1、小说翻译Fiction TranslationTeaching PlanTeaching Aims:Enable students to get the knowledge of the general principles of novel translation.Students are aware when and how to apply different translation methods in different situations through doing exercises concerned.Teaching Contents:I What is Novel Tra
2、nslationII Characteristics of Novel TranslationIII Language Features of Novel and its Implications for Novel TranslationIV ExercisesTeaching Focus: Translation techniquesTeaching Methods:Discussion (group work, then class work) and students-oriented lecturingTeaching Approaches:Multi-media aidedTeac
3、hing Procedures:About Fiction:定义(Definition):小说是作者对社会生活进行艺术概括,通过表达人的语言来描绘生活事件, 塑造人物形象,展开作品主题,表达作者思想感情,从而艺术的反映和表现社会生活的一种文 学体裁。:三要素(Three factors):人物形象(Character) 故事情节(Plot)、环境(Environment)(自然环 境和社会环境)。:特点(Features): (1) “虚构性”,是小说的本质。(2) “捕捉人物生活的感觉经验”,是小说竭力 要挖掘的艺术内容。(3)难忘的典型人物。小说塑造人物,可以以某一真人为模特儿,综合其 他
4、人的一些事迹,如鲁迅所说:“人物的模特儿,没有专用过一个人,往往嘴在浙江,脸在北京, 衣服在山西,是一个拼凑起来的角色。” (4)小说的故事情节来源于生活,它是现实生活的提 炼,但比现实生活更集中,更有代表性。About FictionCategorization:“.按篇幅微型小说(mini-novel),短篇小说(novelette),中篇小说(novella),长篇小 说(novel)按题材武侠小说,推理小说,历史小说,言情小说,科幻小说,奇幻小说,玄幻小说, 探险小说,恐怖小说,冶艳小说,挖苦小说,神怪小说,电影小说,架空历史小说,网游 小说,轻小说,军事小说,色情小说。:W.按流派古
5、典主义小说,现实主义小说,浪漫主义小说,形式主义小说,表现主义小说, 存在主义小说,意识流小说,黑色幽默,新小说派,魔幻现实主义。About FictionDevelopment::我国古代的小说萌芽于先秦,开展于两汉魏晋南北朝,当时被称为笔记小说,主要有志人小 说和志怪小说两种。唐代是小说的成熟期,当时的小说被称作传奇,宋金时期流行话本小说。 元末与明清时期小说开展至高峰,出现了长篇白话小说。Relevant Translating Theories:归化论(Domestication):异化论(Foreignization):严复的“信、达、雅”(Faithfulness, Express
6、iveness and Elegance)与刘重德的“信、达、切 (Closeness)”:奈达的功能对等理论(Eugene A. Nidas Functional Equivalence)Domestication &Foreignization:归化和异化的概念是由美籍意大利学者劳伦斯韦努蒂(Lawrence Venuti)于1995年在他的名著 译者的隐身部翻译史(The Translators Invisibility: A History of Translation)中提出的:异化以源语或者原文作者为归宿,归化以目的语或者译文读者为归宿。:异化法主张保存源语中与目的语相异的要素,并
7、保持原有的“异国情调”;而归化法那么倾向于用 目的语本身的要素替代源语中那些相异的要素从而使得译文通俗易懂。Domestication refers to a translation strategy in which a transparent, fluent style is adopted in order to minimize the strangeness of the target text for target language readers (Shuttleworth and Cowie). While Chesterman defines domestication as
8、 this domestication assimilates a text to target culture and linguistic values”.Foreignization, on the other hand, means taking the reader over to the foreign culture, making him or her see the cultural and linguistic differences.Foreignizing translation signifies the difference of the foreign text,
9、 yet only by disrupting the cultural codes that prevail in the target language.“信、达、雅”与“信、达、切”。“信”express the main idea达”smooth and natural。“雅”adopting elegant words and syntaxes that were used before Han Dynasty后来学者又把“信、达、雅”的含义开展为::*信*precisely conveying the content of the SL to the TL达”being expli
10、cit and smooth:*雅”safely and soundly keeping the original taste and style。“信”保全原文意义达,一译文通顺易懂切,切合原文风格Eugene A. Nidas Functional EquivalenceAccording to Nida, translation is reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source-language message, first in terms of meaning, a
