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1、商务英语口语邓程伟August 2nd 2013询盘enquiry / inquiry Unit Five EnquirycTopic: Whats the difference between price inquiry of business and that of daily transaction behaviors? Warm-up SpeakingTopic: Etiquette Content Time of replyWarm-up Speaking1.请报所附询价单上的货物的价格,我们需要伦敦到岸价。Please quote us for the goods listed o

2、n the enclosed inquiry sheet, giving us your CIF London.quote v. 报价;引用 n. 引用quotation n. 报价,报价单; 引文,引证Eg. 谁的报价也不会比我的报价更低。No one can quote you a price lower than mine. Unit Five EnquiryPractice所有的产品都是美国进口的。All of the products are imported from America. 不是所有的产品都是美国进口的。Not all of the products are impor

3、ted from America. All of the products are not imported from America. 所有的产品都不是从美国进口的。None of the products are imported from America. Unit Five EnquiryNone of the products are/is imported from America. none of + n. 后面的谓语动词单复数取决于 of 后面的名词。若名词为不可数名词,或可数名词单数,则谓语动词用单数;若名词为可数名词复数,则谓语动词用单数复数均可。All are not f

4、riends that speaks us fair.向我们说好话的人并不都是朋友。All are not thieves that dogs bark at. 狗吠的人并非都是小偷。Unit Five Enquiry2.请向我方报贵方压缩机的最低上海港离岸价。Pleas quote us the lowest price for your compressors FOB Shanghai. 最低价格,最优惠价格The lowest/best/most reasonable/most favorable/most concessional priceFOB 离岸价 =free on board

5、买方负责派船接运货物,卖方应在合同规定的装运港和规定的期限内将货物装上买方指定的船只,并及时通知买方。货物在装船时越过船舷,风险即由卖方转移至买方。Unit Five Enquiry3.请报最优惠的价格,并告诉我们每一张订单必需的最少订购数量。Please quote us your best price and let us know the minimum quantity for each order.最小订货量 MOQ = minimum order quantitylet us know = inform us ofInform v. 通知,告诉Inform sb. + (that)

6、 从句Inform sb. of sth. Unit Five Enquiry4.我们已对你们的产品进行了询价,请在月底前报价. We have already made an inquiry for your articles, please make an offer before the end of this month.make an inquiry 询价make an offer 出价,报价article n. 文章,物品,条款(这里=goods, products) v. 签订协议Unit Five Enquiry6.我们想知道每种颜色、每种图案的最低订购数量。 We would

7、 like to know the minimum order quantities per color and per design.per为介词,前面无需另加介词per color and per design = for each colar and design图案可以用 pattern Unit Five Enquiry7.如果我方订购数目大的话,贵方能降价的幅度有多大? If our order is a substantial one, how much will you bring your price down?substantial a. 大量的,实质的,内容充实的 n.

8、本质bring down 降低;打倒;击落Unit Five Enquirydiscount n. 折扣 v.对打折;忽视We shouldnt discount the effect of rumours. 我们不应该忽视谣言的影响。The store will discount 5% for cash payment.本店对现金付款打九五折。grant a discount 给予折扣 = give/offer a discountCould you please give me a big discount?Can I enjoy a discount? (砍价常用)Unit Five E

9、nquiry9.请在明天告诉我方贵方的最优惠价格以及适宜的装运期。 Please let us have your best quotation by tomorrow, together with the appropriate time of shipment. by +时间点,表示在之前together with = as well as 和,以及appropriate a. 合适的,适宜的,适当的shipment 装运期,包括装船+发货运输time of shipment = shipment dateUnit Five Enquiry10.这是要求清单,希望你们报CIF纽约的最低价。

10、 Here is a list of our requirements. I would like to have your lowest quotation of CIF New York.list of requirement 要求清单= requirement list = request list = list of requestUnit Five EnquiryPractice 1.请贵方报出CIF伦敦的最低价。 Please inform us of your lowest price CIF London.2.这么大的订单贵方可以给我方打多少折扣? How many discounts could you offer on an order of this size? Unit Five EnquiryHow to make your telephone call more effective?Listen to the following two recordings, and make a comparison between them. Recor


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