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1、高考英语阅读技巧CONTENT高考阅读4篇30分, 25%题材多样,包括日常生活,传说,人物,社会,文化,史地,科技,政治,经济等;体裁多样,应包括记叙文,描写文,说明文,议论文,应用文等。难点一词汇障碍生词,熟词生义下题中划线的词可换为: New York, 10 November, 5:27 p.m., yesterday. Biggest power failure in the citys history. A. enough B. not passing C. lack of D. lack分析:本题正确答案为D。failure是fail 变来的名词,有“失败;失败者;失败的事”的意

2、思。本句power failure可翻译为“停电”。再如:crop failure“庄稼欠收”;heart failure“心力衰竭”。猜词义法一构词法Exhibition officials said that a person bitten by one of these snakes would need at least 80 ml of an anti-poison medicine to be saved.分析:anti-poison是由poison加前缀anti-构成的,anti-意思是“反对、排斥、抵抗 ”,由此可猜出anti-poison是“解毒、抗毒”的意思。Althoug

3、h simplified Chinese characters were accepted for use many years ago, it seems that more and more people like Chinese characters in the complex form.分析:simplified跟simple是同根词,带有-ed显然是过去分词形式的形容词。许多年以前我们采用了什么跟“简单”有关的汉字呢?不难想到是“简化的”汉字。猜词义法二利用常识经验Rainforests like the Amazon are important for mopping up CO

4、2 from the atmosphere and helping to slow global warming. The underlined phrase “mopping up ” in the second paragraph means _. A. cleaning up B. taking in C. wiping out D. giving up分析:本题正确答案为B。由常识可知,雨林可以“吸收”空气中CO2。所以mop up 意为“吸收、吸纳”,故选B。猜词义法三利用词性转换The aging of the population will affect American soc

5、iety in many ways-education, medicine, and business. The underlined work “aging” means _. A. counting the number of years someone lives B. the numbers of years someone lives C. becoming older D. making someone looking older分析:本题正确答案为C。我们熟悉的是age作名词用时是“年龄”的意思,而此处是作动词用,意思是“老化”。难点二阅读速度慢About 2000 words,

6、 60 words/min, 45min阅读方法耗费时间干扰项阅读方法一先看题目首先,分清是客观信息题还是主观判断题其次,找出题眼,快速定位最后,能迅速了解文章内容,有利于排除干扰项(1)是原文信息,但不是题目要求的内容(2)符合常识,但不是文章内容(3)与原文的内容极其相似,只是在程度上有些变动(4)在意思上与原文大相径庭甚至完全相反(5)部分正确,部分错误阅读方法二略读,细读略读(skimming)找关键词,找主题句,对名称、日期、地点多加留意细读(scanning)根据关键词,题眼找细节阅读方法三把握文章特点记叙文人物,时间,地点,按事件的发生、发展、结局展开议论文论点、论据、结论说明文

7、下定义,举例子应用文广告、手册,提供信息,缩略词,语法简略,找关键词题型主旨题(包括加标题)细节题字面理解题推断题(包括词义,句义,观点态度)主旨题Question forms:The main idea/key point/purpose/subject matter of this passage is that _.From the passage we learn/can conclude that _.The last paragraph is chiefly concerned with _.Whats the best title/headline for the passage

8、?Which of the following statements best expresses the main idea of the passage?Skills: Find out topic/key sentences主题句找法:文章开头,结尾,中间(归纳,演绎)由若干中心句合并组成并无明显中心句,需要自己概括2009年A篇There is no convincing evidence that social conditioning, the fact that girls mothers talked them more, is the reason why girls tal

9、k more than boys. Psychiatrist Dr Michael Lewis, author Social Behaviour and Language Acquisition, conducted experiments that found mothers talked to and looked at, baby girls more often than baby boys. Scientific evidence shows parents res the brain bias of their children. Since a girl s brain is b

10、etter organized to send and receive speech , we therefore talk to them more. Consequently, mothers who try to talk to their sons are usually pointed to receive only short grunts in reply.What does the author want to tell us most? A. Women s brains are better organized for language and communication

11、B. Women love to talk because they are more sociable than men. C. Men do not like talking because they rely more on facts. D. Social conditioning is not the reason why women love talking.选( A )练一练Many people think a telephone is essential. But I think its a pest and a time waster. Very often you fin

12、d it impossible to escape from some idle or curious chatterbox, or from somebody who wants something for nothing. If you have a telephone in your own house, you will admit that it tends to ring when you are asleep, of in the middle of a meal or a conversation, or when you are just going out, or when

13、 you are taking your bath. Are you strong-minded enough to ignore it, to say to yourself, “Ah, well, it will all be the same in a hundred years time?” You are not. You think there are maybe some important news or messages for you . I can assure you that if a message is really important it will reach

