1、 Lesson 3 Studying abroad1a Match the following school subjects to the definitions.1 numeracy2 literacy3 PE4 REa a lesson in which pupils do physical exercise or sportb a school subject in which children learn about religion and other social mattersc the ability to work with numbers and do calculati
2、ons (+, -, x, /)d the ability to read and write1a Match the following school subjects to the definitions.1 numeracy2 literacy3 PE4 REa a lesson in which pupils do physical exercise or sportb a school subject in which children learn about religion and other social mattersc the ability to work with nu
3、mbers and do calculations (+, -, x, /)d the ability to read and write1b Without looking back at exercise 1, write the correct school subject below each picture.12344 _1 _2 _3 _1b Without looking back at exercise 1, write the correct school subject below each picture.1 RE (Religious Education)2 numer
4、acy3 PE (Physical Education)4 literacy12342 Put the following in order, according to level of education. Rank them from low to high.6th form college nursery school infant school masters degreePhD secondary school bachelors degree primary school1 _5 _6 _2 _3 _4 _7 _8 _2 Put the following in order, ac
5、cording to level of education. Rank them from low to high.6th form college nursery school infant school masters degreePhD secondary school bachelors degree primary school1 nursery school5 6th form college6 bachelors degree2 infant school3 primary school4 secondary school7 masters degree8 PhD3a What
6、do you know about these student destinations and places of origin? Fill in the gaps in the table with words from the list:Arab Arabic Brussels Dutch (x2) German (x2) Hanoi Heidelberg Japan Jeddah Kyoto Maastricht Vietnam ZurichCountryMain languagesAdjectiveCity with one or more universities1 _Vietna
7、meseVietnamese2 _ Ho Chi Minh City3 _JapaneseJapaneseTokyo 4 _Saudi Arabia5 _6 _Riyadh 7 _Germany8 _German9 _ Munich3a What do you know about these student destinations and places of origin? Fill in the gaps in the table with words from the list:Arab Arabic Brussels Dutch (x2) German (x2) Hanoi Heid
8、elberg Japan Jeddah Kyoto Maastricht Vietnam ZurichCountryMain languagesAdjectiveCity with one or more universities1 VietnamVietnameseVietnamese2 Hanoi Ho Chi Minh City3 JapanJapaneseJapaneseTokyo 4 KyotoSaudi Arabia5 Arabic6 ArabRiyadh 7 JeddahGermany8 GermanGerman9 Heidelberg Munich3b What do you
9、know about these student destinations and places of origin? Fill in the gaps in the table with words from the list:Arab Arabic Brussels Dutch (x2) German (x2) Hanoi Heidelberg Japan Jeddah Kyoto Maastricht Vietnam ZurichCountryMain languagesAdjectiveCity with one or more universitiesThe Netherlands1
10、0 _DutchAmsterdam 11 _Belgium12 _ FrenchBelgianLouvain 13 _SwitzerlandFrench, ItalianSwissGeneva 15 _14 _3b What do you know about these student destinations and places of origin? Fill in the gaps in the table with words from the list:Arab Arabic Brussels Dutch (x2) German (x2) Hanoi Heidelberg Japa
11、n Jeddah Kyoto Maastricht Vietnam ZurichCountryMain languagesAdjectiveCity with one or more universitiesThe Netherlands10 DutchDutchAmsterdam 11 MaastrichtBelgium12 Dutch FrenchBelgianLouvain 13 BrusselsSwitzerlandFrench, ItalianSwissGeneva 15 Zurich14 German4 Complete these sentences with remember
12、or remind.1 Goodbye. I will always _ you.2 Hello again. Do you _ me?3 She always _ him that he needs to take his medicine.4 Do you always _ to take your medicine?5 _ me to take my medicine.Watch Out!Remember has two main uses: (1) to recall people or events from the past, e.g.I remember how she look
13、ed that day; (2) to retain an idea or intention in your mind, e.g.He didnt remember to call me.If you help someone else to remember something, you remind them about it:X Can you remember me to take a coat? Can you remind me to take a coat?4 Complete these sentences with remember or remind.1 Goodbye.
