高中英语-必修一 Unit 1 Earthquakes教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思_第1页
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1、Unit Earthquakesevent n. 事件;大事ruin n. 废墟;毁灭n 者7shock n休克;震惊;打击 vt.& vi.( 使)震惊;震动shocked adj.震惊的 tlenothingoftlenothingoferof 当形式填空)1 The girl was almost frightened to death when she saw the frighteningodperformanceandthe ngratulationencouragedhergreatlycongratulateuriestotheheadand website 网站eworkbo

2、okmarkasketballngghtaway2Judging_from what you say in your letter, you dont get along well with your classmates.Itsreportedthatagreatnumberofpeople were rescued from the ruins.4The earthquake happened and the whole town was in_ruins in less than twenty minutes.endhoolyesterday “埋头于;专心于”的多种表达bsorbedi

3、ndtotincupiedinthink highly ofthink well ofthink poorly ofthink badly ofMybrotherisMybrotheristooyoungtogotoschoolon hisown medasifeverythinginmychildhoodhad just happened.eat.everything was destroyed.welcome.4.并非所有的学生都遵守学校规章制度,因All_students_dont_obey the school rules ,soas a teacher,I should be str

4、ict with them. burstininto 闯入;突然破门而入burst into tears/laughter J|突然哭起来burst into tears/laughter J|突然哭起来/笑起来(3)a burst of 一阵 oflaughter ry deskmatesface turned red.esfaceturned red语)b liebeinruins墟fallintoruin坏bring.toruin 使毁灭;使没落;使破产ruinsthsb某人noneshealthfamefuture Drunk driving not only ruined himse

5、lf(he) but also killed several passersby . inedj the injured 伤员dosbaninjurydoaninjurytosb害某人 with you as planned.(北京高考)但现在,由于我的左脚在足球比赛中受伤了,我 A terrible accident happened at the crossing and an ambulance rushed the injured to the hospital.教材原句 The army organized teams to dig out those who were trappe

6、d and toburyonesfaceinoneshands 双手掩面(2) be buried in J(2) be buried in J|埋头于;专心于be buried in thought 沉思 (普通表达) Because_he_was_buried_in his study ,he wasnt aware that all the hershadleftheothershad ttudyhewasntawarethatalltheothershadleft that it was the best one this year .一组五个裁判听了你的演讲,他们都同意这是今 jud

7、gefromby 从来判断judge sb.to be 判断某人为asfarasIcanjudge我认为judgingbyfrom;根据判断 y (1)(1)at the end of 在尽头;在末端by the end of 到结束时;到时候为止intheend终于(2) put an end to. J|(2) put an end to. J|使结束pwith doingsth At first he refused to accept any responsibility but he ended up ologize the number of posts available for

8、 them is often not enough. There are (be)a great many talented people waiting to be discovered. which aroused public attention.一位普通的工人向一所大学捐赠了大量的金钱,这引起 It was John who broke the window.Why are you talking to me as if I haddonedoit?(虚拟语气)A young couple in a boat were eating ,talking and laughing loud

9、ly as if they y Its impossible for all the applicants to get the jobs , because all_of_them_arent_fit_for them.。Both_of_the_two_math_problems_are_not very difficult.Not_both_of_the_two_math_problems are very difficult. annotbetoooreadyeasyeagerwillinganxioushappyto 是不少学生的薄弱点,英语学习的困难居其 望变成强大的学习内驱力,有效地推动 的学生英语学习水平较高,而缺乏明确 力学好英语的愿望,但缺乏学 甚至厌烦感。积极的学习态度会促进英语水平的 大”的人数较多。兴趣是推动学习的重要力 兴趣,就会产生学习动力。不少学生对学好英语不 强大的内部动力,能激励人积极行动,追求一定的 认为可达到的成就。学生自信心越强,就越易学好 就越足。自信心强的学生英语学习水平较机会少,语言能力提高 的学习方法 强。学习本族语,你不找它,它也会找你。但学 找你。因此,对于我们学生,最急需做的是让他 学生的实际出发,练习的设计紧扣


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