



1、阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。第第1页共5页阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。第第1页共5页AHoW to ASk for a RaiSeDo YoUr HomeworkDo some market research to determ ine What OtherS in your in dustry CUrre ntly earn at your POSition. WebSiteS SUCh as SaI and PaySC Offer tool

2、s that PrOVide you With a SaIary range, and SUggeStiOnS for how to determine Where you fit in that range based on your skills and experie nce. You should also do in formal research by polli ng your friends and colleagues in SimiIar POSiti OnS as Iong as you work for differe nt compa ni es.KnoW Your

3、EmployerMany compa nies have OffiCiaI policies for discuss ing SaIary in creases. If your employer OfferS SaIary reviews OnCe a year, that S PrObabIy the best time for you to(协商Ol)aieraise. If the company S PraCtiCeS are more feaibethe PUlSe Of the finanCial SitUatiOn Ofyour department and the CorPo

4、ratiOn as a whole, When conSidering the timing of your discussi on.Show Them What You re WorthKeeP a journal or list of your daily tasks and accomplishme nts. USe this docume ntati On as evide nce to SUPPOrt your claim that you re WOrthy of a SaIary in crease.HaVe a NUmber in Mi ndBaSed On your indu

5、stry research, your respOnSibiIitieS and your accomplishments, determ ine the SaIary you feel you deserve in adva nce of a meeti ng With your boss.Set UP a Meet ingSChedUIe a meet ing With your boss to discuss your desired raise. KnoW that your boss may Want to do some research too, or meet first Wi

6、th HUman Resources. PUShing for a meeting Sooner than your boss OfferS definitely Won t help your cause.Come PreParedWhen you meet With your boss, be ready to SUPPOrt your request With SPeCifiCS about your PerfOrmance and accomplishments, as well as goals for the future and additiOnal respOnSibiIiti

7、eS you re willingo take on. KeeP the meeting PrOfeSSiOnal and avoid discussing any PerSOnaIreaSonS you feel you need a higher SaIary. Be CarefUI to USe tactics (手段)SUCh as a COmPetitiVe job offer to get a raise they may CaUSe opposite effect.HaVe a Pla n BIf your boss Can t or Won t give you a raise

8、 at the moment, ask What you Can do to work towards a SaIary in CreaSe in the n ear future. Are there more resp On SibiIitieS you Can take On Or aspects of your work you Can improve on? If it orporate SucetCssue, find out Whe n might be a good time to revisit the conVerSation. In either case, SChedU

9、Ie a meeting Within a few mon ths to discuss the matter again.The word homework ”n the first ParagraPh refers towork that is give n by teachers for StUde nts to do at homeWebSiteS SUCh asS and PaySCtools and SUggeSti OnS Offered by WebSiteSmarket research and in formal research第 第 # 页 共 5页第第4页共5页Oth

10、ers, however, think that allowing older people to Work indefinitely is not a good policy.Age alone is no guarantee of ability. Old people are Only ambitious workaholics who are tooSeIfiSh and egocentric to believe that a younger PerSon could do better. Actually, many younger employees have more expe

11、rience or skills than older staff, who may have been StUCk in One area or Unit for most of their working lives. HaVing compulsory retirement allows new ideas in an organiZation. In addition, WithOUt age limits, however, many people would ContinUe to work PUreIy because they did not have any Other pl

12、ans or roles. A third Point of VieW is that older people should be rewarded by SOCiety for their life S labor by being given ge(n养rous PenSionS老金)and the freedom to enjoy their leisure. We now have youngsters who can find jobs because old people are choosing not to retire. Old people are not retirin

13、g because this new generatiOn Of“ Old people ” think they will never die due to modern advances in medicine.With many young people Un employed or frustrated in low-level POSiti ons, there are ofte ncalls to compulsorily retire older workers. However, this Can affect the older in dividualand right to

14、 work and Can deprive SOCiety of VaIUabIe experie nce and in sights. I feel that giv ing WOrkerS more flexibility and ChOiCe over their retireme nt age will ben efit SOCiety and the in dividual.What is the PUrPOSe of this passage?To explai n the compulsory age limit.B. To discuss the retireme nt age

15、.C. To exam ine peoplework ing life.D. To in troduce a PartiCUIar stage.WhiCh of the following is NoT a reason for allowing old people to continue working accordingto the passage?Their contribution should be VaIued.Their experie nce should be made USe of.They Can help the youn gsters.They are loyal

16、employees.It Can be in ferred in the fourth PaSSage that.the young people have more CreatiVe SPiritSModer n adva nces in medici ne make old people n ever diePenSionSand freedom are nOt given to the old nowD. old people believe that a youn ger PerS On could do betterThe PaSSage is arra nged as follows:D G)BD G)l Xl /S OPinion On the retireme nt age?What is the authorS OPinion On the retireme nt age?A. The author thinks Whe n to retire depe nds On the emp


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