14、 I will always remember you.2 Hello again. Do you remember me?3 She always reminds him that he needs to take his medicine.4 Do you always remember to take your medicine?5 Remind me to take my medicine.Watch Out!Remember has two main uses: (1) to recall people or events from the past, e.g.I remember
15、how she looked that day; (2) to retain an idea or intention in your mind, e.g.He didnt remember to call me.If you help someone else to remember something, you remind them about it:X Can you remember me to take a coat? Can you remind me to take a coat?Exam information | Completing tables and flow cha
16、rtsIn the exam, you may be given a table or a flow chart (a series of steps linked by arrows) with gaps in it. You will need to read a passage to find the missing information. The answers may be in one particular section of the text, but are unlikely to be in the same order as the gaps. You will be
17、told how many words from the text you should use, e.g. no more than two words and/or a number, one word only.Tips: Scanning is a very useful technique, because it saves time. It means that you move your eyes down the text quickly to find specific information, e.g. places, names, phrases, without rea
18、ding everything properly and ignoring information you do not need.1 Look at the text quickly to decide which paragraph(s) you would need to read properly if you only wanted to find out about the reasons why people choose to study abroad.Paragraph number(s): _1 Look at the text quickly to decide whic
19、h paragraph(s) you would need to read properly if you only wanted to find out about the reasons why people choose to study abroad.Paragraph number(s): 2 and 32 Scan the text to find names of countries, people and organizations. Copy and complete the table.CountryPeopleOrganizations or institutions2
20、Scan the text to find names of countries, people and organizations. Copy and complete the table.CountryPeopleOrganizations or institutionsAustraliathe UKthe USGermanyChinaMalaysiaJapanRussiaNigeriaBrazilthe NetherlandsIndiaRussell HoweManalthe faculty of Art and design (at Stellinga)the British Coun
21、cilStellinga International CollegeNB: Europe is not a country. *British Council: an organization that connects people worldwide with learning opportunities and creative ideas from the UK.3 Do this exercise in less than one minute if you can. Scan the text for the different items. Check the answers t
22、o see if you found them all within the time limit.numberswords in italicswords in bold printabbreviationsExam tipUse the text style or formatting to help you find the areas in the text that you are looking for, e.g. uppercase letters, numbers, italics, bold print, quotation marks and other visual in
23、formation.3 Do this exercise in less than one minute if you can. Scan the text for the different items. Check the answers to see if you found them all within the time limit.numbers10, one, two, 5, 11th, 1words in italicsneeded, wanted, internationalizationwords in bold printthe title and all subhead
24、ingsabbreviationsUK, US, i.e., e.g.4 Scan the text quickly to answer the following questions. How did you find the answers without reading properly?1 Which paragraph(s) give(s) somebodys opinion?2 What does somebody really want people to understand?3 Which two paragraphs talk about the country that
25、is the most ing to overseas students?4 Which paragraph gives examples to explain what an internationalization approach is?4 Scan the text quickly to answer the following questions. How did you find the answers without reading properly?1 Which paragraph(s) give(s) somebodys opinion?paragraphs 2 and 3
26、 - the quotation marks help to find this answer.2 What does somebody really want people to understand?that it was a choice (something he wanted to do), and not a necessity (something he needed to do). The italics make it clear that he wants to emphasize this.4 Scan the text quickly to answer the fol
27、lowing questions. How did you find the answers without reading properly?3 Which two paragraphs talk about the country that is the most ing to overseas students?paragraphs 1 and 4 - in the first paragraph, it mentions most ing and talks about Germany as the country at the top of the list. In paragrap
28、h 4, the uppercase letter of Germany, is easy to spot and the word winner appears very near.4 Which paragraph gives examples to explain what an internationalization approach is?paragraph 4 - internationalization is printed in italics.Words related to educationScanningCompleting tables and flow chart
29、s Lesson 4 Science and technologyat home1a Match the following sports equipment to the pictures. Write the words.kitchen scales measuring jug flask kettle12341 _2 _3 _4 _1a Match the following sports equipment to the pictures. Write the words.kitchen scales measuring jug flask kettle12341 measuring
30、jug2 flask3 kettle4 kitchen scales1b Use the words from exercise la to complete these sentences.kitchen scales measuring jug flask kettle1 A _ is probably the most used piece of kitchen equipment in many countries because most people enjoy hot drinks.2 If you like hot food or hot drinks, it is worth
31、 buying a _ to take with you to college or work.3 I dont use _ anymore when I am making bread: I just guess the quantities that I need.4 A _ is useful for holding, measuring and transferring liquids.1b Use the words from exercise la to complete these sentences.kitchen scales measuring jug flask kett
