eyes and a small mouth. She likes painting.Whats her name?John: Her name is Alice.Mary: Yes.1Zhang Peng is _. ( )A.tall B.short C.strong2Zhang Peng likes _.( )A.painting B.sports C.English3Alice has _. ( )A.small eyes and a big mouthB.big eyes and a s

20、mall mouthC.small nose and a big mouth4Alice likes _. ( )A.drawing B.painting C.writing5Zhang Peng is _.( )A.Chinese B.English C.American12. 阅读判断。Look at my green desk!You can see three books,five rulers,ten green pencils and a red bag on it. The rulers are under the books. My pencils are on my bag.

21、( )(1)My desk is red.( )(2)I have five rulers.( )(3)My rulers are in my desk.( )(4)The books are on the rulers.( )(5)My pencils are in my bag.13. 看图回答问题。(1)How old is Jill?( )A.Ten B.Nine(2)Who is four years old?( )A.Taotao B.Huahua(3)Is Bob nine years old?( )A.Yes, he is. B.No, he isnt.(4)How old i

22、s Taotao?( )A.Seven B.Six(5)Who is eight years old?( )A.Linda B.Kim14. 阅读理解。Itseightoclock.Thechildrengotoschoolbycareveryday.Buttheyarewalkingtoschooltoday.Itstenoclock.Mrs.Greenusuallystaysathomeinthemorning.Butsheisgoingtotheshopsthismorning.Itsnineoclock.Mr.Greenusuallyreadshisnewspaperatnight.B

23、utheisreadinganinterestingbookthisevening.( )(1)Whendothechildrencometoschool?A.At8:00. B.At7:00. C.At9:00.( )(2)Howaretheycometoschooltoday?A.Bycar. B.Bybus. C.Walking( )(3)WhenisMrs.Greengoingtotheshops?A.At8:00. B.At10:00. C.At9:00.( )(4)WhendoesMr.Greenreadhisnewspaper?A.At8:00. B.At7:00. C.At9:

24、00.( )(5)WhatisMrGreendothisevening?A.Readingabook. B.Writingaletter. C.WatchingTV15. 根据短文内容,判断下列说法“正确”还是“错误”。Hello, I am Tom. I am ten. I am in Class One Grade Four. There are four people in my family. I like English, Math, Chinese, and PE. I dont like music and science. I like football, basketball

25、 and table tennis, too. I dont like volleyball and badminton. I usually help my mum at home. I am a good boy.( )(1)Tom is a boy.( )(2)There are five people in Toms family.( )(3)Tom likes English, Math, Chinese, PE, music and science( )(4)Tom doesnt like volleyball and badminton.( )(5)He never help at home.16. 阅读对话,判断正误。On the farm( )(1)There are four hens on the farm.( )(2)There are two dog and two cats.( )(3)There are three white ducks.( )(4)There are


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