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1、专题七形容词与副词课标解读考点易混形容词、副词辨析, 形容词和副词比较级和最高级的构成,形容词、副词原级、比较级和最高级的用法 解读形容词和副词是中考必考的知识点,重点考查形容词、副词易混辨析、形容词、副词原级、比较级和最高级的用法 ( )1.Are you free tonight? Sorry,but Im not .Ive got so much homework to do.(2016菏泽改编) A.busy B.comfortable C.availableD.disabled( )2.Why didnt you cry for help when you were robbed (

2、被抢劫)? If I opened my mouth,they might find my four gold teeth.That would be !(2016东营) A.bad B.much worse C.worst D.the worst( )3.AlphaGo has beaten the top professional Go(围棋)player.So many people think its Go player in the world.(2016成都改编) A.a goodB.a better C.the bestD.a wellCBC( )4.As the girl in

3、 our class,Mary was chosen to take part in the running race.(2016德州) A.kindestB.fastest C.strictestD.cleverest( )5.I think its necessary to learn how to work in groups. I quite agree.Sometimes its even than grades.(2016重庆A) A.less important B.more important C.the least important D.the most important

4、( )6.I cant stand swimming in cold rivers in winter. But its for your health.You know I often swim in rivers in different seasons.(2016襄阳) A.helpfulB.harmful C.painfulD.carefulBBA( )7.Lily has two sisters, doesnt she? Yes.Shes taller and older than her two sisters, but shes not one of the three.(201

5、6襄阳) A.the tallestB.youngest C.shortestD.the cleverest( )8. Playing video games is a waste of time. I cant agree more.There are meaningful things to do.(2016苏州) A.the mostB.the least C.more D.less( )9.Who will you ask to help with the work,Lucy or Lily? Lily.She is much .(2016海南改编) A.carefulB.more c

6、areful C.most carefulD.more carefullyDCB( )10.I like hiking in the forest because the air is pretty .(2016青岛) A.free B.dirty C.pollutedD.fresh( )11.The talent show is the game show.I like both.(2016青岛) A.as boring as B.not so bored as C.as interesting as D.not so interested as( )12.The earlier kids

7、learn to be independent,the it is for their future.(2016孝感) A.good B.well C.betterD.bestDCC( )16.Are you a fan of the science TV show Super Brain? Yes,Im always by these peoples great brainpower.(2016连云港) A.tired B.amazed C.bored D.satisfied( )17.Your son used to be a homebody but he now likes outdo

8、or activities.How did you do that? I tried many ways over and over again.,I made it.(2016东营) A.Next B.Then C.FinallyD.Suddenly( )18.Drivers should drive when they are passing by a school.(2016德州) A.terriblyB.quickly C.slowlyD.freely( )19.In order to pass the exam,you need to work much now.(2016济宁) A

9、.hard B.harder C.hardestD.hardlyBCCB( )20.It was late.She opened the door because she didnt want to wake up her grandma.(2016重庆) A.angrilyB.quietly C.loudly D.heavily( )21.,we saw the sun rise on top of Mount Tai.(2016青岛) A.LuckyB.Luckily C.Unlucky D.Unluckily( )22.This math problem isnt so difficul

10、t that I can work it out .(2016孝感) A.easilyB.usefully C.loudly D.quietly( )23.I cant hear you .Please speak a little louder.(2016重庆) A.clearlyB.lovely C.widely D.friendly( )24.I didnt do very well in this exam.Unluckily,he did it .(2016江西) A.worse B.badly C.better D.worstBBAAA3.more,other,another mo

11、re,other和another都有“又,再,另外”的意思,用来修饰名词,但用法不同。 more用于“表示数量的词(包括数字)+more+可数名词或不可数名词”这一结构。如: some more tea 另外一些茶 ;two more chairs 另外两把椅子。 other用于“数词+other+复数可数名词”这一结构。如:two other women 另外 两位妇女;ten other minutes 另外十分钟。 another 用于“another+数词+复数可数名词”这一结构。如:another ten minutes 另外十分钟。4.much too,too much much

12、too 修饰形容词、副词。如:You are much too kind to me. 你待我实在太好了。 too much 修饰不可数名词,也可单独作主语、宾语或表语。如: He ate too much meat.他吃了太多肉。5.also,too,either,as well also和too用于肯定句;either用于否定句。also常放在实义动词前,be动词和助动 词之后;too常置于句末;as well与too可互换。如: I also want some sugar.我也要点糖。 Jim didnt go there.I didnt go there,either. 吉姆没去那里

13、,我也没去。 He likes basketball.She likes basketball,too (as well). 他喜欢篮球,她也喜欢。6.lively,alive,living词汇汉语意思词性用法例句lively有生气的,有生机的形容词作定语、表语、宾语补足语(指人或物)The patient seems a little livelier this morning.那位病人今天早上精神似乎好转了。alive活的,活着的形容词作表语(没有比较级和最高级,指人或动物,不能用来指植物)The fish is still alive.那条鱼还活着。living活着的;现存的形容词作表语

14、和定语(指人或物)There is no living things on the moon now.目前在月球上没有生物。2.不规则变化 形容词的不规则变化示例展示如下表:原级比较级最高级good(好的),well(身体健康的)better更好的best最好的bad (坏的)ill(不健康的)worse更糟的worst最坏的little(很少的)less更少的least最少的much,many(许多的)more更多的most最多的far(远的)farther(只指距离:更远的)further(指距离:更远的;指程度:更深入的)farthest(只指距离:最远的)furthest(指距离:最远

15、的;指程度:最深入的)old(年老的;旧的)older(指年龄、新旧:较老的、较旧的;指血缘:长辈的)elder(只指血缘:长辈的)oldest(指年龄、新旧:最老的、最旧的;指血缘:最年长的)eldest(指血缘:最年长的)形容词和副词的原级、比较级和最高级的用法1.原级的用法 (1)“A+动词(+倍数)+as+形容词/副词原级+as+B”,表示“A 和 B 一样” 或“A 是 B 的几倍”。如:Tom is twice as old as Kate.汤姆的年龄是凯 特的两倍。 Jim runs as fast as Mike.吉姆和迈克跑得一样快。 (2)“A+动词+not+as/so+形

16、容词/副词原级+as+B”,表示“A 不如 B”。如: This room is not as/so big as that one. 这个房间不如那个大。 My handwriting is not as/so good as yours. 我的书法不如你的好。(3)“比较级+than+any other+单数名词(+介词短语)”表示“比同一范围的任何 一个人 / 物都”,表示最高级的含义。如:She is shorter than any other girl in her class.她比她班的任何一个女孩都矮。 (她是她班最矮的女孩。)(4)“比较级+and+比较级”表示“越来越”。如

17、: The day is becoming longer and longer. 天变得越来越长了。(5)“the+比较级,the+比较级”表示“越,越”。如: The more careful you are,the fewer mistakes youll make. 你越认真,犯的错误就越少。 3.最高级的用法 (1)“the+最 高 级+in/of 短 语 ” 表 示 “是中最的”。如: Mary is the tallest in her class. 玛丽是她班上最高的。 I run (the) fastest in my class. 我是我班跑得最快的。 (2)“特殊疑问词+动词+the+最高级, A,B,or C?”用于三者的比较。如: Who did the best,Tom,Jack or Sam? 汤姆、杰克、萨姆谁做得最好? (3)“be one of the+形容词最高级+复数可数名词+in/of短语”表示“是 中最之一”。如:Zhang Jie is one


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