Unit 3 Lesson 1 Spring Festival 课文挖空练习-高中英语北师大版(2019)必修第一册_第1页
Unit 3 Lesson 1 Spring Festival 课文挖空练习-高中英语北师大版(2019)必修第一册_第2页
Unit 3 Lesson 1 Spring Festival 课文挖空练习-高中英语北师大版(2019)必修第一册_第3页
Unit 3 Lesson 1 Spring Festival 课文挖空练习-高中英语北师大版(2019)必修第一册_第4页




1、资料说明:学好课文=会阅读+会语法+会单词红色为生词,蓝色为练习册出现的重点,紫色为语法点,绿色为一词多义第一版为无全文翻译填空版本;第二版为原文重点标注版。Spring Festival春节Notes from the editor: Spring Festival is _() important_(传统) in China. It has unique meanings. However, people may understand it _(不同),_(包括那些) from _(其它) cultures. _(这是) three readers accounts to our maga

2、zine, _shared their experiences and views about it.Tom Jenkinsa 16-year-old exchange student living in NanjingIt was my first time _(花) Spring Festival in China with my _(寄宿家庭). Spring Festival is _(高度) valued by every Chinese family. Preparations _(开始) a week before the festival. First, the house w

3、as cleaned from top to bottom. My _(房东妈妈) Mrs Chen said this was to _(消除、扫除) the dirt of the past year and get ready for the new year.Next, the Chinese character Fu was attached _(颠倒) to our front door. It is believed _ _(当) Fu_(被倒贴), happiness arrives. The character looked really cool.The greatest

4、excitement began the night before Spring Festival. Fireworks _(被放) across the city, suddenly _(照亮) the night sky. Children were covering their ears but with_(期待的表情) on their faces. Mrs Chen said _ it was to _(吓跑) the monster Nian. The fireworks were a lot of fun! We then sat together to enjoy a big

5、dinner,_(祝福) everyone a happy new year.Xu Ganga 28-year-old computer engineer _(工作) in ShanghaiI usually start planning my trip home to Shanxi weeks before Spring Festival, as train tickets or _(航班) have to be booked as early as possible. I take great care in choosing gifts for my parents. This year

6、, I bought a bottle of wine for my father and a beautiful sweater for my mother.Every year, _(一.就) I get on the train, I_(被包围) Shanxi_(口音)I know _ I am heading home to my family. I dont get to travel back to Shanxi very often, so when I get home, my parents will _(告知我关于) _ been happening_ has got ma

7、rried or had children or gone away to university. Its great to hear _ everyones been up to.We usually have_(火锅)its so tasty! However,_ we eat isnt the most important thing. _ important is _ we eat it with. Its a wonderful thing to be back together with my family and talk of old times. When I was a k

8、id, Spring Festival was all about _(鞭炮), sweets and decorations._(随着) I get older, _(回) home and _(和.一起)my entire family is the most important part of it.Li Yana 70-year-old grandmother from HeilongjiangSpring Festival is family time for us. My husband and I are both_(退休). We do not see our children

9、 and grandchildren very often and we miss them a lot. Weeks before Spring Festival, we start getting ready for their homecoming. Things start to get really busy. We think about _ the children would like to eat, _ we need to buy and _ dishes need to _(准备)Our house _(充满) activities when everyone comes

10、 home. Our grandchildren run around _(喊) and_(玩), and the _(成年人) gather around the table to talk about the past year. Great fun_(也被享受)in the kitchen as jiaozi _(被制作). We always have jiaozi during this time, _(因为) they mean something special _ this occasionthey are a sign of our wishes for health and

11、 happiness in the coming year. To me, this is Spring Festivalthe joy of a family gathering._(纵观历史), some of the _(原始风俗) have changed, but the spirit of the festivalthe spirit of family_(很大程度上被保留). Most of the important Spring Festival_(传统) _(仍然在践行) by people across the country.Spring Festival春节Notes

12、 from the editor: Spring Festival is an important tradition in China. It has unique meanings. However, people may understand it differently, including those from other cultures. Here are three readers accounts to our magazine, who shared their experiences and views about it.来自编辑的注释:春节是中国的重要传统节日,有着独特

