



1、The sthusfar havedealtmainly with yticdevelopments during final decade ofthe last hemiddle tdecade,Freud(1900)undertook with his writing “Theysissystematically his ownysis, which came to a ion of Dreams.Hecontinuedof hislife, however,devotinglfhouraday to在此期间开始了自我分析,1900前19纪10分析发展了。TheDynamicoft is,

2、orderingtheerms.PsychologicalmaterialThe sthusfar havedealtmainly with yticdevelopments during final decade ofthe last hemiddle tdecade,Freud(1900)undertook with his writing “Theysissystematically his ownysis, which came to a ion of Dreams.Hecontinuedof hislife, however,devotinglfhouraday to在此期间开始了自

3、我分析,1900前19纪10分析发展了。TheDynamicoft is,orderingtheerms.Psychologicalmaterialclearly lendsitselft kind ofordering.urges,andstrivingscan be representeddiagrammatically n arrow direction, ensity, and object.Strivingstkind canbe experienced driving clash .Similarly,theconcept can beexpressedschematicallya

4、s n ing.反力量之间的对By themselves, however, the preceding concepts werenot lly developmentof Freuds dynamicpsychology. Two other implications of thehad agreater effecton Freuds ,theconcept suggested to t the mind veabuilt-inreadinessforortendencys. This aspect ofFreuds thinkingwas highlyimportant, butito

5、ften overlooked. Itis overshadowed even further,however, byFreuds concept Freud conceivedof Consciousness ttime asan“inner an.Theof the mind of Freudiandynamicst the important wishes,strivings,or not conscious. One ofFreudsgreatest strokes ofgenius t,whereas most tendedto ermsof eitherneurologicalac

6、tivity or consciousfunctioning, Freud was able toconceiveof apsychologicallife consisting offantasies,dreams, and other mentalthe same texternal world exists. Wet the externalworld exists whetherwe are at it or not. Freud couldconceiveof the same being trueof the psychological ”望、追求或心的力量是不能基于神经活动或意识

7、的精,信精神生活也是如此是在看,外在世界都会存在确This concept isso tit is difficult: Thedisciplineof psychologyis based on thet the essence o fpsychologicalfunctioning not conscious. Freudsuggesteda reasonforour tendency to rejectnamely,theblowto our self-tourvaunted Consciousnessof mentalis distinctly limitedselfesteemby

8、his n all-important.Just as Copernicuswounded t the earth is notthe center of theuniversesimilarly,as Darwininjured our human pridestillfurtherbyt wedohave aseparateand uniquecreation, Freudst Consciousness isonlysmall and relativelyinsignificantpartof mentalfunctioningwas yet anotherblow our self-认

9、similarly,as Darwininjured our human pridestillfurtherbyt wedohave aseparateand uniquecreation, Freudst Consciousness isonlysmall and relativelyinsignificantpartof mentalfunctioningwas yet anotherblow our self-认的一个原因是这会打击自尊,要承宇宙的中心的事了人类的自尊,也步了人类的骄傲Freud tthe essentialquality of thepsychological hasn

10、othing to doConsciousness, just as theessential natureof external reality hasnothing to dobeing seen.It existswhetherseenor not and whether conscious ornot.ition Consciousness inytic theorizing tof a fixed, same tArchimedesmeant inthe could move the entire worldgiven afixed he论中意识是一个定点,就The main pro

11、blem with the concept of the Unconscious is the word unconsciousitself. Thewordmakesitseemasifunconsciousnessisa“qualityofmentalfunctioning,but as indicated previously, the essence of the psychological is independent of whether it is conscious or unconscious, seen or unseen. Consciousness of the psy

12、chological ismerelya directing ofattention tothe psychologicala mere momentary perceptionthe psychological whichgoeson aidattentiontoandperceivedConsciousness ornot.Thisconceptled Freudto theordering principle calledtopographic of并不仅仅是在描述精TheTopographicofView:Withthisorderingprinciple,Freudwasablean

13、d theorize about the psychpathology ofeverydaylife, dreams, andwit.Freud for t thepsychopathology ofeverydaylife must beinfluenced bytis not seen. His Freud referred to themechanism bywhichtheunconscious system preconscious system by theisunderstoodtermFreud observed aboutthe tits essence isdynamict

14、to about it requires lookingat it with theanof Consciousness. (1954;Fisher and Paul, 1959)tachistoscopicexperiments provided strongsupportFreud observed aboutthe tits essence isdynamictto about it requires lookingat it with theanof Consciousness. (1954;Fisher and Paul, 1959)tachistoscopicexperiments

15、 provided strongsupportt t is, highlycomplex imagesprojected tachistoscopically, ofwhich subjectisnot conscious,appear int inute 转移识这影响前意识的机制Q ue stio n: WhenFreudpresented hisconceptof Consciousnessas aninner t alaterdevelopment of hisideas onscious,preconscious,unconscious 提问时,是在他关于意识、前意识的理念的发展后A nswer: Itbelongs he developmentof his ideas. In adescriptive “unconscious meansnot“consciousedt is,not observed by属于早期发展Question:Isthean ofConsciousnessthesame asthe意识感Answ


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