11、nd secondly in terms of style” (Nida and Taber,2004)He defined Functional Equivalence is that “the readers of a translated text should be able to comprehend it to the point that they can conceive of how the original readers of the text must haveunderstood and appreciated it” (Nida,2000)Strategies of
12、Fiction Translation:归化的翻译方法(Domesticating method)。异化的翻译方法(Foreignizing method)。归化与异化的和谐统一 (The both in coordination)Domesticating Method:奈达(Eugene. A. Nida)无疑是归化翻译的代表人物。他坚信不同语言具有同等的表达力,“一种 语言所能表达的,必然能用另一种语言表达出来,除非形式是所表达意义的一个基本组成部 分。”(Nida and Taber, 1969):“翻译,就是在目的语中以最自然的对等语再现源语的信息,首先是意义,其次是文体。“(Nid
13、a and Taber, 1969)Domesticating Method:他提出“功能同构”(functional isomorphs)的策略,以期在不同语言中取得同构效果,他从读者反 应出发,认为理想的译文应该使译文接受者阅读译文时的反响与源语文本读者阅读源语文本时 的反响相同。由此可见,奈达的翻译是以目的语和目的语文化为归依,以译文和译文读者为中心的 归化的翻译。Advantages ofDomesticating Method:语言是文化的载体,语言的文化内涵涉及到一个民族的政治、经济、社会、历史、风俗、习惯 等各方面,是一个民族知识、经验、信仰、价值、宗教、时空等观念的总和。而汉语
14、和英语在文 化内涵上的差异就十分显著。归化法的翻译将源语与目的语之间语言上和文化上的彼此差异降 到最低,用目的语读者熟悉的语言和文化表达源语的语言和文化,使译文更透明、通顺、易懂,为 两种语言更有效的交流扫除了语言和文化上的障碍。:落汤鸡:拦路虚:爱屋及乌:胆小如鼠:对牛弹琴:鸡皮疙瘩:亚洲四小龙a drawn rata lion in the waylove me, love my dog as timid as rabbit for the birdsgoose flesh four Asian Tigers风格含义的转换:亚历山大.F.泰勒在他的翻译三大法那么中提到,译文的风格和手法应该
15、和原著属于同一种性质。 一部文学作品的风格包括遣词、句法、章法以及修辞四个方面。:例如水浒传的写作风格是以民间口语为基础的书面语,风格洗练、明快、富有表现力,人物 语言的个性化也有很高的成就。Examples fromOutlaws of the Mars by Shi Naian吹得败叶树木如雨一般打将下来”brought down a shower of leaves and branches:王进道:“和张牌买个二笠煮熟,在那里等候。我买些纸烛,随后便来。”“ You and Corporal Zhang buy and cook the three kinds of sacrifici
16、al meat, and wait for me. Ill join you just as soon as Ive bought some sacrificial paper ingots and candles ”:王婆道:“月下老偏生要是这般配合!”Mistress Wang agreed. . The marriage god makes some crazy matches,。史进对众人说道:“我听得少华山上有三个强人,聚集着五七百小喽啰,打家劫舍,我庄上 打起梆子,你众人可各执枪棒,前来救应。”“/ hear that three robber chieftains have fo
17、rmed a gang of six or seven hundred bandits on Mount Shaohua who raid and pillage,“ he said,“If our manor sounds the alarm, all of you come running with your weapons, ”translated by Sidney.Shapiro(2)文化含义的转换:美国著名的语言学家萨皮尔曾经说过,i。语言的背后是有东西的,而且语言不能离开文化而存 在。i土这里萨皮尔教授道出了语言与文化的密切关系。:在文学翻译过程中,译者除接触语言外,也接触了语言
18、背后的文化内涵。对译者来说,一篇或一部 译作的成功与否,很大程度上取决于译者能否有效地将源语文化移植到目标语文化之中。Examples fromA Dream of Red Mansionsby Cao Xueqin。鸳鸯指着他骂到:i。什么i好话宋微宗的鹰,赵子昂的马,都是好画儿,什么i喜事状 元痘儿灌的浆儿又满是喜事。i 士 (allusion and slang)Pointing an accusing finger at her she swore, Whats all this talk of good news and good fortune?translated by Yang
19、 Xianyi:已到了腊月二十九日了,各色齐备,两府中都换了门神,联对,挂牌,新油了桃符,焕然一 新 ocustoms and conventions)In both mansions, new door-gods had been pasted up on all the doors, the inscribed hoards at the sides and over the tops of gateways had been repainted, and fresh good luck slips-auspicious couplets written 加 the best callig