32、le1 A kettle is probably the most used piece of kitchen equipment in many countries because most people enjoy hot drinks.2 If you like hot food or hot drinks, it is worth buying a flask to take with you to college or work.3 I dont use kitchen scales anymore when I am making bread: I just guess the q
33、uantities that I need.4 A measuring jug is useful for holding, measuring and transferring liquids.2a Use the information in the table to complete the matching exercise below. Word partMeaning -metre/-meter measure, record -logy the science or study of -graphy the writing/drawing of bio- life auto- s
34、elf thermo- temperature eco- related to physical surroundings zoo- animal ge(o)- the earth or land hydro- water chrono- time2a Use the information in the table to complete the matching exercise below. 1 barometer ga an extremely accurate clock that is used especially by sailors at sea2 chronometerb
35、the study of the relationships between plants, animals, people and their environment, and the balances between these relationships3 thermometerc the study of the Earths structure, surface and origin4 ecologyd the study of the countries of the world and of such things as the land, seas, climate, town
36、s and population5 biologye the scientific study of animals6 geologyf the science related to the study of living things7 zoologyg an instrument that measures air pressure and shows when the weather is changing8 hydrologyh an instrument for measuring temperature, usually consisting of a narrow glass t
37、ube containing a thin column of a liquid which rises and falls as the temperature rises and falls9 geographyi the study and recording (mapping) of the oceans, seas and rivers10 hydrographyj the study of the distribution, conservation, use, etc. of the water of the Earth and its atmosphere2a Use the
38、information in the table to complete the matching exercise below. 1 barometer ga an extremely accurate clock that is used especially by sailors at sea2 chronometer ab the study of the relationships between plants, animals, people and their environment, and the balances between these relationships3 t
39、hermometer hc the study of the Earths structure, surface and origin4 ecology bd the study of the countries of the world and of such things as the land, seas, climate, towns and population5 biology fe the scientific study of animals6 geology cf the science related to the study of living things7 zoolo
40、gy eg an instrument that measures air pressure and shows when the weather is changing8 hydrology jh an instrument for measuring temperature, usually consisting of a narrow glass tube containing a thin column of a liquid which rises and falls as the temperature rises and falls9 geography di the study
41、 and recording (mapping) of the oceans, seas and rivers10 hydrography ij the study of the distribution, conservation, use, etc. of the water of the Earth and its atmosphere2b Use the above information to complete the definitions for the following words.1 a biography: _ about another persons _2 an au
42、tobiography: a book _2b Use the above information to complete the definitions for the following words.1 a biography: a book / story about another persons life2 an autobiography: a book you write about yourself / written by the author about their own lifeWatch Out!Knowing the meaning of word parts ca
43、n often help you work out the overall meaning, but there are words where this does not work. For example, dis- often means opposite, advantage/disadvantage; agree/disagree; appear/disappear, connect/disconnect,honest/dishonest, but sometimes dis is not a separate word part or does not have thatmeani
44、ng, as in disaster, discuss.Suggested answers:Exam information | Completing sentencesIn the exam, you may be asked to complete sentences with words from the passage. The information will be in the same order as the questions.Tips: The sentences will refer to information in the text, but this will be
45、 paraphrased and will include synonyms (words or expressions that mean the same) and antonyms (words or expressions that mean the opposite). You should scan the text to look for paraphrases of the sentences to find the section and information you need.In the exam, do not be tempted to use any previo
46、us knowledge you may have on a particular topic. You must always answer according to the information given in the text.1 Match the words with their (near) synonyms.1 device2 research3 remotely4 magazines, books5 tomorrow6 substance 7 interesta investigationb from a distancec the futured gadgete curi
47、osityf materialg reading material1 Match the words with their (near) synonyms.1 device2 research3 remotely4 magazines, books5 tomorrow6 substance 7 interesta investigationb from a distancec the futured gadgete curiosityf materialg reading material2 Match the words with their (near) antonyms.1 digita
48、l 2 yesterday 3 remote 4 forgotten 5 lost 6 accidentala the futureb deliberatec commemoratedd analoguee nearbyf found2 Match the words with their (near) antonyms.1 digital 2 yesterday 3 remote 4 forgotten 5 lost 6 accidentala the futureb deliberatec commemoratedd analoguee nearbyf found3 Scan the te
49、xt below for the following words, or their (near) synonyms. Try to find them all, or as many as you can, in less than 90 seconds. They are in the same order.1 parts 2 typical 3 crystal 4 include5 circuits6 a very large amount7 coat (verb)8 exceptional9 corrode10 tiny11 transfer12 surround13 following14 material15 folded3 Scan the text below for the following words, or their (near) synonyms. Try to find them all, or as many as you can, in less than 90 seconds. They are in the same order.1 parts 2 typical 3 crysta
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