13、的意义。但是,不同的人,包括文化背景不同的人,可能对春节有不同的理解。这是我们杂志的三位读者的叙述,分享了他们关于春节的经历和看法。Tom Jenkinsa 16-year-old exchange student living in Nanjing汤姆詹金斯,16岁,交换生,居住南京It was my first time spending Spring Festival in China with my host family. Spring Festival is highly valued by every Chinese family. Preparations began a we

14、ek before the festival. First, the house was cleaned from top to bottom. My host mother Mrs Chen said this was to sweep away the dirt of the past year and get ready for the new year.这是我第一次在中国和我的寄宿家庭一起过春节。每个中国家庭十分重视春节。准备工作从节前一周开始。首先,房子从上到下都打扫了一遍。我的房东妈妈陈太太说这是消除过去一年的积尘,为新的一年准备。Next, the Chinese charact

15、er Fu was attached upside down to our front door. It is believed that when Fu is put upside down, happiness arrives. The character looked really cool.接下来,汉字“福”倒贴在我们的大门上。据说“福”字被倒贴时,幸福就会到来。这个字看起来很酷。The greatest excitement began the night before Spring Festival. Fireworks were being let off across the

16、city, suddenly lighting up the night sky. Children were covering their ears but with an expectant look on their faces. Mrs Chen said that it was to scare away the monster Nian. The fireworks were a lot of fun! We then sat together to enjoy a big dinner,wishing everyone a happy new year.最让人兴奋的是除夕夜。烟花

17、在城市上空燃放,瞬间照亮了夜空。孩子们虽捂着耳朵,脸上却充满期待的表情。陈太太说这是为了吓跑年兽。烟花很有趣!然后我们坐在一起享受丰盛的晚餐,大家互相祝福新年快乐。Xu Ganga 28-year-old computer engineer working in Shanghai徐刚,28岁,计算机工程师,在上海工作I usually start planning my trip home to Shanxi weeks before Spring Festival, as train tickets or flights have to be booked as early as possi

18、ble. I take great care in choosing gifts for my parents. This year, I bought a bottle of wine for my father and a beautiful sweater for my mother.我通常在春节前几周就开始计划回山西的行程,因为必须尽早预订火车票或机票。我非常细心地为父母挑选礼物。今年,我给父亲买了一瓶酒,给母亲买了一件漂亮的毛衣。Every year, the moment I get on the train, I am surrounded by Shanxi accentsI

19、know that I am heading home to my family. I dont get to travel back to Shanxi very often, so when I get home, my parents will fill me in on whats been happeningwho has got married or had children or gone away to university. Its great to hear what everyones been up to.每年,一坐上火车,我就会被山西方言包围,我意识到我踏上了回家的路

20、。我不经常回山西,因此每年回到家,我父母就会把这一年发生的事一股脑儿地告诉我,谁结婚了,谁有小孩了,谁上大学了。很高兴听到大家都在做什么。We usually have hotpotits so tasty! However, what we eat isnt the most important thing. Whats important is who we eat it with. Its a wonderful thing to be back together with my family and talk of old times. When I was a kid, Spring

21、 Festival was all about firecrackers, sweets and decorations. As I get older, coming home and being with my entire family is the most important part of it.我们通常会吃火锅,很好吃!但是,吃什么不重要,重要的是和谁一起吃。和我的家人一起回到过去,谈论过去是一件很美好的事。当我还是个孩子的时候,春节就是爆竹、糖果和装饰品。随着年龄的增长,回家和全家人待在一起则成了春节最重要的一部分。Li Yana 70-year-old grandmother

22、 from Heilongjiang李燕,70岁,一位奶奶,居住黑龙江Spring Festival is family time for us. My husband and I are both retired. We do not see our children and grandchildren very often and we miss them a lot. Weeks before Spring Festival, we start getting ready for their homecoming. Things start to get really busy. We

23、think about what the children would like to eat, what we need to buy and what dishes need to be prepared.春节是我们的家庭时间。我和丈夫都退休了。我们不经常见到我们的孩子和孙子孙女,非常想念他们。春节前几周,我们开始为他们回家做准备。日子慢慢开始变得忙碌起来。我们琢磨孩子们喜欢吃什么,我们需要买什么,需要准备什么菜。Our house buzzes with activities when everyone comes home. Our grandchildren run around shouting and playing, and the adults gather aroun


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