14、 you sooner or later. Havent you ever rushed dripping from the bath, or chewing from the table, or dazed from the bed, only to be told that you are a wrong number?But you will say, you need not have your name printed in the telephone directory, and you can have a telephone which is only unable for o

15、utgoing calls. Besides you will say, isnt it important to have a telephone in case of emergency-illness, an accident, or fire? Of course you are right, but here in a thickly populated country like England, one is seldom far from a telephone in case of dreadful necessity.I think perhaps I had better

16、try to justify myself by trying to prove that what I like is good. I admit that in different circumstances-If you were a business VIP, for instance, or a bed ridden person-I might find a telephone essential. But then if I were a taxi driver, I should find a car essential.Let me put it another way: t

17、here are two things for which the English seem to show particular talent. One is mechanical invention, the other is literature. My own business happens to be with the use of words but I see I must now stop using them. For I have just been handed a slip of paper to say that somebody is waiting to spe

18、ak to me on the telephone. I think I had better answer it .After all, one never knows, it may be something important. THE PASSAGE IS MAINLY ABOUT _.A. that we should be strong enough to ignore a phone callB. that important message will reach you sooner or later C. whether its necessary to answer all

19、 telephone callsD. whether it is necessary to have a telephone分析:文章每一自然段的主题句分别是:1. Many people think a telephone is essential. But I think its a pest and a time waster. 2. but in a thickly populated country like England, one is seldom far from a telephone in case of dreadful necessity. 3. I think pe

20、rhaps I had better try to justify myself by trying to prove that what I like is good. 4. Let me put it another way. 都是围绕是否有必要拥有电话而展开的,作者的观点很明确,就是没有必要拥有一部电话机,因此本题应选D。加标题 2011年A篇分析:第一段由爱迪生、贝尔等著名发明家说起,引申到发明雨刮器、交通灯等这些不太有名的发明者,提出问题“ 难道我们不应该了解他们么?”揭示了整篇的主题。第二段列举一位专门搜集整理发明家及其发明的研究者,解释这项工作的意义,那就是有助于激发学生的创造性


22、比较等。解题时,不必通篇细看,可采取 “带着问题找答案”的方法,先从问题中抓住关键性词语,以此为线索。想快速地辨认和记忆事实或细节,就要恰当地运用略读及细读的技巧快速在文章中寻找与此问题相关的段落、语句,对照比较,确定答案。QUESTION FORMS:1.特殊疑问句形式:According to the passage, who/ what/ which/ when/ Where / why / how/ how many/how much/ how long/ How soon/ often2. 是非题形式:true/ false或except? According to the pass

23、age, Which of the following is not mentioned ? All of the following are true EXCEPT _.3.填空题形式,如:(1)To avoid attracting mountain lions, people are advised_ (2)By the first sentence of the passage the author means that_ (3)It seems that now a countrys economy depends much on_ .(4)If you are interested

24、 in knowing about what peoples life will be, you may visit_ .(5)The policeman who said “Good evening” to Rolls wanted to_ . 2009年C篇TRANSPORT GUIDEWe can learn from the passage that :ABuses are scheduled as usual on weekends and public holidays.BRegular students at QUT need to buy adult tickets.CPrep

25、aid tickets can be bought from the Public Transport Information Centre.DTen-trip Savers can be used at off-peak time.ABuses are scheduled as usual on weekends and public holidays (X)TEXT: On weekends and public holidays buses operate less frequently.BRegular students at QUT need to buy adult tickets

26、. (X)TEXT: Short-term students at QUT cannot use their ID cards to gain a discount fare on BCC public transportCPre-paid tickets can be bought from the PublicTransport Information Centre. (X)TEXT:Pre-paid bus tickets can be purchased from the QUT bookshop,the campus news agency, most other news agen

27、cies and general stores,and any BCC Customer Service Centre. Transport routes, timetables and fare information are available from PTIC.DTen-trip Savers can be used at off-peak time. (O)Text: Ten-trip Saver: 10 trips at any time within the zones on buses and ferries only练一练 House prices in England in

28、creased sharply between 1971 and 1972. The following records how much a house in Cehlsea London, had risen in price since 1955. Take No 29 Smith Terrace for example . In 1955, Jane Grey sold it for 2000. Mrs. Bowena Black bought it for 4900 and sold it nine years later to Bill and Green White for 22

29、950. Now four years later, in 1972, the house is valued at 30000. 1. The price of the house was _ as high in 1972 as in the year Jane Grey sold it. A. about ten times B. twice C. 150 percent D. fifteen times 2.Mrs. Bowena Black made a profit of _. A. 2900 B. 8050 C. 7050 D. 18050字面理解题推断词义,句义理解语境,顺蔓摸

30、瓜Question forms:The word “” refers to/probably means/could best be replaced by _.The word “” most likely means _.What do you think the expression “” stands for?By saying “” we mean _.“”, as used in the passage, can best be defined as _. 2010年A篇Some family names were made by adding something to the f

