



1、2022-2023学年安徽省合肥市襄安中学高三英语上学期期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. As soon as his teacher begins lecturing, he begins to doze off, not intentionally but _.A. personallyB. randomlyC. habituallyD. unconditionally参考答案:C2. This new machine is technically far _ to the previous type. A. superior B. junior C. senior D. equal参考答案

2、:A略3. Do you mind if I keep pets in this building?_ A. Id rather you didnt actually B. Of course not, its not allowed hereC. Great! I love pets D. No, you cant参考答案:A4. You will never read Willys mind in his shoes.A. unless you are B. unless you will beC. unless you arent D. if you wont be参考答案:A5. Pe

3、ople who drink and drive are _ danger both to themselves and to _others.A. the;不填 B. a;不填 C. 不填;the D. the;the参考答案:B6. You _ pay too much attention to your assignment, for it is ever so important.A. mustnt B. cant C. neednt D. oughtnt to 参考答案:B略7. _ his scientific work, he has no time to care for hi

4、s family affairs, _, of course, his wife always complains about. Adevoted to; which BDevoting to; whichCBeing devoted to; that D. Devoting to; that参考答案:A8. The next moment, she had time to realize what was happening, she was hit over the head. Asince Bwhen Cbefore Dafter参考答案:C略9. They told me it wou

5、ld be cheap but it cost me nearly $500 Ain a word Bat last Cin fact Das a result参考答案:C 10. Lets stop running, Im afraid we cant make it .But isnt your hope that we can get to the station in time?A. one B. the one C. it D. there参考答案:C略11. When you are physically _ to weather changes, maybe its a sign

6、 that youre getting aged. A. active B. sensitive C. flexible D. familiar参考答案:B略12. C is the largest English portal site(门户网站)in China, _news, business information and learning materials. .A. to be provided B. providing C. to provide D. provided参考答案:B13. The programs _ easily if you use a short-wave

7、radio. A. can pick up B. picked up C. were picked up D. can be picked up 参考答案:D14. When asked about their opinion about the schoolmaster ,many teachers would prefer to see him step aside _ younger men.A. in terms ofB. in need ofC. in favor ofD. in praise of参考答案:C【详解】考查介词短语辨析。句意:当被问及对校长的看法时,许多老师宁愿看到他

8、站在一边,支持较年轻的人。A. in terms of就而言,从而论;B. in need of 需要;C. ?in favor of支持,拥护;D. in praise of称赞,表扬。根据句意分析,C项符合题意。故选C项。15. Johnson would have faced the music but he _ doing things like thatA had stoppedB stoppedC was stoppingD has stopped参考答案:B16. -Havent seen you for ages! Where have you been?-I went to

9、Ningxia and _ there for one year, teaching as a volunteer.A. has stayed B. had stayedC. stayed D. am staying参考答案:C【详解】考查时态。句意:好久没有看见你了!你去哪里了?我去了宁夏,并在那里待了一年,做教师志愿者。注意不要受到for one year的影响。本题主要考查了现在完成时和一般过去时的区别,现在完成时通常表示过去发生的事情对现在产生的影响,或过去发生的事情延续到现在而且还在发生。本句只是客观介绍自己在宁夏做志愿者待了一年,现在已经回来了。动作并未延续到现在,也没有对现在产生


11、现在完成时表示过去发生的事情对现在的影响,或者过去发生的事情延续到现在;而一般过去时只表示过去发生过某件事情,不表示对现在的影响。17. Most men, who are breadwinners, think that their business is outside hoes, so they tend to be _to housework. A. sensitive B. objective C. committed D. allergic参考答案:D18. Do I need to _ for the party? Dont bother. Its only an informa

12、l party. Come as you are.A. turn upB. dress upC. give upD. keep up参考答案:B19. Generous public funding of basic science would _ a good many benefits for the countrys health, wealth and security.A. result from B. lead to C. lie in D. settle down 参考答案:B二、 书面表达20. Directions: Write an English composition

13、according to the instructions given below in Chinese. 请阐述一件2015年你最期待的事情,谈谈你期待的原因及你在2015年的打算。注意:1.词数不少于120个; 2.不能使用真实姓名和学校名称。参考答案:In 2015, the best thing that I am looking forward to in 2015 is that I will go to college. As everyone knows, college life is ones best in life, when we can take part in m

14、any various activities and are free to read many different books in the library. I expect that I will be admitted to go to a most famous university which is located in Beijing or Shanghai. To realize my wonderful dream, I am working hard every day and take exercise to keep fit. No matter how difficu

