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1、吴文梅厦门大学硕士广东外语外贸大学硕士English-Chinese Interpreting英 汉 口 译Introduction to InterpretingParis Peace Conference (1919)Nuremberg Trials (1945-1946)the oral rendering of messageWhat is InterpretingNice people to meet;Nice place to visit;Nice food to eat;Nice money to get.How Wonderful to Be an Excellent Inte

2、rpreterUnderstand and process information quickly;Have great powers of concentration;Have the ability to react promptly and calmly to a changing situation. You MustKI = KL + EK + S ( P + AP )KI = Knowledge Required for an InterpreterKL = Knowledge for Language;EK = Encyclopedic Knowledge;S (P+AP) =

3、Professional Interpreting Skills and Artistic Presentation Skills. Knowledge Required for an Interpreter (广外校长仲伟合)Consecutive Interpreting(交替传译) Liaison Interpreting(联络口译) Consecutive Interpreting (交替传译)Simultaneous Interpreting(同声传译) Whispering (耳语传译) Sight Interpreting (视译) Simultaneous Interpreti

4、ng (同声传译)New Ways of Interpreting Telephone Interpreting (电话口译) Community Interpreting (社区口译) Different Forms of InterpretingConsecutive Interpreting (交替传译) the interpreter gives his interpretation immediately after the speaker has finished a segment of his speech.Simultaneous Interpreting (同声传译) th

5、e interpreter renders the words of the original speaker at virtually the same time as they are uttered.Main Forms of InterpretingIs SI more difficult than or superior to CI? Are interpreters made or born? Questions and AnswersBilingual proficiencyCross-cultural awareness Broad general knowledge Mast

6、ery of interpreting methods and techniques Physical and psychological competenceTeam work spiritProfessionalismHow to Become a Qualified InterpreterBilingual Proficiency:Acute hearing;Exceptionally large vocabulary; Perfect mastery of both Chinese and English.“an interpreter should know something of

7、 everything and everything of something.” - HerbertRead WatchAccumulateConcentrateHow to Broaden Your KnowledgeLife-long Learning!Most ImportantlyPractice! Practice! Practice! Try Your Best toYESGood healthGood sleepSufficient energyQuick wittedConfidenceGood memoryConstant concentrationNODiabetes(糖

8、尿病)high blood pressureInsomnia(失眠症)Slow responseWearinessAnxietyDistractionPhysical and Psychological CompetenceLearn how to take care of yourself Eat sensibly; Get sufficient sleep; Exercise regularly; Consult your friends and teachers.My AdviceExtemporaneousness 即席性Stressfulness 紧张性Independence 独立

9、性Comprehensiveness 综合性 Miscellaneousness 多面性Features of InterpretingConfidentiality Impartiality Accuracy Objectiveness CompetenceProfessional Codes of ConductWays of workingEvaluation standard Differences Between I and TInterpreting Training Models理 解Comprehension:Language A脱离原语语言外壳deverbalization表

10、 达Expression:language BSeleskovitch(塞莱斯科维奇)& Lederer(勒代雷) ESIT 模式:The Interpretive School of Translation TheoryLanguage AInterpretingMeaningTranslatingLanguage BTriangularModelofInterpreting (1) SI = L + M + P + C 同声传译 = 听力与分析 (Listening and Analysis) + 短期记忆 (Short-term Memory Effort) + 言语传达 (Speech

11、 Production) + 协调 (Coordination) Giles (Effort) Model 吉尔(精力分配)模式(2) Phase l: CI = L + N + M + C Phase II: CI = Rem + Read + P + C 连续传译(第一阶段) = 听力与分析 (Listening and Analysis) + 笔记 (Note-taking) + 短期记忆 (Short-term Memory) + 协调 (Coordination) 连续传译(第二阶段) = 记忆 (Remembering) + 读笔记 (Note-reading) + 传达 (Pro

12、duction) + 协调 (Coordination)Foundation buildingQuality controlC(SL+K)R(TL+K)A(D+CC)SIC理解R表达A分析S技能厦大口译训练模式(拓展版)Introduction to Interpreting CourseTo develop competence as an interpreter through skills training;To prepare students for further and more in-depth training.Teaching AimsInterpreting Skills

13、-based ? Interpreting Topic-based ?How to Conduct Interpreting Training口译技能训练口译专题训练口译介绍 商务接待 口译记忆():语篇分析 商务致辞 口译记忆():信息加工 商务旅行 口译记忆():意义编码 模拟总理记者招待会 口译记忆():任务协调 商务访谈 记忆训练():逻辑化 商务会议 记忆训练():轮廓化 商务会展 记忆训练():视觉化 模拟国际商务谈判 记忆训练():模块化 文体教育 口译笔记():结构方法 经济发展 口译笔记():常用符号 旅游观光 公共演讲、模糊表达 模拟企业产品推介会 数字口译 环境保护 视译

14、():顺句驱动 科学技术 视译():切分重复 国际政治 视译():特殊句型 模拟招商新闻发布会 Teaching PlanPreparing10%Performing80% Skill-based: Step-by-step introduction to and integration of skills.Packaging10% Class Structure & ActivitiesAttendance ExerciseFinal Examination 80%20%AchievementCome with a pen and a notebook;Follow the instruct

15、ion and practice;Theres no writing assignment;No theory for you to memorize by heart.How to Achieve the CreditFull and active participation in class;No less than the time of class hours is required for after class practice; Constant efforts to improve language proficiency (English & Chinese).Require

16、mentsthe textbook;Recording of genuine speeches and lectures; the internet.Sources of Materials学外语 = 会翻译口语好 = 会(教)口译口译课 = 听力课 + 口语课Misunderstandings in Interpreting StudiesTop Universities in Interpreting Studies in ChinaInterpreting Training1. 北外2. 上外3. 广外4. 厦门大学5. 对外经济贸易大学1. 厦门大学(1996)2. 广外(1998)3. 西外(2000)4. 北外(2002)5. 上外(2004)6. 对外经济贸易大学(2006)7. 广外(2008)8. 四川大学(2010)9. 北京语言大学(2012)10. 厦门大学(2014) National Conference and International Forum on Interpre


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