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2022年人教版中考英语阅读理解完形填空 题组限时练十二_第5页




1、题组限时练十二(限时:30分钟 总分值:30分)I .完形填空(共10小题;每题1分,总分值10分)学校生活Every year,thousands of young people come to the United States to live with an American family and go to an American high school.They American culturc,and tell their new American friends what its like to live in a 2 country. You can also be an ex

2、change student if you follow certain 3 .But who can be a high school exchange student?A “high school“ in the US is the school students 4 after they have finished eight or nine years of primary or elementary school .To become an exchange student,you must be in school in your home country and not have

3、 5 more than 11 years of school(kindergarterT doesnt count).If youre not in school right now,thats okay too,as long as youre 6 the age of 15 and 18 when you start high school in the United States.You must show that you are mature(成熟的),have good characters,and can have 7 in school.To succeed,you must

4、 be able to speak English 8 enough to take classes at the high school.You must also show that you have health insurance(保险)that would provide certain minimum benefits(最彳氐U攵益)if you become 9 or get hurt while in the United States.You cant become an exchange student 10 youve already gone to school in

5、the US with a student visa(签证).A.learn about B.talk aboutC.worry aboutD.throw about(A).A.localB.richC.differentD.popular (C).A.rules B.dreamsC.decisions D.minds (A).A.attendB.finishC.lcavc D.managc (A). A. started B pletedC.brought D.wasted(B).A.belween B.among C. above D.from (A). A. trouble B.fail

6、ureC.success D.mistakes (C).A.late B.wellC.early D.slowly (B).A.busy B.healthyC.famous D.sick (D). A.unless B.whenC.until D.if (D)【文章大意】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了成为一名美国高中交换生的几个必备条件。.A【解析】根据语境可知,许多年轻人来到美国,和当地的家庭住在一起并在当地上学。他们了解美 国文化,并和新交的美国朋友提供他们身居异国的感受。learn about意为“了解”,符合语境。.C【解析】根据语境可知,此处是指这些年轻人和美国朋友提供他们生活在一

7、个不同的国家的感受。 different意为“不同的”,符合语境。.A【解析】句意:如果你遵守一定的规那么,你也可以成为一名交换生。rule意为“规那么”,符合语境。.A【解析】句意:在美国的学生需要完成八到九年的初等教育才能上中学。attend school意为“上学”, 符合语境。.B 【解析】根据语境及前文的“after they have finished eight or nine years of primary or elementary school” 可知,此处指要想成为一名交换生,你必须在本国上学,而且还没有接受超过11年的学校教育。complete 意为“完成”,符合语境

8、。.A【解析】根据语境可知,此处指年龄在15至18岁之间的青少年。between.and.意为“在和之间”,符合语境。.C【解析】本句介绍J成为一名交换生所必备的素质:成熟、有良好的品性、学业优秀。have success in意为“在方面取得成功”,符合语境。.B【解析】句意:想要学业优秀,你的英语要说得足够好,以适应高中的课程。well enough意为“足够 好“,符合语境。.D【解析】根据空后的“get hurt”可知,此处指健康方面的问题。become sick意为“生病”,符合语境。.D【解析】句意:如果你已经办了签证在美国上学,你就不能成为交换生了。故此处应用if引导条件 状语从

9、句。.阅读理解(共7小题;每题2分,总分值14分)AQ021 海南改编)平安救护Steve Taylor was in his room lying down for sleep while his mother Katelyn was taking a shower.She wanted to bathe before going to bed herself.The 5-year-old boy was just about to fall asleep when he heard a loud noise from (he bathroom.He hurried to have a lo

10、ok.When he got to the bathroom,he found his mother lying in (he balhlub(浴缸)with blood coming from her head.She had an epileptic fit(癫痫发作)and didnt know any thing.Howeverjittle Steve kept a cool head.He first went to his 2-month-old sister and put her in a blanket,placing her on the sofa.He then clim

