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1、Module3 Things around us主讲人:曹碧茜深圳市宝安区石岩湖学校 Period 4 Traffic games in the parkUnit 8 Traffic rulesWow! So many cars!They are super!Do you want to drive the car?Yes!Hello! Children!Hello! Mickey!TaskTaskTaskTaskFinish the tasks about traffic rules to get the key.Then you can drive the car.OK!TaskTaskT

2、askTaskWhat does he like?1TaskTraffic rulesSharp eyesWhat does he like?15 Cross the road at the zebra crossing.3 The light is yellow . Lets wait.2 The light is red. Lets stop.4 The light is green . Lets go.1 Traffic lights.What does he like?15 The light is green. Lets go.3 The light is red. Lets sto

3、p.2 Turn right4 Turn left1 No bicyclesTaskTaskTaskTaskWhat does he like?1TaskTraffic rulesSharp earsWhat does he like?11. Listen and tickWhat does he like?12. Listen and chooseLook at the light.Its_.Lets_.Lets_.greenlook both wayscross the road at the zebra crossingWhat does he like?13. Listen and s

4、ayLook at the _.Its_.Lets_.lightredstopLets_.stop by the roadTaskTaskTaskTaskWhat does he like?1TaskTraffic ruleslets chantLets chantStop,stop,stop.Stop by the road.Cars wait to go.Hello,hello,hello.Go,go,go.Cross the road.Cars go past.All very fast.Lets chant_._ by the _._ wait to go.Hello,hello,he

5、llo._._ the road._ go past.All very fast.TaskTaskTaskTaskWhat does he like?1TaskTraffic rulesLets talksafe or dangerousThe light is red.Lets stop by the road.The light is_.Lets_.Lets_. _.The light is _.lets_.greencross the road at theyellowwait by the roadzebra crossinglook both waysDont play on the

6、 road.Its dangerous.Dont_.Its_.Dont_.Its_.skate on the roaddangerousrun on the roaddangeroussafe or dangerousTaskTaskTaskTaskWell done! Children!You know the traffic rules so well.Now you can get the key and drive the car.Hooray!The light is red.Stop! The light is yellow.Wait! The light is green.Go!

7、Lets readsoundemotionactionLets actThe light is red.Stop!Lets act The light is yellow.wait!Lets actThe light is green.Go!Lets actLets _.Lets tryturn rightLets_ .Lets tryturn leftThe children know how to obey the traffic rules. Good for them!Lets obey the traffic rules Safe trafficSafe lifeHomework 1 Listen and read P.36.2 Driver says. (模仿司机说以下交通规则) The light is red . Stop. The light is _. Wait. The light is _. _. 课例指导 郑民军 深圳市教科院小学英语教研员 岳 旭 深圳市福田区荔园外国语小学副校长,深圳市小学英语兼职教研员 黎 忠 深圳市宝安区教科院小学英语教研员 黄 锴 深圳市宝安区教科院小学英语教研员 欧阳导 深圳市宝安区第六学区小学英语教研员 刘燕玉 深圳市宝


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