1、第 页2021安徽工商(经企)管理硕士入学考试(GMAT)考试模拟卷本卷共分为1大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。一、单项选择题(共50题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.It is impossible to believe scientific predictions that a long nuclear winter would envelop the Earth as a result of nuclear war. Atmospheric scientists and weather experts cannot reliably a
2、nd accurately predict tomorrows weather. Yet the effect of nuclear explosions on local and worldwide atmospheric conditions must follow the same laws that control everyday weather changes. If the weather cannot be predicted with present knowledge, neither can a nuclear-winter scenario. Which of the
3、following, if true, would most seriously weaken the argument made above that if scientists cannot reliably predict the daily weather, their predictions of a nuclear winter cannot be believed? (A) The scientific theory of a nuclear winter uses data that is available to those who forecast the daily we
4、ather. (B) Scientists predictions about a nuclear winter are necessarily speculative, since they cannot be verified by harmless experimentation. (C) Weather forecasters usually do not insist that their predictions are infallible. (D) Scientific predictions of catastrophic natural events such as volc
5、anic eruptions and earthquakes usually have less reliability than everyday weather predictions. (E) The scientific theory of a nuclear winter is concerned with drastic climatic changes rather than day-to-day fluctuations in the weather. 2.John: I have tried several different types of psychotherapy a
6、t various times in my life: three kinds of talk therapy (Freudian, Rogerian, and cognitive) and also behavior therapy. Since the periods when I was in therapy were the least happy times of my life, I have concluded that psychotherapy cannot work for me. Which of the following statements, if true, wo
7、uld most weaken Johns conclusion? (A) Behavior therapy is designed to address different problems from those addressed by talk therapies. (B) The techniques used in behavior therapy are quite different from those used in talk therapies. (C) People who try several different types of psychotherapy tend
8、 to be happier than people who try only one type of psychotherapy. (D) People who try several different types of psychotherapy are more likely to find one that works for them than are people who try only one type of psychotherapy. (E) People undergoing psychotherapy that ultimately works are often u
9、nhappy while they are in therapy. 3.Grammarians have for years condemned as ungrammatical the English phrase between you and I, insisting that the correct phrasing is between you and me, with the objective case after a preposition. Such condemnations, however, are obviously unfounded, because Shakes
10、peare himself, in The Merchant of Venice, wrote, All debts are cleared between you and I. Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument above? (A) In his plays, Shakespeare intentionally had some of his characters use phrases he considered ungrammatical. (B) The phrase between
11、 you and I appears infrequently in Shakespeares writings. (C) The more modern an English word or phrase, the less likely that modem grammarians will consider it acceptable for formal usage. (D) Many modern speakers of English sometimes say between you and I and sometimes say between you and me. (E)
12、Most native speakers of English who choose to say between you and I do so because they know that Shakespeare used that phrase. 4.Senator: Jones is highly qualified for appointment as a judge, as evidenced by Joness receiving a unanimous vote of qualified on the formal rating scale used by the Lawyer
13、s Committee. That committee advises the Senate on judicial appointments. Which of the following, if true, is the best reason for dismissing the senators claim that Jones is highly qualified? (A) Several members of the Lawyers Committee are not themselves qualified for judicial appointments. (B) The
14、Lawyers Committee does not advise the Senate on all judicial appointments. (C) The Lawyers Committee gives a unanimous vote of qualified only to those candidates for judicial appointments who meet the committees stringent standards for appropriate prior experience and ethical conduct. (D) The Lawyer
15、s Committee gives a unanimous vote of either highly qualified or very highly qualified to 95 percent of all candidates for judicial appointments. (E) Jones, like most lawyers, is a member of the professional organization that originally suggested the establishment of the Lawyers Committee. 5.Partha
16、has withdrawn its troops from Baltia after five years of occupation. Earlier this year the country of Cardena began shipping mules to Baltias resistance fighters to facilitate transport of weapons across Baltias mountains to the battle areas. Cardenas diplomats now claim that without Cardenas aid to
17、 Baltias resistance fighters, Partha would not have withdrawn. Which of the following, if true, casts the most serious doubt on the accuracy of the assertion of Cardenas diplomats? (A) No precise figures are available concerning the number of mules shipped to Baltia. (B) During the past year, Carden
18、a shipped weapons and food, as well as mules, to resistance fighters in Baltia. (C) Last year a new government took power in Partha and decided that national interests were not served by the occupation of Baltia. (D) Two years ago Partha had no plans to reduce its forces in Baltia. (E) Resistance fi
19、ghters in Baltia fought for five years against Parthas occupying troops. 6.A worldwide ban on the production of certain ozone-destroying chemicals would provide only an illusion of protection. Quantities of such chemicals, already produced, exist as coolants in millions of refrigerators. When they r
20、each the ozone layer in the atmosphere, their action cannot be halted. So there is no way to prevent these chemicals from damaging the ozone layer further. Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument above? (A) It is impossible to measure with accuracy the quantity of ozone-
