



1、5 关于学习的英语作文(精选5篇)在平日的学习、工作和生活里,大家都有写作文的经历,对作文很是熟悉吧,言,向开展的、具有规范语法结构的、能为他人所理解的外部语言形式的转化。那要怎么写好作文呢?以下是小编为大家整理的关于学习的英语作文(精选 5 学习的英语作文 1 随着网络的不断发展,传统的便是在线学习(online learning)。这种全新的学习方式以其轻松便捷,资源丰富等优势而备受青睐。 With the constant development of Internet,traditionalpatternsoflearningmustbeimpacted.Thereappearmany

2、newmodeoflearning,andOnlinelearningismostpopularforitsconvenienceandresourcefulness. 12000位年轻人所做的一项调查显示,超过81%的受访者业余时间是在网上度过的,其中22%的人表示希望在网上有所收获。AccordingtoaChinaYouthDailysurveyof12,000youngpeoplelastSeptember,morethan81percentspendtheirsparetimeontheInternet, and 22 percent want toget something. “这

3、不仅是一条涉猎知识和内容。 “Itsnotonlyawaytogainknowledgetoimproveyourself,butalso a way to slow down your pace of life,” explained Zhou Yunqing, aWuhan sociologist. have a wider platform from which tolearn, with more freedom to decide when and what to learn.” 同传统的课堂相比,它看起来如同一条通往知识宝库的捷径。Compared with thetraditio

4、nal classroom, it seems a shortcut to knowledge. 但是它也有自 而且未成年人心智发展While,italsohasdisadvantages,the most obvious is that, the efficiency will not be ensured withoutcommunication of face to face. And also,young people are not so matureasadults,itisveryeasytobelackofconcentration,thustheirparentshaveto

5、supervisethemwhentheystudy. 学习的英语作文2Ascomputersareavailableinourdailylife,anincreasingnumberofchildrenareplayingcomputergamesquiteoften.Thisphenomenonhasabsolutelycausedpublicsattention.Peoplethinkthatthecybergameslikedrugswhich willmakechildrenaddictedintothem.Inmyopinion,ourparents,schoolandsociet

6、yshould join hands to help youth to getrid of computer games. 随着电脑疑问地引起了公众的关注。人们认为现在的电脑游戏像毒药一样让孩子们上瘾。First of all, parents should limit the timeof children spending oncomputergames.Asparents,theyshouldpayattentiontostudentsplayingtime.Aslongastheyfindtheirchildrenspendingtoomuchtimeonplayingcyber ga

7、mes, they should urge children to quit.首先,家长应该限制孩子Second,schoolshouldcooperatewithparentstokeepaneyeonstudents freetime.Schoolshouldcontactoften withparents and talk about the situation of children so that theycan better solvechildrensplaying game problems. 其次,学校应该同家态,以此更好地解决学生玩游戏的问题。 Thirdly, our s

8、ociety should notprovide theunder age students with computers to play games. Manycybercafswillprovideunderagestudentscomputerstoplayinggames.So,for the sake of prohibitchildren to play games, our society should takethe responsibility to prohibitteenagers to go into the computer place.网吧的责任。 All in a

9、ll, for the good of children, andsociety should make jointed effort to limit students to playing toomanycomputergames. 总之,为了孩子们着想,我们的家长,学校及社会应该合力去限制孩子们玩太多的电脑游戏。学习的英语作文3Manypeople,includingsomecollegestudentsholdtheopinionthatitsnousetocometocollegewhich is a waste of time. Students cannot learn what

10、 they needin theirfuturework.Sowhydowestudyhardforthecollegeentranceexaminationand get to a better the college? 许多人,包括一些大学生认为上大学是没什么我们要努力高考来进入一所更好的大学? Itsacommonphenomenonthatstudents consider the college entrance examination astheir destinationinlearningcareer.Theydontpaymuchattentiontotheircollege

11、study.So do I. I couldnt fall asleep the night when the collegeentranceexamination was over. I didnt know what I should do tomorrow.Mainlybecause I was told that college life is relaxed. 学生把高考作为学生活是轻松的.。 However,obviously, you can choose a hardworking lifewhich makes your life in collegemore meaning

12、ful. You can do a part timejob in your spare time, you can joinsome associations, or you can studyhard in one field, which can benefit toyou. forget to make fulluse of library that is the most beautifulscenery in college. 然而,很Beabrilliant person. Choose a college life which can help you grow up andw

13、ithno regret. Certainly, to that kind of students, college study isnecessary. 做一个聪明人。选择一种能帮助你成长,没有遗憾的大学生活。当然,对于这样的学生来说,大学学习是很有必要的。学习的英语作文4 在平时习软件,网上订阅E-mail杂志,可以定期收到学习资料,可以上网收听在线英文广播平时,我们可以多阅读英文简写版的世界名著或小说,散文等等。 Inusuallylivesinthestudy,wehavemanywaystogaintheforeignlanguageknowledge and to sharpen

14、ability. For example uses on the net to studythe software fully, subscribes the E-mail magazine on-line, may receivethe study material regularly, may access the net listens to the onlineEnglish broadcast. Usually, we may read English to write in simple formthe version the world famous work or the no

15、vel, prose and so on. 还可妨转变学习方法,这样会让你学习的轻松有趣。Also may read Englishnewspaper, listens to have the English reading material massively,consults the English England dictionary .This can form Englishmentalityinthemind,enhancesthestudyinterestinunconscious,graspsthenewability.Whenyoustudywearilymightaswel

16、ltransformsthestudymethod, like this can let you study with ease interesting. 学习的英语作文5Nowadays, with the development of technology, people can do a lotof things through computers. Some people can work at home because theycan manipulate the business by Internet. In the developed countries, anewformof

17、studyhasbeencarriedout,manyyoungpeoplechoosetostudyonline. 始实施,许多年轻人选择在网上学习。 On the one hand, studying online cansavepeoplealotoftime.Forsomepeople,theschoolissofarawayfromtheir home, it takes a long time to go to school. If they study online,they need to spend the time on the road, they just click on thebutton and then the knowledge is presented. 一方面,网上学习可以节省人果他们在线学习,不需要花时间在路上,他们只需要点击按钮,然后知识就会呈现在眼前。 On the other hand, studying online also saves a lot of money.Withoutthelargespendontheeducationandthefeesonothersides,m


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