31、athers name. English-speaking people added s or son. The Johnson are descendants of John, the Robert familys ancestor was Robert. Irish and Scottish people added Mac or Mc or O. Perhaps all of the MacDonnells and the Mcdonnells and the ODonnells are descendants of the same Donnell.The underlined wor

32、d “descendants” in the last paragraph means a persons _. A. later generation B. friend and relatives C. colleagues and partners D. later sponsors(A)练一练Apple trees may grow as tall as twelve meters. They do best in areas that have very cold winters. Although no fruit is yielded during the winter, thi

33、s cold period is good for the tree. The word yielded in the last sentence means _ A. improved B. increased C. produced D. sold 选(C)This kind of flower thrives in this area because the weather is warm, the soil is excellent and there is a lot of rain. A. grows well B. makes a few flowers C. dies D. f

34、ails to grow选(A)逻辑推断题对作者意图、人物动机、事物发展趋势、因果关系做出合理推断。通篇阅读,不能断章取义;找出线索,不能凭空臆测。QUESTION FORMS:常以infer,imply,indicate,suggest,conclude,learn,intend mean,describe,purpose等词提问;或含有表推测的情态动词, can,could,might,would等和其他表示可能性的动词,如probably,most likely等。It can be inferred/concluded/seen from the passage that _.Whic

35、h of the following conclusions can we draw according to the passage?The passage implies, but doesnt directly state that _.The writer suggests that _.According to the author, which of the following best describes the tone of the passage?The writers purpose in writing this text is_.第一招注意连词使用英语注重文章的结构性

36、,汉语注重文章的逻辑性,所以英语中多用介词、连词,用来表示顺序、因果关系,连词在保持文章连贯衔接,表达作者意图方面起着重要作用,请体会:Near the end of the last year in middle school,my dad took me to the wildlife refuge. He needed to get some alligator blood to do the experiment. At first,I thought fishing for alligators was a bad idea. What if one tried to eat me?

37、But we had a lot of help,and my dad knew a lot about alligators,so it was OK.Why did the writer think that fishing for alligators was a bad idea at first?A. Because the writer was afraid of the fierce alligators.B. Because we should protect alligators.C. Because the writer was not as brave as his fa

38、ther.D. Because the writer knew little about alligators.分析:通过第一句可知这是倒叙。我们知道了结果:作者去了野生动物保护区。接下来是作者当初由反感、害怕到最后打消顾虑同意去。都是通过连接词at first,but,so等展开的。弄清了作者的思想波动就不难选出正确答案A了第二招注意某些形容词和特殊句式透过一些形容词可以看出作者的倾向,如:Isnt that wonderful if we get there by air? (作者希望坐飞机去那里。)某些句型表面看上去是比较级,而实际上是最高级含义。My mother decided to

39、 take me on the trip. It couldnt be better. (It couldnt be better=Its great.意为“太好了”)某些否定形式的句子实际上是肯定含义:We cannot emphasize the importance of protecting our environment too much.(再怎么强调保护环境的重要性也不过分。) 作者以这样的句子体现自己的观点:必须加大力度保护环境。注意虚拟语气的使用。How I wish I had passed the driving test.(我多么希望已通过了驾照考试呀!) 此句暗含的事实

40、是:并没通过考试。第三招利用语境的褒贬性进行推断2010年D篇High-speed Railway69. Which of the following words best describes theauthors attitude towards Chinas high-speed railwayplan?A. Critical B. Reserved C. Doubtful D. PositiveText:1. Imagine, one day, getting out of bed in Beijing and being at your office in Shanghai in on

41、ly a couple of hours, and then, after a full day of work, going back home to Beijing and having dinner there. Sounds unusual, doesnt it? But its not that unrealistic.2. For China, such a project would not only connect it with the rest of Asia and bring some much-needed resources, but would also help

42、 develop Chinas far west.分析:第一句中的only突出高铁的快捷,unusual和unrealistic表示对高铁速度之快的惊叹,第二句中help develop Chinas far west说明高铁能促进中国西部发展,这些都表明了作者对高铁工程的肯定和期盼,显然是褒义,所以选D.Positive。练一练Is it possible to persuade mankind to live without war? War has existed for at least six thousand years. It was always evil and usuall

43、y foolish, but in the past the human race managed to live with it. Modern skill has changed this. Either man will end war, or war will end man. For the present, it is nuclear weapons(核武器) that cause the greatest danger, but bacteriological or chemical weapons may, before long, offer an even greater

44、threat. If we succeeded in stopping war, there would be no danger for us. To do this, we need to persuade mankind to look upon international questions in a new way, not by contests of force, in which the victory goes to the side which is most skillful in killing people, but by talking in accordance with agreed rules of law. It is not easy to change old mental habits, but this is what must be attempted.Some people hold completely false attitudes towards how to prevent war. In fact, they are willing to go to war in supp


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