21、destroying chemicals that exist as coolants in refrigerators. (B) In modem societies, refrigeration of food is necessary to prevent unhealthy and potentially life-threatening conditions. (C) Replacement chemicals that will not destroy ozone have not yet been developed and would be more expensive tha
22、n the chemicals now used as coolants in refrigerators. (D) Even if people should give up the use of refrigeration, the coolants already in existing refrigerators are a threat to atmospheric ozone. (E) The coolants in refrigerators can be fully recovered at the end of the useful life of the refrigera
23、tors and reused. 7.Government department head: We already have a code of ethics that companies doing business with the department are urged to abide by. The fact that virtually all of the companies have agreed to abide by it indicates that it is successful. Therefore, neither stronger ethics regulat
24、ions nor enforcement mechanisms are necessary to ensure ethical behavior by companies doing business with the department. Which of the following, if true, casts most doubt on the department heads conclusion? (A) The code of ethics applies only to companies that do business with the department. (B) T
25、he code of ethics was instituted only after it was discovered that several companies had committed serious violations of ethics in their business with the department. (C) A government investigation found that most of the companies that agreed to abide by the departments code of ethics are not comply
26、ing with it. (D) A survey of major companies found that several companies stopped doing business with the department because they did not want to agree to abide by the code of ethics. (E) A study of codes of ethics for companies found that the codes are most effective when the top executives of comp
27、anies that agree to abide by them are fully committed to following them. 8.The 1988 drought in North America was probably caused by shifts in the temperature patterns of large equatorial stretches of the Pacific Ocean. The drought, therefore, is not evidence for the hypothesis that a long-term globa
28、l warming trend, allegedly caused by atmospheric pollutants such as carbon dioxide, is occurring. Which of the following, if true, constitutes the best criticism of the argument above? (A) Most pre-1988 droughts for which we have records were preceded by shifts in temperature patterns in the Pacific
29、 Ocean. (B) There has been no warming trend in the United States. over the last 100 years. (C) The consequences of global warming occur long after the actual emission of pollutants into the atmosphere. (D) Emissions of carbon dioxide gas into the atmosphere increased in 1988. (E) A global warming tr
30、end could cause increases in the frequency and severity of shifts in temperature patterns in the Pacific Ocean. 9.The price of maple syrup has jumped front 22 dollars a gallon three years ago to 40 dollars a gallon today. It can be concluded that maple-syrup harvesters have been artificially inflati
31、ng prices and that governmental price regulations are necessary to control rising prices. Which of the following, if true, casts the most doubt on the conclusion drawn above? (A) The government already requires maple-syrup harvesters to submit their facilities to licensing by the health department.
32、(B) Insect infestation and drought have stunted the growth of syrup-producing maple trees and caused leas-abundant syrup harvests. (C) Maple syrup is produced in rural areas that suffer from high unemployment. (D) Technological improvements in maple-syrup harvesting have reduced production costs. (E
33、) Maple-syrup prices have risen many times in the past, though never before at the rate recently observed. 10.Scientists now believe that artificial-hip implants, previously thought to be safe, may actually increase the risk of cancer in recipients after about 45 years of use. Though these implants
34、do improve the quality of recipients lives, the increased risk of cancer is an unacceptable price to pay for these improvements. Therefore, they should be banned. Which of the following, if true, is the strongest counterargument to the argument above? (A) Artificial-hip implant surgery can cause sev
35、ere complications, such as infection, chronic fever, and bone degeneration, and these complications can themselves be crippling or even fatal. (B) Almost all artificial-hip implant recipients receive their implants at an age when they are unlikely to live more than an additional 30 years. (C) Althou
36、gh artificial-hip implants increase the risk of cancer after about 45 years of use, a few of the cancers they induce are not fatal. (D) Since artificial-hip implants are not very common, banning them would cause little hardship. (E) Although the benefits of artificial-hip implant surgery have remain
37、ed substantially the same over the past decade, the price of the surgery has risen considerably. 11.According to official government records, in Greenland the suicide rate (suicides per 1,000 people) was seventeen times greater in 1987 than in 1960. Because Greenland changed from a hunting and fishi
38、ng society to an industrial society between 1960 and 1987, the dramatic increase in suicide must be a result of this societal change. Which of the following, if true, casts the most serious doubt on the conclusion drawn above? (A) The change from a hunting and fishing society to an industrial societ
39、y sometimes causes a dramatic increase in a societys crime rate. (B) Even in a hunting and fishing society, some proportion of the societys members will choose to commit suicide. (C) According to official government records, most of those who committed suicide in Greenland in 1987 were male. (D) The
40、 life expectancy of Greenlands inhabitants was not much greater in i987 than it was in 1960, before the societal change occurred. (E) In 1987 most suicides that occurred in Greenland were reported as suicides to the appropriate government office, whereas in 1960 most were not. 12.Scientists have red