20、raphy on strips of scarlet paper- had been pasted up at the sides of all the entrance.translated by David Hawkes:于是接二连三,牵五挂四,将一条街烧得如火焰山一般。(set-phrase).the flames spread from house to house until the whole street was blaze like a flaming mountain.杨译:别圃移来贵如金,一丛浅淡一丛深。(poetry)Transplanted treasures, dea
21、r to me as gold / Both the pale clumps and those of darker hue!霍译Foreignizing Method:美籍意大利学者劳伦斯iQ韦努蒂(Lawrence Venuti)是异化翻译的代表人物。他通过彻底研究 考察西方翻译史,批评当代英美翻译流派中,以奈达为代表的通顺的归化翻译是将英语中透明话 语的限制强加在每一种外国文化上,以强化英美文化的规范,对英美文化而言,这是一种殖民的表 现。:他反对归化翻译,主张用异化翻译表现外国文本在语言和文化上的差异,这样,译者就从原来支 配他们写作的规范中解放出来在译文中保持外国文本的独特性,不仅有
22、效地传达了源语文本的 意义,也忠实地再现了源语的语言特色和文化内涵。Advantages ofForeignizing Method:从文化交流的角度来看,异化的翻译有利于不同的民族之间加深对彼此的了解与认识,同时,异 化的翻译通过彰显各民族在语言和文化上的独特性,试图消除不同语言在文化地位上的不平等, 使翻译真正成为不同文化之间的对话与交流。丁克族 dink/dinc double income no kid/child。象牙塔 ivory tower武装到牙齿armed to teeth:纸老虎p叩er tiger:叩头 Kowtow:功夫 Kung Fu。炒面 chaw mainExam
23、ples from Fortress Besiegedby Qian ZhongzhuSimile:忠厚老实人的恶毒,像饭里的沙砾或者出骨鱼片里未净的刺,会给人一种不期待的伤痛。The viciousness of a kind, simple-hearted soul, like gritty sand in rice or splinters in a deboned fish, can give a person unexpected pain.:方鸿渐洗了澡,回到舱里,躺下又坐起来,消除己起念头仿佛跟女人怀孕要打胎一样的难受。Trying to dispel the thought,
24、once it has lodged there, seems as agonizing as it is for a pregnant woman to have an abortion.Metaphor:他(赵辛嵋)身大而心不大,像个空心大萝卜。在小学里,他是同学们玩笑的目标,因为这样庞 大的箭垛子,放冷箭没有不中的道理。In grade school he was the butt of his classmates jokes; for with such a large target, no shot could ever miss the mark.李梅亭多喝了儿杯酒,人全活过来,
25、适才不过是立春时的爬虫,现在竟是端午左右的爬虫了。After a few glasses of winey Li Mei-t fing had Jiilly revived. Whereas before he had been an insect of early spring, now he was an insect of Dragon Boat Festival time.Metonymy:总算功德圆满,取经到了西天,至少以后跟李梅亭、顾尔谦两位可以敬而远之了。Ultimately everything came out well, and we reached the Western
26、 Paradise. (Buddhist Heaven)Personification。两天后,他们领到钱;旅馆与银行间这条路径,他们的鞋子也走得不必有脚而能自身来回了。Two days later they drew out the money. Their shoes had by this time become so familiar with the route from hotel to bank that the shoes could have made the trip by themselves.Hyperbole:方鸿渐恨不得把苏小姐瘦身体里任何一根骨头都捏成石灰粉。Fa
27、ng wished he could have crushed every hone in Miss Sus thin body to lime powder.Irony:爱尔兰人气得咒骂个不停,喝醉了酒,红着眼要找中国人打架,这事也许是中国自有外交或 定商约以来唯一的胜利。The Irishman was so enraged that he cursed without stop, got drunk and redeyed and sought to pick a fight with any Chinese he could find. The incident may well ma
28、rk China s sole victory over the foreigners since she began to have foreign relations or signed her first treaty of commerce.Set Phrase他记起衣锦还乡那句成语.Remembering the sayings about returning home clothed in glory.:鲍小姐秀色可餐,你看饱了不用吃饭了。Miss Paos beauty is such a feast to the eye, and you got your fill just
29、looking at her and didn ft have to eat.Proverbs and Sayings:胡闹胡闹!我要结婚呢,早结婚了。哎,“曾经沧海难为水”!Don ft he silly! If I want to get married, Id have done so a long time ago. Ai, He who has seen a great ocean is not easily content with a pond!:这都是汪太太生出来的事,解铃还须系铃人,我明天去找她。Mrs. Wang is the one who started it all.