11、bed up a chair to open the door.Oncc the door opcncd,Stcvc picked her up from the sofa and went to his neighbors house.The ncighbor,Jessica,was very surprised to sec her two young neighbors standing outside her door at such a strange hour.She first thought the little boy was coming to talk about his

12、 dog.But he said,“No,my mom died in (he shower.Can you take care of us?” Jessica ran to next door in a hurry and found Katelyn in the shower with the water still running.She called 911 and help arrived just in time.Ms.Taylor believed that her son saved her life.If not her son,she probably would have

13、 died right there in her bathtub.Stcvc was praised by the local fire dcpartmcnt.They showed up at his house with their fire truck to present him with some special prizes.What was the 5-year-old boy just about to do when he heard a loud noise? (B)A.Go out. B.Fall asleep.C.Take a shower. D.Watch TV.Wh

14、at did Steve do when he found his mother lying in the bathtub? (A) A.He kept a cool head.B.He started to cry loudly.C.He went back to sleep.D.He called 911.Why was Jessica surprised to see her two young neighbors? (C)A.Because they were dressed in a strange way.B.Because they wanted to talk about th

15、eir dog.C.Because they showed up quite late that night.D.Because they just left her home.What is the best title for the passage? (D)A.A Mother Had an Epileptic FitB.A Young Boy and His sisterC.A Kind Neighbor Helped a FamilyD.A Young Boy Saved His MotherB(2021 江苏苏州改编)语言文化Chinese is mainly divided in

16、to 13 dialects(方言)and these dialects can be further divided into many kinds of local dialccts.Putonghua(or Mandarin),the Drcdominanl dialect,is spoken by over 70% of the population and is one of the 6 official languages of the United Nations.Within these large dialect groups,there are small groups,m

17、any of which are difficult to understand.In Fujian,for example,people living 10 kilometers away from one another can be speaking different Min dialects.Putonghua.lt is the mother dialect of Chinese living in northern China and Sichuan Province.lt is called Guoyu in some parts of China,like Hong Kong

18、,Macao and Taiwan.lt is known in English as Mandarin Chinese,or Standard Chinese.Wu.Spokcn in Shanghai,most of Zhejiang and the southern parts of Jiangsu and Anhui,Wu is made up of hundreds of different of spoken forms.Hakka/Kejia.Hakka is widely spoken in Fujian,Taiwan,and some countries in Southea

19、st Asia.Min.It is spoken in Fujian,Taiwan,and Southeast Asia.Min group is ihe most diverse(多样的),with many different spoken forms used in neighboring countries.Yue.It is spoken in Guangdong,Hong Kong,Macao,Taiwan,all over Southeast Asia and by many Chinese living abroad.What does the underlined word

20、“predominant” mean in Chinese? (D)A.漂亮的B.特别的C.有趣的D.主要的.What do you know about Putonghua after reading this passage? (C)A.It is used by a small group of people in China.B.It is spoken only by people in northern China.C.It is included in the official languages of the United Nations.D.It is the mother

21、dialect of people living in southern China.What can we learn from the passage?(B)A.Most people in Anhui speak Kejia.Wu is the local dialect of Shanghai.C.Yue has the most different spoken forms.D.Most people in Hong Kong speak Min.HL任务型阅读(共3小题:每题2分.总分值6分)人生哲理Once there was a businessman whose compan

22、y was deep in debt.He sat on a park bench,head in his hands.Suddcnly,an old man appeared.441 can see that something is troubling you,“ he said.Aftcr listening to the businessmans story,thc old man wrote out a chcck.and put it in his hand,saying,“Take it and pay me back here exactly one year from tod

23、ay. Then he disappeared.The businessman saw in his hand a check fbr $500,000,signed by John D.Rockefellenone of the richest men in the world!4iI can pay off my debts in a second!M he realized.But after thinking fbr a while,the businessman decided to put the check in his safe.Just knowing it was there would give him the power,he thought.He went back and wo


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