41、iscovered certain food crops, once commonly cultivated in the New World, which contain more protein per pound than do current staple food crops such as rice and wheat. Scientists claim that cultivation of these crops could greatly benefit densely populated countries that have low per-person calorie
42、intake and inadequate source of protein. Which of the following, if true, casts the most serious doubt on the claim made above? (A) The average yield per acre of the rediscovered crops is substantially less than that of the current staple food crops. (B) Many important food crops, such as tomato, or
43、iginated in the New World. (C) Wheat yields more protein per pound than does rice. (D) The rediscovered crops have more caloric per pound than do current, staple food crops. (E) As few as 20 different food crops provide the bulk of the planets food supply. 13.The theory that the impact of a giant me
44、teorite caused the extinction of the dinosaurs is based on evidence that a cloud of dust from the impact blocked off sunlight around the globe for months, reducing temperatures and destroying the dinosaurs food supply. Which of the following, if true, casts the most serious doubt on the theory above
45、? (A) Dinosaurs are believed to have been cold-blooded and thus very sensitive to any temperature change. (B) Some dinosaurs lived in regions where their food supply was not well adapted for long periods of cold and darkness. (C) Many large animals that existed during the time of the dinosaurs and s
46、hared a common food supply with them continued to populate the Earth long after the extinction of the dinosaurs. (D) A large volcanic explosion that strewed dust in the air and blocked out sunlight was the cause of death of animals within hundreds of miles of the eruption. (E) Many of the largest di
47、nosaurs were herbivorous relying exclusively on vegetation for their dietary needs. 14.Until recently experts believed that environment, not genetics, largely determines human personality. A new study, however, has shown that there is more similarity in personality between identical twins raised tog
48、ether than between nonidentical twins raised together. The study concluded that genetics, therefore, does play an important role in determining personality. Which of the following, if found to be tree, would cast the most doubt on the studys conclusion? (A) Identical twins raised separately in diffe
49、rent adoptive families are usually more similar in personality than are nonidentical twins raised separately in different adoptive families. (B) No matter how twins behave, parents treat identical twins in ways that tend to elicit similar personality traits but do not treat nonidentical twins in suc
50、h ways. (C) Parents of both identical and nonidentical twins have long claimed that their children, from early infanthood, had definite and well-established personality traits. (D) Birth parents and their identical twin children tend to become more similar to each other in personality over time, but
51、 adoptive parents and their identical twin children do not. (E) Neither identical nor nonidentical twins are likely to display drastic changes in their individual personalities as they grow up. 15.The major goal of physical education programs in schools is to help all children become physically fit.
52、 But only a small proportion of children ever participate in team sports. Moreover, team sports usually do less to encourage fitness in participants than do physical education programs that focus directly on aerobic exercise. The considerations above, if true, could be used most effectively to argue
53、 against (A) the use of in-school physical education programs to encourage lifelong fitness habits in students. (B) the participation by young children in community sports teams. (C) schools relying heavily on aerobic exercise programs to help all children become physically fit. (D) the use of a lar
54、ge part of a schools physical education curriculum for team sports. (E) the use of team sports in schools as an occasional activity for talented athletes. 16.Do you think cream cheese is too rich and luxurious to use as an everyday spread? Think again! Measure for measure, cream cheese has half the
55、calories of butter. Indulge yourself with a clear conscience. The advertisement above is potentially misleading if which of the following is true? (A) Even butter is expensive in comparison with spreads that are still less expensive, such as margarine. (B) When using cream cheese as a spread, people
56、 tend to use several times as much as when using butter. (C) Other brands of cream cheese are approximately equal in caloric content to the brand advertised. (D) Even apart from caloric content, people generally think of cream cheese as luxurious because of its smooth taste. (E) Butter and cream che
57、ese each contain a nutrient that the other does not. 17.Extraordinarily few people have the ability to be successful commodity traders. So rather than limit the number of people they hire, trading firms aim to hire all those applicants who are able to be successful and to reject the rest. By this st
58、andard Quinsey-Leerheims record is perfect. All of its entry-level hirees over the past decade have become successful commodity traders. Which of the following, if true, would cast the most doubt on the assessment given above of Quinsey-Leerheims hiring performance? (A) Over the past decade, Quinsey
59、-Leerheims trading practices and policies have changed in a way that gives much more responsibility to individual traders. (B) Since the pool of entry-level applicants is mostly the same for all commodity-trading firms, Quinsey-Leerheim often competes with other trading firms for the strongest appli
60、cants. (C) Quinsey-Leerheim rejects some entry-level applicants who go on to become extremely successful commodity traders with other trading firms. (D) Commodity trading requires skills that are needed in very few other occupations, so that trading firms hiring procedures typically differ significa
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