15、lt it is, I will still go on.2015 is full of hope, the year which I will remember for ever. I really hope my dream will come true. 【思路点拨】本文是应用文。要求学生写出自己对2015年最期待的事情。故应用一般将来时和第一人称。该文章完全完成了试题规定的任务,内容完整,条理清楚。所用语法和词汇满足了任务要求,应用得体。不定式作目的状语;which和as引导的非限制性定语从句,no matter how引导的让步状语从句的使用等都彰显了作者的扎实的英语功底。21. 阅

16、读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。In junior high school, one of my classmates, Ethan, was addicted to TV. This boy simply knew everything about such pop shows as Whos the Boss?Then one day Ethans mother made him an offer in order to draw him back to his school subjects. She promised that she would give hi

17、m $200 if he could go a full month without watching any TV. None of us thought Ethan could do it, but he did quit TV. His mom paid him $200. He went out and bought a TV, the biggest he could find.In recent years, hundreds of schools have carried out experiments with paying kids with cash for showing

18、 up or getting good grades. All school kids admire this trend. But it upsets adults. Teachers say that we are rewarding kids for doing what they should be doing of their own will.Psychologists warn that money can actually make kids perform worse by making the act of learning cheap. The debate has be

19、come a typical battle over why our kids are not learning at the rate they should be despite decades of reforms and budget increases. 写作内容 1.以约30词概括上文的主要内容。2.以约120词对用金钱鼓励孩子学习的现象进行议论,内容包括:(1)你对用金钱鼓励孩子学习的看法:(2)你的父母(或其他亲人)是如何鼓励你学习的;(3)你认为怎样才能更好地鼓励孩子学习 写作要求1.作文中可以使用亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子。2

20、.作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。评分标准概括准确,语言规范,内容合适,语篇连贯。参考答案:Some schools, teachers and parents give their students or kids money as a stimulating means in order to encourage them to do what they should do effectively, this phenomenon is common in recent years and it is welcome by most of the young. I dont think

21、it is an effective way, on the contrary it may lead to the opposite result.My parents and family often tell me some encouraging stories in ancient or modern times such as Li Bai, Zhou Enlai and so on. Each time I make a little progress in my study, they always praise me with open arms, and whenever

22、I am confronted with difficulties my family always stand my side. I feel comfortable and warm in my heart for what they do for me. I make up my mind that Ill live up to my family and my homeland.I think, school and parents should educate their kids through teaching them to study for their family and

23、 their motherland rather than giving them money to let them passively do something. Only by building up some noble and long-range aims can they study on their own initiative.试题分析:写一个用金钱鼓励孩子的现象的讨论的议论文,内容涉及分析原因和表达的看法。高考考点:观点态度、原因、重点复合句的应用。三、 阅读理解22. Born in America in 1898, William was an extraordinar

24、y boy, gifted with an amazing IQ between 250 and 300. The genius went to a grammar school when he was only 6 years old and graduated just within 7 months. At the age of 11, he became the youngest student of the Harvard University. He graduated with high scores at the age of 16 and entered Harvard La

25、w School at 18. Gifted with an amazing IQ between 220 and 230, Terence Tao makes it to this list of the people with the highest IQ in the world. Born in Adelaide, Australia in 1975, this genius first displayed his incredible intelligence at a mere age of 2, when he managed to solve basic arithmetic

26、questions on his own. At the age of 16, he graduated with both Masters and Bachelors degrees at the Flinders University. He has been considered as Mr. Fix it by Charles Fefferman, who is a professor of Mathematics at Princeton University, and many other mathematicians want to interest him in their p

27、roblems. This 31-year-old Japanese-American astrophysicist lands him third in this list. At the age of 12, Christopher Hirata already worked on college-level courses, around the time most of us were just in the 7th grade. At the age of 13, this gifted kid became the youngest American to have ever wo

28、n the gold medal in the International physics Olympiad.At the age of 16, he was already working with NASA on its project to conquer planet Mars. After he was awarded the Ph.D. at Princeton University, he went back to California Institute of Technology. The next person with very high IQ is Albert Ein

29、stein. With an IQ between 160 and 190, Albert Einstein is the genius behind the theory of relativity, which has had great impact on the world of science. He possessed such an amazing ability that after his death, researchers were eager to preserve and make research on his brain in search for clues to his exceptional brilliance, which to this day, has remained a mystery. 61. About William, which of the following is t


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