30、 Whoever ties the bell around the tiger s neck must unite it Im going to see her tomorrow.Slangs:“你你这混蛋! ”Why, you-you rotten egg! ” Miss Su cursed him in Chinese.。李先生再有涵养工夫也忍不住了,冲出房道:“猪獴!你骂谁?阿福道:骂你这猪獴。”Losing his patience, Li burst from his room, demanding, You swine, whom are you cursing?Ah Fu rep
31、lied, Tm cursing you, you swine.translated by Jeanne Kelly & Nathan KDomesticating and Foreignizingin CoordinationAccording to John Lyons, Although it may be impossible to translate all the sentences of one language into the sentences of another without distortion of makeshift compromises, it is usu
32、ally possible to get someone who does not know the language and the culture of the original to understand, more or less satisfactorily, even those culture-dependent expressions which resist translation into any language with which he is familiar.归化与异化的和谐统一:实践证明,归化与异化是相辅相成、和谐统一的。过度归化的翻译忽略语言之间的差异性,使译
33、文失去其源语本身的特色,读起来像译者所写而非原作者所写的;过度异化的翻译那么使得译文晦 涩难懂,同样不利于文化的传播与交流。归化与异化的和谐统一:我们可以想见,归化的翻译,因为其通俗易懂、易于传播的优势,还将长期受到普通读者、批评家 和出版商的欢迎;与此同时,在国际政治、经济、文化交流日益频繁的今天,随着各国人民受教育 程度的普遍提高和互相之间了解认识的不断加深,异化的翻译不仅将被越来越多的读者所接受 而且将在促进不同文化的交流与融合、保护世界文化多样性的方面,发挥更积极的作用。Examples fromRickshaw Boy by Laoshe:祥子的脸红得像生小孩时送人的鸡蛋。Xiang
34、zi flushed as crimson as the painted egs which the parents of a new-born child distribute.:屋里呢,他越来越觉得虎妞像个母老虎。小屋里是那么热,憋气,再添上那个老虎,他一进去就仿 佛要出不来气来。At home, Tigress seemed more and more to live up to her name. The little room were hot and stifling, and with Tigress there he found them suffocating o:南边的半个
35、天响晴白日,北边的半个天乌云如墨,仿佛有什么大难来临,一切都惊慌失措。The southern half of the sky was still bright and sunny, the north was black as pitch. As if some catastrophe impended, confusion broke out o i祥子你等等走!i 土虎妞心中打了个闪似的,看清楚:自己的计划是没多大用处了,急不如快, 得赶紧抓住祥子,别鸡也飞蛋也打了!i。咱们俩的事,一条绳拴着两蚂蚱,谁也跑不了!你等等,等 我说明白了!i(iWaitf Xiangzi! Don ft g
36、o yet!” Like a flash Tigress saw her way clearly. Her old plan was no use now. She must act fast to keep hold of Xiangzi otherwise shed lose the hen and the egg would be broken too. Were like grasshoppers tied to one cord; neither can get away! Wait until Ive made it all clear!”HomeworkTry to transl
37、ate the following sentences selected from fictions into English.:豚翁心境好,就抚慰儿子说:“尺有所短,寸有所长,学者未必能为良师。”(围城)2.这跟“嫁女必须胜吴家,娶妇必须不假设吾家”,一个道理。(围城):W.时当六月,内室炎蒸。(浮生六记)4.三日两头来缠舅舅,要三升米二升豆子,舅舅也就没法儿呢。(红楼梦)5.冷子兴笑道:“亏你是进士出身,原来不通!古人有云百足之虫,死而不僵。”(红 楼梦)06.他必审问我,我给他个,徐庶进曹营一语不发,(骆驼祥子):*7 .看见了人马的忙乱,听见了复杂刺耳的声音,闻见了干臭的味道,踏上了细
38、软污浊的灰土,祥子 想趴下去吻一吻那个灰臭的地,可爱的地,生长洋钱的地!(骆驼祥子):*8,时已薪水不继,余佯为雇骡以安心,实那么囊饼徒步,且食且行。(浮生六记)Keys to the Exercise1.If his father were in good mood, he would console him with such words as Sometimes a foot is too short and an inch is too long. A scholar doesnt necessarily make a good teacher.2. Its the same idea as many a daughter into a greater family than your own, but take a wife from a lesser family than your own.3. It was in the sixth moon, then, and the rooms were very hot.4.杨译:.for then I keep pestering you for three
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