1、PowerPoint to panyNaresh MalhotraJohn HallMike ShawPeter OppenheimPowerPoint to panyChapter 21Report Preparation and PresentationChapter ObjectivesAfter reading this chapter you should be able to:Understand the importance of the research report as the conclusion of the research processDiscuss the ba
2、sic requirements of report preparation, including report structure and formatUnderstanding the importance of writing clarity and the use of graphs, charts and tablesChapter Objectives (continued)Discuss the nature and scope of the personal presentation and describe the key principles of presentation
3、Describe the role of marketing research report from the clients perspective, and outline some reading guidelines and report evaluationExplain the reasons for follow-up with the client and describe the assistance given to the clientChapter OutlineImportance of the Report and PresentationThe Report Pr
4、eparation and Presentation ProcessReport WritingPersonal PresentationsReading a Research ReportResearch Follow-upEthical Issues for Research ClientsSummary Topic Importance of the Report and PresentationThe Report Preparation and Presentation ProcessReport WritingPersonal PresentationsReading a Rese
5、arch ReportResearch Follow-upEthical Issues for Research ClientsSummary Importance of the Report and PresentationTangible products of the researchGuide management decisionsHow managers with little involvement in the research gauge research qualityPerceived usefulness shapes decisions:Conduct market
6、research in futureChoice of supplierTopic Importance of the Report and PresentationThe Report Preparation and Presentation ProcessReport WritingPersonal PresentationsReading a Research ReportResearch Follow-upEthical Issues for Research ClientsSummary The Report Preparation and Presentation ProcessT
7、opline ReportsBrief summary of major results and major findings given to decision maker shortly after preliminary analysis concludedNot include:Conclusions mendations Report Format Report Format (continued)Figure 21.2: Outputs From the Research ProcessCovering LetterLetter to client about the resear
8、ch, without mentioning the findingsShould identify the need for further action on the part of the clientTitle PageTitle of researchWho prepared itWho is it forDateTable of ContentsTopics covered and page numbersFollowed by list of tables, list of graphs, list of appendicesExecutive SummaryConcisely
9、describe all steps in the research processMajor results, conclusions, and mendationsWritten after report completedProblem Definition Background to the problem Exploratory research undertaken to define the problemSecondary dataManagement decision problemMarketing research problemResearch PurposeState
10、ment of the management decision problemResearch ObjectivesStatement of marketing research problem:Specify decision criteriaResearch DesignType of research designInformation neededData collection primary and secondaryScaling techniquesQuestionnaire developmentPre-testingSampling techniquesFieldworkDa
11、ta AnalysisPlan of data analysisJustification of the data analysis strategy and techniques usedDescribe in simple/non-technical mannerResearch ResultsLongest part of the report Should address the research problem, research questions and hypothesesResults of data analysis report basis:Market basisDat
12、a-collection methodResearch objectivesMarketing modelsConclusionsInterpret resultsBe succinct not ambivalent mendationsTake into account the decision criteriaShould be feasible, practical, actionableResearcher may not be asked to make mendationsAppendices Detailed and technical informationMay includ
13、e:Research authorisationResearch briefingQuestionnairePilot testing resultsReport limitationsTime, budget and other organisational constraints should be statedResearch design errorsShould be written with great care and a balanced perspectiveEnsure results not used for unintended purposes Not lessen
14、the researchs credibility & potential impactTopic Importance of the Report and PresentationThe Report Preparation and Presentation ProcessReport WritingPersonal PresentationsReading a Research ReportResearch Follow-upEthical Issues for Research ClientsSummary Report WritingUnderstand who the report
15、is written for:Avoid technical jargonMay be different sections for different audiencesEasy to followPresentable and professional appearanceObjectiveReinforce text with tables and graphsConciseIntegrity of researchProofreading and checkingUse of TablesEach table should have a number and titleEmphasis
16、e the most significant aspects of the dataStates units of measurementInclude leaders, rulings (or no rulings?), spaces to improve readabilityInclude footnotes to clarify pointsInclude sources of the data if secondary data usedTable 1: Population Summary Indicators: 1901-21011a table no.1b title2a or
17、der of magnitude3a unit of measurement4a dots etc for ease of reading4b white spaces4c horizontal lines5a column title5b l.h. column title (stubs)5c use letter not no. for footnote6a secondary data sourceUse of GraphicsGraphic aids should be employed wherever practicalTypes of graphsGeographic and o
18、ther mapsRound or pie charts percentagesLine charts trends and changes over timePictographs small pictures/symbolsHistograms absolute and relative magnitudes, differences and changeSchematic figures and flow chartsSee pp. 797-801 for examplesSee p. 801 for graph production tipsTopic Importance of th
19、e Report and PresentationThe Report Preparation and Presentation ProcessReport WritingPersonal PresentationsReading a Research ReportResearch Follow-upEthical Issues for Research ClientsSummary Personal PresentationsHelp managers understand and accept findingsKnow your audienceThink about why they s
20、hould listenSet an objectivePrepare, prepare, prepare“Tell em” principletell em what youre going to tell emtell emtell em what youve told emUse full array of visual aidsDesign your visuals carefullyPersonal PresentationsPractice out loudAsk questionsBe prepared for questionsEye contact and gesturesP
21、repare notes that you intend to useKISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid) principlePresentation should be sponsored by senior manager in client organisationGuidelines for Successful PresentationsMake sure those who will use the report are presentPresenter more important than the data/chartsBe willing to chan
22、ge your presentation styleDo not apologise you know data bestResearch your audienceBe prepared for scepticismDo not stay on a topic too longBe punctualTopic Importance of the Report and PresentationThe Report Preparation and Presentation ProcessReport WritingPersonal PresentationsReading a Research
23、ReportResearch Follow-upEthical Issues for Research ClientsSummary Reading a Research ReportDoes it address the problemResearch design appropriateness:This would have been approved before proceedingExecution of the research proceduresNumbers and statistics:Avoid “flicking” through tables/graphsInter
24、pretation and conclusions:Assumptions should be statedGeneralisability what limitationsDisclosure complete?:Request more information if necessaryPublication Topic Importance of the Report and PresentationThe Report Preparation and Presentation ProcessReport WritingPersonal PresentationsReading a Res
25、earch ReportResearch Follow-upEthical Issues for Research ClientsSummary Research Follow-upAssisting the clientUnderstand technical mattersDiscuss further researchInclude information in the MkIS or DSSEvaluation of the research projectCould this project have been conducted more effectively or effici
26、ently?This is a must from both sidesSee p. 806 for a list of relevant queriesResearch Follow-upAssisting the clientUnderstand technical mattersDiscuss further research timing importantEvaluation of the research projectCould this project have been conducted more effectively or efficiently?This is a must from both sidesTopic Importance of the
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